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Uncharted |OT|

dark10x said:
I'm talking about the size and scale of the environments. Heavenly Sword looks somewhat large, but it's very limited in where you can go. I feel that the vistas in AC are even more impressive and you can actually travel there if you wish.

Also, AC runs at a better framerate and, in my opinion, looks better overall (HS is very uneven). At times, HS is stunning, but then you have other areas that are actually borderline ugly (the snowy regions, for instance). Uncharted looks a whole lot better as well.

My opinions on a game are usually formed after I've thought about it for a while and looking back on HS, the absolutely awful framerate is the first thing that sticks out. :\ Everything they did with the engine ends up meaning nothing in the face of such poor performance.

yeah pretty much agree....the scale and detail of AC is VERY impressive, although I think the backgrounds in HS are actually better looking, and, to me, there is no question that the art in HS is >>>AC...AC also has a lot going on in the world as well....Some of the stages in R & C also look as good if not better than some stuff in AC ( Meridian City), but you cant reall fully explore it...I was hoping for a flyby in that level...Stratus City looks fantastic as well.

Considering Uncharted is seemless though, and the detail is higher, it def is more impressive than any of the above games...

Anyway, personally Im not really agreeing with some of the above reviews, because they are focusing on value rather than experience.... really I think alot of reviews have been fucked up this gen...oblivion, NG Sigma, Halo 3, AC...all these games and more were overscored

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
dark10x said:
Also, AC runs at a better framerate and, in my opinion, looks better overall (HS is very uneven). At times, HS is stunning, but then you have other areas that are actually borderline ugly (the snowy regions, for instance).
I can't say I agree - AC looks great and has great vistas, but it's overall look leans a bit on the last gen side. It's got that SotC type of look to it - not that that's a bad thing actually, but HS goes out of the park with crazy quality lighting and shader use (and that's why it's performance probably suffers too, but most of the time I was willing to overlook it). There are many scenes that have that natural soft look to them that I haven't seen anywhere else, like those waterfall vistas on the level 2 for example. Again, I'm talking just about look, not the accessibility or interactivity of environments.


Big-E said:
Comments like these drive me nuts. People here are mostly upset with the fact that a supposed professional site state false information in their review and use that information to formulate their score. Even if they gave it a 9.5 or a 9.7 or hell even a 10 people will still be bringing this up. You know why? Because its not true. If gaming journalism is ever going to grow up then corrections like this need to be made or gaming journalism is always going to be seen as glorified pr speak.

This sums up perfectly my take on gaming journalism as well. It is hard to find any quality sources. They should be making these corrections. But if they want to be considered unreliable sources, then by all means, continue. Just be aware of the fact that everywhere else in the journalistic world, that is like inviting a plague.
Marconelly said:
I can't say I agree - AC looks great and has great vistas, but it's overall look leans a bit on the last gen side. It's got that SotC type of look to it - not that that's a bad thing actually, but HS goes out of the park with crazy quality lighting and shader use (and that's why it's performance probably suffers too, but most of the time I was willing to overlook it). There are many scenes that have that natural soft look to them that I haven't seen anywhere else, like those waterfall vistas on the level 2 for example. Again, I'm talking just about look, not the accessibility or interactivity of environments.

OT again, but yeah, the water in AC looks ok, but it doesnt animate at all, that was pretty corny


Cheech said:
it's not

You scared me for a second. When you used a spoiler to answer the question it made me believe it was true. Then, I realized if that was true, you mind of well not used a spoiler tag. :D Don't do that again. You scared me for a while there.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, scared me too. I got scared twice there, not the least because the Atlantis thing sounded like something that makes sense.


I'm in the last couple chapters of the game right now and so far I love it. Before I finished one game I already went back and started playing through it again to show a friend.

There are a few gameplay features that I think they could have added to the game that would give it more variety and would have made it even better for me personally. For me it would be great if any of these ideas made it into a sequel.

-First idea would have been some animal type attacks in the jungles / temple like leves. I'm sure the idea isn't original but it would be cool if at least once while you are swimming there was a gator or crocodile attack. Other potential animal attacks would be from Pirranahs, bats, a wild boar, a Snake, chimpanzee/s, hippo or rhino. Even if all or some of them were Quick Time Events I think they would be pretty cool.

-I'd also like more and a wider variety of booby traps throughout the game. Once again, even if they were QTE's I still think they would add something to the game. Right now there are QTE's but they are few and far between. In their current state they seem almost like a throwaway.

