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Uncharted |OT|


Green Shinobi said:
Is it really? No one else thinks that the waves of enemies, their telepathic coordination and their ridiculous placement cheapens the gameplay?

Sometimes they spawn from out of nowhere, true. And yes, you do have to fight, a LOT. But once you get good at it, it doesn't feel cheap at all. Also, if one guy sees me and starts shooting, the other guys respond by shooting in the same direction as the first, ie. me. Therefore I don't really see it as cheap, it makes sense.

Try to find opportunities to take out some guys with stealth. That was always the most satisfying, but I had to restart checkpoints a lot, because it's not easy to isolate enemies.
Green Shinobi said:
Ranting and raving.

This is pretty much how I felt for about the first half of the game until I learned that you actually sort of have to use strategy to win firefights. Your usually up against a group of atleast 4 or 5 guys who come at you in waves, any less and the game would way to easy and would become more useful as a screensaver. It's not Gears but it is like Gears in all of it's shooting aspects just a bit more refined. Which is good and bad for you and I (the players). AI is much better than last-gen games which at first probably just seems to make them ridiculously hard for no apparent reason. But, that's why you need to use strategy. There are a few parts that are ridiculous in the amount of enemies you fight and you will usually at least once during most firefights but you just have to remember that it's not a run and gun type of game. You have to stop, then think, and then pop. So basically don't run n' gun, and suck less.


Green Shinobi said:
Is it really? No one else thinks that the waves of enemies, their telepathic coordination and their ridiculous placement cheapens the gameplay?

I was a little taken back by how many enemies there were in some parts, but in the end it's just more people for me to shoot in the face.

I think you've been spoiled by ridiculously easy FPS games with to much auto aim.

Don't sit behind one piece of cover the whole time. Move your ass and flank them pirates. It's pretty easy to catch them looking at where you were, as opposed to where your going.

The Chef

deepbrown said:
Oh thanks! That's the one...doesn't really do it justice though!

There's another amazing section with a similar wall later on...it's after the second jetski...and you have a kill a whole load of dudes...and then you go through a doorway and there's a guy hiddden behind a door...who you punch out. Then you have to move a chain round and climb up...the walls inside that building are AMAZING.

None of my pics that I took really do the game justice unfortunately. I am actually at the second jetski part so I will keep my eyes open for the wall your talkin about.


Green Shinobi said:
So you think I'm trolling because I have an agenda against this game and the PS3?
If you have an agenda against the game and the ps3....well that's the definition of trolling surely? :lol


It's always fun to see over-protective Uncharted cultists clash out against members that directly whip out the I'm-not-crusading-against-the-PS3-you-zealot-fucks emphasis card.
Man that guy was funny thanks for the entertainment GreenDestiny.

BeeDog said:
It's always fun to see over-protective Uncharted cultists clash out against members that directly whip out the I'm-not-crusading-against-the-PS3-you-zealot-fucks emphasis card.

I dont think this guy has a agenda at all but you got to admit....those were some pretty sweet opinions.

The Chef

G-Bus said:
I was a little taken back by how many enemies there were in some parts, but in the end it's just more people for me to shoot in the face..

I think you've been spoiled by ridiculously easy FPS games with to much auto aim.

Don't sit behind one piece of cover the whole time. Move your ass and flank them pirates. It's pretty easy to catch them looking at where you were, as opposed to where your going.

This is exactly what I had to learn. You cant survive if you stay in one place - you have to keep moving.

That is what I love about the game now. I used to piss my pants when 15 enemies would come charging in but if you run from cover to cover you can pull it off. Its so satisfying that way.


Junior Member
I picked it up last week, but because of school and what-not, I haven't played yet.

But tonight, I will finally have some time to play and I am looking forward to this...

and KOF IX:D
I think my problem is that the platforming and exploration elements are way, way better than the shooting. I was hoping the game would be like 75% platforming and exploration, 25% shooting. Instead it's about 50/50.

