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Uncharted |OT|


^As long as the final game has less shooting of generic ennemies, it'll be awesome. After reading reviews, I feel at ease though, so I've ordered the game, and it should arrive in 7-14 days. (I live in Europe, and I imported it from VG+)


the_id said:
I don't know if i should mention this...but what the fuck:


I died several times though. but it wasn't frustrating. and this was on easy. Shooters aren't my favs.

I like the platforming in that its not obvious which platform you need to jump on. how the rocks blend into the environment and how the game tries to give you hints by tapping L2.

The demo is actually a few levels in, as it indicated when you end the parachute cutscene. The game does a bit of a better job getting you used to what will happen in the three levels previous.


Tailzo said:
^As long as the final game has less shooting of generic ennemies, it'll be awesome. After reading reviews, I feel at ease though, so I've ordered the game, and it should arrive in 7-14 days. (I live in Europe, and I imported it from VG+)

Dude, generic bad guys are part and parcel of any pulpy adventure tale. There are several different sets of enemies in the game, but they mostly function in the same way. That said, the way the AI acts and reacts is good enough to nullify any problems presented by copycat foes.


G-Bus said:
Has anyone had a chance to go threw some of the game on the crushing difficulty?

Not yet, I finished on hard and I'm kind of scared to play on crushing.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Okay wtf at Chapter 11?


~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Beat It

Awsome, Beat Story i've seen in a game..probably ever. Nothing was obvious, things stayed interesting throughout. Great Characters, voice acting....Everything

I love the gameplay, it ended up to be more tactical than i xpected, figuring out who's the most dangerous enemy to take out first in a skermish, ammo conservation, when to or not to melee.

so question to gAF... I dunno if Naughty Dog addressed this but, based on the ending can Uncharted be a series? another words, can we expect a sequel?
~Devil Trigger~ said:
so question to gAF... I dunno if Naughty Dog addressed this but, based on the ending can Uncharted be a series? another words, can we expect a sequel?

They've said it'd be a waste if they don't do a sequel.


Loudninja said:


* AI is great with enemies constantly trying to flank you making no cover safe.
* Vast, detailed environments
* Cutscenes are kept to a minimum with interactive cutscenes
* The Killer franchise the Ps3 deserves
* Engaging story full of twists
* Superb animations
* Rewards, cheats and unlockables


Although only a few, there are some con’s.

* Sixaxis implentation poor at times (Adjusting Grenade tajectory)
* Little Replay value (Only for rewards)
* The Biggest con of this game is the play time. Average Play time on Normal mode clocks in at 9 hours.

Nice review.

Is it just me or is this game kind of underrated in the media? no ones really talking about it.

msdstc said:
playin it now... not really far into it enough to judge though.

Look forward to some impressions later on. Really would like to know how much harder it is.


Played to Chapter 6 and I'm so impressed. This game is just so much fun I had to force myself to take a break and make supper. hah!

Tech-wise, it's a phenomenal first gen title by Naughty Dog. I can't wait to see what they can achieve on their second outting.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Beat It

Awsome, Beat Story i've seen in a game..probably ever. Nothing was obvious, things stayed interesting throughout. Great Characters, voice acting....Everything

I love the gameplay, it ended up to be more tactical than i xpected, figuring out who's the most dangerous enemy to take out first in a skermish, ammo conservation, when to or not to melee.

so question to gAF... I dunno if Naughty Dog addressed this but, based on the ending can Uncharted be a series? another words, can we expect a sequel?

It's designed to be a series, so yes we can expect a sequel.


Ace R.

Just beat the game and all i can say is DAMN what a game. I loved everything.

Gonna play it again once my DS3 comes in.
G-Bus said:
Haha thats pretty dam good. Like the bit of comedy. They should have shown a bit more gameplay IMO.

Graphically the game can hold its own and isn't too far off from the CG the showed at the beginning. Really, they should have shown cutscenes/gameplay.
DoctorWho said:
Graphically the game can hold its own and isn't too far off from the CG the showed at the beginning. Really, they should have shown cutscenes/gameplay.

Exactly, the Massive Attack trailer as stated shows the real deal of ND amazing work, no need to undercut something that is cinematically well made from the devs themselves.


Anyway anyone else as impressed with the companion AI as I am? Elena and Sully just totally handled themselves so fucking well in a gunfight, drawed enough gunfire from me so I can flank the enemies, but never too much that it would become easy, they used cover and never got in my way, I never had to babysit them even once.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Exactly, the Massive Attack trailer as stated shows the real deal of ND amazing work, no need to undercut something that is cinematically well made from the devs themselves.
I think this might be the same deal as the Ratchet commercials where they used in game assets with improved lighting, shaders to give it that CG look but still keep it visually consistent with what the real game looks like so people don't feel
deceived about the game's visuals when they get to play it.