-Another potential idea that I think would have been pretty cool is if you crossed a river and there was current that could pull you down river. This would only work if all the Sixaxis controllers had rumble but it could be used in a 360 game or Wii or be a controller Dependant gameplay feature on the PS3.

You would start crossing the river and the rumble would start getting more or less intense as you move in certain directions. If you reach a certain threshold of rumble you get sucked away. It would work similarly to Rockstar's Table Tennis for 360. Where you use the rumble to sense if you are near the edge or off the table. Using rumble and potentially on screen visuals of current you could feel your way across the river.

-Other feature would have been the ability to grab bottles or chairs and break them over enemies backs/heads. It would be fun to walk up behind an enemy that didn't notice you and crack them with something like that to knock them out.

-Maybe add an occasional smoke grenade or flare gun as a weapon to the mix.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite games of the year but after playing it basically non-stop those were just some of the ideas I had that I thought could have mixed it up a bit. I've got to give credit to Naughty Dog for creating such an awesome game. I wouldn't have even pondered any additional features if I didn't already love the game.


Firewire said:
I can't believe I watched that! Deep you stole 2 minutes of my life with that.
But it's hilarious. It's even funnier than the Baralama...it got me in stitches watching Drake groove it. lol


when is my burrito
deepbrown said:
:'( I don't own uncharted...*searches aimlessly for a lama to snuggle up to*

The first treasure I found in the game was a silver llama. I loled. :)

EDIT: That ad kicks a lot of ass. Looks like it's using in-game assets.

Also, the variety and the detail in the pirate character models blew my frigging mind in the game. Except for the shotgun pirate (which I'm sure is a design choice, that shotty is friggin deadly), I don't remember seeing many duplicate pirates.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
just a thought...

the most underrated "tech porn" in Uncharted is the physics. When things explode, debri fly around and collaps appropriatly. a great example was,i forgot what Chapter its was but early in the game, when the Wood structure was crumbling and you had to run....looks amazing


when is my burrito
They really need to make Uncharted 2 right away. As much as I liked the Jak trilogy, they really wrapped that one up nicely. To me, it would smack of a George Lucas milking of it.

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

There have been some really great titles that came out this holiday season that have really raised the bar. Makes me wonder how developers can top it.


deejay8595 said:

The song in that was on you tube in "music video" form. Who's the guy that sings it? Better, yet, what's the link to the video?



M3Freak said:
I don't bother with manuals, for the most part. Eventually I'll look in it, but not until I've put in several hours into a game.

The in-game manual idea is excellent. It would not be difficult to implement, and would be INCREDIBLY useful to all players. Now that I think about it, I'm surprised developers don't this already.

Uncharted does this with their game hint system which tells you the brutal combo and the regular five hit combo, but I guess they decided people could find out on their own with the gunslinger combo and steelfist. I'm using the gunslinger combo ALOT now in crushing.

Oh and crushing so far is living up to its namesake, enemies are alot more aggressive now with their flanking, and just like you can kill in three shots, you can be killed in three shots.


Gold Member
Wow, could they have made the jeep and jet-ski sequences more unenjoyable? I couldn't believe how dull and boring they both were.

I also have to take issue with the gameplay. It's unfortunate that Naughty Dog decided on action rather than true exploration. The environments are so good that I wish there was more mystery to them, I'd much rather explore stuff than fight repetitive enemies. Oh, and the combat still leaves something to be desired.

This game just feels rushed to an extent. Still a solid "B".

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

I personally think MGS4, GT5 and Killzone will destroy the three titles you've mentioned.


Kittonwy said:
Uncharted does this with their game hint system which tells you the brutal combo and the regular five hit combo, but I guess they decided people could find out on their own with the gunslinger combo and steelfist. I'm using the gunslinger combo ALOT now in crushing.

Oh and crushing so far is living up to its namesake, enemies are alot more aggressive now with their flanking, and just like you can kill in three shots, you can be killed in three shots.
Does it limit ammo more? I find the ammo balance in the game to be good but making it rarer would certainly ramp up the difficulty and force you to use melee more strategically.


Rugasuki said:
I'm in the last couple chapters of the game right now and so far I love it. Before I finished one game I already went back and started playing through it again to show a friend.

There are a few gameplay features that I think they could have added to the game that would give it more variety and would have made it even better for me personally. For me it would be great if any of these ideas made it into a sequel.

