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Uncharted |OT|


dirtmonkey37 said:
The game is enjoyable -- very much so.

The only problem I have is that...well, let me just not mention my concerns and instead ask a question: is this demo a portion of the final retail code?

I'm guessing yes. Why?
After doing the demo more than ten times, I decided to bump the sensitvity to the max and it's realy more enjoyable, specialy with the shotgun.

I'm never be bored of killing those pirates, there so much ways to do it and each of them is great.


Not an asshole.
epmode said:
It really isn't.

It's very good for a Tomb Raider-style game, though.

Its practically identical, and not really worse.

Weapon select is the exact same
cover system is damn near similar
aiming is solid
combo system is pretty much the same as the chainsaw
don't see how its any worse, unless you like roadie run and space marines that much.


Mindlog said:
I think sales for this game will be ineteresting.

Yes, it will be good to look at those sales, but I'm a bit pessimistic, although I have already preordered it.

J&D was so so at retail before they dropped the price, then it went multi million. Naughty Dog is the black sheep of the industry in term of hype.


Autumn Thread said:
Really enjoyed the demo each time out of the 30 or so I've played it since I got my hands on it.

I got a picture that perfectly describes what Uncharted is going to do to the competition this season :lol



I'm not enjoying COD4 at all, and I blame Uncharted for it's AFW-ness.


Autumn Thread said:
Really enjoyed the demo each time out of the 30 or so I've played it since I got my hands on it.

I got a picture that perfectly describes what Uncharted is going to do to the competition this season :lol




epmode said:
It really isn't.

It's very good for a Tomb Raider-style game, though.

It's better in every way.

You are more mobile

melee is better

The enemy AI is better

You can hang from cover.


Dante said:
It's better in every way.

You are more mobile

melee is better

The enemy AI is better

You can hang from cover.

Yep. There's so much more freedom in approaching a gunfight than just sliding from cover to cover and hope to blind-fire the enemies to death. ~_~


Multiplayer - I think, is a no go. I really dont think it fits this game.. at all.

Dont spend precious dev time on something I'll never use. I just want awesome smawsome SP.


Bebpo said:
Wow, I didn't realize that would hit such a high note with people.

Demo is great, and the retail should be as well. I was just commenting that I think sadly review scores are going to take a hit because the gameplay somewhat resembles Gears and reviewers will knock it for not having the same feature set as Gears.

Other than the gunplay which, because of Drake's ability to climb and jump to reach the high ground on the enemies, adds an extra dimension, Uncharted has platforming and the way Drake navigates the whole environment is totally different from the 2D linear navigation that is Gears.
i went in with low expectations cause the videos ive seen of this game looked boring and shitty. but after playing the demo i'm sold. graphics are pretty incredible and the combat system is excellent.

the setting is the icing on the cake. not many games that are set in a jungle enviornment turn out to be good. far cry was cool, mgs 3 had brief spots, and tomb raider i guess... but this game seems to nail it perfectly. i knew i could trust naughty dog


Bebpo said:
I think he's saying it from a gamer's perspective because it would be fun and give long lasting replayability like Resistance.

I mean I wouldn't knock points off for not having MP in a game like Uncharted, but as a gamer, I would absolutely love multi-floored arenas that you could climb and jump across while blasting each other with weapons. Would be unique in a way never done before and totally awesome.

Excuse me but how do you expect Naughty Dog to make a polished SP and have enough man-power to make a MP mode that is fully featured like Resistance when their MP experience is much more limited than Insomniac (who have been doing MP since R&CUYA)?


Awesome demo. I'm buying it when it comes out.

I don't remember how other games were implemented in PS2 anymore but in this demo with DS3, there are subtle differences in the amount of shock you get. For example, jumping from a low height gets you a little jolt while dropping from really high lets you feel it more.


Core407 said:
I know I’m just repeating what everyone has already made obvious. The game is gorgeous. Incredible lighting that makes the environments looks alive. The shadows in the game are some of the best yet. This becomes really noticeable when Drake is stationary. As the trees sway in the wind, the shadowing on the ground follows along. It’s really amazing stuff. Small animals can be seen throughout the area and all are animated very realistically. One of the few things I happen to dislike is the blood, which I find to look cartoony. It almost looks like a sprite. The animations are just top notch for both the enemies and Drake. Most of the time the animation system works flawlessly and everything has a smooth flow to it, but from time to time they will glitch and you’ll remember you’re playing a videogame. The best thing about the animations would be that they are context sensitive. Running towards an enemy with its back to you results in Drake performing a variety of knockout attacks, while initiating a fight face to face with an enemy will result in a cool combo. I remember attacking a guy who was back up against the wall and Drake slammed his head into the stone wall, knocking him out instantly and dropping him to the ground. Very cool stuff. I’ve probably gone through the demo over ten times now and I’m still experiencing combo strings I haven’t seen yet.