Holy shit. Anyone else find this part incredibly hard, even on normal?

I'm breaking into the monastery(after you take the jet ski up the river to it and find that guy impaled with pieces of your airplane) and I CAN'T beat this part! It takes like 3 shots to kill you and there are like 30 guys in this place. Is there a place where I should be taking cover? They are on every side. What the hell is with this random massive increase in difficulty?!



My god this game is so good. I just got to the drowned city chapter...After Heavenly Sword I must say Sony sure is showing people how to do acting/cut scenes in video games my god.


Kittonwy said:
Anyway anyone else as impressed with the companion AI as I am? Elena and Sully just totally handled themselves so fucking well in a gunfight, drawed enough gunfire from me so I can flank the enemies, but never too much that it would become easy, they used cover and never got in my way, I never had to babysit them even once.
elena reminded me a lot of alyx in half-life 2 (sully acts a lot like elena, so yeah). no better, no worse.

this goes for uncharted and every other game: i think it would do a lot for them to create more interaction between your partners during a firefight. it would be cool if they'd say "i'll distract them" and then pop out guns blazing and attracting enemy fire, giving you a chance to take out a few guys -- similarly, they could say "distract them for me" and it would then be your job to pop out first. it would also be cool if they handed you ammo etc.

i definitely wouldn't say uncharted was below the curve in this aspect, but i think uncharted 2 has a good opportunity to raise the bar when it comes to partner AI.


With Heavenly Sword, and now Uncharted, I have been spoiled as far as the immersion that comes from great storytelling. As graphics improve (get more realistic) these games have gotten it right in evolving into full fledged interactive movies. It is exactly what I have been expecting for next gen.

Finishing this game for the first time, reminds me of that first time I beat MGS1. It is such a well-crafted, fun and memorable experience, that I can't imagine how they can top it off in a sequel. It all feels so balanced (even if I got owned many many times), and there was never a dull moment. Hell, it was like 3 different excellent games in one. I love how later in the game
with the cursed Spanish "creatures"
it made me think of Silent Hill in full next-gen.

Just an example of how unique things happen (maybe it was scripted?), early in the game, after a intensive shootout in a court yard, there was only one guy left on a second floor behind a turret. I closed in through covers to throw a grenade into his window. As I throw my grenade, the guy is just taunting me, so this is what I heard...

"She's up here..."


*grenade goes in window*



I just busted out laughing. It was just so perfect, just like most of this game.


Well I "beat it" last night, although I won't consider the game truly beat until I have every single medal and reward in my collection. I only managed to grab 26 treasures my first play through which clocked in a little over 12 hours. I beat the game on Hard so I am gonna give crushing a playthrough next. There are a few areas where I know it's gonna beat me to a pulp. It was refreshing also that the final chapter gave me hell. I died more than a few times on it, and was a nice change from recent games where I just breezed through the finale.

What's left to say really? It really is the first game IMO to deliver on all the next gen bullet points. Best console graphics I've seen, along with animation that really feels fresh and new throughout the whole exp. A story and dialogue THAT KICKS SERIOUS ASS This can't be praised enough really, I am soooo looking forward to see how these characters grow and interact with each other. Sound design was beyond fucking brilliant. Gameplay was spot on although if I have ANY crit of this game it would be dump the few QTE segments you have. They are usually only 1 or 2 button presses and not really part of the games mechanics, so I pretty much won't miss them if they are ommited in the sequel. Everything else was utterly FANTASTIC. Even the Jet Ski level people complained about was really fun, and what do you know, you can shoot and drive at the same time, talk about another case of NeoGAf jumping the gun.

I want to throw this out there to you guys, because I am pretty much gonna lap up whatever ND does next as they pretty much solidified themselves as one of my top three devs. Would you guys be totally opposed to downloadable content in the form of mini treasure hunts while they work on a possible J&D game? Or do you want them to just jump right into the sequel. Before I played this game i would have gone with the former, but not I am not so sure


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Up to chapter 13. The difficulty ramped up very quickly the last 3 chapters, and I love it. I'm already changing my approach to most of the gunfights. Laser-sights FTW.

Oh, and I got 100 headshots thus far. I'm so awesome.


reilo said:
Up to chapter 13. The difficulty ramped up very quickly the last 3 chapters, and I love it. I'm already changing my approach to most of the gunfights. Laser-sights FTW.

Can you activate the laser sight on the dessert gun? I could not figure out how.

Oh and running while shooting over your shoulder blind fire is F'n awesome.


