Jtyettis said:Amazing game so far. Was this game supposed to support 1080i? The best I'm getting is 720p.
calder said:I wish I had this game.
I think not having it is making me more annoyed with AC than I'd normally be playing it. :lol
how?KillJade said:Got it brand new for $20 CND![]()
For those of you who have the game freezing - 9 times out of 10, problems like that are not disc related or console related, but rather happen because something somewhere went wrong in the game and you saved that corrupted state so when you reload, you're still getting the same freezing problem. The solution usually is to reload the previous save, or to restart from previous level or something along those lines.
Flo_Evans said:I only had 2 bugs: it dropped allot of frames and my audio glitched at the start of the jeep chase. MAJOR SPOILERand the game froze on the 'run' and gun' chase scene when the spaniards 1st appear.
WHAT? WHERE? *DIES*KillJade said:Got it brand new for $20 CND![]()
Haklong said:I so wish I had a Dual Shock 3 controller to play it with.
HSMP said:Holy balls at the jeep sequence! Best...graphics....ever. Now excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor.
zombi said:Just beat it a few minutes ago. The difficulty really ramped up at the last chapter. Overall though the game was just challenging enough. In any case I really had fun, the story was fun and entertaining and didnt try to go anywhere that would have made it suffer overall. Very fun game.
reilo said:10 Chapters in. Can't recall having this much fun with a videogame for a very long time.
J-Rzez said:It's fucking incredible isn't it? The parts flying everywhere, knocking trees over, it's crazy. Also, if you shoot the trees down, they'll stop the baddies as well
One of the greatest get-away segments ever in a game, right up there, maybe past the motorcycle one in MGS3 and Halo CE's.
Halvie said:Cutting down trees during that section looks much better than in Crysis imo...like it is a smoother motion/cleaner.
I liked it. Cant say I expected it...Maggot9 said:Is theat the end cool?twist
Hitler Stole My Potato said:Holy balls at the jeep sequence! Best...graphics....ever. Now excuse me while I pick my jaw off the floor.
J-Rzez said:To be honest, you're not really missing much without it. I dunno how long they had to implement it, but it seems like a rather short time that's for sure. The analog sticks feel absolutely incredible now, this is compared to a brand new six-axis. But, another thing I noted was that the controller didn't spaz out once yet in the game, and I'm on Ch 18 now.
Linkzg said:ill just say that graphically, you aint seen nothing yet.
Halvie said:anyone have any tips for this section of chapter 15...the part in the church where you have to climb your way over to the heart class with the keys on either side. I can get to one side, jump on the key to make it come down but can't seem to figure out how to get to the other side. Once you swing on the chain and jump on the little ledge there isn't anywhere else to jump onto.
msdstc said:quick question... has the code been released forbaseball shirt drakeit says "enter a special button sequence to unlock"
Wario64 said:Best PS3 game so far.
Wario64 said:Best PS3 game so far.
J-Rzez said:To be honest, you're not really missing much without it. I dunno how long they had to implement it, but it seems like a rather short time that's for sure. The analog sticks feel absolutely incredible now, this is compared to a brand new six-axis. But, another thing I noted was that the controller didn't spaz out once yet in the game, and I'm on Ch 18 now.