-First idea would have been some animal type attacks in the jungles / temple like leves. I'm sure the idea isn't original but it would be cool if at least once while you are swimming there was a gator or crocodile attack. Other potential animal attacks would be from Pirranahs, bats, a wild boar, a Snake, chimpanzee/s, hippo or rhino. Even if all or some of them were Quick Time Events I think they would be pretty cool.

-I'd also like more and a wider variety of booby traps throughout the game. Once again, even if they were QTE's I still think they would add something to the game. Right now there are QTE's but they are few and far between. In their current state they seem almost like a throwaway.

-Another potential idea that I think would have been pretty cool is if you crossed a river and there was current that could pull you down river. This would only work if all the Sixaxis controllers had rumble but it could be used in a 360 game or Wii or be a controller Dependant gameplay feature on the PS3.

You would start crossing the river and the rumble would start getting more or less intense as you move in certain directions. If you reach a certain threshold of rumble you get sucked away. It would work similarly to Rockstar's Table Tennis for 360. Where you use the rumble to sense if you are near the edge or off the table. Using rumble and potentially on screen visuals of current you could feel your way across the river.

-Other feature would have been the ability to grab bottles or chairs and break them over enemies backs/heads. It would be fun to walk up behind an enemy that didn't notice you and crack them with something like that to knock them out.

-Maybe add an occasional smoke grenade or flare gun as a weapon to the mix.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite games of the year but after playing it basically non-stop those were just some of the ideas I had that I thought could have mixed it up a bit. I've got to give credit to Naughty Dog for creating such an awesome game. I wouldn't have even pondered any additional features if I didn't already love the game.

all awesome ideas.


Chiggs said:
Wow, could they have made the jeep and jet-ski sequences more unenjoyable? I couldn't believe how dull and boring they both were.

I also have to take issue with the gameplay. It's unfortunate that Naughty Dog decided on action rather than true exploration. The environments are so good that I wish there was more mystery to them, I'd much rather explore stuff than fight repetitive enemies. Oh, and the combat still leaves something to be desired.

I take it you haven't played Half-Life 2. And no, this game was never meant to be about exploration. This is an action/adventure game. Clearly, you have misplaced your interests. Study up on the game before you play it. If you want exploration, you're going to have to find a different game.
tanod said:
They really need to make Uncharted 2 right away. As much as I liked the Jak trilogy, they really wrapped that one up nicely. To me, it would smack of a George Lucas milking of it.

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

There have been some really great titles that came out this holiday season that have really raised the bar. Makes me wonder how developers can top it.

After playing Uncharted it really has made whats going on in the other games graphic wise not nearly as amazing I still think MGS4 is going to blow us all away but yeah Uncharted is just so incredible looking.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Chiggs said:
Wow, could they have made the jeep and jet-ski sequences more unenjoyable? I couldn't believe how dull and boring they both were.

The jet-ski is my only qualm with the game. The Jeep was awesome fun for me. Can't say I agree on any other point you brought up.

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

No. Those games will still look fantastic as well.

There have been some really great titles that came out this holiday season that have really raised the bar. Makes me wonder how developers can top it.

They should not concern themselves with "topping" every game that comes out before theirs. They should concern themselves with making great games of their own. Not everything has to top everything. For who? Fanboy comparisons? Ignorant reviewers? They should work on crafting high quality, kick ass games and not worry bout anything else.


Chiggs said:
Wow, could they have made the jeep and jet-ski sequences more unenjoyable? I couldn't believe how dull and boring they both were.

I also have to take issue with the gameplay. It's unfortunate that Naughty Dog decided on action rather than true exploration. The environments are so good that I wish there was more mystery to them, I'd much rather explore stuff than fight repetitive enemies. Oh, and the combat still leaves something to be desired.

This game just feels rushed to an extent. Still a solid "B".

I personally think MGS4, GT5 and Killzone will destroy the three titles you've mentioned.

I think you will find GT5 very repetetive.


Hurray, Uncharted is in my local stores today. :lol

I'd like to take a moment to apologize to everyone on my friends list who I saw playing Uncharted over the weekend. Just so you know, I didn't mean anything I said at all and I'm sure your mother is a living saint.
tanod said:
They really need to make Uncharted 2 right away. As much as I liked the Jak trilogy, they really wrapped that one up nicely. To me, it would smack of a George Lucas milking of it.

