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Uncharted |OT|

Ranger X

Excellent demo! I want to see the full game though because either the demo isn't representative or the game looks to be a little on the simple side for the gameplay (or should i say, lacking).
It looks completely amazing, the controls are good and holyshit i love the shooting. The AI is also excellent. I love to shoot the arm of the guy while he's trying to shoot a grenade and then he misses and then the grenade explodes around his partners. :lol

The only thing that annoys me is the fucking blur when i turn the camera though. That wasn't needed at all. I feels wierd like i become momentarily with bad eye sight or something. When an image moves fast my eyes are naturally blurring it. Those shit effect with no logical or usefull purpose should cease.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Holy mother of God.

Yes, I gave in and played the demo for 5 minutes, until I finished the second firefight.

It does not disappoint to say the least.

As I said, I didn't play much, but I loved the firefights that were there, shooting feels great, taking cover and rolling from one cover to the next is as intuitive and glitch free as I had hoped, everything again has that level of polish and solid feel to it. Be it shooting or just running and jumping, controls and animation are absolutely spot-on and seriously look like nothing made before. It's a joy just running around and seeing your character sway realistically, watching minute detail in his every little movement. Seeing him vault over ledges in what seems to never be quite the same way again. Note how there's few different animations just for blind revolver shooting while you're standing still. One of them is typical Indy style shot from the hip.

I have to say that after watching all of these videos and everything, still it was something else seeing this game work. I really do think ND has made the best overall engine I've seen so far on any console. It's just incredible how solid and artifact-free everything is, how smooth it moves, how overwhelmingly detailed everything is. Shadows for example look absolutely amazing in how detailed they are and how artifact free they are. The thing is, every other visual aspect got that same treatment. Framerate dipped maybe once or twice for the whole time I played, and again, it just left me in awe that something so complex looking churns out frames seemingly at such ease. The graphics whore in me was giggling all alone on every little thing, but technicals aside, the overall aesthetic is really
great as well.

The intro cutscene was said to be (perhaps disappointingly) a compressed video, but on my TV at least, artifact didn't pop out enough to ever bother me (thank you plasma...) and characterization, animation and voice acting is really spot-on, and makes you instantly care about those two.

Music + sound effects is best described as a combination of MGS3 + Indy. The title screen theme definitely has that old school adventuring thing to it, just with a modern arrangement and instrument use. Gameplay is punctured with low-key music throughout, and of course the sounds of jungle as well - and they do indeed sound impressive. Birds chirping, crickets cricketing, water splashing, Nate thinking aloud, encouraging himself (with it being mixed so well that it doesn't even sound like it's recorded in a studio), the sound stage is as impressive as visuals are.

OK, so those are the glowing impressions from someone who wanted the game to be the best it can be, but I really, honestly think it delivered. I'm trying to think about something negative to say, but the problems seem so insignificant, and even things that this game doesn't do perfectly (like the way character sometimes moves over the terrain, are generally much worse in other games anyway, so how can I take it against it here?)

Well, that's it. Looks like I could talk about my 5 minute demo play for hours now but I'm going to stop. Hopefully at least some of you from Europe (and it seems like there's lots of you who were anticipating this but couldn't play it) will be happy to read some more detailed impressions coming from someone who is anticipating this game a lot. I'm now pumped for it more than ever. In fact the demo inspired me to start making the Official Uncharted Countdown, and I promise it will be something a bit special, just as I think the game deserves. I think this will easily be by far the best game ND has ever made, and most likely best (at least) PS3 game made so far.


McBradders said:
I guess working at ground zero for 10 years would have that affect on one, wouldn't it? You could, you know, try checking my post history, but whatever man.

I don't think his skepticism/confusion is entirely unwarranted. You worked at the London studio, not at ND. You got laid off a while ago, I'd wager long before talks of how to handle the Uncharted demo began. You also didn't elaborate enough to let us know if it was just a gut feeling from your side or if you actually knew something.


sh4mike said:
Our posts were similar in regard to having a mildly disappointing experience and having issues with the core gameplay. The difference is I am flamed, while mods and long-time PS3 supporters are left alone. The point of my prior post was to illustrate this discrepancy.

