Basch said:Good for them. It is nice to see people think for themselves. I cannot even attempt to count the numerous games that have beautiful art styles. But then again, I am open to a lot of different types of style.
On a side note, that Play Magazine review was really well done. I have to say that was remarkably well written. As for the content of the review, I'm not expecting much anymore. It seems no one wants to comment on the game too much in fear of spoiling the twists.Maybe I should stay away from this thread. But man was that review easy on the ears. The reviewer seems to have quite similar views on gaming as I do. Cinematic games is the way of the future.
Red Blaster said:Just got the game and have played maybe 15 minutes or so. I was a wee bit startled at the framerate during the boat shootout, it wasn't an absolute perfect 30 fps. Seemed like there were slight dips here and there when running around the boat. Anyone else (dark?) know what I'm getting at? Game looks real good though.
dammitmattt said:I'm not sure how long you've been paying attention to the industry, but the Uncharted reviewer (Dave Halverson) is certifiably insanse. Here is a sampling of his reviews:
300 (PSP) - 8.5
Bullet Witch (360) - 8.5
Death By Degrees (PS2) - 8.5
GTA: San Andreas - 8.0 - For comparison
Heavenly Sword (PS3) - 10
Kameo (360) - 9.5
Legend of Spyro (XBX) - 8.5
Monster Madness (360) - 9.0
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2) - 8.5
Ninety-Nine Nights (360) - 9.0
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (PS2) - 9.0
Rayman Raving Rabids (360) - 9.0
Sonic (360) - 8.5
Tenchu Z (360) - 8.5
And that's without even going into his drug-fueled Jaguar and 3DO reviews. I'd be careful before I would compare my tastes to his...
Monster Madness (360) - 9.0
Ninety-Nine Nights (360) - 9.0
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (PS2) - 9.0
Rayman Raving Rabids (360) - 9.0
Sonic (360) - 8.5
Tenchu Z (360) - 8.5
Core407 said:Truthfully I don't think it's GOTY. I think they've got a very sound concept here and it's definitely a blockbuster IP. I see a sequel potentially being a GOTY contender. There is a lot of things they could do to really bring this into a whole new realm - minor things in Uncharted that could see improvements too. Basically just tweaks here and there, some new concepts and more of what makes Uncharted so great. Platforming needs to be expanded, the gun play could use more incorporation of the environments. I find that I love the game all the way through but I do realize why some would rate it a 9. It's definitely not a 9.5 game, but not because anything is really wrong with it. I just feel like it basically refreshes the whole GOW-type combat but doesn't really add anything amazingly new to it. I don't even think ND was trying to add anything new to it, though. I don't know, I'm loving the experience but I think the main reason is just the whole level of cinematic polish there is, the voice acting, the dialog and all that. It just brings it all together in the overall package but if you were to look at it from a area-specific approach, you'll see the game for what it really is, which is an incredibly solid game. I think MP would have sold a lot of reviewers on the game too.
TEH-CJ said:So for those who have played it
is uncharted "GOTY" good, or just " entertaining " good?
dammitmattt said:I'm a big Naughty Dog fan, but when was the last time they actually brought something "new" to the table? The company's history is a study in combining and polishing existing concepts while creating INCREDIBLE tech in the process.
Pristine_Condition said:It's not 6-8 hours. It's 8-10 hrs. Took me 10:16 on my first playthrough with less than half the treasures found.
I thought the length was perfect. And there's a ton of replay value, IMO.
SolidSnakex said:Nothing wrong with that. I don't see why they take so much criticism for doing that when other companies seem to do it and get nothing but praise for it.
dammitmattt said:I'm a big Naughty Dog fan, but when was the last time they actually brought something "new" to the table? The company's history is a study in combining and polishing existing concepts while creating INCREDIBLE tech in the process.
For me, I was slightly let down by Uncharted because I had such high expectations going in. Ratchet is easily my PS3 game of the year, while the overall nod would have to go to BioShock, though Rock Band is giving it some stiff competition and I haven't played enough Mario or Mass Effect to pass judgement on those.
I don't think Uncharted is good enough to receive any serious consideration for GOTY from any major publications, but it should be included in a lot of Top Ten lists. Come to think of it, while I've loved the last 5 1/2 Naughty Dog games (the 1/2 being Jak II), I wouldn't have considered any of them serious GOTY candidates. It goes in line with my response to Core407 above. Uncharted stands out more on the PS3 where the only other great, exclusive game this year is Ratchet, but when it's going up against stuff like Super Mario Galaxy, BioShock, Halo 3, Rock Band, and Call of Duty 4, it doesn't quite stack up.
dammitmattt said:I don't really see them taking a lot of criticism, certainly less than Insomniac has taken for Ratchet. Do you have any examples of this criticism and other companies getting praised for doing the same thing?
There's a study in stacking the deck if I ever saw one: the word 'new' is qualified in some way that apparently makes it off limits to ND to the point that not even "INCREDIBLE tech" qualifies. Right.dammitmattt said:I'm a big Naughty Dog fan, but when was the last time they actually brought something "new" to the table? The company's history is a study in combining and polishing existing concepts while creating INCREDIBLE tech in the process.