I've never seen such a rabid defense force for any game ever though. And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

And whoever told me to suck less, thanks. I'll get right on that. :D


BruceLeeRoy said:
I dont think this guy has a agenda at all but you got to admit....those were some pretty sweet opinions.

I think he's perfectly entitled to his own opinion, even if I myself don't agree with them at all. I'm just annoyed by all the overprotective members here, and also that when threatened, some members immediately have to point out "PS3 fanboyism" as the reason that people protect this game (and other ones).
Green Shinobi said:
I think my problem is that the platforming and exploration elements are way, way better than the shooting. I was hoping the game would be like 75% platforming and exploration, 25% shooting. Instead it's about 50/50.

I've never seen such a rabid defense force for any game ever though. And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

And whoever told me to suck less, thanks. I'll get right on that. :D

Sorry man it is.
And Bee see thats what you get for defending people :lol
You can get in and out of cover much smoother you have the ability to put up a fighting chance if some of the guys rush you and..you cant sit behind the same stone all day and pick guys off they adapt they come after you. But its unfortunate you dont like it you can still trade it in for TR:Anniversary I think that will fit the bill much better for you.

BeeDog said:
I think he's perfectly entitled to his own opinion, even if I myself don't agree with them at all. I'm just annoyed by all the overprotective members here, and also that when threatened, some members immediately have to point out "PS3 fanboyism" as the reason that people protect this game (and other ones).

I totally agree with that people jump to that all the time for no reason I am just highly entertained by the whole thing. Oh and Bee your avatar is fricken sweeeeeet.


Green Shinobi said:
And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

Lol, and I just tried to somewhat take your stand on this, and you directly nullify what I've been trying to say. Gg there.
BeeDog said:
Lol, and I just tried to somewhat take your stand on this, and you directly nullify what I've been trying to say. Gg there.
Uncharted does many, many things better than any game out there.

But would you really want to compare the shooting game and combat to Gears? Should we compare the platforming in Ratchet and Clank to Mario while we're at it, or the RPG elements in Bioshock to Baldur's Gate?
Green Shinobi said:
Uncharted does many, many things better than any game out there.

But would you really want to compare the shooting game and combat to Gears? Should we compare the platforming in Ratchet and Clank to Mario while we're at it, or the RPG elements in Bioshock to Baldur's Gate?

You clearly think Gears is the mario of the shooting genre which I think very few people will agree with you on.
I absolutely loved gears and still love it but Uncharted is a natural progression forward.

Seriously though I think you will really like Tomb Raider Anniversary if you havent played it yet and are more into puzzles its much more heavy on exploring than combat.


I had to make myself stop playing tonight.

Green Shinobi said:
I've never seen such a rabid defense force for any game ever though. And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

I think it holds it's own againsts Gears in the shooting department actually,some things are better (enemies) some are worse and as a whole the SP experience is vastly superior to Gears so far on my playthrough.


Green Shinobi said:
I think my problem is that the platforming and exploration elements are way, way better than the shooting. I was hoping the game would be like 75% platforming and exploration, 25% shooting. Instead it's about 50/50.

I've never seen such a rabid defense force for any game ever though. And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

And whoever told me to suck less, thanks. I'll get right on that. :D

Just a quick check of your post history is all it takes buddy, dont make me do it.

but I'm not going to start calling you names and have a grudge against you just because your a fanboy or something lol, that would be pathetic...

its only a game at the end of the day.

I Love using one side of the cover and then moving to the other side. The bad guys are still popping fire at the side I was on until they see me pop up and blast there ass. That right there is what sets this game apart. I also love it when they see Elana and start shooting at her and I can move to better cover without being shot at.

What I have noticed on Crushing is, they will shot to provide cover for a guy rushing you or trying to flank you. Hell, this is what they train solders to do, and this is the first game to really get it right.

Also, I don't get the whole enemies re-spawning out of nowhere thing. They don't just pop up, they come from somewhere. I guess some people want a dumbed down game so they can fell like some super pumped up muscle bound marine on steroids. The good thing is, those people can play it on easy, except with a real looking guy. Hell, not everyone can be a Jacked up bald steroid ridden Marine.