The combat is really appealing too and might I add a visceral experience. I’m constantly impressed with the way enemy bodies recoil and are thrown back when being hit with a blast from the shotgun, which is definitely a satisfying experience. The aiming is downright perfect. Hitting stationary targets is a piece of cake but going for area-specific attacks requires a skilled hand. The game creates depth in its gunplay through so many different ways. The range of animations enemies have to avoid being shot is incredible. I’ve witnessed enemies sliding across the ground while trying to kill you with gunfire, an enemy crawling on the ground, popping his head out from the stone wall he is using for cover and start firing. Enemies are very smart about not being killed, too. They don’t continually pop out of the same corner when using cover and move from along the terrain, attempting to find better positions to take you out. The AI is downright eerie at times in its realness. The weapons (handgun, shotgun & AK-47) are great. Each weapon has their own advantages and is better than others in certain situations. When I played through the demo, I had no real urgency to find the next big weapon. Taking out enemies with the handgun was pretty straightforward but its limits become apparent when in a firefight with many enemies. The shotgun is definitely the gun to use during these situations. Using the blind fire in cover mode is simple and effective and keeps Drake safe from the baddies. The AK-47 is great at just mowing down enemies from a distance. Other than that, it’s average at best.

The platforming aspects in the game are done just as well as everything else. The animation system shines again and gives Drake some serious life. My only complaint would be that the platforming wasn’t really utilized that much in the demo. I hope they incorporate other things into the platforming than just ledges. Vines, ropes, trees, etc.

I figured I would write up a paragraph on all the things that I disliked about the demo. For one, the barrels have no physics to them. They can’t be knocked over, rolled around or anything like that. The crates that are throughout the level take no damage either. While some people might be asking why I’m complaining about it, it’s because I think having it so would add to the game play. The animals don’t react to your gunfire and just fly away normally. I wished ND would have implemented a crouching feature in the game so the player could run in a safer position. In exchange for the safe position, they could just make the run speed slower than a standing run.

Best experience thus far: At the first encounter with the enemies, there is an enemy that slides down the tree to the lower level. Well I managed to pop him one right in the face as he was in mid-jump to the tree trunk. His body just went limp and fell to the grass below.

Thanks for the read, more of these please. ^.^

EDIT: I dig nib95's impressions too.


Kittonwy said:
Yep. There's so much more freedom in approaching a gunfight than just sliding from cover to cover and hope to blind-fire the enemies to death. ~_~

It's one of the few games where when i die, i actually got a smile on my face because I get to go through the section again :)

If the final game delivers on the story and gives me more of these awesome set pieces it's my GOTY EASILY.


Dante said:
It's one of the few games where when i die, i actually got a smile on my face because I get to go through the section again :)

If the final game delivers on the story and gives me more of these awesome set pieces it's my GOTY EASILY.

It's true in a way that combat isn't a chore like in other games, probably because headshots are so much fun, the demo is all about headshots for me.


I wish that you could lay on the ground, so you could kill the enemies from that mountain, but there's no where to hide up there.

Kinda weird that they also know where you are even though they haven't seen you yet.


MINI Member
Midas said:
I wish that you could lay on the ground, so you could kill the enemies from that mountain, but there's no where to hide up there.

Kinda weird that they also know where you are even though they haven't seen you yet.

I lob a grenade from the top of the mountain but they always run for cover as soon as it hits the ground.


Awesome demo...Definite day one buy.

This game does not need MP. It would be a nice bonus, but it's not necessary. What I would love to see is online coop...I think coop is going to become the new MP. There are a lot of people intimidated by competitive MP (myself included). Coop is not competitive it's all about sharing the experience with a friend. It makes replay value shoot through the roof...Crackdown - Gears of War and Halo 3 are all excellent coop experiences. I can't wait to get that experience on my PS3.

All that said - This game looks to be an awesome single player romp.
Autumn Thread said:
Really enjoyed the demo each time out of the 30 or so I've played it since I got my hands on it.

I got a picture that perfectly describes what Uncharted is going to do to the competition this season :lol


LOL! :lol


BigDFresh said:
What I would love to see is online coop...

Me and my friend was just talking about that earlier. Second person controlling Elena or Sullivan. Would love to see that in Uncharted 2.


zeroshiki said:
Awesome demo. I'm buying it when it comes out.

I don't remember how other games were implemented in PS2 anymore but in this demo with DS3, there are subtle differences in the amount of shock you get. For example, jumping from a low height gets you a little jolt while dropping from really high lets you feel it more.

SO shane was not lying, like people said, and I glad you like the demo :D


I just can't associate Uncharted with MP and co-op.

There's just no way that MP can catch the rollorcoaster nature Uncharted is aiming for.
It would be a different game only focusing on the sandbox shooting element and thus IMHO should be a separate release in the spirit of MGO for PSN.

