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Uncharted |OT|


I assume the current outrage is at the gametrailers review?

I thought it seemed reasonable. I'm not after high art from Uncharted. I'm after an enjoyable game. It seems that's exactly what it is, with superb animation on top of it.

+1 sale.


RandomVince said:
I assume the current outrage is at the gametrailers review?

I thought it seemed reasonable. I'm not after high art from Uncharted. I'm after an enjoyable game. It seems that's exactly what it is, with superb animation on top of it.

+1 sale.
when a review makes criticisms based on factually incorrect information, it fails as a review.

reviews should not mislead people.
wow this thread has gone crazy....I cant really comment on the Uncharted reviews, since I havent played the game yet...but giving AC creed a 9 or 10 is a bit ridiculous to me....Im playing through the game and really enjoying it...the world is fantastic, and the free running is excellent, but the gameplay is basic and of a very repititive nature...Like I said, Im enjoying it ....but the game is unbalanced and incomplete is some ways....the central gameplay is very basic....massive scope for an exellent sequel though...

sorry for going OT


Junior Member
hmm, so Satterfield reviewed it. I've seen him on Bonus Round, he's very much a hardcore gamer, but it's not necessarily a good thing. His view is too limited it seems. Never take marks off a game for being "too short" even though the length was actually perfect. If the game was 15 hours long, it would just become repetitve like Assassin's Creed (one of the primary criticisms of that game). If you pay attention closely to everything about this game (gameplay, story, presentation, pacing), you would realize how amazing of a job Naughty Dog did in making this.

No one compares this to the God of War games, but I do because GoWI+II are my favourite games ever. Uncharted is a lot like GoW but obviously the combat is very different. I would compare it to GoW before TR and Gears. The presentation, graphical achievements (for the time it was released at), unlockables (bonus features), all remind me a lot of God of War. Perfectly paced, perfect length, combat that is batshit insanely fun, and the hardest difficulty is challenging as hell. Even the death scenes are similar.

BTW my treasure FAQ is almost done, it will be soo good. I hope I didn't miss any, otherwise I'd probably call for help from my fellow GAFers rather than run through the whole game again.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Here is the final part of my impressions on the game.

11/19/07 - 2:35am - Chapter 20

My system was gracious enough to let me continue on to Chapter 20 before locking up again (what a tease). This game just keeps delivering non-stop fun. The story is not as straight forward as you would think as it throws our characters some twists and turns along the way. While the story lays down the framework, it’s the characters that continue to carry it through. They grow on you with their developing friendships, one-liners, observations and more. All delivered with a tongue in cheek bravado that makes you smile.

Updating on several features, there’s been a nice selection of weaponry available as the game progresses. Not satisfied with AK-47s, the baddies begin to pack some serious heat. As you beat them down, you have to pick and choose which two guns to bring into the next fight. The options are plentiful though. So if you get attached to one type of weapon, you can be sure that you’ll find plenty of ammo for it as you continue.

While I continue to move through the game and as the action ramps up, I still just can’t help but sit back and take in the beautiful sights the game has to offer. From the big things to the little things, Naughty Dog brings you a feast for your eyes. I don’t want to spoil a lot of the later environments, but I’ll just say, that I believe they are the best I’ve ever seen for a game of this type.

The little things also catch my eye. Drake continues to show more animations as I go through the game. For instance, the look on his face changes each time he’s up against cover. He reacts to gun shots, the amount of action around him, and even what kind of cover he’s behind. He even has several different ways of just jogging up and down stairs! It’s not just limited to Drake either. Both Elena and Sully have a plethora of animations of their own depending on the circumstances. They are no slouch at gunplay either.

When I finish up the game, I will write up my Final Thoughts in a more structured format for easier reading. I hesitate to call it a review since I don’t normally review games, but if you want to call it that, that’s fine by me. I can’t wait!

Ploid 3.0

Speaking of GOW2, I don't see how people called it short. I was full enough to burp at the end of it. I even forgot there was a second disk of content, not to mention more unlockables and difficulty. Gow2 is a content rich package, Minimal fat, just like Uncharted, but more back tracking. Both games keep things moving forward.