See, everyone wins!


Green Shinobi said:
Uncharted does many, many things better than any game out there.

But would you really want to compare the shooting game and combat to Gears? Should we compare the platforming in Ratchet and Clank to Mario while we're at it, or the RPG elements in Bioshock to Baldur's Gate?

Since Uncharted obviously has gotten a lot from Gears, I don't see why it should be impossible to compare the games. And in my humble fucking opinion, Uncharted exceeds Gears of War when it comes to combat mechanics and overall fun (not saying GeOW is a bad game obviously). I don't see why you or anyone else should criticize my or his opinion about it. The same goes reversibly.
Green Shinobi said:
Maybe I'm playing this game with the wrong mindset.

It might just not be for you though thats possible I just find it funny that if you liked Gears so much you wouldnt like this game because it does so many things gears did right even better.
BeeDog said:
Since Uncharted obviously has gotten a lot from Gears, I don't see why it should be impossible to compare the games. And in my humble fucking opinion, Uncharted exceeds Gears of War when it comes to combat mechanics and overall fun (not saying GeOW is a bad game obviously). I don't see why you or anyone else should criticize my or his opinion about it. The same goes reversibly.
Agreed. Uncharted's combat is just a natural progression from Gears'. I don't get why people try and hold that game as some untouchable holy grail of greatness. Uncharted does Gears better.
Snidely Whiplash said:
Agreed. Uncharted's combat is just a natural progression from Gears'. I don't get why people try and hold that game as some untouchable holy grail of greatness. Uncharted does Gears better.

Exactly its simply a natural progression.
Green Shinobi said:
I think my problem is that the platforming and exploration elements are way, way better than the shooting. I was hoping the game would be like 75% platforming and exploration, 25% shooting. Instead it's about 50/50.

I've never seen such a rabid defense force for any game ever though. And wow at the guy who said that Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears of War.

And whoever told me to suck less, thanks. I'll get right on that. :D

Dude, Uncharted is a better shooter than Gears. Almost everyone agrees that Uncharted is a notch above Gears. I should be, it is made by one of the best developers in the business (Naughty Dog) and was made almost a full year after Gears.


Green Shinobi said:
Uncharted does many, many things better than any game out there.

But would you really want to compare the shooting game and combat to Gears? Should we compare the platforming in Ratchet and Clank to Mario while we're at it, or the RPG elements in Bioshock to Baldur's Gate?

I really don't think that comparing the shooting mechanics in Uncharted with Gears is that absurd. Your other two comparisons are absurd though. I have beaten both Gears and Uncharted and even beat Gears on the highest difficulty by myself without using the stupid glitch against RAAM. Needless to say I think that Uncharted does have the better shooting mechanics. All the way through Gears I was able to slowly move myself forward and meet little resistance. Across every difficulty the game played the same, only damage dealt and taken was different. In Gears I always felt safe behind cover knowing that I am basically invulnerable. Having the enemies in Uncharted actually flank you out and charge you at the right moments for me makes the shooting more fun because it keeps you on your toes. I just don't see how calling Uncharted better then Gears in shooting mechanics is that crazy of a statement.


Not to mention Uncharted is a far more complete SP experience then Gears ever was. It actually has a story besides a premise and everything. And hey Gears is easily one of my fav games this gen and I've spent millions of hours online with it.

The thing that's seems odd now is why they didn't include an MP mode, it would have made the package even more complete, and maybe even more Review friendly. The shooting is very well done and it seems they could have easily squeezed some MP in.

Big-E said:
Uncharted enemy AI > Gears enemy AI

Agree 100% Gears enemies were bullet sponges that moved forward only.