No its not that PS3 supporters are left alone... its that the method of critique used by you and some others is really stupid..

Evilore just talks about the game and his opinion of issues... HE feels that the game doesn't do so and so right.

While YOU on the other hand critique the game based on thing you can't put a finger on.. Comments like: paraphrased ["I can't really explain it.. but its not as good as gears"] is a worthless critique Sh4mike

And others who have been blasted also have similarly retarded critiques.. like the guy earlier where one of his complaints was that the female lead looks like a mother.

Or critiques like ... This gun isn't exactly like this gun from this game... Those critiques are worthless and SHOULD get blasted because they dont add anything to the discussion... they only add console wars discussions. And that really isn't needed here.

Other complaints like "Damn I ran out of ammo" are equally retarded as a critique of the game.. especially given how little it takes to drop a baddie....


EviLore said:
Just played through.

Nice graphics. Thought the controls were responsive enough even with the elaborate animations in there. Cool opening cutscene.

Boring shooting. Apparently your pistol has stronger bullets than the AK-47. Screen tearing (mild, but still gave me eye strain). Camera felt a bit wonky at times, wanting to snap to the completely wrong position (camera facing the wall), though it would listen to me if I had it swing the other way.

There seem to be too many enemies, and they set up the encounters so that it looks like the enemies are spawning rather than reacting to your presence naturally. At one point I was wondering whether they made a Call of Duty game and I was supposed to go to a checkpoint so that they would stop appearing, but apparently not. I enjoyed the final platforming bit right before the demo ends, so that's promising enough.

Kinda underwhelming overall. I'll play it again on hard, but I'm not expecting much improvement and I'm sure to get a full blown headache from the screen tearing this time.

I kindly disagree in every way possible. Maybe that's because you're generally not positive toward anything on PS3, who knows.

I'm pretty sure the other extremely positive impressions out weigh many of the fairly underhwelming and shoddy 'poor impressions'. The game will be great.

Kinda like the one guy in a Bioshock thread saying "I'm unimpressed, it's a First Person Shooter".

Yea, he was right *lawl*.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Shooting seemed fine to me. I didn't have a problem with the pistol vs the AK power. AK effectiveness seemed appropriate, allowing for the more erratic firing pattern as a result of greater recoil. After I got used to the reticle I found myself using manual aim more than auto-aim even in open firefights because it gave me the control I wanted without sacrificing too much in terms of movement speed because it was still easy to duck in and out of cover.


EviLore said:
The pistol is apparently a Beretta 92G-SD, which has 9mm and .40 S&W variants. AK-47 uses 7.62x39 rounds. 450-600 joules for the pistol, 2010 joules for the AK. Completely backwards in the game. Give me a mac-10 or something if you want me to do full clip sprays to take down enemies. Well, whatever, not the end of the world. Shotgun's cool, too.

You're the mod i know i won't ever be messing with.


Shit this looks so good.

Especially the shadows.

The textures are insane too.

I'm going to have to borrow a friend's PS3 and try this over the weekend.


I loved the shooting & how your enemies keep dodging and moving around. I also love the fact that you sometimes have to but yourself in danger to get more ammo. We have to remember that Drake isn't a mercenary or elite navy seal packed with 1000 rounds of ammo.

I didn't see as much screen tearing as some have suggested, if anything its very minimal to my eyes and not a distraction at all. The animations are awesome & plentiful, take a moment to stand around with Drake and he'll preform several little (I'm bored) animations.

Naughty Dog has made an excellent game here, and I am even more eager to get my hands on the final version. I would say day one purchase, but I've already had the game pre-ordered for sometime now!


tha_con said:
I kindly disagree in every way possible. Maybe that's because you're generally not positive toward anything on PS3, who knows.

I'm pretty sure the other extremely positive impressions out weigh many of the fairly underhwelming and shoddy 'poor impressions'. The game will be great.

Kinda like the one guy in a Bioshock thread saying "I'm unimpressed, it's a First Person Shooter".

Yea, he was right *lawl*.