In these times GOW 3 will get 7.8 if it's gow2 length, or 7.9 if it's bloated with time sinks and unnecessary crap.

Edit: Wow, nice detailed impressions Kintaro. I had no idea it would carry on throughout the chapters. I was under the impression that you already finished it. This is interesting, would be nice if this was a kind of review standard. Since, you know, people dont usually complete a game in one day as the do movies, resturants, plays, etc.


dfyb said:
when a review makes criticisms based on factually incorrect information, it fails as a review.

reviews should not mislead people.

What is factually incorrect in the review? (I havent played the game).

Overall I found it to be a pretty positive review pointing out some standard shortcomings that many games nowadays have (longevity, for example, or common gameplay mechanics). To me it just seems that the review confirms the game has what I'm looking for.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ploid 3.0 said:
Edit: Wow, nice detailed impressions Kintaro. I had no idea it would carry on throughout the chapters. I was under the impression that you already finished it. This is interesting, would be nice if this was a kind of review standard. Since, you know, people dont usually complete a game in one day as the do movies, resturants, plays, etc.

Thanks. Nah, I was playing it over the weekend. I probably would have finished it already and started on hard, but life got in the way. I figured I watch enough anime during the weekdays, I'd unwind during the weekends with some games and post some impressions. I figured it would be anime-ish type of games, but whatever. It's my site, so I'll write on whatever game I happen to be playing.

I figure I comment and read enough game reviews and have my own idea about them, I should give it a whirl and see how I do.

BTW, I suck at finding all the treasures. lol I think I only have like 15 or so. =(


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RandomVince said:
What is factually incorrect in the review? (I havent played the game).

Overall I found it to be a pretty positive review pointing out some standard shortcomings that many games nowadays have (longevity, for example, or common gameplay mechanics). To me it just seems that the review confirms the game has what I'm looking for.

Only one hit-combo. That is false. There are multiple hit combos, each that execute in various different ways. You can do a standard combo of hitting [] five times, or do []/\[], or do R1[], etc. They are all content sensitive, too.

Example, depending on the timing and how you approach and which combo you hit, Drake will do a different animation/combo.

Basically, the review makes it sound like all Drake has is a melee button like in your standard FPS fare. That's not true at all. Knowing how to use your melee combos is critical to adding another layer of depth to the gameplay. It's like listening to a Zeppelin song without the solo.

The AI being bad. Oh boy, how wrong. That is a matter of opinion at the end of the day, but 99% of people will tell you that the AI is BRILLIANT - including your supporting AI.

Plus a few other things that people have pointed out.


Any PAL importers have the US ver? is it region free?

Didn't give a thought to it when I pre-ordered a while ago. But with the demo fiasco, I'm little worried now.


Trevelyon said:
Any PAL importers have the US ver? is it region free?

Didn't give a thought to it when I pre-ordered a while ago. But with the demo fiasco, I'm little worried now.
the game is region free (as was the demo, which had a bug)
satterfield said:
Unless you've already played the game you'd never know.
WTF, this makes no sense at all.

A spoiler can't be a spoiler if you've already played the game, that much we know.

But you're also saying that it's not a spoiler if you haven't already played the game because you wouldn't know it's a spoiler.

So basically there's no such thing as a spoiler as there's no state in which one can exist. !!?!?!!?


Gary Whitta said:
WTF, this makes no sense at all.

A spoiler can't be a spoiler if you've already played the game, that much we know.

But you're also saying that it's not a spoiler if you haven't already played the game because you wouldn't know it's a spoiler.

So basically there's no such thing as a spoiler as there's no state in which one can exist. !!?!?!!?


YYZ said:
hmm, so Satterfield reviewed it. I've seen him on Bonus Round, he's very much a hardcore gamer, but it's not necessarily a good thing. His view is too limited it seems. Never take marks off a game for being "too short" even though the length was actually perfect. If the game was 15 hours long, it would just become repetitve like Assassin's Creed (one of the primary criticisms of that game). If you pay attention closely to everything about this game (gameplay, story, presentation, pacing), you would realize how amazing of a job Naughty Dog did in making this.