The one thing that Gears does better ,
is hit detection. Sometimes I'm shooting at body parts that can't be hit it seems in Uncharted.
Big-E said:
All the way through Gears I was able to slowly move myself forward and meet little resistance. Across every difficulty the game played the same, only damage dealt and taken was different. In Gears I always felt safe behind cover knowing that I am basically invulnerable. Having the enemies in Uncharted actually flank you out and charge you at the right moments for me makes the shooting more fun because it keeps you on your toes. I just don't see how calling Uncharted better then Gears in shooting mechanics is that crazy of a statement.

This is really what makes Uncharted superior and the fact that if your not in cover you can actually still do something.

oo Kosma oo said:
Not to mention Uncharted is a far more complete SP experience then Gears ever was. It actually has a story besides a premise and everything. And hey Gears is easily one of my fav games this gen and I've spent millions of hours online with it.

The thing that's seems odd now is why they didn't include an MP mode, it would have made the package even more complete, and maybe even more Review friendly. The shooting is very well done and it seems they could have easily squeezed some MP in.

Definitely I really wish they had included a multiplayer segment in this game man how awesome would it be to all battle it out in the Fortress! They have to include something like that in the next game please ND please!


Big-E said:
I really don't think that comparing the shooting mechanics in Uncharted with Gears is that absurd. Your other two comparisons are absurd though. I have beaten both Gears and Uncharted and even beat Gears on the highest difficulty by myself without using the stupid glitch against RAAM. Needless to say I think that Uncharted does have the better shooting mechanics. All the way through Gears I was able to slowly move myself forward and meet little resistance. Across every difficulty the game played the same, only damage dealt and taken was different. In Gears I always felt safe behind cover knowing that I am basically invulnerable. Having the enemies in Uncharted actually flank you out and charge you at the right moments for me makes the shooting more fun because it keeps you on your toes. I just don't see how calling Uncharted better then Gears in shooting mechanics is that crazy of a statement.

You're right, it's not.
Snidely Whiplash said:
Agreed. Uncharted's combat is just a natural progression from Gears'. I don't get why people try and hold that game as some untouchable holy grail of greatness. Uncharted does Gears better.
Some of the mechanics are better than Gears. The actual act of taking cover, for instance.

But the level design from a shooter standpoint isn't as good. The enemy patterns and placements aren't as good. It feels a lot cheaper. This isn't some criticism of Uncharted. In Gears, the combat was everything, whereas in Uncharted, the combat is less than 50% of it. It's natural that an adventure game with shooting elements made by a developer with a history of adventure games isn't going to out-do a pure shooter made by a developer who does nothing but shooters when it comes to the combat and everything that encompasses.
Green Shinobi said:
Some of the mechanics are better than Gears. The actual act of taking cover, for instance.

But the level design from a shooter standpoint isn't as good. The enemy patterns and placements aren't as good. It feels a lot cheaper. This isn't some criticism of Uncharted. In Gears, the combat was everything, whereas in Uncharted, the combat is less than 50% of it. It's natural that an adventure game with shooting elements made by a developer with a history of adventure games isn't going to out-do a pure shooter made by a developer who does nothing but shooters when it comes to the combat and everything that encompasses.

Which makes Uncharted all the more amazing.
Gears just had shooting and amazing environments thats it.
Uncharted has better shooting, better looking environments and a actual story.


But really, what's the point of actually trying to convince each other about strengths and flaws? It all boils down to subjective opinions, and this kind of crap is exactly the reason why so much crap is flooding over GAF these days. I'm all up for thoughtful debates, but when it tips over into trying to convince the other side, all hell breaks loose.


Green Shinobi said:
Maybe I'm playing this game with the wrong mindset.
Honestly, i think you are. You need to stop playing it like Gears. You have to be really active...and you have to really experiement with your weapons. A lot of people here find it easy on hard...so I'm guessing you are playing it on normal. And if you are struggling, then it has to be you who's having the problems, and nothing to do with the game itself.

Personally I felt the shooting aspect is better than the platforming...and I don't really like shooters. Uncharted is a shooter though.


