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Uncharted |OT|


Oh man the ai is awesome. like someone said already they are not all perfect shots. You can shoot their rm while they are about to throw a grenade and they will drop it. The split up and try to surround you. they dodge and weave when you are shooting at them!

its like a uber gears of war gunplay!


andrewfee said:
Enemies move around a lot more than most other games these days and don't just sit there popping in and out of cover - they actually push forward and try to flush you out. If you're not careful, I could see it being pretty easy to run out of ammo as well, as you don't get much, and you need to move around and hit triangle to pick it up rather than just running over it.

If you just stay in one spot shooting without moving around much, I could easily see the enemies flanking you and killing you on easy if you're not someone that plays this kind of game a lot, or you aren't very good at shooters.

The enemies' AI impressed me. I remember settling down behind a rock patiently trading shots and suddenly becoming increasing nervous about how close a couple of foes were getting. I thought they were going to stay behind a barrier, but the guy with the shotgun had other ideas. They really try to corner you and rush you when the numbers are adequately in their favor. Interestingly, they correctly do not try to rush when they don't have adequate numbers to overwhelm you. Very nice, Naughty Dog.


:lol Goddamn i love it when they drop the grenades.

Oh and at the last gate
anybody hang off the opening on the left for two easy headshots?


Fafracer forever
Marconelly said:
Could it be that they recorded it into the video just for the demo? That... would be kinda weird, wouldn't that make the file(s) even bigger that way?
Assets aren't stored as individual files (at least not in any games that care about loading). There's a good chance that demo could require data that simply isn't in the demo, and inserting the whole asset package would baloon the demo out of downloadable range - while handpicking the needed assets would just be a colossal waste of time compared to encoding a video.

On the other hand, as I noted earlier, if you know that cutscene integrating with gameplay is easier to do by recording it into a movie, I don't see why you wouldn't do it. Unless your cutscenes are interactive, it's just a semantics argument.


Few things about the opening cinematic.

- I would hazard they are using FMV because of the water... Not normal river or pool water that we see elsewhere, but waves on the open ocean, and a whole horizon full of it. That, the fire effects, and the sheer size of the stage may have made running it real-time at any decent framerate impractical or impossible.

- Good dialogue, or at least a cut above normal wooden game dialogue. It's more spontaneous than we normally get, evidence of a great VA director and good actors. It reminds me of a good action TV show, where people are talking quickly and sometimes shouting over one another. It doesn't sound like they're reading lines in a play, in other words. The animators did a good job of matching the characters movements and faces to the voice track.

- I'm sure everyone noticed the Resistance reference (photo taped on the wall at the cabin exterior).

- We've already mentioned that Drake's parachute is labelled 'ND' (Nathan Drake, Naughty Dog). Elena's is labelled 'JP'. Wonder what that stands for?

- The expression on Drake's face right before he jumps out of the plane is absolutely hilarious. This is Valve caliber stuff here, really impressive.


1. Is there any way to pick when combo to do, maybe based on timing or something?

2. Has anyone seen the balance animation? If you put his back to a ledge and slowly back up he'll start to balance on 1 leg
Chromax said:
I just finished hard mode, died twice but was fun!:D I think I'll start the real game on hard.

Just finished the game on 'hard'. Its a fun game, but the fact that I unloaded half an AK47 clip on some dude's head without killing him ruins the realistic immersion the visuals try to create.


antoniogaud said:
Just finished the game on 'hard'. Its a fun game, but the fact that I unloaded half an AK47 clip on some dude's head without killing him ruins the realistic immersion the visuals try to create.

You must have missed. This game doesnt have a huge reticle like the games you are probably used to be playing. You have to be very precise, and even then the bullet seems to fire randomly, but within the reticle


Incredibly Naive
The Sphinx said:
Few things about the opening cinematic.

- I would hazard they are using FMV because of the water... Not normal river or pool water that we see elsewhere, but waves on the open ocean, and a whole horizon full of it. That, the fire effects, and the sheer size of the stage may have made running it real-time at any decent framerate impractical or impossible.

- Good dialogue, or at least a cut above normal wooden game dialogue. It's more spontaneous than we normally get, evidence of a great VA director and good actors. It reminds me of a good action TV show, where people are talking quickly and sometimes shouting over one another. It doesn't sound like they're reading lines in a play, in other words. The animators did a good job of matching the characters movements and faces to the voice track.

- I'm sure everyone noticed the Resistance reference (photo taped on the wall at the cabin exterior).