SolidSnakex said:What i'm referring to is how it seems like every review seems to have to point out how Uncharted isn't doing anything new as if it's somehow a negative. How many games could have the same claims leveled against it? Nearly every single game released. Yet for some reason it seems like reviewers need to stress how Uncharted isn't doing anything new and how it's basically Gears meets TR.
TEH-CJ said:Ok coolies
i thought jak 2 was game of the year material tho, infact i still class it as one of the best games ever made, So i could see how opinions differ.
i really dont understand the criticism of the game, sure it was hard but thats what made it fun and challenging.
jak 2 literly felt like a living breathing world, and being able to have the choice to free roam and explore these FUCKING GORGEOUS worlds with tons of platforming and easter eggs never got boring for me, it felt like 3 amazing games in one.
I could go on and on about how much that game did right and it makes me said that this game didn't get the recogniton it deserved, it seriously should be 96 on gameranking instead of 89
anyways....waaaaay off topic, i just had to let that out lol >_>
kaching said:There's a study in stacking the deck if I ever saw one: the word 'new' is qualified in some way that apparently makes it off limits to ND to the point that not even "INCREDIBLE tech" qualifies. Right.
Pristine_Condition said:No, let's not. Unless you want to claim ridiculous speed run times as the basis for all game times.
8-10 hrs is what it is. My first time through took just a little over 10 hrs.
dammitmattt said:Well, it IS basically Gears meets TR and it basically isn't doing a whole lot new, other than combining the two games. It's a valid comment, and whether that's a bad thing or not depends on the person playing the game.
dammitmattt said:Let's say 6-10 hours![]()
SolidSnakex said:Yes and Gears was RE4 mechanics meets kill.switch but this didn't seem like much of an issue to reviewers while they were circle jerking over the game.
dammitmattt said:There was A LOT less competition last year and most people didn't play kill.switch so it felt fresh. Plus, unlike kill.switch, Gears did enough so that it didn't feel too repetitive after the first 30 minutes. Same is true with Uncharted.
Also, don't forget that Gears was one of the first games to perfect the drop-in, drop out co-op and it was far and away the best looking game of all-time when it came out. Don't use this thread as a platform to hate on Gears, a game that so obviously inspired Uncharted.
Lots of people thought Gears didn't do anything new because of Kill Switch.SolidSnakex said:I'm not trying to bash Gears or anything, my point was that it really wasn't doing anything new. It just took ideas and did things better than existing games were doing them. Which is great, that's what most games do anyway. My point is how one game is called out for not doing things new while another one isn't.
YYZ said:hey guys, just wanted to let you know that my Treasure Locations FAQ has been up on GameFAQs since sometime Monday. I hope it helps. Thanks to those of you who helped me in this thread. It will be updated (probably sometime later today) with the links to the pics and a pretty substantial rewrite to some of the location descriptions.
Dante said:Definetly my GOTY, Easily the most fun I've had with a game all season.
I'm having trouble with the"blow up 5 guys at the same time" reward. Does anybody have any suggestions? <aybe spoiler tag em.
YYZ said:hey guys, just wanted to let you know that my Treasure Locations FAQ has been up on GameFAQs since sometime Monday. I hope it helps. Thanks to those of you who helped me in this thread. It will be updated (probably sometime later today) with the links to the pics and a pretty substantial rewrite to some of the location descriptions.
dammitmattt said:Well, it IS basically Gears meets TR and it basically isn't doing a whole lot new, other than combining the two games. It's a valid comment, and whether that's a bad thing or not depends on the person playing the game.
Linkzg said:has anyone unlocked Cartoon Nathan?
msdstc said:alright just beat it on crushing. I have to say it was extremely frustrating, wasn't too difficult though. There were some parts that were literally TOO HARD, where you had to die 3 or 4 times no matter what. Right now have 40 treasures, and all the medals except the treasure ones, so that's all I have left.
I have.... questions?
YYZ said:hey guys, just wanted to let you know that my Treasure Locations FAQ has been up on GameFAQs since sometime Monday. I hope it helps. Thanks to those of you who helped me in this thread. It will be updated (probably sometime later today) with the links to the pics and a pretty substantial rewrite to some of the location descriptions.
Bebpo said:
Yeah we better take COD4, Halo3 out of the runnings as well. And even Mass Effect is a mixture of an RPG and cover combat. I say no GOTY awards at allantiloop said:Now those other games you mention aren't doing a lot of new either. It's basically just a mix of things.
Could even be said about every game so far. It's not like any game has re-invented the wheel yet.
deepbrown said:Yeah we better take COD4, Halo3 out of the runnings as well. And even Mass Effect is a mixture of an RPG and cover combat. I say no GOTY awards at all
You're missing all the comments that Uncharted isn't original and is just a mixture of Tomb Raider and Gears of War...meaning it doesn't deserve to be a GOTY candidate. Absurd comments can be tackled by absurd sarcastic comments.Brashnir said:Am I missing something here, or have Sony fans' persecution complexes become so severe that they're now inventing slights against which to voice their indignation?
