Nice avatar. Dexter is the best show on TVDevelopmentArrested said:So, no biased answers but is this game + Ratchet worth buying a PS3 for this Christmas?
To answer your question... hell yes! Uncharted is seriously one of the best games I've played in years. Everything about it is fine-tuned to perfection. The visuals are simply put the best I've ever seen on a home console save for maybe Killzone 2. I can't tell you how many times I took in the scenery. Gameplay delivers in spades--especially the enemy AI. I played through it on Hard my first time through and they were awesome. ND put a lot of effort into the AI... they flush you out with grenades so you have to keep moving from cover to cover. You can't sit in one place and keep picking them off unless you're really really far away. They also flank you, rush you, change their cover positions, and also aren't predictable. The AI is seriously one of my favorite things about the game and it just blows me away that Gametrailers mentioned it as a negative in their review. It makes me wonder if they played it on Easy or something.
Length-wise, it took me over 10 hours to beat it on Hard. I collected 47 of the 60 treasures so I explored and didn't rush through the game. Probably well over 11 hours as it doesn't count when you die in the time total. The 'Chapters' are varied... the gameplay is definitely varied and not repetitive. The AI helps a lot with this as each battle can be different. Another thing that adds to the longevity are the unlockables and rewards. Ratchet also has a shit load of these. I don't have Future but I know from experience with R&C's of the past. Both are single-player only games but give you plenty of incentive to play multiple times. I'm keeping Uncharted... never gonna resell, it's just such an amazing game. Can't wait to get a 7.1 sound system and a Brav to experience it on a whole 'nother level. The music and sound effects are amazing, btw. GOTY! If you don't need BC for PS2, then getting a $400 40gb + Uncharted + Ratchet is an absolute no-brainer. There's probably several deals out there where you can get one of those games for free.