- We've already mentioned that Drake's parachute is labelled 'ND' (Nathan Drake, Naughty Dog). Elena's is labelled 'JP'. Wonder what that stands for?

- The expression on Drake's face right before he jumps out of the plane is absolutely hilarious. This is Valve caliber stuff here, really impressive.

the dialouge was good, you have to remember that it's chapter 3 so up to this point we have no idea what's going on. The voice acting was incredible though I loved it, it seems as games go on the syncing gets better and better, where heavenly sword looks awesome with the mouth syncing, uncharted is near flawless, and it looks like killzone 2 will be perfect from the videos we've seen, the damn voice acting in each continues to get better also.


Bout to play for the 4th time. Need to work on my melee attacks, but killing pirates with either the hand gun, shotgun, or assault rifle is just so damn satisfying.


antoniogaud said:
Just finished the game on 'hard'. Its a fun game, but the fact that I unloaded half an AK47 clip on some dude's head without killing him ruins the realistic immersion the visuals try to create.

The visuals are not trying to be realistic.. they do how ever produce a complete world with all dynamics.

this is what is meant by realtime lighting and shadows people.

anyone else notice the bloom effect is perfect in this game.

but yeah on hard it is hard ot kill people but Ive been getting a lot of head shots the 10 h time through the demo. lol

ps: the beginning is full n game engine.
Dot50Cal said:
You must have missed. This game doesnt have a huge reticle like the games you are probably used to be playing. You have to be very precise, and even then the bullet seems to fire randomly, but within the reticle

I understand what you are saying, but the enemies recoiled when shot, so I DEFINITELY hit them.

I am still getting this game NO DOUBT, but these types of things annoy me.


msdstc said:
the dialouge was good, you have to remember that it's chapter 3 so up to this point we have no idea what's going on. The voice acting was incredible though I loved it, it seems as games go on the syncing gets better and better, where heavenly sword looks awesome with the mouth syncing, uncharted is near flawless, and it looks like killzone 2 will be perfect from the videos we've seen, the damn voice acting in each continues to get better also.

Voice acting has come a long way since that "master of unlocking" business in Resident Evil 1.


sh4mike said:
I'm amazed that you are allowed to post here. Enjoy life.

people shouldnt be so harsh on you, but seriously, you are complaining about realistic actions in a game that is trying for a realistic mix of gameplay, and labeling it as bad mechanics.

Auto aim on pop out of cover? Bad Mechanic? Please, give me a break. I just tried it with a water gun behind my chair, contrary to popular belief the hand of God did NOT come down and aim my water gun at my dog for me once i lined him up and went in cover.

Have to wait to take the 2nd shot because of hit detection? You arent good. Again, apparently, contrary to popular belief, when someone gets shot, they do not remain still so you can shoot them yet again. Please sir, may i have another!

Not sure if you brought this up, but i LOVE that you have limited ammo and cant just constantly unload. Bravo ND!

I overally loved the demo, but hope the entire game is not this gunplay heavy


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
AKS said:
Voice acting has come a long way since that "master of unlocking" business in Resident Evil 1.

You're comparing a script translated from japanese to a script written natively in english...hardly comparable.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
For some reason I thought there was going to be more exploration... felt very kill, kill, look at that toucan!, kill. I definitely enjoyed it, it looks great, but still... felt a tad weird.

I'll still check it out once I clear my backlog a bit.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Gattsu25 said:
Posting on a PS3 with the software keyboard so I'll be brief: The demo is amazing! The visuals are crisp and the texture work is very well done...the animation that impressed me the most wasn't the character animation...rather, it was the animation of the jungle, itself. The jungle is packed with trees, vines, shrubs and grass...all swaying, naturally in the breeze. The lighting model also looks amazingly natural, despite the shadows not being as high-rez as I would like. The character animation is tons better than I expected...though the transitions are not perfect. It really is refreshing to be in control of a character that doesn't move like a bowlegged refrigerator :b It's also amazing how minute some of the the animations are...in one instance I was climbing up a partially destroyed wall and noticed Drake's hands where at just the right angles to hold on to the uneven edge.