Fucking right. Good to see there are users on GAF that aren't ashamed to say it like it is: RE4's combat/shooting engine is far from perfect. I like how the only way to avoid a damn axe being thrown at you is to shoot it. :lolSolidSnakex said:Talking about RE4: Yeah and it started feeling repetitive to me at least. Largely because of the gimped combat engine.
dammitmattt said:There was A LOT less competition last year and most people didn't play kill.switch so it felt fresh. Plus, unlike kill.switch, Gears did enough so that it didn't feel too repetitive after the first 30 minutes. Same is true with Uncharted.
Also, don't forget that Gears was one of the first games to perfect the drop-in, drop out co-op and it was far and away the best looking game of all-time when it came out. Don't use this thread as a platform to hate on Gears, a game that so obviously inspired Uncharted.
dammitmattt said:I'm not sure how long you've been paying attention to the industry, but the Uncharted reviewer (Dave Halverson) is certifiably insanse. Here is a sampling of his reviews:
300 (PSP) - 8.5
Bullet Witch (360) - 8.5
Death By Degrees (PS2) - 8.5
GTA: San Andreas - 8.0 - For comparison
Heavenly Sword (PS3) - 10
Kameo (360) - 9.5
Legend of Spyro (XBX) - 8.5
Monster Madness (360) - 9.0
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2) - 8.5
Ninety-Nine Nights (360) - 9.0
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (PS2) - 9.0
Rayman Raving Rabids (360) - 9.0
Sonic (360) - 8.5
Tenchu Z (360) - 8.5
And that's without even going into his drug-fueled Jaguar and 3DO reviews. I'd be careful before I would compare my tastes to his...
That's an odd article.deepbrown said:Best console water goes to...§ionId=1006&pageId=2007112012526589038
dark10x said:That's an odd article.
To be honest, I'm going to have to go with Halo 3 (for this year) with Lair as a close second. The water in Halo 3 had the look of typical shader water...but actually used a polygonal mesh. This not only allowed for interaction with the surface but also gave that surface a depth rarely seen. It also looked great in both small pools and large bodies. In all honesty, the water looked SO good that I would actually place it above Crysis (though that's one of the only areas where it stands ahead). Lair is also similar in that it uses a polygon mesh. It can occasionally look a bit tiled from great distances, but the effect of flying over the water and taking out ships is pretty incredible.
Bioshock water LOOKS great, but is completely flat and is rarely seen in large bodies. Uncharted is similar to Bioshock (though it offers mild interaction), but I don't think it looks quite as good.
I obviously won't say I agree with most of those reviews, but I could probably find about as many ridiculous scores from any magazine, even a respected one like Edge. Just on top of my head, they gave ZOE2 a 4, VF4 a 7, GTA3 an 8, while at the same time, they gave some so-so 2D shooter game a 9.dammitmattt said:I'm not sure how long you've been paying attention to the industry, but the Uncharted reviewer (Dave Halverson) is certifiably insanse. Here is a sampling of his reviews:
The Play magazine guy is stupidly generous. BUT if he says some good things in THIS review...and you agree with it, then maybe this review is one of the few right one...I'm sure on his inflated scale he would have given it a 12 if he could have.Marconelly said:I obviously won't say I agree with most of those reviews, but I could probably find about as many ridiculous scores from any magazine, even a respected one like Edge. Just on top of my head, they gave ZOE2 a 4, VF4 a 7, GTA3 an 8, while at the same time, they gave some so-so 2D shooter game a 9.
That is true - no doubt, but at least with him you know what kind of games he likes, so he's relatively predictable. Let's put it this way - if he gives a 10 to something, I'll pay attention to it (I may disagree with the score, but it will pique my interest). Not so much with, for example, Gerstmann's 10 for THPS3.deepbrown said:The Play magazine guy is stupidly generous.
dammitmattt said:I'm not sure how long you've been paying attention to the industry, but the Uncharted reviewer (Dave Halverson) is certifiably insanse. Here is a sampling of his reviews:
300 (PSP) - 8.5
Bullet Witch (360) - 8.5
Death By Degrees (PS2) - 8.5
GTA: San Andreas - 8.0 - For comparison
Heavenly Sword (PS3) - 10
Kameo (360) - 9.5
Legend of Spyro (XBX) - 8.5
Monster Madness (360) - 9.0
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks (PS2) - 8.5
Ninety-Nine Nights (360) - 9.0
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja (PS2) - 9.0
Rayman Raving Rabids (360) - 9.0
Sonic (360) - 8.5
Tenchu Z (360) - 8.5
dammitmattt said:Well, it IS basically Gears meets TR and it basically isn't doing a whole lot new, other than combining the two games. It's a valid comment, and whether that's a bad thing or not depends on the person playing the game.