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Uncharted |OT|


Flo_Evans said:
The final game upscales? I don't remember the demo doing that.
Yes. The demo will "upscale to 1080i" and some people are reporting it as upscaling to 1080p. Anyway the framerate is better at 720p...I know this, because i have tried the demo on both settings...720p is the way to go. It was designed to be as such, 1080i was only last minute for those suckers with shit tv's/


Worships the porcelain goddess



All the FS in Vancouver seem to have now at least according to the phone and online. I am going to try to find one.
I would pick this up as I so want a great PS3 game to finally BELIEVE in, but Mass Effect is just going to crush all my available time next week. And Mario...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gary Whitta said:
I would pick this up as I so want a great PS3 game to finally BELIEVE in, but Mass Effect is just going to crush all my available time next week. And Mario...

I don't expect anything less from you, Gary Whitta.


Got mine at lunch, the boxart is taunting me....3 more hours :(

Gary Whitta said:
I would pick this up as I so want a great PS3 game to finally BELIEVE in, but Mass Effect is just going to crush all my available time next week. And Mario...

That's a shame.



The game is unbelievably fun so far. I'm absolutely in love with it. This is what next-gen is about. INCREDIBLE SOUND/MUSIC, it's just so sick in 7.1pcm. The controls of course are very responsive, and the platforming, while basic, is very fun and has been a 50/50mix so far for me. I'm enjoying looking around for the treasures as it gives me an excuse to look at the visuals...

...And my. This is the BEST LOOKING game to date. Period. It's not based around one strong point, everything in the game is a strong point. From lighting/shadowing (you'll see with the flashlight when you shine it on stuff it casts shadows, and the lightsources from fires reflecting correctly on the ground/walls/you). And the TEXTURES are the best I've seen on a console game, and like it or not pc guys, but it will give even Crysis a run for it's money at times. And the animation is godly. It really adds to the experience. There's little touches like dust/dirt falling from crumbling stone/ground that's really believable. When swinging on the vines leaves start falling off. While standing around, leaves will just blow by you.

Over all gameplay is fantastic. Responsive with a variety of moves in platforming and in combat. And speaking of combat, the AI is awesome that it tries to flush you out and flank you. Shoot outs get incredibly intense in this, and exciting when you get a chance to smash someone against a pillar or kick them square in the nuts, just to hear Nate trash talking.

Which brings me back to the audio. MOST FANTASTIC SOUNDING GAME EVER. Sfx, voices, music... It's all on a level that movies strive to reach. Hearing Nate and friend's chatter along is so believable. Hearing the enemy call out for their friends and talk shit is awesome. And Nate talking to himself during combat, picking up items, or just out of the clear blue so sets the mood.

And what's this? An interesting story that actually makes you want to go on through the game? Well I'll be damned.

Easily the best example of why reviewers need a flashlight to see their heads way out of their ass. Seriously, the "cool to downplay PS3 and it's games" stuff is getting old, and just makes you look like an asshat. This game is truly a movie experience that you feel connected with. More as I go through the game some more, and I'm starving.


this game ROCKS.

Its not dissapointing in ANY way.

It literally is perfectly paced, amazing looking, sound in 5.1 DTS is WOWWWW, i have my dualshock 3 too, this game is the complete package of awesome.


This game looks incredible

Naughty Dog art design +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I'm sitting here watching this scenery viewpoint with birds flying around, the sun blazing red, nate sitting around moving his head, waterfall streaming down and it looks like a painting. One of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen in a game in my life.

Just yesterday I thought AC was the best looking next-gen game, now I'm not so sure.

Also the game has a good amount of exploration/platforming early on. Not sure why they made an all action demo since they should've known it might turn off those wanting exploration/puzzles/platforming, which are in the game.

I love the optional treasures and the tons of unlockables.


So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mesijs said:
So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.

Wow. If it was any other game, would they have bitched?


Mesijs said:
So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.
Holy shit. Watch a bunch of diks! Yup action adventure games don't deserve 10's. Seriously, gamers need to stop their obsession with fps games - they don't provide you with anything except the thrill of the kill. The different emotions, feelings you get during an action adventure game surpasses them beyond belief.


reilo said:
Wow. If it was any other game, would they have bitched?

No they wouldn't, that's the fucking bullshit. Mario got 10, same as Oblivion, Gears, Zelda. It was no problem. These games even got some negative points listed in the review, still got their 10 and it was no problem.

