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Uncharted |OT|


Count me in the undecided camp. I really hope the demo isn't indicative of what the final game is going to play like. There was far too much shooting and too litlle exploring/platforming.


Tideas said:
what's wrong with your TV (or capture)?

Everything looks so gray



Saw the demo videos on IGN. Looks great, and I'm eager to try the game out once they get in on the PS3 kiosks.
the auto aiming while running is awesome.

it totally reminds me of the scene from Die Hard when John tried to outsmart Hans, but Hans was prepared and John needed to haul ass out of there while blasting off guys with his SMG.

and in my second time through it, the melee combat makes a lot of sense, you basically time it with your hands and cool shit happens.


As you can see, I haven't played the demo yet. Stil can't get in on the PS store.

I think Sony hates Project Tideas :(


joshcryer said:
That's not a "region lock" confirmation.

exactly. you just can't say anything about it, it's a US demo ment to work on US systems, if it doesn't run on a PAL PS3 for one reason or another, it's a shame, but they don't have to give the european/japanese ps3s any support. But yeah, it sucks that of all possible demos, it has to be the Uncharted one.

then again, although i believe he wanted to give a politically correct answer, i don't think he did it in the proper way, much more when what you're saying is partly not true:
(The Uncharted demo) will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region.
EDIT: LOL they removed this part

"US demos are tested for US systems, where they're supposed to work. They'll most likely run on european/japanese systems, but it could happen that they don't, and unfortunatelly, the Uncharted demo is one of those cases" would have done the trick. You're telling the truth and, even though it sucks, users will (or probably 'will have to') understand it.


Tideas said:
As you can see, I haven't played the demo yet. Stil can't get in on the PS store.

I think Sony hates Project Tideas :(

Sorry dude, its when Drake is near death, that why he looks like that


I really didn't care about this game until I played the demo. Now I know that I have to get this. There's just something about this game that attracts me to it...


Tideas said:
...why. Sony did not rape you. Did you not read what he wrote? All regions will get their perspective demo in associate with the game's release in that region.

Therefore, if you're using a non-US PS3, you CANNOT play the Uncharted demo. It doesn't matter if it's a bug or region locking. You just CAN"T PLAY IT. So just get over it, and move on.

I'm wondering if you would still speak in the same manner, given that something similar ever happens to you.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
One of my favorite parts about the game? Lack of a HUD. The only HUD you get is when you have a weapon equipped, and it's small and tucked away in the left hand corner of your screen.

It's, as Guerilla would call it, immersive.


So, question. Is the melee randomized every time, based on things such as how far you are from a character and whatnot? Is it always square triangle square for a direct kill, or do the combos get more elaborate?


Awntawn said:

Shooting - The shooting aspect is similar to Gears in that it uses the cover system and the same perspective views, but that's it. The gunplay feels absolutely nothing like Gears of War, and if you try to play it that way it will seem off - and you will die. The enemies move around a lot more and a lot faster, and are smaller targets. Furthermore, they die faster and so do you. There is a lot more popping in and out and letting out shots in short bursts, whereas Gears is more of pop out and unload a clip. In Gears, going from seeing your character behind cover to aim mode is pretty much like zooming in; the center of your screen is still the center of your screen, and you could pretty much pre-aim before popping out of cover. Here, not so much. Overall, you're going to have to aim a lot more, and a lot faster, giving it a much more chaotic sense.

AI - At least in the demo, you are the only target, so the instant you pop out of cover, bullets are flying at you. In addition, you're a lot more vulnerable to flanking (and they do flank, provided they are physically able to - they're less likely to charge straight at you in any situation where you wouldn't be likely to charge straight at them), and you have to constantly relocate. These guys are really active, they run around a lot to try to get you. You won't be able to stay stationary, you have to move around too. The grenades flush you out. In Gears, they throw grenades in front of your cover, so it means you hide until after it blows up. Here, they throw it over. If a grenade comes your way, it's a sign to bail out. You will be running around looking for cover often, and it's frantic at times because you don't know if you're safe from all angles.

Melee - The melee is a perfect addition to the helter-skelter combat, and is much much much more satisfying that your typical one-hit melee kills in other 3rd person action games. While it is possible to screw up and ultimately die, most of the time the controls registered fairly easily. I daresay it's almost as satisfying as Heavenly Sword, minus the a lot of the depth of course.

Platforming - The platforming element works, quite simply. It is somewhat strange at first being able to climb some things and not being able to some others, but as you get further in it soon starts to get much more clear what can and can't be traversed. I figure when you get out of the jungle, there will be much less confusion as well. The bonus about the traversal is when it takes place during the gunplay. It just opens up a lot more variety to how the battles can take place.


First off, almost everything about this game visually is stylized, love it or hate it. It's not photorealistic, nor does it try to be. With that out of the way...

