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Uncharted |OT|


Beat it on hard, and died once from stupidity. It takes more patience, and headshots are important as well as cover. The AI was more patient than on Easy/Normal. Shotguns and a few lemmings ran in close, but the AI with ranged weapons kept to their cover and tried flanking. Fortunately, the two main firefight areas have safe cover zones where you can't be flanked and can recover health. If you stay on top of them with well-timed shots, it's pretty easy too. It's fun though, and certainly getting my money when it comes out. PEACE.


I can't wait to try out the hardest difficulty in the retail, these are the best firefights I've ever experienced in a videogame.


Junior Member
Hold on, there is no confirm it will be patch for non-us system.

Sam said he hope to bring a good news next day that's all. So we non-American have to hope ND will be nice enough but I am sure them are.


The Sphinx said:
Don't know if he's talking about the same thing but I've had Drake leap in the air sideways and kick with both feet. Seems to happen more often when you charge and melee an enemy hiding behind cover.

I did that once near the end of the demo. I ran around to climb to get around the locked gate and there was one guy I missed waiting for me. He started attacking so i charged in with a melee and drop kicked him. Haven't snapped a neck yet, though.


Nah man I did once a leg sweep move different from the drop kick, I was in cover mode and when the dude was trying to flank me out I met him at the corner and did a leg sweep manuever.
WOW! I played for over an hour, over and over again, I love it. I played on both normal and hard, focusing most of my time on hard where the bullets do plenty of damage. The action is so much fun, it has this MGS quality to it where you just want to try out different ways to kill people. I have done so many awesome escapes, one time I just charged a guy with a gun and flew in with a punch knocking him out. The melee is so much fun, its best when he does unexpected moves. I have neck snapped a dude, drop kicked one, I slid in and took out a guys feet once, I pounded a guy into a rock, its so much fun. I tried to be stealthy at times, sneaking up to a guy and snapping his neck with no one noticing. Once in a fire fight I just decided to charge this shotgun guy, so I jumped over a stone, got up to him, he took a swing at me I rolled out of the way ending up behind him where I snapped his neck and got in position to shoot the guy coming to his aide, awesome.

The AI is something to behold, these guys do all sorts of stuff to get to you. I love how they take cover, its not robotic at all, they will slide from rock to rock, they will pop out low to the ground to shoot you. There are some guys that jump down walls, its cool as hell to see.

The six axis integration is great and non intrusive, it fits the situation well. For grenade throwing it works like a charm. The sound is just fantastic, the jungle feels alive. One of the best effects is when a grenade goes off near you and you get that high pitch noise when you loose your hearing, just awesome. Graphically one of the most beautiful games I have seen, I love running into the water and seeing Drake come out wet.

Oh and are there any secrets in this demo, the only out of the ordinary thing I found was a cross with a skull on it that Drake comments on. Anything else like that hidden in there?

So I am sold on the action, I am sold on the game, should be special.


So I played again on normal and the last gaurd left in the last fight area hid from me. I shot him a few times and he actually snuck away so I thought he was dead. I was going around collecting my ammo and saw him all hunched over catching his breath. I pressed square and WHAM smashed his face into a pillar!


I just translated the PS3fan.dk review for all of you.

Finally it's time for another review and this time it's Uncharted Drake's Fortune who's in the spot.

Behind the Game
The game is developed by the creators of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter and now Naughty Dog is ready to release Uncharted Drake's Fortune exclusively on the PlayStation 3. Compared to their past games, this is a big step for them. Uncharted Drake's Fortune gives you near photorealistic graphics and it would be sad to say the same thing about Crash Bandicoot.

A look at the Story
A 400 year old trail in a coffin belonging to Sir Francis Drake, a modern gold hunter goes on an adventure to capture the wanted treasure from El Dorado, which leads you to the discovery of a forgotten Island in the middle of the Pacific.

The adventure suddenly becomes a deadly affair when Nathan Drake ends up at a Island and gets hunted by contract killers. In the a clear minority position and with limited ressources, he and his friends have to fight to survive and discover the frightening secrets at the Island.

