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Uncharted |OT|

My demo impressions:

Visuals: Game looks gorgeous. Period. Animation is inspiring and really adds so much to the feel of the game. But hey, you can see how good it looks with your own eyes. All those awesome pictures aren't bullshots. 'Nuff said about the visuals...let's move on.

Gameplay: This is where it got good for me. Love that the demo has three difficulty levels. Started on "Normal" which was surprisingly tough from the second firefight on. The AI is very aggressive, even on "Normal" and on "Hard" those guys go nuts trying to kill you. I've played a lot of Gears, so I had the combat action pretty much down from the get-go, and I still died a lot more than I was expecting to. I was very impressed by how the AI behavior changes depending on how much damage your enemy takes. They charge out very aggressive, especially if they are carrying big guns, but when you injure them, they get way more conservative, as you'd expect. Nobody seems to just want to die. On "hard" especially, you really need to finish your kills; if you don't, and you just injure a few of the guys, they will go into "fortress mode" which makes your job clearing them out that much tougher.

Cover system works just like you'd want it to, if you played Gears, you'll love it, meaning it's familiar like Gears, but has been smoothed out a bit. The remarkable animation engine doesn't "slam" you into cover like Gears, (which is good, because you aren't armored up) it is much more natural-looking, and Drake never seems to settle into the same stance twice. Blind fire and "stop-and-pop" from cover works great. Basically, it takes Gears to the next level. If Gears was your game, Uncharted is your next step.

Weapons feel good. Pistols feel light, but precise, AK feels like an AK and has a nice, realistic muzzle-climb in rapid fire. Shotty is tremendously satisfying. Splat!

I did have a little difficulty with the melee combat. I finally figured out the timing though, and it got good. I'm kinda glad it takes a little more discipline than a button-mash.

Traversal also feels good. Not very much "platforming" in the demo, but you get a feel for how it works, and it works well. After a lot of R&C this week, I missed the double jump and Clank glide, but, hey, you can't have that in this style of game! :lol The awesome animation adds a lot to the feel of running and jumping and climbing.

I liked the SIXAXIS use for balancing over the logs. I was kinda worried about that part, but it actually works well. All you have to do is leave it level and watch Drake. When he starts to tip to one side, you make a simple correction with the controller and that's it. I feared it would be a lot more of a hassle. Thankfully, it isn't. I had a little more difficulty getting the SIXAXIS controls down for grenade throwing, (since the control was inverted from the way I initially thought it would be) but I quickly adjusted to it, and haven't had a problem since.

Other thoughts: Sound and music are great. Really surprisingly good. I had no idea what to expect from ND, since they hadn't done a "realistic" or "adult" game like this before, but they got it right. Guns sound good, and explosions have a nice sub "thump" as well. Other sound effects are really nice too. On a really good sound system like mine, everything sounds really good. The surround sound is on the money, directional to the point where you can easily pinpoint where things are, (but isn't too directional, like some other games where surround effects are too "studio dry" and don't seem to have any "bounce to them,) but still envelops you well. Soundtrack is fantastic.

Bottom Line: This demo is a lot of fun, and shows a lot of polish. When the game comes out, I'll be there. Good Job ND.
Wow, I like it a lot. The quick transitions between different things are great. You can run at a guy and kill him with the AK, take cover and kill a couple more, then run out and melee one all very smoothly.


reilo said:
(Today, 01:36 PM)

He's gone, too.
Most likely he got banned for this comment. "i own all 3 console and a gameing pc. i was not blown away by this game. same for crysis" ;d


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Banning the whiners is harsh! :D

I'm totally satisfied. This is basically what I was hoping for and I got it.

Now if Assassin's Creed turns out good, my third person platform action fetish is going to be quite fulfilled this year.


Valkyr Junkie said:
There was a few framerate drops when I walked into an open area. It wasn't a big deal, but just caught me off guard since I wasn't expected it.

The problems I had with shooting were what I was expecting from having seen earlier video demonstrations. The enemies sometimes appear to lose their hit detection when they go into either a dodge animation or react from the previous bullet; so you're better off just firing off one shot at a time and waiting for them to reset before the next shot. The demo wasn't particularly bad, just not as mind-blowing as I was hoping.

I'll still be picking up the game on day 1.

Ah yes, i seen what you mean. I didn't find the machine gun particularly useful for this reason i guess. I couldn't figure it out at first but now i get it. I'm not exactly a video game junky and most things just go over my head.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Y2Kev said:
Banning the whiners is harsh! :D

I'm totally satisfied. This is basically what I was hoping for and I got it.

So you hoped for a 7/10 and got a 7/10?


Y2Kev said:
Banning the whiners is harsh! :D

I'm totally satisfied. This is basically what I was hoping for and I got it.

Now if Assassin's Creed turns out good, my third person platform action fetish is going to be quite fulfilled this year.
WTH, how are you playing this game. You sold your ps3!!


it's ok, you're all right now
That's not a "region lock" confirmation.