The textures don't look anywhere near as shiny as they did in some off-screen pictures that we've seen - whether that's a good or a bad thing is up to you. It is important to note that they are all hand-painted, and not photo-captured. As a result the environments (at least the jungle) look almost exactly like the concept art paintings. The jungle part looks pretty much exactly as it does in the screens we've seen, so if the rest of the game does the same - wow. Anticipation total.

The lighting is among of the best out there. It's your prototypical HDR without bloom, as opposed to the "with bloom" version. If you've looked at most of the top-notch visual games this gen, you should know how it goes.

The water is really nice and reacts to Drake as he runs around in it. It's not the best water ever done, but it's definitely up there. If I had to nitpick at it, the splash effects/sprites are a bit weak compared to Crysis and Halo 3 (most namely when you shoot the surface), but the way it ripples in response to your character running through it is top notch. I haven't played Bioshock, so I can't comment in relation to that.

The animation is as fluid as it gets. The floaty feeling has been eliminated, and quite simply, moving a character around has never been more intriguing. There are so many little things, like if you stand on a ledge where only one of Drake's feet is over solid ground, he lifts up his leg to start balancing. He cringes when people shoot at him. He's not the smoothest dude on the block and doesn't move around with a badass swagger, and that may be what some people have a problem with. Once again, it is all stylized. But to mistake this for bad animation is beyond ignorant.

The camera is absolutely incredible. It's not your standard 3rd person camera that you rotate around you, it actually adjusts depending on where you are in the environment. And yet, you are in control of it. It transitions to aiming mode and cover mode and whatnot extremely smoothly, it's as if it's alive. And alive is quite frankly the best way to describe this game. The way Drake moves, the way the environments sway in the wind, the "smart" camera, the convincing enemy AI, and even the way they are constantly talking in a convincing manner (like in Halo 3), etc. This game is ALIVE !

BTW, the pirates aren't all Spanish. I heard one screaming in Chinese.

tnx, at least i can go to sleep thinking i played it... T__T "tear".


DarkUSS said:
I'm wondering if you would still speak in the same manner, given that something similar ever happens to you.

Like for example, if the GT5:p demo only worked on Japanese PS3s and not on American? Sure. I'd hate it. But then after the first hour, I move on.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Just finished it(abrupt demo ending? Is it timed?). I know everyone is going apeshit, but the combat felt really janky. I spent so much time fitzing with the controls and it still never reached that sweetspot.

So much of the combat involved fighting the camera, and babysitting it for a good viewpoint, which really bothered me. "Smart" camera...not in the demo I just finished.

Melee...yea I'll run through again and try to lock-down the timing. I didn't grasp it at all really. I did the crazy flying combo, but just through hopeful mashing. Grenades seem more trouble than they are worth, the sixaxis worked ok, but lining it all up bleeds precious time, and exposes me to needless damage...

Really hoping this game is more puzzles and platforming than shootouts. The demo doesn't make me optimistic, but yea...I wasn't exactly starved to go into another arena shootout once the demo concluded. Really that is all this demo was.

Great visuals though!


Had to cut these down on both colors and FPS, but it gets the point across :)





Tideas said:
Like for example, if the GT5:p demo only worked on Japanese PS3s and not on American? Sure. I'd hate it. But then after the first hour, I move on.

OK then! Allow me more than an hour to move on, these things take time. :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
the SIXAXIZ part is pretty easy, just follow his animation; if he's leaning on one side, you tilt to the other side.

and the grenade toss is SuPRISINGLY easy, a got good throws 90% of the time.

the AI was as tough as Gamespy said in their preview

the mele so far is button mashing, but i did a cool superman punch:D

Platforming feels right, landing on ledges, holding on, leaping, those controls are right on, expected coming from Naughty

I have a Shit definition TV, so the Graphics ARE AMAZING:lol :lol

Shooting is Gears + Resident Evil 4....Cover is like Gears but once you pop up and start aiming, its Pure RE4


DarkUSS said:
OK then! Allow me more than an hour to move on, these things take time. :lol

it's been known for like the past 3 hours though. Where have u been? Work? hha. Fine, u get another 40 minutes
~Devil Trigger~ said:
the SIXAXIZ part is pretty easy, just follow his animation; if he's leaning on one side, you tilt to the other side.

and the grenade toss is SuPRISINGLY easy, a got good throws 90% of the time.

the AI was as tough as Gamespy said in their preview

the mele so far is button mashing, but i did a cool superman punch:D

Platforming feels right, landing on ledges, holding on, leaping, those controls are right on, expected coming from Naughty

I have a Shit definition TV, so the Graphics ARE AMAZING:lol :lol

you can button mash if you want to, but it is about timing, you can make it look much better when you know what you are doing.
j-wood said:
So, question. Is the melee randomized every time, based on things such as how far you are from a character and whatnot? Is it always square triangle square for a direct kill, or do the combos get more elaborate?
In some earlier previews we've seen 3 different combinations. There's a fast combo, a brutal combo and a long combo, and there's probably more.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Well I'm a little disappointed in the demo. Framerate isn't as good as I was hoping for, and the shooting mechanics are pretty poor. You can't give Sony too much leeway considering the demo was finished the same day as the game went gold. I would have preferred a demo with a lot more platforming instead of the same demo they've been showing since GDC.