The complaints about the length is GT falling into the "too objective" trap that they so often find themselves in.

"The game lasts for 8-10 hours, which is OK, but I guess some people (unspecified) might find it to be too short."

The worst part is where he says it "doesn't have $60 legs" and basically encourages people to rent it over a weekend.
Ceb said:
The complaints about the length is GT falling into the "too objective" trap that they so often find themselves in.

"The game lasts for 8-10 hours, which is OK, but I guess some people (unspecified) might find it to be too short."

The worst part is where he says it "doesn't have $60 legs" and basically encourages people to rent it over a weekend.

this is probably the reason is got docked marks and why Halo 3 got a 9.8 because people will still be playing it for a couple fo years(not me tho since cod4 MP kicks its ass)

I am honestly really impressed with uncharted but i thinik 8.9 -9.3 range is the perfect score.
reilo said:
Thank you for coming in here and putting yourself on the line like this. I appreciate that.

But here is my beef... to call Uncharted "unoriginal" or, as you lovely put it, "Tomb Raider meets Gears of War," [which is a valid way of putting it, but shallow at best] is selling the game very short.

Here, I will write up a plot summary of a game, and please tell me which title this reminds you of. To make things easier, you don't have to stick to the same medium [in fairness because you referenced "Romancing The Stone"]:

No, I'm not talking about Halo. No, I'm not talking about Gears of War. No, I'm not talking about Battlestar Galactica. No, I'm not talking about War of the Worlds. No, I'm not talking about Star Wars. No, I'm not talking about Dark City. No, I'm not talking about Serenity/Firefly.

While I love most of these games, movies, and tv-shows, and while they are all highly critically acclaimed, nobody ever brought those aforementioned titles down because they were deemed 'unoriginal.'

If anything, Drake's take on the action/adventure genre is far more refreshing and unique to its medium than anything we have seen in recent years. Generalizing Uncharted into, "but it's just Gears of War meets Tomb Raider meets Romancing The Stone," sells it very, very short, because underneath all of that, it is nothing like any of those titles. I am not singling you out, most previews and podcasts about Uncharted by other websites and magazines are doing the exact same thing. In the recent 1Up Yours podcast, they said Uncharted won't be a big hit because, and I am paraphrasing here, "it's like Gears of War meets Tomb Raider, minus the big boobs and tight ass cheeks."

Then you have some factual inaccuracies in your review, and that bothers me a whole lot, too. But these are minor and people only gripe about them because a review shouldn't have such inaccuracies.

Far Cry when it came out, it had an amazing single player campaign, but a putrid multiplayer. Still an amazing game, still rather short single player, and still it is one of the most highly acclaimed titles that came out that year. Plus, some would put Gears' MP as a negative... so, I'd rather have one of the best single player experiences to date than have it being soured by a lousy multiplayer and have resources diverted from its SP campaign.

Hell, some people have short memories, too. Metal Gear Solid 1 could be beaten in under 4 hours.

Review the game based on what it has, and the quality of it all, and not what it doesn't have. This really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the score of your game [which is a good score!], but the review in and of itself.

Cue "lulz meltdown#!" replies.

might as well write a thesis on it dude, :D i agree with most of what you said though.


Kabuki Waq said:
this is probably the reason is got docked marks and why Halo 3 got a 9.8 because people will still be playing it for a couple fo years(not me tho since cod4 MP kicks its ass)

I am honestly really impressed with uncharted but i thinik 8.9 -9.3 range is the perfect score.

based on that, Warhawk would have gotten 12/10 from every publication.... but oh wait.

Uncharted, GOTY, 88% average.


What's the GameSpot score?

And the riots are because of... GameTrailers score?

Jeez, who reads (or watches) GameTrailers?


Anyone unlock 1-shot kills? What's the criteria for it, and is it for Drake as well, or just the enemies? ;o

Honestly, more games need to do achievements like this, definitely adds an incentive to actually get them.
spwolf said:
based on that, Warhawk would have gotten 12/10 from every publication.... but oh wait.

Uncharted, GOTY, 88% average.


WArhawk I am sorry warhawk is fun title but not even close to the Value that any of the games mentioned in this thread do.