Considering you posted this in response to EviLore, who has long been a strong PS3 supporter, I'd say this makes you one clueless troll.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Firewire said:
I loved the shooting & how your enemies keep dodging and moving around. I also love the fact that you sometimes have to but yourself in danger to get more ammo.

Yep, agreed here. Especially on Hard the enemies do seem to use cover and dodge, peeking before popping out, that sort of thing. They don't just run around in the open. Because you can't carry an extreme amount of ammo, you do need to rush sometimes into melee or expose yourself to get more rounds. All well designed.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
joshcryer said:
They most likely ran out of texture mem, and since you're not looking at the boundry most of the time considered it a fair compromise. The same could be said of any other graphical glitches or imperfections you freaking perfectionists strive for. :lol

Please by all means guys critical of graphics make a better game.
Hey, in my defense, my criticism isn't to say that they should have extended the boundaries AND kept the overall visual detail they currently have. I can accept a tradeoff, so I'm not demanding greater perfection from ND (nor am I really demanding anything from them) just expressing a personal preference.


Don't have much to say beyond "I loved the demo". Played through it twice and it's exceptional on a number of levels, and I can't wait to try the full version.


Trying to love it. I'm a PC guy at heart and this will be my first console game purchase since Dreamcast. I really can't get used to the aiming, but it's me being a console noob as opposed to a problem with Drake. Think I should buy it and stick it out?
LaneDS said:
Don't have much to say beyond "I loved the demo". Played through it twice and it's exceptional on a number of levels, and I can't wait to try the full version.

Pretty much sums up my thoughts...the demo is incredibly fun...I'll be picking this up once it's released. Great job Naughty Dog.


methane47 said:
While YOU on the other hand critique the game based on thing you can't put a finger on.. Comments like: paraphrased ["I can't really explain it.. but its not as good as gears"] is a worthless critique Sh4mike
Good point.


kaching said:
Hey, in my defense, my criticism isn't to say that they should have extended the boundaries AND kept the overall visual detail they currently have. I can accept a tradeoff, so I'm not demanding greater perfection from ND (nor am I really demanding anything from them) just expressing a personal preference.
That is my only hope for the full version of the game, more to explore. That could be the thing that keeps me from buying it, the story looks very good and Drake has to be the best human character in a long time.


it's ok, you're all right now
kaching said:
Hey, in my defense, my criticism isn't to say that they should have extended the boundaries AND kept the overall visual detail they currently have. I can accept a tradeoff, so I'm not demanding greater perfection from ND (nor am I really demanding anything from them) just expressing a personal preference.

Oh it's cool, I just think it's funny that people think that developers don't have things like that for a reason. As if, for instance, the graphics artist for the skybox was a slackard and *no one* noticed their work or something. :) If something could be done about it it would have been. If the benefits didn't outweigh the effort to make the game, it would stay the way it has.

I noticed this boundry/sky box very early on in the videos and knew immediately why they did it that way. High quality sky boxes can eat texture ram like crazy. Ugh, I'll still never understand why freaking this gen has such low RAM available. My 4 year old laptop has more RAM.


I don't think it's Naughty Dog's intent to accurately reproduce the real-world effectiveness of the Beretta and AK-47. They're using these weapons to fill the standard niches in shooters: the handgun is the long-range weapon, ideal for use when in cover. The AK-47 is the medium range automatic and is notably less useful when in cover: it's great for charging an enemy position or suppressing the bastards when making a long jog between cover points. The shotty is of course the close proximity weapon for use in flanking maneuvers, or in defense when the enemy attempts to do the same to you. Grenades flush the enemy out of an entrenched position.

