TEH-CJ said:This thread needs more pics of high res textures.
Im going to take a absolute ton tonight so be prepared Ill post external link to the spoiler ones.
TEH-CJ said:This thread needs more pics of high res textures.
BruceLeeRoy said:Im going to take a absolute ton tonight so be prepared Ill post external link to the spoiler ones.
TEH-CJ said:Awesome, me love you long time ;-*
revolverjgw said:Can someone take a pic of the huge church framed against the red sky? One of the final chapters.
God I wish this game had a photo mode like Halo 3. EVERY game should come with that. Standard. This game is so beautiful.
Marconelly said:Here's the 100% finished Uncharted theme. All icons done, and there's two wallpapers included inside the theme.
It looks kinda like this:
dirtmonkey37 said:I'm split between this and Mass Effect. Come December, I'll be buying one game that'll tie me over until the holidays.
I know Mass Effect is a longer game, but I love Naughty Dog, and on top of that, I love lean game experiences. You know, the super-packed, content-rich, lean, perpetually fresh, backtracking-less gameplay experiences. It seems as though Uncharted is one of those... which makes deciding very painful. My ambivalence is only magnified by the fact that the game is only 8-10 hours long yet people say it's the best game they've played all year....
dirtmonkey37 said:I'm split between this and Mass Effect. Come December, I'll be buying one game that'll tie me over until the holidays.
I know Mass Effect is a longer game, but I love Naughty Dog, and on top of that, I love lean game experiences. You know, the super-packed, content-rich, lean, perpetually fresh, backtracking-less gameplay experiences. It seems as though Uncharted is one of those... which makes deciding very painful. My ambivalence is only magnified by the fact that the game is only 8-10 hours long yet people say it's the best game they've played all year....
403 - ForbiddenBruceLeeRoy said:Marconelly you are such a pimp that is fricken awesome man.
dirtmonkey37 said:I'm split between this and Mass Effect. Come December, I'll be buying one game that'll tie me over until the holidays.
I know Mass Effect is a longer game, but I love Naughty Dog, and on top of that, I love lean game experiences. You know, the super-packed, content-rich, lean, perpetually fresh, backtracking-less gameplay experiences. It seems as though Uncharted is one of those... which makes deciding very painful. My ambivalence is only magnified by the fact that the game is only 8-10 hours long yet people say it's the best game they've played all year....
Dark was talking about the 360 version, the only version of AC anyone should be playing. And yes, it runs pretty damn well considering what it's doing. Tearing is pretty minimal and the framerate is more than acceptable. Uncharted has plenty of tearing, especially in the early going. In fact, it has more severe tearing in the early stages than AC ever does on the 360.Forsete said:lol, no.. just no. No way in hell it does.
AC is frameloss screentear GALORE on PS3, a really shitty job by Ubi.
dirtmonkey37 said:I'm split between this and Mass Effect. Come December, I'll be buying one game that'll tie me over until the holidays.
I know Mass Effect is a longer game, but I love Naughty Dog, and on top of that, I love lean game experiences. You know, the super-packed, content-rich, lean, perpetually fresh, backtracking-less gameplay experiences. It seems as though Uncharted is one of those... which makes deciding very painful. My ambivalence is only magnified by the fact that the game is only 8-10 hours long yet people say it's the best game they've played all year....
get it from megauploadJB1981 said:yea, bad request with that file, marc
Kittonwy said:I own both. Buy Uncharted, it's simply more enjoyable, great pacing, great characters, nothing feels boring or repetitive, it's like having the best steak you can possibly have, grilled to perfection, served with horse radish and a side of mushrooms. Get ME a bit later.![]()
the_id said:I'm going for my 3rd play through. this time on hard.
The game where i've played more than twice on SP were the first metal gear solid on the PS1, FFVII on PS1 the MGS2 on PS2 and Resistance on PSTriple.
Uncharted just went up into one of my life time fav game. Game Of the Lifetime for me!!