I mean really did you compare warhawk to Halo3?


SolidSnakex said:
Well GT reviews are significantly better than other sites in general.

I just watched their review.

1) God I hate this reviewers voice.
2) Uncharted is pretty as fuck. This really is consoles' Crysis.
3) The story sounds corny as hell.
4) I want a PS3 :/
Kabuki Waq said:
this is probably the reason is got docked marks and why Halo 3 got a 9.8 because people will still be playing it for a couple fo years(not me tho since cod4 MP kicks its ass)

I am honestly really impressed with uncharted but i thinik 8.9 -9.3 range is the perfect score.

there is a certain subjectivity to reviews though...fan of genre vs not fan of genre....

I mean, Im not an fps fan, and dont play games on the internet....I can't even begin to compare the enjoyment I had from games such as resistance and halo3 to how much I enjoyed ffxii. Reviewing games is quite tough I think, and making comparisons between games is also not indicitive....having said that, I think reviewers have shot themselves in the foot by reviewing games too high....some of the AC scores are a good example...Generally Im not bothered in the slightest by most reviews, but Im not sure in what world that game could get a 10...


Wow, if you PS3 fans don't buy this game you are a one sad bunch of motherfuckers.

It looks amazing from this trailer, absolutely amazing.

It has shooting, cover system, jeep levels, motorboat levels, jumping, rope swinging, secrets hunting, puzzles etc.

I am simply stunned at the quality and money that must have went to make it.

It reminds me MUCH of Broken Sword franchise.


Borys said:
2) Uncharted is pretty as fuck. This really is consoles' Crysis.
I would say if anything Assassin's Creed is the consoles' Crysis. Uncharted (while sharing lots of palm trees) isnt that much about view distances, but rather about awesome production value when it comes to animation/detail
quetz67 said:
I would say if anything Assassin's Creed is the consoles' Crysis. Uncharted (while sharing lots of palm trees) isnt that much about view distances, but rather about awesome production value when it comes to animation/detail



satterfield said:
Come on guys. Both of those games have almost unlimited replay value in addition to kick-assed single-player campaigns. Not to mention original ideas like the perks system, forge, theatre, etc. I finished Uncharted in a little under eight hours on normal difficulty. How can some of you say we didn't play the game? You can see footage of the entire game unlocked right in the review along with gameplay from the end of the game. There's no conspiracy. For the guy who mentioned Gears, did you even look at our review of it? The truth is, value plays a lot into our scores. You can try to hang your hat on the fact that we mention no online, but if the single-player were at least of reasonable length it would have scored higher. Eight hours for $60 may be plenty for you guys, but someone who works hard for their games and could care less what system they're on, we think, will want more.

The comment on enemies that aren't so smart but are aggressive with strength in numbers = WRONG, it's not even debatable. Uncharted enemies are nowhere nearly as numerous as COD4 or HALO 3, and they use cover appropriately as well as flanking techniques, even the aggressive ones with shotguns can use cover, even when they're being attacked by Elena or Sully they don't all of a sudden forget you're there.

The one three-hit-combo comment is also false, yes you do get a five hit combo but you can effectively execute a one hit stealth kill on the enemy, dropkick the enemy, as well as both the gunslinger and steelfist combo, not to mention much of the fighting animations is situation-dependent, as well as timing dependent, you don't always get to land the follow up punch if you're timing is a little off, and there are variations of the brutal combo. Executed correctly the stealth kill is a one hit kill, nets you twice as much ammo, and one on one you can get aggressive with an AI with the advantage of not having to get stuck in a prolong peek and shoot situation.

And Uncharted sure as hell isn't the only game that doesn't offer online and leaderboards, Bioshock certainly doesn't, shouldn't other shooters automatically score higher than Bioshock in that case? And what if someone isn't planning to spend an infinite amount of time with COD4 multiplayer? Wouldn't COD4's incredibly short single player campaign be a detriment to its score as well? I'm not sure if Kaiser actually found all the treasures, I finished with 54 and it took me longer than 8 hours to complete the game.

