Weaksauce? I'm just telling you tapping R1 doesn't guarantee kills on Normal during the second jetski section. I got through it fine the old fashioned way: aiming.WasabiKing said::lol we've got some weaksauce gamers in this thread
Weaksauce? I'm just telling you tapping R1 doesn't guarantee kills on Normal during the second jetski section. I got through it fine the old fashioned way: aiming.WasabiKing said::lol we've got some weaksauce gamers in this thread
The Sphinx said:Weaksauce? I'm just telling you tapping R1 doesn't guarantee kills on Normal during the second jetski section. I got through it fine the old fashioned way: aiming.
AltogetherAndrews said:Ok, so it's a great game so far; controls feel spot on (better than in the demo, for some reason), music and sound design is incredible as are the visuals (people rave about the textures, but it's the lighting that has impressed me the most so far), although it's a real shame about the sometimes chuggy framerate. Not unplayable by any stretch, but it's definitely a flaw. Maybe that and the tearing stands out more because the game otherwise looks as good as it does. The presentation is in a league of its own, not least thanks to the incredible quality of the cutscenes. The voice acting, animation and writing here is the new high water mark.
chespace said:I was pretty shocked to be hit with a handful of texture loading issues a la Gears and Mass Effect. Anyone else notice this?
And yeah, there's tearing, but I haven't noticed any real big framerate drops.
chespace said:I was pretty shocked to be hit with a handful of texture loading issues a la Gears and Mass Effect. Anyone else notice this?
And yeah, there's tearing, but I haven't noticed any real big framerate drops.
chespace said:I was pretty shocked to be hit with a handful of texture loading issues a la Gears and Mass Effect. Anyone else notice this?
chespace said:I was pretty shocked to be hit with a handful of texture loading issues a la Gears and Mass Effect. Anyone else notice this?
Bebpo said:Texture streaming ftl. But then again I like having good textures over repetitive ones or bad ones, so I guess I'll live with it in all these new games.
AltogetherAndrews said:As much as the tearing can shit all over a nice image, it's kind of forgivable in this case. Feels like there is a somewhat reasonable trade-off going on there, like you're getting something in return for these shortcomings. Still wish they weren't there, but what are you gonna do.
AltogetherAndrews said:If it's between having loading or having the odd occurrence of texture pop-in, I'll take the latter any day of the week.
Bebpo said:Uncharted had it a lot though. Worse than Gears or ME. It wasn't even just when loading levels or after cutscenes. Sometimes I'd run to a new area and the door wouldn't have textures and I'd sit and wait for them to appear. Other times were even weirder. Like in the puzzle room with the floor N/E/S/O, I'd look at that floor texture and it would not be loaded up yet..then after a second it would pop and appear all sharp and detailed.
I don't think it brings down the game, but I wonder if the blu-ray read speed is just too slow for texture streaming.
Bebpo said:Uncharted had it a lot though. Worse than Gears or ME. It wasn't even just when loading levels or after cutscenes. Sometimes I'd run to a new area and the door wouldn't have textures and I'd sit and wait for them to appear. Other times were even weirder. Like in the puzzle room with the floor N/E/S/O, I'd look at that floor texture and it would not be loaded up yet..then after a second it would pop and appear all sharp and detailed.
I don't think it brings down the game, but I wonder if the blu-ray read speed is just too slow for texture streaming.
AltogetherAndrews said:As said, I haven't seen it happen yet. And I've actually looked for it, thanks to the son of a bitch that posted the snap crackle pop image. Not saying it doesn't exist because clearly it does, but it seems odd that it'd be as pronounced as you claim it is. And I doubt BRD speed has much to do with it.
revolverjgw said:The framerate and tearing occurrences seems to come early in the game... the later areas seem so smooth by comparison, anybody notice that?
cjtiger300 said:Just got all 60 treasures! I have no idea how I missed some of these on my first play through. Anyways, here I sit at 760 points! I am going to finish up my medals
Brashnir said:I've still yet to finish the game since I couldn't play it today, but it hasn't seemed to get any better as I've gone through the game. Indoor areas with less to render have been smoother for obvious reasons, but later outdoor areas have been the same as earlier ones for me. If the game remains mostly indoors toward the end, that may be why you remember it this way.
Lemming_JRS said:Post a picture of Doughnut Drake when you unlock it!
Lemming_JRS said:Post a picture of Doughnut Drake when you unlock it!
kassatsu said:Has anyone had the game not load the main menu? Mine just has the spinning coin when I boot the game.
Nope 2nd time playing, wanted to beat COD4 before I played more.Brashnir said:is it your first time running the game? The coin will spin for a long time the first time you play. I assume it's installing stuff to the hard drive.
kassatsu said:Has anyone had the game not load the main menu? Mine just has the spinning coin when I boot the game.
ganja said:
Costanza said:56% in, this is on track to be a contender for my GOTY right now. Love it.
Mass Effect is shaping up to be my favorite game so far this gaming generation, but honestly the framerate, tearing, stutter, and pop-in are probably among the worst of offenders of any console game I have ever seen lol. If Uncharted's are considered worse to you, there's something seriously wrong with either your PS3 or your eyes 3;Bebpo said:Uncharted had it a lot though. Worse than Gears or ME. It wasn't even just when loading levels or after cutscenes. Sometimes I'd run to a new area and the door wouldn't have textures and I'd sit and wait for them to appear. Other times were even weirder. Like in the puzzle room with the floor N/E/S/O, I'd look at that floor texture and it would not be loaded up yet..then after a second it would pop and appear all sharp and detailed.
I don't think it brings down the game, but I wonder if the blu-ray read speed is just too slow for texture streaming.
chespace said:I was pretty shocked to be hit with a handful of texture loading issues a la Gears and Mass Effect. Anyone else notice this?
And yeah, there's tearing, but I haven't noticed any real big framerate drops.
justjohn said:so did any europeans get their copy today? mine still hasnt arrived yet![]()
Nope! Had a envelope in the mail to day and was pumped, but had forgotten I ordered PS2 Burnout Takedown :-(reminder said:Nope...![]()
Game is so good looking it's silly.dfyb said:
justjohn said:so did any europeans get their copy today? mine still hasnt arrived yet![]()
You know what that means...they were modeling Jak for their next gameMetalmurphy said:http://students.washington.edu/nut12345/uncharted/uncharted_005_cartoon_drake.jpg
I guess that model wasn't Jak after all![]()
We need some tens to counter balance those 8'sLoudninja said:PALGN Reviews Uncharted 9.0
OPM 9/10
deepbrown said:We need some tens to counter balance those 8's
So far I'm hovering around 9.4