It's all very standard and works well. The biggest wrinkle is being forced to choose between the AK and the shotty, which might add strategic depth in a Halo sort of way or might just spur frustrations depending on how well Naughty Dog has designed encounters.


i saw that walkthrough on stage6 and one thing that bothered me about the guns, the shotgun, to be precise, is the fact that it took 3 shots to take someone out. shouldn't one be more than enough, since it's a shotgun and all.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Ranger X said:
When an image moves fast my eyes are naturally blurring it. Those shit effect with no logical or usefull purpose should cease.
See, that's the thing - unless your eyes have gone bad, they shouldn't be blurring fast moving 30FPS footage. 30FPS is easily low enough for eyes/brain to never go into the 'blur mode' (which happens for example when you're in the real-life car and look at the closer side of the road though the window), but can see each individual frame instead. That's why they put the blur there in the first place, and that's why the motion blur is used on film etc. in general.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
CoG said:
Trying to love it. I'm a PC guy at heart and this will be my first console game purchase since Dreamcast. I really can't get used to the aiming, but it's me being a console noob as opposed to a problem with Drake. Think I should buy it and stick it out?
If you can't get used to the aiming with more practice in the demo, I wouldn't force the purchase. Seems like there will be enough shootouts in the game where you'd probably get frustrated if the shooting doesn't ever click for you.

But I would also bet that you could get the hang of the shooting if you played with it a little bit more in the demo. Don't think of it as run and gun, use cover frequently as they provide it liberally and learn to center your camera on your target before jumping out of cover to shoot.


OK, it finally finished downloading so now I can add my impressions to my earlier post bitching about the bitching.

After reading all the complaints of tearing on here, the first thing I did was spin the camera around myself a few times right where you start off, and didn't get a single tear. I did, however get a weird blurred effect, which I think was a misplaced depth of field due to the camera getting confused. Or maybe it was deliberate and an attempt to highlight my dizziness after spinning in circles. Either way, weird, but not really a problem. it went away a second or so after I stopped spinning.

Then I got to the next area, and the tearing began. It continued throughout the rest of the demo, and was worst in the area near the end with all the pillars. Hopefully as someone just posted, this was the E3 build and not indicative of the final build. It was tolerable, but like Evilore, I started getting a bit headachey towards the end of the demo. From the footage I've seen, most of the levels aren't as geometry-intensive as the jungle levels either, so even if this is the final build, it will probably be better on some of the other levels.

The gunplay was a bit disappointing, but that may be because I've been playing a whole lot of pure shooters lately. Even with it being a bit disappointing, it still stands up as "best of genre" combat. It's far better than Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia:SoT's combat systems, so while it doesn't quite stand up to the best shooters on the market, it's tops in the platform-puzzler/action genre, or whatever this genre is called. I just wish they'd have made half as many guys per encounter all at once, rather than trickling them slowly at you as you kill them until you inevitably run out of ammo.

There wasn't a whole lot of platforming in the demo, and what was there was pretty simple, but it seems like this is early in the game, so I'm sure there will be more and better stuff to come later on. The mechanics seem solid, so that's all I can take from it in that area.

So yeah, I wasn't blown away, but I still have no intentions of cancelling my pre-order. It looks like it will be an excellent game, just not up to "Game-of-the-Forever" standards, but then again, what is?


Anastacio said:
I just translated the PS3fan.dk review for all of you.


Don't say my translation is bad, it's actually written like that in danish.. =/
Maybe my review will be ready this saturday.

So reviews we got so far:
Gamesculpture (??) = said it was good
PS3fan.dk = 9.5/10

Thanks for the translated review. I'm looking forward to yours as well. Don't worry about us, though. Go enjoy the game! If it is even anything like what everyone is saying, it should be one heck of a ride. :D

I think the demo impressions thread got overrun by Sony-haters. I hope this is their last chance to sabotage the game: it is getting quite ridiculous. I dare not go to those threads anymore. Maybe some of the others who took a break from this thread will come back. SAVE YOURSELVES BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!
One of the very few games I would play initially in Hard mode. The game is simply more fun as it forces you to utilize cover effectively as well as pick and train your shots more thoughtfully. I went through the demo in Hard mode this morning, since I was a little disappointed yesterday, and I can say that I certainly had more fun.


it's ok, you're all right now
bud said:
i saw that walkthrough on stage6 and one thing that bothered me about the guns, the shotgun, to be precise, is the fact that it took 3 shots to take someone out. shouldn't one be more than enough, since it's a shotgun and all.

Could you possibly link to it? I honestly don't see the link in the past few pages (since I last posted here when that guy was talking about uploading it).