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

MGS4 impresses me with its characters (human and otherwise), in terms of design but also tech. Very smooth lines, or something. Other than that, it hasn't impressed me since TGS '05. It will be an interesting game as it will definitely test these new review standards. A long and well developed SP with fantastic production values, plenty of new ideas both in gameplay and presentation, and a multiplayer component to boot? Can't wait for those review threads.
tanod said:
Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

Something to keep in mind about MGS4 is despite how long it's been announced we've still only seen gameplay of 1 of the 5 areas in the game. They're obviously holding a lot back about that game.


Who cares about review scores? Fewer complaints and more impressions, please. This thread is worth far more than all those reviews combined. The impressions and info provided by those with the game does more to sell it than those reviews.

I feel PS3 games are having a tough time in reviews, but thems the breaks. Disappointing scores didn't take away from the awesome of R&C. Hell, some of my best PS3 experiences came in PSN games, and some of those aren't even reviewed. More impressions, please. PEACE.

EDIT: And since we always do our own thing here at GAF, why not make an automated game review thread? I vote for a 4/5 star system.


SolidSnakex said:
Something to keep in mind about MGS4 is despite how long it's been announced we've still only seen gameplay of 1 of the 5 areas in the game. They're obviously holding a lot back about that game.

Stealth kills in Uncharted is more exciting methinks... and harder to pull off.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Pimpwerx said:
Who cares about review scores? Fewer complaints and more impressions, please. This thread is worth far more than all those reviews combined. The impressions and info provided by those with the game does more to sell it than those reviews.

Ok, here are my impressions.

11/17 - 12:06pm - Up to Chapter 5 of the game

I guess I should first introduce you to Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. You play as Nathan Drake, descendant to the Englishman Sir Francis Drake, ane you begin the game searching the ocean for the coffin of said ancestor. Upon finding the coffin, instead of his body, you find his journal where he detailed every single thing he discovered (or plundered depending on your view) during his time with the English fleet, including directions to the Lost City of El Dorado. Along for the ride is a reporter named Elena (who is filming a documentary about the search) and Drake’s old pal Sully.

Visually, Uncharted is unbelievable. Up to this point, I’ve traveled through ancient catacombs and temples, lush jungle forests, and now a fortress/stronghold which I saved at to write this post. Each and every area is simply gorgeous. There is a fine attention to detail in the temples with intricate designs on the walls, floor, everywhere. In the wild, you walk/run through the forest as the sun shines through all of the trees and leaves leaving perfect shadows on the ground, walls, and on your characters. The characters themselves are great to watch in both the in game cut-scenes and while playing the game. Which leads me to the animation.

The animation was billed as the game’s selling point whenever it was previewed and I believe it lives up to expectations. The animations with the characters walk, talk, shoot, run, leap and damned near anything look awesome. Not only that, but they are ever changing as well. For example, when Drake has to leap for long jump to another platform or cliff, the way he lands will not always be the same. He could barely make the jump and hold on for dear life off the edge with one hand. He could stick the jump completely, or he could land half on half off of the platform, practically landing on his stomach. He reacts to shots fired by the many baddies you’ll encounter, ducking his head in hopes to avoid the whizzing bullet speeding by his noggin. Every thing the characters do in the world is completely believable and brings you into their world completely.

Gameplay is really centered around two things; gun-play and platforming (and at times, they met smack in the middle in which you must do both at the same time). Drake moves throughout each area until he (and you) have to figure out how to progress farther along when you reach a dead end. Thus far into the game, this usually involved finding rocks or boulders leading up and around what’s blocking you to move on. At times, there are gigantic cliffs, rocks, rivers, and waterfalls you must navigate around. Moving Drake along these sections is easy and fun, but death is there to be found if you mess up.

The gun-play is there when some punks come in and attempt to put our plucky explorer down. Drake is able to equip two guns (thus far I’ve run across smaller hand guns, a shotgun and AK-47) and grenades. Combat plays out like a mix of Gears of War/Kill.Switch, and Resident Evil 4. You move Drake up to and around cover in which he’ll stick to (again, with loads of different animations) which you can then blind fire or pop out, aim, and try to take the baddies down. You can roll from one spot of cover to another, or vault over your current place of hiding to find another. When aiming, the view switches to a viewpoint I think resembles RE4 more than anything with an over the shoulder view and a reticle to aim with. You can switch which shoulder to shoot over, which is a nice touch. Grenades use the SIXAXIS controller to control the arc of your throw. Pulling up means a longer/higher toss, and lower means the opposite. It’s a subtle and good use of the controller.

