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Uncharted |OT|


Speevy said:
There's no context fo Uncharted multiplayer. Are the pirates turning on each other?

Meh, just copy Insomniac and have different clothing that you unlock.

Edit: I just think that a lot of people will ignore the game for the lack of MP and that this game has the potential for some big numbers if something like MP is incorporated to increase longevity.


Me_Marcadet said:
Hu! I got another bug :(
I was jumping and climbing everywhere and Nate got stuck in the decor :/

I really hope the final game is bug free.

Anastacio, can you confirm there is no such things in your review copy please ?

This is the final game, bugs are normal though
Core407 said:
Meh, just copy Insomniac and have different clothing that you unlock.

Edit: I just think that a lot of people will ignore the game for the lack of MP and that this game has the potential for some big numbers if something like MP is incorporated to increase longevity.

So you're seriously advocating allocating resources to a token MP (and thus decreasing available resources for SP) component for no other reason than that it'd increase sales? That's crazy, at least from a gamer perspective.


AltogetherAndrews said:
So you're seriously advocating allocating resources to a token MP (and thus decreasing available resources for SP) component for no other reason than that it'd increase sales? That's crazy, at least from a gamer perspective.

I think he's saying it from a gamer's perspective because it would be fun and give long lasting replayability like Resistance.

I mean I wouldn't knock points off for not having MP in a game like Uncharted, but as a gamer, I would absolutely love multi-floored arenas that you could climb and jump across while blasting each other with weapons. Would be unique in a way never done before and totally awesome.


AltogetherAndrews said:
So you're seriously advocating allocating resources to a token MP (and thus decreasing available resources for SP) component for no other reason than that it'd increase sales? That's crazy, at least from a gamer perspective.

I'm not advocating taking away from the SP. Just saying an expansion or a delay in the game for MP would be options I wouldn't mind seeing. The MP isn't token - it's a potentially amazing experience. I mean, look at Gears of War. It's basically a juggernaut to this day and the MP added so much value to the overall package. There is a lot of potential for some cool gameplay concepts in MP Uncharted.
Pimpwerx said:
You can combo into a Drake Break. I did a right cross that spun the guy around then I quickly pressed square and was greeted with a nice neck snap. The melee system must have some depth. There must be some method to the madness. PEACE.
From what I've been able to gather it's based on both your location in the environment and how much health your enemy has.


MINI Member
Me_Marcadet said:
Hu! I got another bug :(
I was jumping and climbing everywhere and Nate got stuck in the decor :/

I really hope the final game is bug free.

Anastacio, can you confirm there is no such things in your review copy please ?

Dude, who cares? Are you not going to buy the game because of this?


deepbrown said:
don't think so. Do you think it needs a crouch?

The game definitely needs a crouch/crouch walk button. It'd make maneuvering on tight platforms easier and more precise, as well as giving him a chance to quietly move into position to better his odds in firefights and encounters.

I've said this already and I'll say it again. They should just change R2 to crouch. Having it as a second reload button isn't needed. More so they need to allow Drake to carry 3 guns at once. His pistol and two higher class weapons. It's realistic and anybody could carry two guns on their back and a pistol in it's holster. If you were lost in a pirate enfested jungle would you pass up a perfectly good shotgun just because you had an AK47 already? Hell no, you'd take as much as you could carry. A gun over each shoulder like Gears would work really well.

If it were me, I'd make these control changes:

Dpad Up - Pistol
Dpad Down - Grenades
Dpad Left - Gun #1 (example = Shotgun)
Dpad Right - Gun #2 (example = AK47)

Then just make reloading done by pressing the dpad in the proper direction to the weapon you've already got selected. So if you have your pistol out and want to reload it, just hit up on the dpad again. That frees up the R2 trigger then for the crouch/sneak controls and makes it possible for each dpad direction to hold a different weapon.

Either way, I'm buying this game the second it comes out. Such a great demo.


Junior Member
It's pretty much impossible for a game of this nature to be completely bug-free, but it can be said for most games out there. There are so many places to go in the environment and many things to do that a lot of weird things can happen.


Junior Member
Foil said:
It's realistic and anybody could carry two guns on their back and a pistol in it's holster. If you were lost in a pirate enfested jungle would you pass up a perfectly good shotgun just because you had an AK47 already? Hell no, you'd take as much as you could carry. A gun over each shoulder like Gears would work really well.
I don't know if it's realistic to be carrying all that and going through the jungle. Remember in Gears they have no necks as well :lol

Anyway, it's a game design choice, it's not really about realism or not. Having three guns would change everything since you have more bullets. Game like MGS4, many guns and gadgets is a game design choice even though the mechanics of Snake's movements are realistic, along with the shooting.

whoops, sorry about the dp.
Dizzan said:
Dude, who cares? Are you not going to buy the game because of this?