Gears is better shooter porn, though. The curb-stomping and the headshots provide a rush you pretty much won't find elsewhere, too.
deepbrown said:
Honestly, i think you are. You need to stop playing it like Gears. You have to be really active...and you have to really experiement with your weapons. A lot of people here find it easy on hard...so I'm guessing you are playing it on normal. And if you are struggling, then it has to be you who's having the problems, and nothing to do with the game itself.

Personally I felt the shooting aspect is better than the platforming...and I don't really like shooters. Uncharted is a shooter though.
Okay, I'm going back to the game.

And for the record, I think Uncharted easily, easily outdoes Gears as a complete package. Like I said, the platforming and interaction with the environments is beyond anything that's been done before.
Damn you Kosma now I am going to daydream about what Multiplayer in this game could be like.

Green Shinobi said:
Okay, I'm going back to the game.

And for the record, I think Uncharted easily, easily outdoes Gears as a complete package. Like I said, the platforming and interaction with the environments is beyond anything that's been done before.

Hopefully you end up liking it more.
Try a couple blind fires with a shotty I promise you wont be able to keep the grin off your face.


BeeDog said:
But really, what's the point of actually trying to convince each other about strengths and flaws? It all boils down to subjective opinions, and this kind of crap is exactly the reason why so much crap is flooding over GAF these days. I'm all up for thoughtful debates, but when it tips over into trying to convince the other side, all hell breaks loose.

I think this is debate is quite ok actually, Green Shinobi seems very sincere in his opinions.

BruceLeeRoy said:
Damn you Kosma now I am going to daydream about what Multiplayer in this game could be like.

It could be pretty good man! Imagine if they could incorporate some platforming into the MP maps. Like having to climb a tower to get a good sniping spot, but the risk is you're basicly defenseless climbing it.


BeeDog said:
But really, what's the point of actually trying to convince each other about strengths and flaws? It all boils down to subjective opinions, and this kind of crap is exactly the reason why so much crap is flooding over GAF these days. I'm all up for thoughtful debates, but when it tips over into trying to convince the other side, all hell breaks loose.
I think in this case...he's just struggling with some of the concept and mechanics of the combat. We can all take criticism...like "the platforming is quite easy"...because the platforming is quite easy...whether it's "too" easy is subjective. However, when someone says the "AI is bad" or the "combat is too hard and feels cheap"...then there is definitely something wrong with the guy playing and he needs help :)

Edit - I WAS RIGHT :p :D


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Green Shinobi said:
Some of the mechanics are better than Gears. The actual act of taking cover, for instance.

But the level design from a shooter standpoint isn't as good. The enemy patterns and placements aren't as good. It feels a lot cheaper. This isn't some criticism of Uncharted. In Gears, the combat was everything, whereas in Uncharted, the combat is less than 50% of it. It's natural that an adventure game with shooting elements made by a developer with a history of adventure games isn't going to out-do a pure shooter made by a developer who does nothing but shooters when it comes to the combat and everything that encompasses.

Going back to your original point...

I'd argue that what cheapens the gameplay is facing enemies that just hold more hit points and armor than the previous one - ie, it takes more shots to kill a new enemy, eventhough their behavior is the same as the previous one.

Uncharted does away with that. It makes the enemies smarter - not stronger, not more accurate. You can't just stand behind a pillar and pick the enemy off one by one, because you will die. They will come at you from each and every side.

Example: You'll be behind cover, in the distance there will be a guy shooting at you with a grenade launcher. On your left you'll have an enemy try to flank you with his one-hit kill Magnum or Desert Eagle. In front of you, you will have a couple of rifle-wielding enemies that will spray at you from the distance, while moving around from cover to cover. And then you will have a regular pistol-wielding enemy that will move at you from the distance, move in closer, and then try to flank you slowly while utilizing cover. That's smart AI.

Which means, you cannot stay in the same spot. Naturally, your instinct is to take care of the guy wielding the magnum, then the pistol guys, then the rifleman, all the while dodging the grenade launcher. The game forces you to use as much cover and the environment as possible. Don't stand in one place - keep moving. The enemy does the same.

