the_id said:Not bad. not bad at all...
Bullshit. Should have been a 9.
the_id said:Not bad. not bad at all...
CSSer said:so... gamespot gave it an 8.0;reviews
The Good
* Lush jungle environments are stunningly realized
* Drake's animations are nuanced and naturalistic.
The Bad
* Tough and plentiful enemies can make firefights frustrating
* Platforming elements can be too forgiving
* Certain story elements are underdeveloped.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is not a game about new ideas. The gameplay can and has been summed up as "Tomb Raider meets Gears of War," and the story plays almost like an unfilmed National Treasure script, which is another way of saying that the Indiana Jones influence on the story is palpable.
The supporting cast includes your friend Scully,
There's a little bit of motion control wedged into a few spots, but their pretty halfhearted, which makes it a bit of a relief that they don't show up that often.
If nothing else, Uncharted is a graphical showcase for the PlayStation 3, and it dazzles the senses at nearly every opportunity.
~Kinggi~ said:From what i've seen of the game i wasn't expecting much higher than an 8.5. Seems about right across the various sites. Pretty much in the 8 range.
Tough and plentiful enemies can make firefights frustrating
Certain story elements are underdeveloped.
CSSer said:so... gamespot gave it an 8.0;reviews
The Good
* Lush jungle environments are stunningly realized
* Drake's animations are nuanced and naturalistic.
The Bad
* Tough and plentiful enemies can make firefights frustrating
* Platforming elements can be too forgiving
* Certain story elements are underdeveloped.
reilo said:...
Gamespot sucks at games.
Is every Uncharted review written by the same guy? Do they just then decide to throw a dart on a scoreboard to determine the score for the game afterwards?
Sully you dickhead! Sully! Short for SULLIVAN!
"They are..." or "They're"
Talking about selling the game short. Way short. Holy shit short.
I have no idea how assigning reviews usually works, but I hope at least they all get someone who expresses interest in the game to review it. You wouldn't want me to review an RPG or a traditional sports game, no matter how good a game in the genre it is :-DCore407 said:So I have this continuing theory that seems to be validated a lot lately, where the score of a game is completely relational to the reviewers ability and skill in playing games.
Marconelly said:I have no idea how assigning reviews usually works, but I hope at least they all get someone who expresses interest in the game to review it. You wouldn't want me to review an RPG or a traditional sports game, no matter how good a game in the genre it is.
Y2Kev said:You guys are being whiney.
AltogetherAndrews said:So it's official, tough and plentiful enemies, that's a bad thing. Jesus fucking Christ.
Y2Kev said:You guys are being whiney.
Well, there will probably never be a game that everyone likes. I in fact, can't stand so many 9+ scoring games that it's unbelievable. I just don't talk much about them.reilo said:Reminds me when Greg K gave DMC3 a 8.6 because it was, essentially, "too difficult."
Stop it, stop it! That's how I felt about what little of demo I played!! But I must stay strong, have to play it with DS3 dammit.BruceLeeRoy said:I love this game so much.
I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a game so tremendously that everytime I would die I get excited to try the same section using a different tactic(okay im going to try and stealth kill that other guy and use my one grenade on the guy perched up high so I can climb up there and have a vantage point on everyone) I never lose cause the AI cheated or I got snagged on something its always cause they outflanked me or did a really good job keeping me stuck in a spot.
J-Rzez said:Another review, another set of fucking clown shoes. Glad to see my scale works properly once again:
PS3 high-profile exclusive: +.5-1.5. So a 9.5 sounds about right. Seriously, reviewing games are a joke anymore. An all time low.
Hold on! Their Mass Effect review just crushes your theory down in flames! :lolJ-Rzez said:Another review, another set of fucking clown shoes. Glad to see my scale works properly once again:
PS3 high-profile exclusive: +.5-1.5. So a 9.5 sounds about right. Seriously, reviewing games are a joke anymore. An all time low.
Marconelly said:Hold on! Their Mass Effect review just crushes your theory down in flames! :lol
J-Rzez said:Another review, another set of fucking clown shoes. Glad to see my scale works properly once again:
PS3 high-profile exclusive: +.5-1.5. So a 9.5 sounds about right. Seriously, reviewing games are a joke anymore. An all time low.
TEH-CJ said:What did they give mass effect?
8.5TEH-CJ said:What did they give mass effect?
reilo said:8.5 :lol
Gamespot am joke.
DevelopmentArrested said:8.5 isn't a good score now?
Wait.. 8.5 isn't a GREAT score now?
Dez said:Just bought the game, have reached the part where the demo starts (chapter 4 i think?). So far it's really cool. What makes the game better than the run of the mill action adventure is definitely the presentation. The DTS sound is awesome, as is the soundtrack.
I can never be wowed by the graphics as much as some people here because of the frequent tearing. The game isn't playing by the same rules as other graphically impressive games. It also cheats by prerecording its cutscenes. I'm sure they would be a mess if they tried to show those in realtime (tearing!).
HomerSimpson-Man said:Rules? What rules?
HomerSimpson-Man said:Rules? What rules?
TTP said:The not quite 720p ones I guess.
5.0 Graphics
Wow--like playing a movie!
4.8 Control
From platforming to puzzling, shooting to fighting control is intuitive and seamless. Could have done without the SIXAXIS log balancing.
5.0 Music / Sound FX / Voice Acting
Movie-caliber orchestral score and VO, and amazing ambient effects.
4.8 Play Value
Next-gen action/adventure gaming has arrived! Lengthy cinematic campaign. Croft faithfuls might crave more puzzles.
4.8 Overall Rating - Must Buy
Not an average. See Rating legend above for a final score breakdown.
Please read this:
Dez said:The rule that you should sync your output with the Veritical Blank signal. The performance gain by not adhering to Vsync was too much for them to pass up I guess.
Dez said:haha. Actually, I would gladly take a resolution hit in Uncharted for a stable, vsync'ed framerate.
I wish you would have posted where you found those because I need 7 more and I have no idea where they are, I'll check in a bit to see if I've found the one you didn't.YYZ said:ANYONE WHO HAS FOUND TREASURES, PLEASE HELP ME FINISH MY FAQ! I need one more treasure!
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