The story is really thought through and is exciting in a degree, that I can't even understand the game hasn't taken it's basis from a movie, because that would have made sense. Through the whole game almost, you sit with the feeling that you're sitting watching a movie, which I have never experienced in a PlayStation 3 videogame before.

Noone makes fun of Nathan Drake
I guess I could start by saying, that I have never tried a game, that has captured me as good as this one. Quickly you get sucked into the atmosphere, the whole thing is basicly like a film, the difference being, you controlling the leading character.

You take control of Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter, so while the game is partly action, partly adventure, then it's not all about shooting on everything life, because you also have to unravel puzzles and go on an adventure. This is helping the game to differentiate to other FPS games that gets published on the PS3 console in the near future. The controls is like most other games, where the camera is stucked behind the character and where you can look around with the R button, I won't go into detail here.

Nathan Drake is incredibly good at climbing, and you get to do many life threatening jumps, so it's all about being fast at the buttons or else it'll have a bad ending for our hero.

Wauu was the first word to come to mind, when I saw the in-game graphics for the first time ever! I have never seen anything like this and all of it is really overwhelming. They have even thought about the smallest details, and I am in a complete lack of words to describe this. When you walk through bushes, you can actually see them swaying naturally. Shadows from the threes are all natural-like as well and the water is really nicely done. I have never seen that good graphics at a console, so this is simply ground-breaking, and in my opinion sets a whole new standard. Try to take a look at the trailers you can download on the PlayStation Network. All of it is a joy to watch.

Did you hear that as well?
The sound is of course top notch as well, and I have numorious times just let the game be in the menu, so I could listen to the music which is just as fantasic as the rest of the game. It happens sometimes, that you can't see were you are being shot from, so here it's nice to have a good surround sound set, because then you can clearly hear it.

A game which is worth buying?
If we're going to put it all together a little to draw a conclusion, then I'll say that this game is incredibly fun and innovative. The story is top-notch, the graphics is top and the sound is trop as well. Of course everything can't be perfect, and there's some few things that puts the overall product down. The games takes about 9-10 hours to complete on Normal, and normally I would say the game is too short but it's a little different with this game. As said the story is top-notch and I'm worried the game would feel prolonged if it were any longer. That means that the game should be a little cheaper in my opinion than the 500 danish crowns it cost at release. But compared to the entertainmentvalue in so many other games, then this is still some of the best I have tried at a console yet.

Therefore I will actually allow myself to say: "This is probably game of the year on PS3". When you're set and going, you won't stop before the game has been completed, so have five liter cola and two liter popcorn at your side before you sit down and enjoy this fantastic experience of a PlayStation 3 game, which can't be gotten any better!

PS: I have chosen not to go into details with the game, as that would ruin your experience.


Don't say my translation is bad, it's actually written like that in danish.. =/
Maybe my review will be ready this saturday.

So reviews we got so far:
Gamesculpture (??) = said it was good
PS3fan.dk = 9.5/10


SlaughterX said:
"As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch. Other territories are currently putting the finishing touches on the localization aspects of the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo, and will release it in their respective PlayStation Stores in due course."

Sounds pretty damned region locked to me...

Anyway fuck this shit, I'm going to go watch an episode of Heroes then I'm going to bed. Dusted off my PS3 for nothing... *madface*

It isn't region locked. It's fairly obvious from the "Please insert disc" error that it's looking for some file that isn't there.

It might be localized to en-US and is too stupid to try en-GB, or it sees that its running on a PAL box and tries to stick up the SCEE logo which isn't there to stick up.

Annoying? Yes. But I don't think it's malicious.

Anyway I'm dreading the EU demo. Just like HS it's going to be a bloater if it supports all those EU languages.


I played on easy just because I can't get enough of this thing, and I don't think there's too much change in the AI, I think you can take a lot more hits.