I am Wayne Brady.
The AI is brilliant. I simply can't think of better shoot em up AI.

Theres brilliance in the dodging and cover varients alone, but what gets me is how they react to my position. People just say "they flank". Thats putting it lightly. They seem to pay strict attention to my field of view and move when they are in the blind spots. I had as much fun indirectly controlling their flow than actually firing back.

Alot of the criticisms that i read in this thread I simply don't agree with.

I think the combat is very satisfying, I like the lack of accurate pretargeting...it's weaksauce and always has been.
I think the gun sounds are appropriate and strong (i love the high but wet pop of the pistol)
I like how the enemies move (and sometimes even trip over themselves) when I shoot them no matter how hard it is to get that second consecutive shot.
I like the controls and the cover system
I like the camera in combat situations...it hasn't done me wrong yet.
The animations amaze
I like the platforming, it felt great.

BUT, I will agree with some of the camera complaints. I had some trouble doing platforming segments because of it. I also question the whole pistol vs. AK thing. I really do prefer the pistol over the AK lol. They seem to do the same amount of damage, but the AK spray tends to make it take longer to kill somebody. I also noticed a handful of small graphical glitches that people mentioned like tearing. And the granade explosion.....what the hell?


Brashnir said:
The gunplay was a bit disappointing, but that may be because I've been playing a whole lot of pure shooters lately. Even with it being a bit disappointing, it still stands up as "best of genre" combat. It's far better than Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia:SoT's combat systems, so while it doesn't quite stand up to the best shooters on the market, it's tops in the platform-puzzler/action genre, or whatever this genre is called. I just wish they'd have made half as many guys per encounter all at once, rather than trickling them slowly at you as you kill them until you inevitably run out of ammo.

I don't get how people run out of ammo when there was so much laying around. Am I wrong to assume that folks were trying to take out everyone and then move up instead of progressively moving about while the enemies trickle in? You described the shooting best with this comment though:

It's far better than Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia:SoT's combat systems, so while it doesn't quite stand up to the best shooters on the market, it's tops in the platform-puzzler/action genre, or whatever this genre is called.

Ranger X

Marconelly said:
See, that's the thing - unless your eyes have gone bad, they shouldn't be blurring fast moving 30FPS footage. 30FPS is easily low enough for eyes/brain to never go into the 'blur mode' (which happens for example when you're in the real-life car and look at the closer side of the road though the window), but can see each individual frame instead. That's why they put the blur there in the first place, and that's why the motion blur is used on film etc. in general.

Depends on what you focus. If you look at you computer screen, your brain care less about what's about therefore you're not clearly seeing it.
As for movement, focus on your hand and watch it move faster and faster. At some point it will just be blur. That's what i'm talking about.
About this logic applied to videogames, i don't like games that decide for me where i focus and then what i see blurred and when. For cut-scenes/storytelling is ok. Same for movies.

Lastly, i also think it's stupid movies are still 24fps + blur. It would look better and more real if it was at 60fps per example. We would also see better in fast action scenes and during high contrast changes.


bud said:
i saw that walkthrough on stage6 and one thing that bothered me about the guns, the shotgun, to be precise, is the fact that it took 3 shots to take someone out. shouldn't one be more than enough, since it's a shotgun and all.

Either he's playing on hard or he sucks. A well placed shot will take them down I thought. Though I mostly stuck with the AK.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
re: the Shotgun, it's a one shot kill in the game at short range, and not nearly as effective at medium or long range. Standard video game mechanic really.


Anastacio said:
I just translated the PS3fan.dk review for all of you.


Don't say my translation is bad, it's actually written like that in danish.. =/
Maybe my review will be ready this saturday.

So reviews we got so far:
Gamesculpture (??) = said it was good
PS3fan.dk = 9.5/10
Great read. Much thanks, man
Basch said:
I think the demo impressions thread got overrun by Sony-haters. I hope this is their last chance to sabotage the game: it is getting quite ridiculous. I dare not go to those threads anymore. Maybe some of the others who took a break from this thread will come back. SAVE YOURSELVES BEFORE IT IS TO LATE!
I'll be safe, as I usually never enter official game threads post-release


CoG said:
Trying to love it. I'm a PC guy at heart and this will be my first console game purchase since Dreamcast. I really can't get used to the aiming, but it's me being a console noob as opposed to a problem with Drake. Think I should buy it and stick it out?

