Played a second time. After the first open firefight you have to platform up, and then there's this gate, up left there's a opening. Went there and I wasn't a sitting duck for the guys who were already there. Could pick them off one by one. Lobbed a grenade on some guy's head and after it bounced off his head he said "Uh oh" like he knew he was about to day and flew through the air as the explosion went off.
The fights are fun, best thing is seeing your enemies jump from cover to cover in these cool animations. This shotgun guy was coming closer and closer, covincingly jump-rolling into cover.
It's also cool to see them do the same animations Drake does when he's running and people are shooting at him.
Platforming went a lot better as you familiarize yourself with the way the animation system works.
Only I can't get the hang of the hard combo timing (square, triangle, square).
I also hope those guys don't say "shoot to kill" too often.
Max sensitivity needs to be more sensitive.