I have a feeling Sony will be rethinking their strategy of more first-party games instead of money-hatting. Exclusive Assassin's Creed and GTA4 would have put the PS3 far ahead of the competition IMO.



Not an asshole.
Holy shit. That's the first time I've been stunned by graphics since Oblivion. Holy shit.
Gameplay felt really good, not quite as tight as I had hoped but still really good.

Really abrupt ending to the demo though :(

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Ok, played the demo and I must say I am impressed. I mean the gameplay plays a bit like gears of war, and thats not a bad thing.The platform gameplay is what you would expect from naughty dog, very well done and doesnt seem like a distraction from the gunplay at all, and vice versa. The animations are one of the best iv seen, they are smooth and fluid. And the graphics are stunning to say the least. The best looking game on ps3. This is naughty dog at its best.

I was wondering if they implanted the screen capture in the latest firmware update so I can upload high quality pics. Just like they did with resistance. Isn't there sopose to be a feature where you can take screen captures of anything the ps3 is displaying?
I've played through the demo 3 times and I can't really think of anything I don't like. It had a good mix of exploration and combat, IMO. We know that there's going to be plenty of exploring; I don't understand the comments regarding this.


Wow the comments at the PS blog is really bitter tears.
But one comment sure got me which is "Why does SCEA have to cater to SCEE people?"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My comment on the region stuff is that it's obvious by the server crash that sony is not equipped to handle three regions downloading the demo. So you'll have to wait. Sorry.
Oh hell yeah, that demo was eight ways of fun!!! it just feels so smooth, the running, jumping, and shooting. The AI seems much more aggressive than I though it wold be on normal, but I like it. The free aim works better than I thought once I got the hang of it. Only complaint is that you can't really dive/roll into a hallway, it thinks you are going for one of the sides to take cover.


Just finished my first playthrough of the demo. Real great stuff, I actually was expecting this game to underwhelm for some reason. I previously held R&C to be the ps3 visual showcase, and this may well dethrone it.

Something about the incredibly clean....almost perfect cartoony visuals in ratchet still really appeal to me, but whats on display here can't be denied. Models, lighting, animation, texturework....everything is completely top notch. While every one of those checkpoints may not represent the absolute top in gaming, they are all in the top of their class, and they come together beautifully.

The gunplay is far more satisfying than i thought, I wouldn't say its better than Gears or RE4 or whatever you want to compare it too, but it gets the job done admirably. I'm hoping the platforming elements are much more prevalent than the demo, but I get the feeling they will be.

Ultimately, the game oozes polish from most every pore, and it has great character. Nathan and Elena were immediately likeable, and I get the feeling that playing through the game will have an added level of pleasure because of that, a lot of games nowdays are missing people and scenarios I give a shit about, but this seems to have some genuine charm.

Unfortunately, the game will most likely not be purchased day one, since I'm already poor from many purchases, and still have to buy mario galaxy and mass effect. While I give both of those personal preference based on my tastes, Uncharted is certainly a must buy for me and will certainly be part of my collection before the year is out.

This game and Ratchet are clearly the PS3 must buys of the season (after playing the demo this one might take precedence, can't be sure though), if you own the console, and don't own these games, ESPECIALLY if you're a ps3 only owner, you probably should quit gaming. End babble.


Ynos Yrros said:
In some earlier previews we've seen 3 different combinations. There's a fast combo, a brutal combo and a long combo, and there's probably more.

Plenty more. Just using the square button over and over you're going to see a bunch of different animations. Wall slams, backbreakers against shin-level objects, kicks in the nuts, punches in the throat, etc. It's incredibly context sensitive, including how you approach, the speed you're moving, and whatever's around.
oh yeah...how they the hell did they manage no loading? like, it isnt even hidden behind the cutscene because I skipped it my second time through.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
Linkzg said:
oh yeah...how they the hell did they manage no loading? like, it isnt even hidden behind the cutscene because I skipped it my second time through.

No loading because its on the hard drive? Btw I love the fact that alot of ps3 games give you the option to install some of the game to cut down loading.
Jea Song said:
No loading because its on the hard drive? Btw I love the fact that alot of ps3 games give you the option to install some of the game to cut down loading.

yeah, but im pretty sure other demos still had loading time, such as Heavenly Sword.


Hi guys and gals,

We hear you loud and clear. Wanted to chime in here and let you know that we have shared your frustration with the Naughty Dog team and we are going to see what we can do. I will be back tomorrow with an update, but in the meantime I hope you can be patient and bear with us. As you have learned through communicating with Evan and Amy on the blog, Naughty Dog is a studio that listens to gamers, so I hope to have good news for you soon.



Who says bitching doesnt get you anywhere? :D
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