Well if everything else is somewhat appealing to you, I would suggest you buy it. The gun mechanics in terms of aiming is something that you can easily adapt to. I'm pretty much a console player & the aiming isn't something I'm accustomed to, but after a couple of rounds I really became appreciative of how it works.


Brashnir said:
OK, it finally finished downloading so now I can add my impressions to my earlier post bitching about the bitching.

After reading all the complaints of tearing on here, the first thing I did was spin the camera around myself a few times right where you start off, and didn't get a single tear. I did, however get a weird blurred effect, which I think was a misplaced depth of field due to the camera getting confused. Or maybe it was deliberate and an attempt to highlight my dizziness after spinning in circles. Either way, weird, but not really a problem. it went away a second or so after I stopped spinning.

Then I got to the next area, and the tearing began. It continued throughout the rest of the demo, and was worst in the area near the end with all the pillars. Hopefully as someone just posted, this was the E3 build and not indicative of the final build. It was tolerable, but like Evilore, I started getting a bit headachey towards the end of the demo. From the footage I've seen, most of the levels aren't as geometry-intensive as the jungle levels either, so even if this is the final build, it will probably be better on some of the other levels.

The gunplay was a bit disappointing, but that may be because I've been playing a whole lot of pure shooters lately. Even with it being a bit disappointing, it still stands up as "best of genre" combat. It's far better than Tomb Raider or Prince of Persia:SoT's combat systems, so while it doesn't quite stand up to the best shooters on the market, it's tops in the platform-puzzler/action genre, or whatever this genre is called. I just wish they'd have made half as many guys per encounter all at once, rather than trickling them slowly at you as you kill them until you inevitably run out of ammo.

There wasn't a whole lot of platforming in the demo, and what was there was pretty simple, but it seems like this is early in the game, so I'm sure there will be more and better stuff to come later on. The mechanics seem solid, so that's all I can take from it in that area.

So yeah, I wasn't blown away, but I still have no intentions of cancelling my pre-order. It looks like it will be an excellent game, just not up to "Game-of-the-Forever" standards, but then again, what is?
Do you guys just stare at the screen looking for tearing and in the process get a headache? Wtf is wrong with people.


this is just great. i downloaded this but now it's not working because i have a pal ps3? is there a workaround? any word on a demo for pal regions? damn

Ranger X

jarosh said:
this is just great. i downloaded this but now it's not working because i have a pal ps3? is there a workaround? any word on a demo for pal regions? damn

Yeah there's a bug in the US demo. It does not work for PAL (and also JAP i think)
You will have to wait for the EU demo that is definetely coming.


jarosh said:
this is just great. i downloaded this but now it's not working because i have a pal ps3? is there a workaround? any word on a demo for pal regions? damn

there's some sort of bug which means non-us machines can't play it. apparently they're working on it, or something.
Played through the demo last night. It wasn't as hard as some made it out although I did run out of ammo a few times. I never died. Short story is I like the demo a lot, but it's not the GOTY some here profess. I think R&C has better graphics, personally. Anyway, here are my positives and nit-picks. This is all just my opinion, but since it's not all glowing I'm sure I'll be attacked.

+ Game has great graphics overall, textures, shadows, and animation are top notch
+ Gunplay and platforming are fun and a great improvement over Tomb Raider.
+ Good Cutscene to open the action
+ VO work and music is phenomenal

The game does more right than it does wrong but it's the wrong things that I need to elaborate on to avoid being attacked.