The gunplay is great IMO: a mix between RE4 and Gears, with the surprise addition of a darn good auto-aim for when you are shooting from the hip. The Gears controls only go so far as the 'O' button is concerned and only deals with the actual mechanics of getting behind cover, switching cover positions, and leaving cover. The aiming and shooting, itself is definately closer to RE4's and, in my humble opinion, the combination works really bloody good. The pistol is decently strengthed (3 body shots or 1 headshot is all it takes to take someone down); the AK-47 is very powerful feeling, though Drake has a bitch of a time dealing with its recoil; the shotgun looks, sounds, and is a death dealing monster (I have a soft spot for shotguns that are well represented, in a game's arsenal, and this game doesn't dissapoint), though the limited number of shells does prevent me from going on shotgun-only rampage; the grenades are powerful, but with a small blast radius, and are easy to use with the game's auto-aim (I did have trouble with the waggle throwing, but that mostly went away when I started considering how the grenades would roll once they landed from my throws); and the fist fighting is amazingly well-implementd (and saved my ass more than a few times in my last playthrough). The platforming controls are intuitive and work splendidly, though I did notice that some reachable ledges could not be climbed upon (and now that I think of it...some places, in non-combat areas, could not be used for cover). The jump is a little too realistic...you can't jump as far or as high as countless videogames have caused me to expect :b

I'd like to state how easily immersed I became or talk in depth about the characters and presentation but...well...hunting ond pecking this post out on the soft-keyboard has already taken me over 20 minutes and I'd rather not type anymore in :b

For what it's worth, this is game is easily a must-buy, for me...Goodnight

That was brief?!


El_TigroX said:
For some reason I thought there was going to be more exploration... felt very kill, kill, look at that toucan!, kill. I definitely enjoyed it, it looks great, but still... felt a tad weird.

I'll still check it out once I clear my backlog a bit.

its just a demo .. we have seen in vods alot more platforming and puzzel solving.


This is fucking ridiculous: demo is ready to install, and when I'm about to play the game (so close)...I get an error during installation. This, after two freezes while the demo was downloading. And on a brand-new, 40GB PS3. C'mon Sony, I'm loving this thing...don't make me fear it/hate it so quickly. :(

Btw, I had to restart the download. 2%. :(


thetrin said:
You're comparing a script translated from japanese to a script written natively in english...hardly comparable.

No, I'm not. Didn't really directly compare them. I'm referring to how such problems and oversights that were once common in video game voice acting are a thing of the past and how the quality has improved dramatically over time.


My girlfriend actually didn't mind watching me play this. She even said that the opening clip was scripted and played like it was a real movie, and that's one of her biggest complaints about games that their cut scenes don't have a real movie feel. She was also amused trying to balance her way across the fallen logs. And finally, she said she's curious about the story and wants to watch me play through this, that says a lot coming from her.


Fafracer forever
sh4mike said:
Presenting both sides of an argument is a part of my professional life.
I don't have an issue with that at all - I rarely write an opinion without commenting on both sides of argument. However your impressions spent a lot of time on personal validation of your views(even stuff like using wife or family member's opinion to support your own - professional virals are Very fond of this one lately) - if the statements were just your opinion, that's not only unnecessary, it's borderline insulting to a neutral reader.
Or better put - it sounds like 'covert' agenda promotion - which is why I compared you to N who does that for a living.

Mind you this isn't about disagreeing with your opinion of the game itself (I'm yet to try it myself, so I don't have an opinion yet).

Most forums are very black-and-white. Either hate the game or love it -- there is no middle ground
I disagree - the NOISE on most forums is black&white, and I agree Gaf had worse signal/noise ratio for past year or two then ever before, but that doesn't mean nothing else is ever posted.


BTW, sorry to you guys in PAL regions who can't play this yet. Naughty Dog is working on a fix. I would have been pissed if I waited to download it and couldn't play it.
J-Rzez said:
My girlfriend actually didn't mind watching me play this. She even said that the opening clip was scripted and played like it was a real movie, and that's one of her biggest complaints about games that their cut scenes don't have a real movie feel. She was also amused trying to balance her way across the fallen logs. And finally, she said she's curious about the story and wants to watch me play through this, that says a lot coming from her.

A real bad movie.

Sorry, but the Joey from Friends cool guy thing just ain't working.

Also the girl is annoying and odd looking. Being stranded in the jungle with Ellen Degeneres is not my ideal, but if I want to play this game I am stuck living that fantasy.



The Sphinx said:
Few things about the opening cinematic.

- I would hazard they are using FMV because of the water... Not normal river or pool water that we see elsewhere, but waves on the open ocean, and a whole horizon full of it. That, the fire effects, and the sheer size of the stage may have made running it real-time at any decent framerate impractical or impossible.