No, It's my GOTY and I just played the demo :p
It's just I love exploring stuff and if I must reset the game each time I'm climbing the wrong rock it'll piss me off. I really love when games are polished like Resistance :)
I'm clearly nitpicking.

BTW I love how drake step on dead bodies :



is it just me or do the explosions look really ugly?

Aside from that (and the tearing and framerate issues), I'm really liking the demo.


Dez said:
is it just me or do the explosions look really ugly?

Aside from that (and the tearing and framerate issues), I'm really liking the demo.

No people are torn, They are stylized, I for one think they are great looking.

I can't believe how huge this demo thread, Responses have been really positive I'm stoked for the ND team, I hope Sony can keep some momentum going in early 08 with strong releases.


Dante said:
I can't believe how huge this demo thread, Responses have been really positive I'm stoked for the ND team, I hope Sony can keep some momentum going in early 08 with strong releases.

I hope developers for all platforms are reminded of how killer jungles, castles, pirates and an atmosphere of mystery and adventure can be.


My impressions and screens


Well, after the hoopla about the demo's region lock, and Naughty Dog being a class act enough to sort it within a single day, I finally managed to get the thing downloaded. And have since played through the demo 3 times! So here are some impressions from me in regards to the much awaited demo.

Graphics and technical merit:

Well, need I really say much? Gorgeous. Really takes the bar to a new level in regards to console gaming. Some things are still a bit iffy, like the shape and composition of some of the tree's, some of the grass, the shape of some of the geometry and...well....that's about it lol. I'm sure I'll think of something later tongue The textures, sublime. Even up close and personal things look vivid, rich and detailed. The game is also pretty much jag free so everything looks slick and smooth. Lighting? Fantastic. Some of the best in the biz. Beams of light will filter through between leaves, and dynamically move with the sway of the leaves, effect the surroundings and Drake too. Light refracts and bounces off just about everything, casting what can only be described as again, some of the best shadows in any console game. Shadows are superlative and ultra realistic. With soft edging, great detail and accuracy and are also adaptive to the surroundings and objects. There's self shadowing galore as well. Even on the back pack he loses on the tree! Geometry is just fabulous and really varied. No wall, rock or enclave looks the same. With enough indentations, texture variations, wear, tear, erosions, moss, vegetation growth and geometrical anomalies to make every part of the level look unique and totally believable.

Drake's animations, and those of the enemies are excellent too, if a little exaggerated. Facial expressions are some of the best this gen as well, evoking emotion, believable personality and soul. The way Drake moves, climbs, reloads, runs and jumps, it's all very polished and adds that extra layer of functionality and realism. When Drake lunges for a close combat blow, you really feel the power behind it, when he leaps from different walls, gasps for air, struggles through deep water or thick bushes, grasps on to edges with all his might and so on. The game does an excellent job of giving the user adequate feedback for everything you do.

The physics are a mixed bag depending on how much you value artistic direction and aesthetic. Water physics are great, drudge through water and you'll leave a ripple (the deeper the water the more you'll struggle). Jump in the water, and again you've leave a small ripple, the extent of visibility to which depends on the angle of lighting and amount of opposing resistance from the currents formed by the waterfall. The way Drake gets wet when making contact with water, and depending on how deep he's in the water is a great little touch. The drenched heavy, slippery, added weight of being wet is mimicked very well. Explosions are one area where opinions will differ. Personally, I think they are pretty lacklustre. The plume of smoke they emit is nice, almost volumetric in nature. But the actual explosion is just naff. I realise they went with a comic book like artistry, but imo it should have been more realistic. The physics of the actual enemies in reaction to being shot or blown up are again very good, but quite exaggerated. A grenade WILL launch enemies quite a way, and shoot a guy down and he'll fling away with great force. Overall, the physics are very well implemented and offer a great element of feedback.


The sound score, while not especially varied (naturally as it's only a short demo) works well to build suspense and/or intrigue. Suits the game well. Sound effects are really well done. Fire arms all have a gratifying kick to them. The handgun is punchy, the shotgun gives off a terrifying boom and the AK a deadly kick and snap. Reloading sounds are equally gratifying and very well recorded. Voice work is great. Drake is genuinely funny and humane, and all the enemies are believable. Some might find some of his witty remarks rather cheesy, but I like his humorous every man persona.