Enemies aren’t completely dumb up to this point as they will jump behind cover, use different positions to fire from, and will bum-rush and flank you when they decide to do so. They all react differently to getting shot with head-shots meaning an instant kill. In addition to the gun-play, you may also enter melee combat with them performing various combos with the correct timing of your punches. Like everything else in this game, the actions Drake takes in melee combat are always different as well. He may fire off a rapid fire combo to the body, kicks, or a knee to the groin. To top it off, you can perform “Brutal Combos” (including a dropkick to the FACE) which reward you with more ammo dropped, and “Stealth Kills” in which you sneak up behind an enemy and take them out with one swift action. If you mess up the timing on the combos, the enemy will counter, leaving you open for attack.

There is no HUD to speak up besides a little gun in the top left corner displaying how much bullets are left in your gun, so in order to tell you how much damage Drake is taking throughout his fights, the flashes a little red in the corners of the screen to indicate that you’re taking fire. When you start to get really hurt, the screen begins to really contrast to the point where you’re killed and drop dead. To cope, you have to find cover to regenerate damage in which the screen will then return to normal. This system has really overtaken the “health pack” system of old as of late and I believe it works well for this game. Make no mistake, you will die in this game. Right now, I’m playing on the normal difficulty, but there is also an easy and hard setting to start the game. I believe if you finish the game, it unlocks the “Crushing” difficulty which scares me greatly.

Up to this point, there some little graphical qualms with the game, but they are completely technical in nature as I truly cannot find any fault with the way the game looks and plays. For example, when you begin a stage, there is some jarring texture loading for a couple of seconds where the area changes from basic models to it’s lush and gorgeous textures. It’s only for a couple of seconds, but it’s worth pointing out I guess. In addition there is some minor (and I mean minor) screen tearing depending on how quickly you move the camera around and the area you’re in. If you’re in a particularly detailed area and whip the camera around, you’ll get some minor tearing for a split second. Aside from that, this game is rock steady as can be and never slowdown. If you’re prone to technical faults in games, these things will bother you. However, as they are so minor in this game, if you have a problem here, I hope Drake dropkicks you in your chest.

So far, I having a ball with this game. I’m up to chapter five and the story is really just getting started. The combat is satisfying and fun and the exploring portions of the game is just awe-inspiring. Do you remember when Tomb Raider first came out on the PlayStation and there was nothing like it? You would take Lara and stare at the vast tombs in which you must traverse taking huge leaps of faith to progress? That’s the kind of feeling you will find here(except with MUCH better gun-play). The views and the scale of this adventure is huge.

The interaction between Drake and Elena so far is really natural (as is all of the dialog in the game) and the game really carries that sort of dry, sarcastic wit throughout. Think Indiana Jones or The Mummy (depending how old you are). At this point, Drake is probably the best new character to come around this year…or in the past few years actually. Maybe even farther back!

11/18/07 - 6:12pm - Chapter 13

Yeah, been awhile since the last update, but life tends to mess up good weekends. Anyways, I’ve advanced further into the game and there’s a good deal to update you on and talk about.

Progressing though the chapters, the game has thrown some new gameplay sequences at me, all of which I love to varying degrees. There is a sequence involving a speeding Jeep in an awesome chase that was just a blast to play through. This sequence was just amazing to look at it. As gorgeous as the environments look normally, it’s incredible that they made it look just as good as you speed through it at breakneck speeds. I’ll admit, I did get pumped up playing it.

The game also introduces a jet-ski as you progress into the game and that doesn’t get it quite as excited. So far, there’s been two chapters involving it; one of which is straight forward while the other is a little bit more frantic. During these bout of water fun, you drive the jet-ski as Nate while Elena shoots down explosive barrels that litter your path (insert barrel joke here) and baddies that spring up trying to gun you down. This last time you’re on the device was a little bit more frantic but due to the circumstances of the scene, the control of the jet-ski quickly becomes unwieldy. It reminded me of Wave Race 64, except I’m not racing and I’m trying to control this thing through a hail of bullets and barrels. It wasn’t exactly the most fun I’ve had with the game thus far.

One aspect of the game I truly feel deserves a ton of praise is the sound design. This is, bar none, the best sounding game on the market today. Coming through in DTS 5.1 surround sound, everything in the game comes to life with amazing clarity and excellent direction. Guns sounds powerful and ring out from all around you (alerting you to the possible location of the attacker), engines roar, speech is crisp. and environmental sounds envelope you completely. To top it all off, the soundtrack is outstanding with an exotic flair and a main theme that will truly define this franchise when it continues past this game. IF there were any sort of reputable “Soundtrack of the Year” award for games, Uncharted’s would be a nominee.