Kittonwy said:
If anything mediocre textures is something that Uncharted definitely does NOT suffer from, it has better textures than most next-gen console games and higher quality shadows.
I can't even tell any more, are you joking? Franke8568 was right, the textures are extremely mediocre. I mean rocks just look like rocks, the ground looks like dirt, bricks just look like brick etc, it's pathetic. I can't believe the developers were so lazy, and didn't put in next-gen high-def textures like Gears has, just look at it:













I was willing to overlook that bug I found, but this is unacceptable. I'm going down to the store to cancel my pre-order and knock over a magazine rack.


andrewfee said:
I can't even tell any more, are you joking? Franke8568 was right, the textures are extremely mediocre. I mean rocks just look like rocks, the ground looks like dirt, bricks just look like brick etc, it's pathetic. I can't believe the developers were so lazy, and didn't put in next-gen high-def textures like Gears has, just look at it:

I was willing to overlook that bug I found, but this is unacceptable. I'm going down to the store to cancel my pre-order and knock over a magazine rack.

Ok seriously, it doesn't even look that good on my screen 3; What TV do you have? D; Is there some setting I should adjust? Sharpness, Brightness, Contrast? D;
I feel like I'm playing a different demo than everyone else. I've only played through the entire demo once, on normal, and I encountered lots of technical issues. The framerate was spotty ( particularly early in the level), ruins with over-sized invisible hit boxes prevented me from hitting enemies who were not obstructed, and I noticed a bunch animation problems with Nathan. If this is a year old demo from an early build or something let me know now, because what I experienced was pretty unpolished.

The game obviously looks great, but the fire-fights didn't do anything for me. I'm pretty desperate for PS3 games to play, but this demo raised a lot of doubts for me.


First impressions, fresh from my first run through the demo.

I'm not in love with the art style, but the graphics are amazing. The animations are dead on, and the enemy AI is very impressive. The ducking and weaving to avoid my shots, the flanking and turtling...Fantastic. However Gears may have spoiled me for cover-based gun play: things just don't feel as tight in Uncharted as they do in Gears. That reflects more on Gears' slickness than any real sloppiness on the part of Uncharted, but for those of us who have played both games it's impossible not to make the comparison and find Uncharted somewhat lacking. Also, jumping feels oddly floaty, weapon sound effects are weak, and the camera is a little irritating. But those criticisms certainly don't diminish the overall experience, which is excellent. The melee combat is particularly special, and the fire fights are deeply satisfying.

Best thing about the game? It reminds me of playing Goldeneye for the first time on the N64. Might just be me, but I find there's an intrinsic feel to the gameplay that brings memories of that title up from the depths of my subconscious. In all honesty, it feels like a spiritual sequel. Weird and awesome.


Scary Euro Man
robertsan21 said:
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Uncharted here we come!!!!!

Don't get too excited. What I'm actually expecting is an announcement of when the SCEE version of the demo will be released - probably either next week or the week after next. :(


Dante said:
This game has the most satisfying headshots ever, mainly because you have to really work for em.

Not to mention how rewarding it is, the way they swarm you and how you have limited ammo. Every headshot counts!


MiamiWesker said:
WOW! I played for over an hour, over and over again, I love it. I played on both normal and hard, focusing most of my time on hard where the bullets do plenty of damage. The action is so much fun, it has this MGS quality to it where you just want to try out different ways to kill people. I have done so many awesome escapes, one time I just charged a guy with a gun and flew in with a punch knocking him out. The melee is so much fun, its best when he does unexpected moves. I have neck snapped a dude, drop kicked one, I slid in and took out a guys feet once, I pounded a guy into a rock, its so much fun. I tried to be stealthy at times, sneaking up to a guy and snapping his neck with no one noticing. Once in a fire fight I just decided to charge this shotgun guy, so I jumped over a stone, got up to him, he took a swing at me I rolled out of the way ending up behind him where I snapped his neck and got in position to shoot the guy coming to his aide, awesome.

The AI is something to behold, these guys do all sorts of stuff to get to you. I love how they take cover, its not robotic at all, they will slide from rock to rock, they will pop out low to the ground to shoot you. There are some guys that jump down walls, its cool as hell to see.

The six axis integration is great and non intrusive, it fits the situation well. For grenade throwing it works like a charm. The sound is just fantastic, the jungle feels alive. One of the best effects is when a grenade goes off near you and you get that high pitch noise when you loose your hearing, just awesome. Graphically one of the most beautiful games I have seen, I love running into the water and seeing Drake come out wet.