First off, the controls are on the whole very successful, making every jump, shot, punch or leap feel satisfying. That's the thing that makes the game for me. Everything feels satisfying and fun. The feedback you get from firing the different weapons draws you in to wanting to engage the enemies. But the clever AI ensures that you don't do so in a frenzied run and gun manner but actually take your time and use some element of strategy. The enemies will duck, dive, hide, crouch, drop to their stomachs, flank you, charge you and more. And what's better is they work in tandem with their team mates. Spend too long in a fire fight with one batch of enemies, the next batch will try and pin you from your side unexpectedly. This for the most part keeps you on your toes, with your wits about you, or behind cover a lot.

The SIXAXIS log control is a bit basic in implementation. Sure it's fine. But it gets such a minimal amount of use that it has little impact. It does work well though. The cover and aim mechanics are very similar to GoW's. If you've played GoW chances are you will feel right at home with uncharted. Simple but effective controls, though they might take a bit of getting used to for those inexperienced with the whole cover and shoot gameplay mechanic. The good thing about Uncharted is that it doesn't have the degree of auto-aim many other similar games have. So it's much harder to land a headshot. On top of that, just skimming an enemies head won't kill them, but will act as only a glancing blow. So you need to have a precise aim to get a proper headshot, which makes getting one all the more rewarding.

One area of gameplay that imo isn't quite as polished is the hand to hand combat. Which is again satisfying, and very nice to watch, but ultimately could do with more work. The main things about the melee combat that I dislike are one being the fact that it's very hard to get in to a melee fight when the enemies hound you will a hail of bullets that can kill you ion next to no time. So just getting to the enemy can be a task, unless you wait for them behind cover. The other part of the close combat that's a little iffy is the randomness of it. I'm not sure if it was my inexperience, but I wasn't entirely sure what combinations constituted what attacks. You randomly chain together attacks in the hopes of pulling of a decent finishing move, every now and again being countered by the enemy. The game needs to do more to teach us what combo's do what and why, and how we can do more successful chains.

The brief moments of traversal and platforming are really convincing. And I hope there's a lot more of these elements in the final game because the demo is too shooting focused. That said, I recently watched and interview where the devs said it was nearly an even split, so I'm confident the final game will give me the decent amount of traversal and puzzle solving that I so want from this game.

All in all, excellent demo. I was pleasantly surprised as the demo played better than I thought it would. There's nothing revolutionary in the actual gameplay mechanics here. It's stuff we've seen before, but with added polish and thrown in with amazing visuals and a crazy amount of technical wizardry along with a truly engrossing atmosphere and style. The game is satisfying, the controls functional, characters believable and ultimately, the game is fun. So it gets my nod of approval and off the merits of the demo alone, seems to be a definite must buy.


Now for the screens. grin



BobTheFork said:
as far as tearing, I've only seen it when I forced it. By getting to a wall and swinging the camera by NAthan's head really fast.

The tearing is more prevalent than that. You can easily see it in the beginning near the waterfall if you go in the water. It's also noticeable in the scene where you're high up and you can see a few enemies below you, and you have to jump on the ledge and drop down. The scene is beautiful, but the tearing really ruined the scene for me. But a lot of people don't notice - to me tearing is the worst artifact; much worse than aliasing or even frame skipping.


Lightning said:
To anyone who has played the final game, is the hint system so obvious throughout and if so is there a way to disable it?
you could... not press L2.

or you could... go into game options and turn game hints off (even in the demo)


I am Wayne Brady.
Dez said:
is it just me or do the explosions look really ugly?

Aside from that (and the tearing and framerate issues), I'm really liking the demo.

I like the explosions from the barrels.

However the granade explosions are HORRIBLE. I don't even know if they are explosions. It's so weird


dfyb said:
you could... not press L2.

or you could... go into game options and turn game hints off (even in the demo)
Ah cool, and pressing L2 was sort of 2nd nature, that's why I want to know if it could be disabled. Hint system ftl


The explosions are alright, but after COD4 - easily the coolest grenade explosions ever by a country mile - they seem a bit light. The effect is cool as hell in Uncharted, but I like the little stages of the COD4 explosions.

And of course there are always a minimum of 3 grenades going off in your immediate area every few seconds in COD4, so you learn to appreciate it even more. ;)

jax (old)

Ive now played through the demo about 15 times. Great demo - heavenly sword only got about 2-3 goes.

Melee is easy and one you get the ONE TWO THREE timing (just watch him), its fun. I had a riot running around wacking guys. Unlike GOW's chainsaw melee, you can still take hits and die mid combo so this is really good! The gunplay here is better than gears of war (and the enemy ai really really is superb!). I got flanked by them in my crazy "runaround" melee trial and I was like, damn, that was suprising.