Now, I realize I’m heaping tons of praise on the game and that’s simply because it’s just that good. However, I (and others) have been running into a little problem. Lock ups. Especially through these chapters, I’ve been experiencing a ton of game lock ups that make progressing through the game right now a pain in the ass. The lock ups are random. Sometimes quick, sometimes you’ll think you’re free of them until they come back and kick you in the nuts. Most people believe this is due to the latest firmware from Sony (2.00) and there is already a fix on the way. Some solutions might be found in replaying a previous chapter and making a brand new save to continue and hope that works. Either way, I hope Sony sorts this out ASAP. Anything that keeps me from this game grinds my gears.

11/19/07 - 2:35am - Chapter 20

My system was gracious enough to let me continue on to Chapter 20 before locking up again. This game just keeps delivering non-stop fun. The story is not as straight forward as you would think as it throws our characters some twists and turns along the way. While the story lays down the framework, it’s the characters that continue to carry it through. They grow on you with their developing friendships, one-liners, observations and more. All delivered with a tongue in cheek bravado that makes you smile.

Updating on several features, there’s been a nice selection of weaponry available as the game progresses. Not satisfied with AK-47s, the baddies begin to pack some serious heat. As you beat them down, you have to pick and choose which two guns to bring into the next fight. The options are plentiful though. So if you get attached to one type of weapon, you can be sure that you’ll find plenty of ammo for it as you continue.

While I continue to move through the game and as the action ramps up, I still just can’t help but sit back and take in the beautiful sights the game has to offer. From the big things to the little things, Naughty Dog brings you a feast for your eyes. I don’t want to spoil a lot of the later environments, but I’ll just say, that I believe they are the best I’ve ever seen for a game of this type.

The little things also catch my eye. Drake continues to show more animations as I go through the game. For instance, the look on his face changes each time he’s up against cover. He reacts to gun shots, the amount of action around him, and even what kind of cover he’s behind. He even has several different ways of just jogging up and down stairs! It’s not just limited to Drake either. Both Elena and Sully have a plethora of animations of their own depending on the circumstances. They are no slouch at gunplay either.

When I finish up the game, I will write up my Final Thoughts in a more structured format for easier reading. I hesitate to call it a review since I don’t normally review games, but if you want to call it that, that’s fine by me. I can’t wait!


Gold Member
Basch said:
I take it you haven't played Half-Life 2.

I've played Half-Life 2 and its subsequent episodes.

And no, this game was never meant to be about exploration.

Obviously, and it didn't have to be. I just wish they would have put more of it in the game. Just voicing my disappointment.

This is an action/adventure game. Clearly, you have misplaced your interests.

Sensitive much?

spwolf said:
I think you will find GT5 very repetetive.

What an amazingly witty comment. I am left stunned.


spwolf said:
I think you will find GT5 very repetetive.

I've never found a GT game to be repetitive! This isn't Nascar with the same oval laps in every race. In GT it can take you months to learn how to race Nuremberg perfectly & it never gets repetitive because every car has different physics making the racing experience different every time!


As far as I see, neither MGS4 nor GT5 will be taking any graphical torches away from Uncharted (though there's an argument to be had for which of them takes more use of the hardware but I personally haven't seen any scenes that would convince me of superior code *shrug*).
Killzone 2 however will be the next torch bearer from what we have seen with nothing to follow as of yet (which most likely will be Uncharted 2 eventually based on ND's extreme working tempo).


tanod said:
They really need to make Uncharted 2 right away. As much as I liked the Jak trilogy, they really wrapped that one up nicely. To me, it would smack of a George Lucas milking of it.

Between Uncharted, COD4 and R&C (if you've played them), is anybody else not as impressed with the graphics of MGS4, GT5 and other big games coming next year?

There have been some really great titles that came out this holiday season that have really raised the bar. Makes me wonder how developers can top it.

Well the scope of MGS world still makes my jaw drop. It really does feel like a living breathing war zone and a playground for the player to run wild in. I am still amazed everytime I watch that gamplay demonstartion video.

And yeah as beautiful as Uncharted is KZ2 edges it out, even though personally I prefer the lush bright graphics of Uncharted. KZ2 is JUST :O
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