I disagree, it looks to be the same water, look in the background of the third pic, same setting as pic 2. Pic 1 and 4 is the opening cutscene (little bit more fog), everything looks the same as in the other cutscene and there ARE faults in it, just hard to notice. Watch this and you can clearly see them http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27664.html


The Sphinx said:
I agree completely with the RE4 comparisons. The aiming system is very similar.

I hated the aiming in RE4 :/

Gotta try out this demo, I hope the controls are close to Gears and less like RE4.


Fafalada said:
However your impressions spent a lot of time on personal validation of your views(even stuff like using wife or family member's opinion to support your own - professional virals are Very fond of this one lately) - if the statements were just your opinion, that's not only unnecessary, it's borderline insulting to a neutral reader.
Or better put - it sounds like 'covert' agenda promotion - which is why I compared you to N who does that for a living.
Actually, you're making a lot of sense here. Looking at my post, I have positive points on X360 Gears and Mass Effect while stating I would not buy the PS3's best offering this holiday. I can see how that comes across poorly -- unfortunate coincidence.

Regardless, I'm glad that most people are enjoying the demo and I hope it sells well.


Wow,. this game is the texture king! Everything is so crisp and looks like it has AF too. I love the way enemies react to your hits, none of the stationary hit and continue pumping bullets crap used in so many games. Makes gunplay a lot more exciting. Also like how you can reach up and grab on to the taller covers and shoot from top while still hanging. A good strategy for confusing your enemies.


Just went through it.... Awesome!!

I'm thinking of going through it again on Normal with an "Only Headshot" game... should be fun once I pick up that shotty :D


when is my burrito
It's funny that I started the thread and I am now finally just getting to play it. Just finished my first time through the demo on normal. I died once.

As I've come to enjoy in all the PS3 games, the sound quality is phenomenal. The musical score is great as well. In the opening scene "Oh shit, 1,2,3,4,5" and a lot of the other dialogue had me ROFL. I love Nathan's personality. I really think they nailed the feel of the character. Definitely gives me that Indiana Jones feel. Irreverent, resourceful, and witty. Love it. :D

I've hardly seen any of the media on this game and hadn't paid any attention to it until after Ratchet & Clank came out. Always kind of wondered why everybody was fainting over it. Well, consider me converted.

The demo screams polish and finesse like the best games that have come out this year have. Graphics-wise, if there's one thing that sticks out the most in the game, I would say it's the lighting. A very close second would be how the animations look and transition which brings me to gameplay.

It boggles my mind how I can be running around this complex environment and see my character running, and jumping and grabbing onto ledges and it looks like the character is actually in the environment. For example, when you're crawling up on a ledge, your character doesn't jerk around into position on the ledge and then pull himself up like any other game would. He grabs on naturally depending on how you approach it. It made me feel like I had a lot more control over my character.

This carried over into the cover system and combat. The combat is a much more refined version of Gears and RE4 (never played Killer 7). The gunplay requires the finesse of RE4 so you can shoot enemies in specific areas and it really matters where you shoot them. Ammo is somewhat limited, and a good aim is important. Every shot counts and the pirates go down in about as many hits as you think they should. Not too difficult or too easy.

It also improves on the cover mechanic from Gears substantially. The cover feels and looks much more realistic and intuitive. Unlike Gears, when I go into cover, it doesn't feel like I have a gigantic electro-magnet that suddenly appears and attaches me to the nearest cover. I can maneuver a lot easier and it's a lot more fluid. Especially felt this way when I felt I was being cornered. A big difference in the cover controls is that I felt that Uncharted was more intuitive. I didn't need a prompt at the bottom of the screen all the time telling me where my character would go if I popped over from cover to cover. The controls just kind of did what I wanted them to do. It was one less thing I needed to think about when I'm in the midst of combat. It just made sense.

The AI is fairly aggressive and the battle chatter is really great and adds a lot to how you approach your combat situations. I found that listening to what they were talking about helped me play better. A nice little touch.

Overall, it seems like a solid buy for me. Everything impresses and I haven't even stopped to take stock of how good the graphics look yet. The gameplay just felt great/fun. As soon as I can scrounge up the money, Uncharted will be mine.


Incredibly Naive
tanod said:
As I've come to enjoy in all the PS3 games, the sound quality is phenomenal. The musical score is great as well. In the opening scene "Oh shit, 1,2,3,4,5" and a lot of the other dialogue had me ROFL. I love Nathan's personality. I really think they nailed the feel of the character. Definitely gives me that Indiana Jones feel. Irreverent, resourceful, and witty. Love it. :D

Nathan is awesome, really likable character, that 12345 line was hilarious:lol . Hopefully the writing is solid throughout the whole game.


