Actually, there has now been born a sect that claims SMG has better graphics than any other game on 360 and PS3 now.Firewire said:
"Anyone who tells you that great graphics dont make a game owns a Wii"
Actually, there has now been born a sect that claims SMG has better graphics than any other game on 360 and PS3 now.Firewire said:
"Anyone who tells you that great graphics dont make a game owns a Wii"
Awntawn said:Actually, there has now been born a sect that claims SMG has better graphics than any other game on 360 and PS3 now.
Awntawn said:Actually, there has now been born a sect that claims SMG has better graphics than any other game on 360 and PS3 now.
Awntawn said:Actually, there has now been born a sect that claims SMG has better graphics than any other game on 360 and PS3 now.
SolidSnakex said:They're talking about artistically and I can completely understand what they mean.
JB1981 said:Don't think it's gluv's PS3. Game froze on both my machine and Kintaro's. I had to create a new save and replay some earlier levels to get things to work, but there is definitely an issue and it is either the game itself or something with Sony's firmware.
Basch said:Good for them. It is nice to see people think for themselves. I cannot even attempt to count the numerous games that have beautiful art styles. But then again, I am open to a lot of different types of style.
On a side note, that Play Magazine review was really well done. I have to say that was remarkably well written. As for the content of the review, I'm not expecting much anymore. It seems no one wants to comment on the game too much in fear of spoiling the twists.Maybe I should stay away from this thread. But man was that review easy on the ears. The reviewer seems to have quite similar views on gaming as I do. Cinematic games is the way of the future.
SolidSnakex said:They're talking about artistically and I can completely understand what they mean.
nelsonroyale said:Hmmm, if we are talking artistically then there are quite a number of ps2 games that are more impressive in that regard...SOTC for instance...realistion of art plus tech, Galaxy still doesnt look as good as Uncharted in the yes, art + tech no
BruceLeeRoy said:The reason i loved the review is it seems to be a direct response to some of the reviews that have already come out. But reviews are ridiculous I trust GAF's opinion on a game far more. I mean look at the reviews compared to the user feedback its almost completely 1 sided.
nelsonroyale said:Hmmm, if we are talking artistically then there are quite a number of ps2 games that are more impressive in that regard...SOTC for instance...realistion of art plus tech, Galaxy still doesnt look as good as Uncharted in the yes, art + tech no
vpance said:Just talking artistically it's hard not to say Uncharted tops all, just because it's clearly next gen stuff. It's much harder to create all those assets and textures that need to be so detailed because of resolution bump and well, expectation bump. I think you could arguably split art into impressiveness on a beauty level and detail level.
Yeah, but he tried creating brand new save files and it didn't help him.JB1981 said:Don't think it's gluv's PS3. Game froze on both my machine and Kintaro's. I had to create a new save and replay some earlier levels to get things to work, but there is definitely an issue and it is either the game itself or something with Sony's firmware.
JB1981 said:Don't think it's gluv's PS3. Game froze on both my machine and Kintaro's. I had to create a new save and replay some earlier levels to get things to work, but there is definitely an issue and it is either the game itself or something with Sony's firmware.
TTP said:Well, I'm kinda doing so already with Blimblim
edit: couple more
Sharp said:The Galaxy thread is actually surprisingly devoid of graphical discussion, to be honest. It looks way better than other Wii games, which means nobody's complaining about the visuals, but it's nowhere near the insane eye candy that is Uncharted. Mad props to Naughty Dog for making such a sexy engine. It's really just mindblowing to me, and I'm a Wii owner who genuinely hasn't cared about graphics for the past ten years or so. So. Damn. Sexy.
Play magazine said:...and the environmental puzzles eclipse all that came before them.
eshwaaz said:I'm really enjoying the game a lot, but come on. The puzzles are definitely not Uncharted's strong point, and saying that they beat everything that's come before is ridiculous hyperbole.
YYZ said:Next uncharted game needs entire levels based on puzzles, like the water temple and other dungeons in Zelda OoT (plus some enemies).
This game has the potential to be near 10, unanimously. The platforming bits can be combined with puzzle bits, but not just for getting around, make it more involved.
Combat needs minor tweaking, like the pistol and hand-to-hand (keep the combo system and animations, more combos).
Make the treasures (and other new things) much harder to find, not just lying around where one might expect them to be. Make finding them involve puzzles, or hidden stuff like having to shoot something in the environment that you wouldn't think of right away.
XHitoshuraX said:Nolan North does the voice work for both Nathan Drake and.Desmond in Assassin's Creed
The water temple in Zelda OoT is one of the shittiest levels I've ever had the displeasure of having gone through. Keep that shit away from future Uncharted sequels.YYZ said:Next uncharted game needs entire levels based on puzzles, like the water temple and other dungeons in Zelda OoT (plus some enemies).
This game has the potential to be near 10, unanimously. The platforming bits can be combined with puzzle bits, but not just for getting around, make it more involved.
Combat needs minor tweaking, like the pistol and hand-to-hand (keep the combo system and animations, more combos).
Make the treasures (and other new things) much harder to find, not just lying around where one might expect them to be. Make finding them involve puzzles, or hidden stuff like having to shoot something in the environment that you wouldn't think of right away.
if not that, then some of the other temples were decent in their puzzles. The water temple is the most memorable to me, that's all.Laguna X said:The water temple in Zelda OoT is one of the shittiest levels I've ever had the displeasure of having gone through. Keep that shit away from future Uncharted sequels.
GauntletFan said:What the hell is up with his shoulder and his body in general in this shot, anatomically, it's all over the place. Probably just the influencing, but still..
TTP said:Well, I'm kinda doing so already with Blimblim
Anyway, here is one of the new skins (I love the details)
edit: couple more
Red Blaster said:Just got the game and have played maybe 15 minutes or so. I was a wee bit startled at the framerate during the boat shootout, it wasn't an absolute perfect 30 fps. Seemed like there were slight dips here and there when running around the boat. Anyone else (dark?) know what I'm getting at? Game looks real good though.
XHitoshuraX said:Nolan North does the voice work for both Nathan Drake and.Desmond in Assassin's Creed
GOD his voice is hot as hell.
Their voices sound similar, except Desmond's acting job is shite 3;Kittonwy said:No, Nolan North is not the voice of desmond in Ass Creed, desmond is voiced by phillip shahbaz.
XHitoshuraX said:Nolan North does the voice work for both Nathan Drake and.Desmond in Assassin's Creed
GOD his voice is hot as hell.