Highly enjoyable and I don't know if anyone's mentioned, when you combo an enemy, you get double ammo. NEAT.


calder said:
The explosions are alright, but after COD4 - easily the coolest grenade explosions ever by a country mile - they seem a bit light. The effect is cool as hell in Uncharted, but I like the little stages of the COD4 explosions.

And of course there are always a minimum of 3 grenades going off in your immediate area every few seconds in COD4, so you learn to appreciate it even more. ;)

yeah only thing i'm not really feeling are the grenade explosions.

I think killzone 2 has the most amazing grenade explosions ever seen in a game.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Explosions in Uncharted start off a little limp, I agree, but it's that roiling puff of dark smoke at the end that makes it for me.


on my last playthrough, one grenade looked absolutely gorgeous. i was looking at it from a higher elevation. i actually recorded a playthrough on easy (so it would be quick and i could mess around, but mainly to be quick so it would fit on my camera's sd card) and i'm encoding it now, on it's way to stage6.

edit: the details of the explosion are hard to make out in the vid. =/

i think the explosions look weird because of two main things. first, they explode very... slowly. second, they are overbright so you can't see any details -- just looks like a bright gas.

for some reason when i through the grenade down that 'hallway' it wasn't so bright and i could make out the details, which were as i said - gorgeous. a shame you don't see them every time.


MINI Member
Jax said:
Ive now played through the demo about 15 times. Great demo - heavenly sword only got about 2-3 goes.

Melee is easy and one you get the ONE TWO THREE timing (just watch him), its fun. I had a riot running around wacking guys. Unlike GOW's chainsaw melee, you can still take hits and die mid combo so this is really good! The gunplay here is better than gears of war (and the enemy ai really really is superb!). I got flanked by them in my crazy "runaround" melee trial and I was like, damn, that was suprising.

Highly enjoyable and I don't know if anyone's mentioned, when you combo an enemy, you get double ammo. NEAT.

I've noticed a lot of people feel the need/want to play through the demo multiple times, me included. It is addictive and as much as the gameplay is similar to Gears, it feels fresh and new. I can't wait until we play hrough and have the story to go along with the gameplay. I could see myself playing a massive 12 hour session......
calder said:
The explosions are alright, but after COD4 - easily the coolest grenade explosions ever by a country mile - they seem a bit light. The effect is cool as hell in Uncharted, but I like the little stages of the COD4 explosions.

And of course there are always a minimum of 3 grenades going off in your immediate area every few seconds in COD4, so you learn to appreciate it even more. ;)

yeah, buy it is easier to tell where a grenade is in Uncharted than in CoD4. Several times in CoD4 I would walk back as the arrow was pointing up, which should mean it is infront of me, then I would still be caught in the blast because I was moving closer or something.

and about the hint system, I think it is really cool, it is like the Zelda hint system where they look in the direction of what you should do and not spell it out.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Bebpo said:
You have to wonder what's the point of building this super great platforming engine with amazing animations if you're not going to use it much.
I'd rather wonder why you think amazing animation is apparently only worth using for platforming...
why are people complaining about the "floaty" movements? people wanted realistic animation but they expect nathan to stop and turn on a dime???????


I feel obligated to play COD4 since i bought it today, and all I wanna do is get my skill points in R&C and Uncharted demo for the 800th time :(


Not an asshole.
frAntic_Frog said:
why are people complaining about the "floaty" movements? people wanted realistic animation but they expect nathan to stop and turn on a dime???????

I've played the demo 4 times now and watched friends play through it multiple times. Not one complained about the controls. They're fine.

Also speaks well of this game that we were still finding new ways to play the same demo after 9+ run throughs.
The game will only need a multiplayer mode if the single player under delivers. Having a multiplayer mode is a way to cover up a rather lackluster single player experience. And some of the games being brought up in this thread that also have multiplayer are good examples of that.
I thought the controls were great once I bumped up the aim sensitivity one notch and inverted the horizontal camera. That is why they let you customize the stick controls. Not everyone plays the same way. I am just pumped they let you do this in the demo. In the Ratchet demo you couldn't invert it and it was very frustrating.

Who else inverted the camera controls? I am sure I am not the only one. Its the first thing I did on Ratchet as well. I guess I am used to the way FPS play.


I bet gamespot will give a 7 because...

*The Good*
-Beautiful and fluid animations
-Awesome graphics
-Decent combat system

*The Bad*
-Not on the xbox360


Really enjoyed the demo each time out of the 30 or so I've played it since I got my hands on it.

I got a picture that perfectly describes what Uncharted is going to do to the competition this season :lol



flinging feces ---->
The game is enjoyable -- very much so.

The only problem I have is that...well, let me just not mention my concerns and instead ask a question: is this demo a portion of the final retail code?
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