Damnit Wollan, Im still at this title screen! So far theres 4 different tracks that play, with a lengthy pause in between them.

Edit: Ok, 4 is all thats there, cutting now.
sh4mike said:
Given disposable income and time constraints, I focus my gaming activities on perhaps 5-10 titles a year. This allows me to be quite picky with my selection. And although I recognize Uncharted is a great game, I don't believe it will be as fun as Mass Effect which comes out at a similar release date.

While Mass Effect will probably be quite great, I'd warn you about expecting visceral, exciting combat as you apparently enjoy from your Gears love. The realtime battle system in Jade Empire didn't have much meat to it. Yes, Mass Effect is a different beast (ranged weapons, etc.), but WAR INTENSITY isn't what Bioware do best.

As soon as I get home I'll download Uncharted and see what I think about it. Thanks for your impressions, though.


antoniogaud said:
Just finished the game on 'hard'. Its a fun game, but the fact that I unloaded half an AK47 clip on some dude's head without killing him ruins the realistic immersion the visuals try to create.

That's either a gross exaggeration, or a damn lie.


tanod said:
It's funny that I started the thread and I am now finally just getting to play it. Just finished my first time through the demo on normal. I died once.

As I've come to enjoy in all the PS3 games, the sound quality is phenomenal. The musical score is great as well. In the opening scene "Oh shit, 1,2,3,4,5" and a lot of the other dialogue had me ROFL. I love Nathan's personality. I really think they nailed the feel of the character. Definitely gives me that Indiana Jones feel. Irreverent, resourceful, and witty. Love it. :D

I've hardly seen any of the media on this game and hadn't paid any attention to it until after Ratchet & Clank came out. Always kind of wondered why everybody was fainting over it. Well, consider me converted.

The demo screams polish and finesse like the best games that have come out this year have. Graphics-wise, if there's one thing that sticks out the most in the game, I would say it's the lighting. A very close second would be how the animations look and transition which brings me to gameplay.

It boggles my mind how I can be running around this complex environment and see my character running, and jumping and grabbing onto ledges and it looks like the character is actually in the environment. For example, when you're crawling up on a ledge, your character doesn't jerk around into position on the ledge and then pull himself up like any other game would. He grabs on naturally depending on how you approach it. It made me feel like I had a lot more control over my character.

This carried over into the cover system and combat. The combat is a much more refined version of Gears and RE4 (never played Killer 7). The gunplay requires the finesse of RE4 so you can shoot enemies in specific areas and it really matters where you shoot them. Ammo is somewhat limited, and a good aim is important. Every shot counts and the pirates go down in about as many hits as you think they should. Not too difficult or too easy.

It also improves on the cover mechanic from Gears substantially. The cover feels and looks much more realistic and intuitive. Unlike Gears, when I go into cover, it doesn't feel like I have a gigantic electro-magnet that suddenly appears and attaches me to the nearest cover. I can maneuver a lot easier and it's a lot more fluid. Especially felt this way when I felt I was being cornered. A big difference in the cover controls is that I felt that Uncharted was more intuitive. I didn't need a prompt at the bottom of the screen all the time telling me where my character would go if I popped over from cover to cover. The controls just kind of did what I wanted them to do. It was one less thing I needed to think about when I'm in the midst of combat. It just made sense.

The AI is fairly aggressive and the battle chatter is really great and adds a lot to how you approach your combat situations. I found that listening to what they were talking about helped me play better. A nice little touch.

Overall, it seems like a solid buy for me. Everything impresses and I haven't even stopped to take stock of how good the graphics look yet. The gameplay just felt great/fun. As soon as I can scrounge up the money, Uncharted will be mine.

I would argue that while the shooting and cover mechanics work great, they don't refine or improve on Gears. They're different, but certainly not better.

Gears is a shooter, pure shooter, so its much more important to be able to get into cover immediately when you have to. Uncharted doesnt do this or allow you to change from cover to cover as well as Gears does, in my opinion. The combat also doesn't seem to be more "refined" to me either. That isn't to say its worse, its just different. I wouldnt say it works better than gears though, because really, what about aiming and shooting in Gears was off?

Again, the games are different, and I really do love the way uncharted feels, I just have to strongly disagree about your point of this game improving Gears cover mechanic substantially. It's different, and I might concede the animation of going into and being in cover is better, the functionality of it certainly isn't great than Gears.
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