Unfortunately when attempting to download the demo, our friends in PAL regions or Japan may have encountered a bug in which you are asked to insert a disc. Please ignore this prompt and accept our apologies.

Y2Kev said:
Banning the whiners is harsh! :D

If you weren't paying attention BIG BUBBA was trolling like crazy.


Lemming_JRS said:
New post at the Playstation Blog (sorry if it's been posted already, this thread updates way too fast):


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Update

+ Posted by Sam Thompson // Line Producer, SCEA

Hi, since I’m new to the blog I wanted to first introduce myself. I am the line producer on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and I work with Naughty Dog on a day-to-day basis and have been working with the team since Crash Team Racing.

We are pleased to see that there is so much interest out there in the Uncharted demo, and wanted to provide a quick update.

As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch. Other territories are currently putting the finishing touches on the localization aspects of the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo, and will release it in their respective PlayStation Stores in due course.

Unfortunately when attempting to download the demo, our friends in PAL regions or Japan may have encountered a bug in which you are asked to insert a disc. Please ignore this prompt and accept our apologies.

Thanks again for your interest in the game, we hope that those of you who do get a chance to play it get a taste for what we hope will become an action-adventure classic on the PS3.

i'm happy to see he spended some of his time to write this down...but it's still 2 days i'm waiting and all i get is an "insert game disc" demo...i wanna die...damn you! .__.


Great demo all around, would be a day one purchase if I hadn't already told my wife I wanted it for Christmas. I've already got too many great games on my plate atm, gotta finish them all up before I can get into even more.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
joshcryer said:
That's not a "region lock" confirmation.

If you weren't paying attention BIG BUBBA was trolling like crazy.

Which contradicts the previous paragraph. What the hell?


Neck Snap!



joshcryer said:
That's not a "region lock" confirmation.

PS Blog said:
As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region.
That is a region lock. He was just saying it is a bug about the insert disc.


joshcryer said:
That's not a "region lock" confirmation.

Sony said:
today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region.

Seems like pretty good confirmation to me.


Really enjoyed the demo, though, being a big Tomb Raider / Indiana Jones fan, I was pretty much sold on the game before I played it. Production and gameplay are excellent. Only real complaint is the tearing ... the bane of this gen.

Oh, and the music was amazing. I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned this.



Shooting - The shooting aspect is similar to Gears in that it uses the cover system and the same perspective views, but that's it. The gunplay feels absolutely nothing like Gears of War, and if you try to play it that way it will seem off - and you will die. The enemies move around a lot more and a lot faster, and are smaller targets. Furthermore, they die faster and so do you. There is a lot more popping in and out and letting out shots in short bursts, whereas Gears is more of pop out and unload a clip. In Gears, going from seeing your character behind cover to aim mode is pretty much like zooming in; the center of your screen is still the center of your screen, and you could pretty much pre-aim before popping out of cover. Here, not so much. Overall, you're going to have to aim a lot more, and a lot faster, giving it a much more chaotic sense.

AI - At least in the demo, you are the only target, so the instant you pop out of cover, bullets are flying at you. In addition, you're a lot more vulnerable to flanking (and they do flank, provided they are physically able to - they're less likely to charge straight at you in any situation where you wouldn't be likely to charge straight at them), and you have to constantly relocate. These guys are really active, they run around a lot to try to get you. You won't be able to stay stationary, you have to move around too. The grenades flush you out. In Gears, they throw grenades in front of your cover, so it means you hide until after it blows up. Here, they throw it over. If a grenade comes your way, it's a sign to bail out. You will be running around looking for cover often, and it's frantic at times because you don't know if you're safe from all angles.

Melee - The melee is a perfect addition to the helter-skelter combat, and is much much much more satisfying that your typical one-hit melee kills in other 3rd person action games. While it is possible to screw up and ultimately die, most of the time the controls registered fairly easily. I daresay it's almost as satisfying as Heavenly Sword, minus the a lot of the depth of course.

Platforming - The platforming element works, quite simply. It is somewhat strange at first being able to climb some things and not being able to some others, but as you get further in it soon starts to get much more clear what can and can't be traversed. I figure when you get out of the jungle, there will be much less confusion as well. The bonus about the traversal is when it takes place during the gunplay. It just opens up a lot more variety to how the battles can take place.


First off, almost everything about this game visually is stylized, love it or hate it. It's not photorealistic, nor does it try to be. With that out of the way...

The textures don't look anywhere near as shiny as they did in some off-screen pictures that we've seen - whether that's a good or a bad thing is up to you. It is important to note that they are all hand-painted, and not photo-captured. As a result the environments (at least the jungle) look almost exactly like the concept art paintings. The jungle part looks pretty much exactly as it does in the screens we've seen, so if the rest of the game does the same - wow. Anticipation total.

The lighting is among of the best out there. It's your prototypical HDR without bloom, as opposed to the "with bloom" version. If you've looked at most of the top-notch visual games this gen, you should know how it goes.