Then this game got a 10, the review was taken offline and they started bitching about it. I'm seriously furious about it.


Mesijs said:
So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.

LMAO, what pure bullshit


Mesijs said:
So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.
Wow, sorry, man. That sounds like BS of the highest order. And, Deep, man, i'm in the same situation as you, waiting for the game to be shipped and so jealous of all the people already playing it. :(


Mesijs said:
No they wouldn't, that's the fucking bullshit. Mario got 10, same as Oblivion, Gears, Zelda. It was no problem. These games even got some negative points listed in the review, still got their 10 and it was no problem.

Then this game got a 10, the review was taken offline and they started bitching about it. I'm seriously furious about it.

hah... exactly shows why PS3 games get downrated :D
This game is fucking fantastic.

I'm on the edge of my seat.

The characters seem great, the voice overs are fantastic, so much personality in these characters.. it is very refreshing..

I don't think I even need to mention the graphics... just.. wow.

I may end up playing straight through tonight lol.


and the coolest part.. the non-player characters actually KILL some enemies for you! What a concept... non brain-dead AI companions! Naughty Dog am Gods confirmed.


Bebpo said:
This game looks incredible

Naughty Dog art design +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I'm sitting here watching this scenery viewpoint with birds flying around, the sun blazing red, nate sitting around moving his head, waterfall streaming down and it looks like a painting. One of the most gorgeous things I have ever seen in a game in my life.

Just yesterday I thought AC was the best looking next-gen game, now I'm not so sure.

i was thinking how they should make an screensaver for PS3 with those settings.. loooks sooooo pretty.
deepbrown said:
Yes. The demo will "upscale to 1080i" and some people are reporting it as upscaling to 1080p. Anyway the framerate is better at 720p...I know this, because i have tried the demo on both settings...720p is the way to go. It was designed to be as such, 1080i was only last minute for those suckers with shit tv's/



Holtz said:
Wow, sorry, man. That sounds like BS of the highest order. And, Deep, man, i'm in the same situation as you, waiting for the game to be shipped and so jealous of all the people already playing it. :(
It's not sent yet :/


Mesijs said:
So, my review at Gamer.nl got temporarily offline because the 'boss' thought it was not right to give a 10/10. Then other editors who didn't play the game criticized this rating and thought they could base their own opinion on a demo and... on other reviewers opinions!

Then my editor-in-chief and final editor (how do you call it...?) agreed with me and put the review back online.

Then I got fucking angry because of this fucking bullshit.

I totally understand how you feel.


spwolf said:
hah... exactly shows why PS3 games get downrated :D

It was even mentioned that, because I don't own a 360, I couldn't see things in perspective and would overrate PS3-games.

G*ddamn bullshit.


Mesijs said:
It was even mentioned that, because I don't own a 360, I couldn't see things in perspective and would overrate PS3-games.

G*ddamn bullshit.
They have issues. I'm glad I'm not in that situation. As long as it's justified in the writing, it shouldn't matter. Plus the game should be reviewed by someone who will enjoy the game, not by someone is cynical and doesn't enjoy that genre...who's going to buy it if they don't like that type of game.


Wonder what this is about?

Firmware v2.01 Coming Soon

Posted by Eric Lempel // Director, PlayStation Network Operations

"Hey everyone. We know you like to hear about updates a few days in advance, so here’s a quick heads up that we have a new System Software update in the works.

Firmware v2.01 is a minor update that will improve the stability of PLAYSTATION 3.

We’ll provide more specifics as the update is about to go live, but we thought we’d give loyal blog readers advance notice!"

I like the game and I'm going to enjoy playing through it and getting most of the medals. However, based on the short time I had to play it today, it just feels rushed to me. The frame rate is not consistent at all, and in the opening scene where it's a boat, the ocean, and a few other boats, the frame rate should be a rock solid 30 fps and it just doesn't feel that way. In fact, it never feels rock solid. It's especially jarring coming from playing a lot of Ratchet, Halo 3, Mario, and COD4. I don't know if it's the actual frame rate or it's the motion blur + the camera movement, but it just feels a little sloppy and unfinished.


If it makes any of you feel better, I have the game sitting on top of my PS3 right now... but I can't play it until after I put this presentation together for a class of mine.

The game is literally 5 feet away from me right now, but I have work to do. :lol
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