dammitmattt said:
Rock Band and Halo 3 are endlessly replayable. Uncharted is not.
Plus, what tanod said.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't played it yet, right? There are at least two people in this thread with Uncharted avatars who have yet to play the game but are bitching about reviews and that it probably won't win any GOTY awards. Is there anything wrong with this picture? On top of that, I highly doubt you've played Halo 3 or Rock Band so you are passing GOTY judgement on three different games without playing them. Consider me amazed.
I take it that you didn't read my post a while back after your last response to me. Well, here's a little link to it. I feel that I have already explained everything within my posts on what my view is after you have rudely called me out on my own opinion.
Please read through the whole thing before commenting.
Plus, I am probably not the only one when I say this, but Halo 3 is pretty broken balance-wise, at least in Multi-Player. And, yes, I have played the game. For 20 hours or so at least. I have been playing it since the day it came out. Recently, though, I bought an 80 Giga Byte PS3 (the one that comes with Motorstorm) and Resistance: Fall of Man. I have only had Resistance for probably six days now, but I have already clocked around 25-30 hours into that game. Seven hours of it came from yesterday. That is endless replayability. It helps to have an extremely balanced system.

But, that is just me. Others may not agree, but what may be endless to one person is not to another. So from this perspective, some may not even consider Halo 3 for Game of the Year, if going by your suppossedly truthful statements.
On a side note, I will take you up on that bet (as long as it doesn't cost anything, I don't gamble :lol ). I bet you that more than anything Uncharted: Drake's Fortune will win a Game of the Year award: the PlayStation 3 Game of the Year award for sure.