The water is really nice and reacts to Drake as he runs around in it. It's not the best water ever done, but it's definitely up there. If I had to nitpick at it, the splash effects/sprites are a bit weak compared to Crysis and Halo 3 (most namely when you shoot the surface), but the way it ripples in response to your character running through it is top notch. I haven't played Bioshock, so I can't comment in relation to that.

The animation is as fluid as it gets. The floaty feeling has been eliminated, and quite simply, moving a character around has never been more intriguing. There are so many little things, like if you stand on a ledge where only one of Drake's feet is over solid ground, he lifts up his leg to start balancing. He cringes when people shoot at him. He's not the smoothest dude on the block and doesn't move around with a badass swagger, and that may be what some people have a problem with. Once again, it is all stylized. But to mistake this for bad animation is beyond ignorant.

The camera is absolutely incredible. It's not your standard 3rd person camera that you rotate around you, it actually adjusts depending on where you are in the environment. And yet, you are in control of it. It transitions to aiming mode and cover mode and whatnot extremely smoothly, it's as if it's alive. And alive is quite frankly the best way to describe this game. The way Drake moves, the way the environments sway in the wind, the "smart" camera, the convincing enemy AI, and even the way they are constantly talking in a convincing manner (like in Halo 3), etc. This game is ALIVE !

BTW, the pirates aren't all Spanish. I heard one screaming in Chinese.


SaitoH said:
Really enjoyed the demo, though, being a big Tomb Raider / Indiana Jones fan, I was pretty much sold on the game before I played it. Production and gameplay are excellent. Only real complaint is the tearing ... the bane of this gen.

Oh, and the music was amazing. I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned this.
Just as with Tools of Destruction, the tearing will be fixed near the end of development. It's pretty clear tearing is going to be present in most demos these days, it's whether it exists in the final build that we should be worried about.

And when ND is at the helm, I have no fear they'll take care of it just as Insomniac did.


it's ok, you're all right now
They're just reiterating their demo games policy. They never said "we support you playing PS3 demos from EU on your PS3 from the USA" and so on. "Targeted for a given territory" doesn't mean "locked out of other territories."

It just means they didn't test the demo for PAL or JPN PS3s and wanted to get it out in the US territory ASAP.

This is not a region lock as it's an unintentional behavior. That's why they say it's a bug.


Lemming_JRS said:
New post at the Playstation Blog (sorry if it's been posted already, this thread updates way too fast):


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Update

+ Posted by Sam Thompson // Line Producer, SCEA

Hi, since I’m new to the blog I wanted to first introduce myself. I am the line producer on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and I work with Naughty Dog on a day-to-day basis and have been working with the team since Crash Team Racing.

We are pleased to see that there is so much interest out there in the Uncharted demo, and wanted to provide a quick update.

As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch. Other territories are currently putting the finishing touches on the localization aspects of the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo, and will release it in their respective PlayStation Stores in due course.

Unfortunately when attempting to download the demo, our friends in PAL regions or Japan may have encountered a bug in which you are asked to insert a disc. Please ignore this prompt and accept our apologies.

Thanks again for your interest in the game, we hope that those of you who do get a chance to play it get a taste for what we hope will become an action-adventure classic on the PS3.

Still don't get it. Did Sony raped us intentionally or not? In other words, is there a bug or region-locking in the demo?


DarkUSS said:
Still don't get it. Did Sony raped us intentionally or not? In other words, is there a bug or region-locking in the demo?

Its a bug.. but they dont care about fixing us.. since PAL land isn't supposed to get to play it until later anyways.!!


Now you see it:

Lemming_JRS said:
+ Posted by Sam Thompson // Line Producer, SCEA

As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch.

Now you don't:

Straight from the blog @ 1:04AM GMT said:
As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch.


Edit: and just to clarify, this wasn't something Lemming_JRS introduced in his post, because I see some posts in the blog stating that it is a lie and demos have always worked in PAL systems, obviously referring to the deleted statement.


DarkUSS said:
Still don't get it. Did Sony raped us intentionally or not? In other words, is there a bug or region-locking in the demo?

...why. Sony did not rape you. Did you not read what he wrote? All regions will get their perspective demo in associate with the game's release in that region.

Therefore, if you're using a non-US PS3, you CANNOT play the Uncharted demo. It doesn't matter if it's a bug or region locking. You just CAN"T PLAY IT. So just get over it, and move on.


Wollan said:
The music basically. :D

I'll get that for you when the video is done encoding, should be around an hour or two. Source will be optical, so it should be 1:1 with the actual file on the disc.

Tideas said:
what's wrong with your TV (or capture)?

Everything looks so gray

The screen desaturates as you get damaged.


Wollan said:
The music basically. :D
The music in the menus is good enough to be in a big-budget hollywood movie.

Aesthetically, the game has no peer on the ps3, imo.

Everything comes together so beautifully
Tideas said:
what's wrong with your TV (or capture)?

Everything looks so gray

Hehe, the game does that when you take damage. Sweet pic! Awesome how it gets all cinematic with the effects like DOF and filters when you land a nice asskicking.
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