- Hit detection seems a little off. I hit enemies in the head a couple times last night and they didn't drop. Furthermore, if I'm standing, shooting from cover and I lean out to the side and shoot at enemies, I seem to get hit by bullets that are visually not touching me.
- Don't remember which difficulty I picked but it seemed like unless you got a head shot it was always 3 hits to kill a guy every time. That needs to vary some based on hit location. Felt too "gamey" after a while and took me out of the action.
- You're obviously running through "corridors" of trees in this jungle. Even the side paths are "corridors" made up of closely growing, samey looking trees. Far Cry did the jungle environment better than this game, IMO. Luckily most of it is going to take place in temples and such.
- The middle sections and floor in these "corridors" are filled with relatively little vegetation for a jungle and the grass is sparse and looks terrible compared with many other games.
- Water looks great but physics wise it doesn't do much. The Baldur's Gate: DA style ripples you leave behind are too fast and don't react very realistically. There's one point early on where the river is flowing down a small hill and yet this section looks just like the river where it's flat, i.e. rivers don't calmly flow down declines like that. Perfect Dark Zero had this in abundance and it nagged me there too.
- Screen tearing. It's fairly bad in the demo. I'm sure it'll be fixed.
- Facial animations in cutscenes are pure Naughty Dog. In other words, the characters' faces animate with what I call "Rubber Face". Now it's not nearly as evident here as it is in the J&D games, but the facial animations are still not quite realistic looking and it doesn't match the great character models. Realistic facial animation's been done better.

? - I have no idea how representative the demo is of the whole game, but the demo felt a little combat heavy. I'd prefer it focused more on the side of puzzles and platforming instead of waves of spawning enemies but I guess I'll see since I'm definitely picking this up. That last trailer looked even better than this demo, IMO so I'm sure the demo is built on older code and many of the nitpicks have been addressed.


Regarding the tearing issues: I have minimal tearing, like literally twice in the demo and it only lasts for a fraction of a second. I played it twice last night and on the second playthrough spent a lot more time trying to force it to tear, spinning the camera around and up and down in large environments with water, moving the camera erratically in the middle of gunfights, etc. No tearing that I could see besides those two occasions.

I'm running in 720p. Is the problem perhaps running the game at a higher resolution? Is my PS3 running unusually cool or something?


Some of you make me smile :)

I played trought the demo and all I will say is, that it's unbeleavable so far. Well executed and verry immersive.

Congrats so far ND.. It's a seller..


I'm liking what I'm seeing!

The setting is fuck-pretty, the main character is likable, and there is lots and lots of shooting. There is a lot of little advantages to take like getting to high ground and shooting down on people. Shooting while moving is also a lot of fun and quite effective.

The demo is light on story but we know the game won't be. I think that will add an extra dimension as well. This and Ratchet is going to be a fun departure from all of the FPS that I've been playing for the past year.


RobertM said:
Do you guys just stare at the screen looking for tearing and in the process get a headache? Wtf is wrong with people.

not at all. It's not actually the tearing that causes the headaches, it's the inconsistent framerate. The worst case of it I've seen is actually the Beautiful Katamari demo on the 360. There's no tearing since v-sync is on, but it pings back and forth between 60 and 30fps constantly. It actually made me ill within about 5 minutes.


Man this game is so awesome! and it gets better every time i got through the demo!

The first time I went through the fire fight took a long time. Now it takes no time.

my personal GOTY for sure!

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
The Sphinx said:
Regarding the tearing issues: I have minimal tearing, like literally twice in the demo and it only lasts for a fraction of a second. I played it twice last night and on the second playthrough spent a lot more time trying to force it to tear, spinning the camera around and up and down in large environments with water, moving the camera erratically in the middle of gunfights, etc. No tearing that I could see besides those two occasions.

I'm running in 720p. Is the problem perhaps running the game at a higher resolution? Is my PS3 running unusually cool or something?

Same exact experience here. Two total times of tearing, close to the top of the screen, and both times it was when a long shot came into view while I was climbing up onto a ledge. 720p here as well.

I have no complaints other than the camera getting in the way a bit on the ending platforming sequence; my preorder stands.


Brashnir said:
not at all. It's not actually the tearing that causes the headaches, it's the inconsistent framerate. The worst case of it I've seen is actually the Beautiful Katamari demo on the 360. There's no tearing since v-sync is on, but it pings back and forth between 60 and 30fps constantly. It actually made me ill within about 5 minutes.

are you trying to say that uncharted has an inconsistent frame rate? if so i think your ps3 may be broken. :(
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