Dante said:Did any of you pick up the soundtrack on iTunes yet? How's the pdf book that comes with it? I have to get an iTunes card becase I don't have enough credit.. If the book aint too special maybe I'll just pick up a few songs with the credit I have.
CONTAINS SPOILERSMarconelly said:8h of play, got through 80% of the game. I'm actually 99% sure I've played longer than that and that the game probably doesn't count retries and cutscenes towards that play time.
Things are getting damn creepy now. This game has transformed from the holiday on a tropical island with nutty pirates to a Silent Hill tombs of despair - and I just love how the transition took the place smoothly and gradually before I even had a chance to notice it.
My small gripe is that I just don't get how am I supposed to do the stealth neck snap consistently. Most of the time it seems I just initiate the punching sequence when I approach the enemies from behind pressing square. Maybe I have to hold square longer instead?
Another gripe is that the puzzles so far were all very simple. I understand that some people don't like difficult puzzles, but maybe ND should have made a hard puzzle mode for those that enjoy that kind of stuff like wife and I do. Liked the bells puzzle, neat and intuitive, and the symbols puzzle that follows took us maybe half a minute to figure out, but from what I understand, that was the last puzzle in the game (I think Mesijs or someone mentioned it a long time ago). The overall adventuring feel is ridiculously good though, and gunfights are strategic to the point that they all feel like puzzles unto itself (figuring how to 'solve' them the easiest way I mean)
OK, I think I marked the part that was kinda spoilerific, so edit your quote accordingly. However, most of that stuff was on the Halloween trailer so I don't think it's much of a spoiler.mr_nothin said:CONTAINS SPOILERS
* takes vallium*
* takes vallium*
Kittonwy said:I own both. Buy Uncharted, it's simply more enjoyable, great pacing, great characters, nothing feels boring or repetitive, it's like having the best steak you can possibly have, grilled to perfection, served with horse radish and a side of mushrooms. Get ME a bit later.![]()
dirtmonkey37 said:Alright, come December 1st, Uncharted it is (I just bought Assassin's Creed a week ago...Jesus, too many game purchases).
Dante said:Mr Nothin you have to kill that quote above because now yours has HUGE spoilers.
Great choiceI actually picked up ME today, but I'm pretty torn on if I want to go for more medals and Treasures in Uncharted or start ME. The only reason I decided to go with ME was because my DS3 is arriving tomorrow and I want to utilize it in Uncharted
dirtmonkey37 said:Ooh... Actually, I want to get a DS3 now... WHY CAN'T I HAVE BOTH!
Because money is an issue. As always...
EDIT: Okay, if I do decide to buy a DS3, are there any repercussions? Even though the PS3 is region free, will it not function on certain future PS3 titles?
And where do I download the update to enable rumble functionality in current PS3 games?
Dante said:Mr Nothin you have to kill that quote above because now yours has HUGE spoilers.
Great choiceI actually picked up ME today, but I'm pretty torn on if I want to go for more medals and Treasures in Uncharted or start ME. The only reason I decided to go with ME was because my DS3 is arriving tomorrow and I want to utilize it in Uncharted
![]()¤t=Ch5_Water_Gunfight.flvcjtiger300 said:Wow, Crushing is really Crushing!, and it is killing me. I had to take a break. Any help on how to get through this onslaught of pirates would be great. Ouch these guys are tough.I am at the water area in the fortress, chapter 5 I believe
Where is my screen capture of my wall?The Chef said:I wish there was a way to just get a screen capture or some kind instead of me holding a camera up to the screen.
Bastard!! Buy a new copy instead of a used one!!llTll said:well... i never liked tomb raider type of games so i didnt feel i really need to buy this even tho it look and plays really amazing from the demo. so.. i went to the store yesterday. and guess what, i found a used copy :lol . i guess the guy left the store while i was going inside was the one who sold it because he was counting some cash he got :lol . anyway i bought the game. i didnt get a chance to play it yet.
[ i hope my ps3 still works. i didnt turn it on for sometime :lol ]