Oh and are there any secrets in this demo, the only out of the ordinary thing I found was a cross with a skull on it that Drake comments on. Anything else like that hidden in there?

So I am sold on the action, I am sold on the game, should be special.

Thanks, I've been scouting this thread for impressions from someone who shares/understand why the shooting in MGS games is so enjoyable (I crave for freedom to experiment with the AI ^.^ Only kind of fun shoting there is. IMO).
Aske said:
First impressions, fresh from my first run through the demo.

I'm not in love with the art style, but the graphics are amazing. The animations are dead on, and the enemy AI is very impressive. The ducking and weaving to avoid my shots, the flanking and turtling...Fantastic. However Gears may have spoiled me for cover-based gun play: things just don't feel as tight in Uncharted as they do in Gears. That reflects more on Gears' slickness than any real sloppiness on the part of Uncharted, but for those of us who have played both games it's impossible not to make the comparison and find Uncharted somewhat lacking. Also, jumping feels oddly floaty, weapon sound effects are weak, and the camera is a little irritating. But those criticisms certainly don't diminish the overall experience, which is excellent. The melee combat is particularly special, and the fire fights are deeply satisfying.

Best thing about the game? It reminds me of playing Goldeneye for the first time on the N64. Might just be me, but I find there's an intrinsic feel to the gameplay that brings memories of that title up from the depths of my subconscious. In all honesty, it feels like a spiritual sequel. Weird and awesome.

Nice impressions. As a Gears fan, I'd suggest you start messing with the L3 function while under cover. (I know I missed it entirely until my third playthrough, and then I was like "OK this is AWESOME!") Adds a whole new wrinkle to the "cover and shoot" experience. I like it a lot.


andrewfee said:

Thans for sharing those neats shots and for spicing them up with sweet sarcasm. ^.^


The game looks and sounds awesome - OK I'm getting a PS3 for this game. :)

any word on if this game will upscale to 1080i/p or only 720p?


antoniogaud said:
I am retarded because I didn't drink enough of your happy pony kool-aid? Please. The game is fun but is certainly not perfect and NOT the AAA game that will drive holiday sales to non PS3 owners.

You can tell that from just a short demo? :lol


Awntawn said:
Ok seriously, it doesn't even look that good on my screen 3; What TV do you have? D; Is there some setting I should adjust? Sharpness, Brightness, Contrast? D;
The funny thing is that I'm on a "temporary" setup right now, using a calibrated Viewsonic G90fb CRT monitor and an HD Fury:


(it looks significantly better without using a flash for the photo of course)

I say temporary, but it could be like this for some time, as it does 1080p, and I've yet to find an HDTV that even comes close to the quality I get from this. (there are no HD CRTs on sale in the UK) The screen wasn't even that highly rated when it came out (best I could find new these days though) you just can't beat a CRT when it comes to image quality it seems, which is a shame, as I was hoping I'd be happy with one of the 50" Pioneer Plasmas, but the blacks still aren't anywhere near as good as this.

Only thing I could really recommend as far as settings go is to make sure you've got sharpness as low as it goes/off, as that exaggerates any aliasing etc without making the image sharper. The best thing to do is to look at some text (on the XMB for example) and turn it down until the glowing edges around it disappears. (if you play about with the sharpness control, you'll probably understand what I mean)

Sho Nuff

Hooray, thanks to Taro G. Anonymous for letting me play on his US PS3...

+Graphics look a treat, foliage shadows are very nice, though they forgot to make some of the tall plants move when you run through them (oh well, whatever)
+Animation engine is excellent. Try vaulting over a surface with your back faced to it for very nice transition animations.
+Foot placements are good but can get confused sometimes, the bit how he holds out his arms to balance near a ledge is nice.
+Walk/run cycles VERY organic, I think he has a different run on inclines.
+Gameplay: Oh, it's Gears! If you're going to steal, steal from the best. Targeting seems fiddlier because you're out in the open and you need to be way more precise when positioning the reticle, while in Gears you pretty much spray bullets on nearby blobs of alien. There's no close-quarters fighting area in the demo so I never used blind fire.
+I like the Gears-style "look at the place I'm supposed to go" hint button.
+Nice shirt wrinkles. Crossfading normal maps or something.