Chapter 20:
Playing on Hard and christ, I just can't seem to get past the guys in the monastery. I've gotten it down to where I can generally get through the M79/desert eagle combo, but the second set of enemies once you move about halfway up try REALLY hard to outflank you. They move really fast, too. I kind of wish there was a checkpoint once you get rid of the first set, but oh well.
I'm about 75% of the way through, and my only real gripe with the game is the Jak 2 syndrome I find in a few places. It's not that the game is difficult, it's that there are still some spots in ND's games where you simply are forced to die a few times to figure out what your supposed to do, like when the camera gets messed up in a few jumping sequences. Other than that, the game is ace.


Dante said:
Or do you want them to just jump right into the sequel. Before I played this game i would have gone with the former, but not I am not so sure

I just want another Uncharted game as fast as humanly possible
dfyb said:
this goes for uncharted and every other game: i think it would do a lot for them to create more interaction between your partners during a firefight. it would be cool if they'd say "i'll distract them" and then pop out guns blazing and attracting enemy fire, giving you a chance to take out a few guys -- similarly, they could say "distract them for me" and it would then be your job to pop out first. it would also be cool if they handed you ammo etc.

What little we saw of Sony's Eight Days featured that kind of interaction. Would be cool to see that title. After playing Uncharted, that Eight Days target video, (esp. the animation and character builds) which used to seem too fantastic to be believed, actually seems totally plausible.


Belfast said:
Chapter 20:
Playing on Hard and christ, I just can't seem to get past the guys in the monastery. I've gotten it down to where I can generally get through the M79/desert eagle combo, but the second set of enemies once you move about halfway up try REALLY hard to outflank you. They move really fast, too. I kind of wish there was a checkpoint once you get rid of the first set, but oh well.

Don't know what advice to give except to keep at it. I beat the game on Hard first playthru and there are challenging spots to be sure, but the frustrating or unfair ones are few and far between. It's probably one of the most balanced games, difficulty-wise, I've ever played.


Incredibly Naive
DoctorWho said:
Graphically the game can hold its own and isn't too far off from the CG the showed at the beginning. Really, they should have shown cutscenes/gameplay.

The game is absolutely beautiful, but is still a generation away from that CG, that looked damn near real.

Kittonwy said:
Sweet, although I like the Massive Attack Trailer better. Anyway I hope Sony starts showing this commercial everywhere.

They definitely got it right this time, they're showing during the NFL games EVERYBODY watches these of course, I've seen it 2 times already too this is very nice, sales should be good. It's entering right in time for the holidays AND the price drop.

quick question, whats the best way to go about getting Dyno-Might!... I have that, and the hidden medal right after... than all I need to do is grab a few more treasures, and beat it on crushing.


Dante said:
Well I "beat it" last night, although I won't consider the game truly beat until I have every single medal and reward in my collection. I only managed to grab 26 treasures my first play through which clocked in a little over 12 hours. I beat the game on Hard so I am gonna give crushing a playthrough next. There are a few areas where I know it's gonna beat me to a pulp. It was refreshing also that the final chapter gave me hell. I died more than a few times on it, and was a nice change from recent games where I just breezed through the finale.

What's left to say really? It really is the first game IMO to deliver on all the next gen bullet points. Best console graphics I've seen, along with animation that really feels fresh and new throughout the whole exp. A story and dialogue THAT KICKS SERIOUS ASS This can't be praised enough really, I am soooo looking forward to see how these characters grow and interact with each other. Sound design was beyond fucking brilliant. Gameplay was spot on although if I have ANY crit of this game it would be dump the few QTE segments you have. They are usually only 1 or 2 button presses and not really part of the games mechanics, so I pretty much won't miss them if they are ommited in the sequel. Everything else was utterly FANTASTIC. Even the Jet Ski level people complained about was really fun, and what do you know, you can shoot and drive at the same time, talk about another case of NeoGAf jumping the gun.

I want to throw this out there to you guys, because I am pretty much gonna lap up whatever ND does next as they pretty much solidified themselves as one of my top three devs. Would you guys be totally opposed to downloadable content in the form of mini treasure hunts while they work on a possible J&D game? Or do you want them to just jump right into the sequel. Before I played this game i would have gone with the former, but not I am not so sure

Treasure hunts? Do you mean like a new location or something?

I don't want no J&D game, I want Uncharted 2.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Just saw one of the morphing PS3 ads with Spider-Man 3 Blu-Ray, Home, PSN, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, and Uncharted advertised [in that order].

Still waiting on that new Uncharted ad.


JB1981 said:
Don't know what advice to give except to keep at it. I beat the game on Hard first playthru and there are challenging spots to be sure, but the frustrating or unfair ones are few and far between. It's probably one of the most balanced games, difficulty-wise, I've ever played.

Yeah, I got it not too long after posting (always seems to happen that way, doesn't it?). Now I'm on the final, final chapter. Hoo boy!
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