When you up the difficulty in Uncharted, it takes the same amount of shots to kill an enemy as before. The difference? The enemy just moves around more, utilizes cover more, and will try to flank you more.
Played the first jeep chase (hopefully more) and it was the single greatest experiance I've had playing this generation of games. The graphics, the music, the action, the humor....awesome.

I felt the first Jetski level could have benefited from two things. The ability to fire from the hip while moving and the ability to drive over the barrels and risk the pirates missing their shot at them.

Playing on Hard the first time through, "I'm lovin it!"


Green Shinobi said:
Okay, I'm going back to the game.

And for the record, I think Uncharted easily, easily outdoes Gears as a complete package. Like I said, the platforming and interaction with the environments is beyond anything that's been done before.
DOnt be afraid to run out and punch them. Trust me...I suck at shooters. I'm pretty shit...but Uncharted I found myself improving and thinking creatively...jumping for weapons and ammo, aiming for headshots...listening to what they are doing. Stopping and thinking...just sitting behind cover and checking out where every single enemy is....that is until they try and flush me out by coming after me or throwing a grenade.

Just get your head together in the heat of the battle and come up with an action plan. It's honestly very fun...and never feels cheap. Too many enemies? Nah...that's Resistance :p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
deepbrown said:
DOnt be afraid to run out and punch them. Trust me...I suck at shooters. I'm pretty shit...but Uncharted I found myself improving and thinking creatively...jumping for weapons and ammo, aiming for headshots...listening to what they are doing. Stopping and thinking...just sitting behind cover and checking out where every single enemy is....that is until they try and flush me out by coming after me or throwing a grenade.

Just get your head together in the heat of the battle and come up with an action plan. It's honestly very fun...and never feels cheap. Too many enemies? Nah...that's Resistance :p

Oh yea. I forgot to add that in the process they will also try to flush you out by using grenades and such. That's why you need to be constantly moving in order to avoid the grenades, too.
Wow. This is a testament to the power of GAF to help one get the proper perspective.

Taking the replies to my initial post into account, I tried using the advice I got in this thread, and I think I really get the game now. I was playing it all wrong. With a few adjustments, my appreciation for the game has gone way up.

I think I was just taken by surprise by the enemy placement and attack patterns. Now that I know what to look for, I'm really seeing the strengths in the battle system. It really does things that no game has done before.

So thanks for letting me know how wrong I was initially.


Green Shinobi said:
Wow. This is a testament to the power of GAF to help one get the proper perspective.

Taking the replies to my initial post into account, I tried using the advice I got in this thread, and I think I really get the game now. I was playing it all wrong. With a few adjustments, my appreciation for the game has gone way up.

I think I was just taken by surprise by the enemy placement and attack patterns. Now that I know what to look for, I'm really seeing the strengths in the battle system. It really does things that no game has done before.

So thanks for letting me know how wrong I was initially.
Good job....You're not wearing a whole load of armour! You can run around! Plus Drake breaths heavily and get's tired, so take his cues and take a rest while you work things out.


I've also noticed that the enemies won't follow you too far back to a situation/enviroment where you would have the biggest advantage. You can pull them back a bit, but they're not stupid.

Green Shinobi said:
Wow. This is a testament to the power of GAF to help one get the proper perspective.

Have fun man. I was surprised by enemies too in the beginning, but moving around is the key to success.
Green Shinobi said:
Wow. This is a testament to the power of GAF to help one get the proper perspective.

Taking the replies to my initial post into account, I tried using the advice I got in this thread, and I think I really get the game now. I was playing it all wrong. With a few adjustments, my appreciation for the game has gone way up.

I think I was just taken by surprise by the enemy placement and attack patterns. Now that I know what to look for, I'm really seeing the strengths in the battle system. It really does things that no game has done before.

So thanks for letting me know how wrong I was initially.

Wow glad your having fun with it man. Oh and dont worry it just gets better and better its one of those games that will keep astounding your right up to the end. :D
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