-The expository dialogue in the opening cutscene is super-forced and dumb, but once that out of the way it's pretty entertaining and Drake gets the funny lines.
-Decreasing FOV is NOT motion blur, and the day when ND can't hold 30fps with vsync is a sad one indeed.
-Sixaxis controls, wut
-It's not terribly obvious as to what vines I can and can't climb?
-It would be nice if the targeting reticule turned red when moved over an enemy, especially because the enemies you're targeting are frequently far away and blend into the background.
-Explosions are unimpressive.
-Not much variety, the platforming was pretty meh, but then again it's just a demo.

Interesting enough, I'll play the final for sure in some form or another.


I kind of think that people has been introduced to the game in a "wrong" way, as you were put into the action at minute one. In the full game, you slowly get immersed in the universe, thanks to the slow pace in the start with smalle puzzles and tons of platforming. Maybe it's just me..


-Decreasing FOV is NOT motion blur, and the day when ND can't hold 30fps with vsync is a sad one indeed.

I'm stuck with an unplayable demo (eu ps3) but having seen some footage of the demo I have to agree. Pretty sad... I have to wonder how choppy the jeep/jet ski sections will be. Seems they haven't bothered to iron out these problems as they've been there from the start. Poor showing imo... if games like Ratchet can get it right there is no excuse.


Good grief. The VSYNC issues ARE NOT BAD.

Look at heavenly sword for TERRIBLE VSYNC issues.

The game looks mindblowing and absolutely gorgeous. The occasional lack of vsync doesn't detract much at all. While I would prefer the VSYNC be locked, it's not nearly as bad as other titles like God of War...and I recall God of War being incredibly beautiful on the PS2.

Ratchet isn't even comparable because these games are pushing the system in two completely different directions. Ratchet is all about geometry and it looks phenomenal and smooth, but the lighting and textures aren't even in the same league as uncharted.


Pallaris said:
I'm stuck with an unplayable demo (eu ps3) but having seen some footage of the demo I have to agree. Pretty sad... I have to wonder how choppy the jeep/jet ski sections will be. Seems they haven't bothered to iron out these problems as they've been there from the start. Poor showing imo... if games like Ratchet can get it right there is no excuse.

:lol give me a break
Ahh now I don't feel guilty for having this fanboy avatar.

The character feels real. This reminded me of when I first saw Prince Of Persia, the original PC version.


This game is incredible. I can't get over the way it really feels as if you're trudging through water, or that Drake starts to breathe heavier when the action heats up, or the look of concern on his face when he's in a shootout. I've never played anything like it. People mentioning Tomb Raider should have their livers torn out. I don't get the 'floaty animation' comments either. Was that term created pecifically for Uncharted? I look and I look and I just can't find anything that feels 'floaty'. @_@
This is the ultimate ''gently push on the left analog stick while swinging the camera around with the right stick'' game. I just gawk at everything. Can't wait for this game.


andrewfee said:
Only thing I could really recommend as far as settings go is to make sure you've got sharpness as low as it goes/off, as that exaggerates any aliasing etc without making the image sharper. The best thing to do is to look at some text (on the XMB for example) and turn it down until the glowing edges around it disappears. (if you play about with the sharpness control, you'll probably understand what I mean)
The thing is, it seems that the opposite of Sharp = Blurry, which is bad in another direction. In fact, less sharpness seems to lead to more glow around the edges of text from what I'm seeing ;/ But yeah, it definitely exaggerates edges and jaggies and whatnot. I'll guess I'll tweak it a bit tomorrow to see if I can't produce some improvement D;
Forsete said:
So us Euros might get to play it today? Was it today they were supposed to inform us?
I don't know but i'm dying here cannot play this demo.
I hope they'll just fix the bug/region lock/whatever... so we can try it.
If it comes next week it'll be useless (SMG, AC and Rabbids 2) and aftere there will be GH III... wow so many games in november :D
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