Truth has nothing to do with your site's review, neither does consistency. But you're right, there is no conspiracy, because it's incredibly blatant and obvious what your site is doing, I'm just shocked and disappointed that your site would do something like that. Score aside, the information your site's review presented was misleading and false.
i think we should get this straight, we all agreed that a 8.9 score is not bad but what is said in the review is very misleading and are therefore wrong and thus pissed alot of ppl of. amiright? :lol


Pristine_Condition said:
LOL @ the nimrod reviewer @ Gametrailers who thinks Kirk Douglas was the lead in "Romancing the Stone."


Yet one more reason this review fails.

Wow, didn't even catch that one! And I mentioned RtS in my demo impressions, too!


quetz67 said:
I would say if anything Assassin's Creed is the consoles' Crysis. Uncharted (while sharing lots of palm trees) isnt that much about view distances, but rather about awesome production value when it comes to animation/detail

Are you kidding? Uncharted's view distance is rather impressive.


Borys said:
What's the GameSpot score?

And the riots are because of... GameTrailers score?

Jeez, who reads (or watches) GameTrailers?

A good number of people if you'd believe that thread we had on the Top 10 trafficked gaming sites!


Kittonwy said:
Are you kidding? Uncharted's view distance is rather impressive.
But that is 'faked'. It is not like you can visit that distant scenery as you often can in AC or Crysis. The focus in development is a different one, that of Crysis is closer to AC.

This isnt even the tiniest criticism, the graphics in Uncharted are almost perfect and it is overall a game as good and in some regards better looking than Crysis.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm about halfway through the game at Chapter 13 and it really does keep ramping up in quality. The first areas looked great, but the stuff that starts to show up really IS *MUCH* more impressive to behold.

What surprises me most is how intense the gunplay is. The enemies are brilliantly programmed and attack you in ways I never expected. I often end up getting pushed back from the front lines with enemies moving in on the sides (even if this means climbing over obstacles) and flushing me out with grenades (which do not always hit the mark, lending them some additional believability). That one circular room you encounter while making your way to the boat was brilliant. In most similar games, you could concentrate your fire on one or two enemies in a certain position and then move on. Here, you had to move constantly while watching your six.

This truly feels like some of the best AI I've ever encountered in a shooter and it demands skill. Headshots are extremely important here. You really can't just stand back and kill from afar either, so it forces you to become very active and fast with your attacks. A nice mix of gunplay with melee is critical here.

The rest of the experience is also kickass. I LOVE the level design as they really do carefully lead you through everything. You see something in the distance and wish you could go there, but before you realize it, you've circled all the way around an area and did just that. I'm glad the level design is so focused, though. Not everything needs to offer an open world these days (and quite frankly, outside of Crysis, I'm becoming tired of them). The level design here is perfectly tuned for a tight gameplay experience. Naughty Dog HAS delivered open world gameplay in the past (Jak II and 3) and Uncharted kicks the shit out of those games. :p

I also love the characters thus far. The dialog is refreshing and fun while the whole ordeal feels so different from anything I've played in quite some time. The music is fantastic as well (they could not posisbly have chosen a better composer for the job). This game does NOT feel like a Naughty Dog game to me (it's much better). I'm really impressed with how good of a job they've done here.


quetz67 said:
But that is 'faked'. It is not like you can visit that distant scenery as you often can in AC or Crysis. The focus in development is a different one, that of Crysis is closer to AC.

This isnt even the tiniest criticism, the graphics in Uncharted are almost perfect and it is overall a game as good and in some regards better looking than Crysis.

That's like saying one should be able to swim in the ocean across to some island when it has nothing to do with the game space or else it's not impressive, it's not like the geometry isn't LODed.

It's not fake though, see the cliff above the U-boat? You can go there, see the U-boat from up at the cliff? You can travel down and walk on top of it.
quetz67 said:
But that is 'faked'. It is not like you can visit that distant scenery as you often can in AC or Crysis. The focus in development is a different one, that of Crysis is closer to AC.

This isnt even the tiniest criticism, the graphics in Uncharted are almost perfect and it is overall a game as good and in some regards better looking than Crysis.
Well then, LAir and Heavenly Sword rape AC.


deepbrown said:

Kittonwy UK disapproves of IGN UK.
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