And online co-op would also get in the way of the game experience. There need to be elements where Nathan is alone/abandoned (important for story telling which is an important incitement for the player to continue) and then there's the driving sections which are on rails which makes the co-op partner redundant (could be neat on the jet-skies though ^.^).
Also the traversal wouldn't be fun with co-op unless they incorporated the characters helping each other over ledges but then the environment wouldn't be traversable in SP. The same goes for puzzles which are designed with one player in mind.

Do not get me wrong, there's moments where co-op would be neat, it's just that co-op easily can get in the way of other equally important elements of the game.


Visually I think this beats every single game that has been released so far this gen, and somehow it still manages to keep the framerate almost locked at 30fps. Very impressive.

Gameplaywise I think it's great, but it's less fun than I expected. I dunno why but I thought the shooting was kind of boring and repetitive. Too easy maybe? And there was quite a bit of shooting going on. I was hoping for a lot more puzzles, not just jumping and climbing to get to the next big shoting section.


not every game needs MP. You ppl need to repeat that. not every game needs or requires MP.

Adventure games don't need mp. RPG don't need mp. purely shooters need mp. Action don't need mp.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Midas said:
I wish that you could lay on the ground, so you could kill the enemies from that mountain, but there's no where to hide up there.

Kinda weird that they also know where you are even though they haven't seen you yet.

I've found you only get their attention up there by starting to fire at them...any time I've done that, they run around momentarily (for cover or whatever) before realising where the fire came from, and then returning fire.
Does anyone else wish you could crouch? I know there is usually enough objects to hide behind, but I'd prefer it if you could stay down when moving between cover.


Kittonwy said:
Excuse me but how do you expect Naughty Dog to make a polished SP and have enough man-power to make a MP mode that is fully featured like Resistance when their MP experience is much more limited than Insomniac (who have been doing MP since R&CUYA)?
Is it polished? Yea. Could it be even more polished? Heck yea. I saw bugs like, looking through a wall, enemies falling a little in through a wall, I could float Drake around on the ground without him doing one single animation so he would hover around, I lost control over Drake numorious times so I couldn't do anything in battle, he even climbed a leaf several meters away when I simply wanted to pick up a weapon. Polished? Yea, but it could have been better. People talk like they know everything about Uncharted when some have been wrong on some few things. Though it's important to say, that I only saw these bugs once, but the whole loosing control over Drake were there pretty "often".

Oh, and about the 85% - it feels like it. At last I just felt that, I'm just shooting in this game. Maybe because it take one second (example) to get through the platforming/puzzle and one minute (example) to beat the enemies.


Opus Angelorum said:
Does anyone else wish you could crouch? I know there is usually enough objects to hide behind, but I'd prefer it if you could stay down when moving between cover.

You can crouch but not in the way you describe. Just don't do anything for a while and your character will crouch down waiting for you to move the controller.

BTW waiting is a way to demonstrate some bad clipping. Move your character so he faces towards the camera and watch as he moves his hands across his body - straight through his pistol holster. Not a big thing at all but strange they never caught it.


Anastacio said:
I reviewed the final game. It took 9 hours I think on Normal, already knowing chapter 1-4.

Can you tell me if you can go back and play chapters that you previously completed?


I also find the controls frustrating, but only the aiming - it seems far more twitchy than GeoW. However, I think this may be because the environments are somewhat larger, you don't zoom as quite so much, you need to be more accurate, and the targets you are aiming for are slim humans rather than the fat alien dudes of Gears.

I also find it frustrating when a grenade if thrown next to you and it takes a while for Drake to run away.

However, the game is a major technological achievement. It looks amazing, the audio is incredible, and without a doubt the most detailed character model, best animation, shadows and AF we've seen yet.


Anastacio said:
You can. You can even watch every single cutscene again. It's fantastic.

Sweet! That's great news, as I'm sure I'll want to go back and play my favorite chapters without having to play the game again.


Anastacio said:
You can. You can even watch every single cutscene again. It's fantastic.

So are the cut scenes real time? If you for example play with the Elena skin, does this skin show up in the cut scenes?


Anastacio said:
I completed the final game. It took 9 hours I think on Normal, already knowing chapter 1-4.

More important, stretched over how long a period? Was it in one go or was it split over days with other games/movies in between (perhaps a quick play of syvkabale)?


Forsete said:
So are the cut scenes real time? If you for example play with the Elena skin, does this skin show up in the cut scenes?
I don't know, I think someone else already answere that the skin wouldn't show up. For me, it's like the cutscenes are a little more pretty.

VonGak! said:
More important, stretched over how long a period? Was it in one go or was it split over days with other games/movies in between (perhaps a quick play of syvkabale)?
It was one go, one day. Had to take a taxi home because no busses were driving anymore. So one go without any breaks.


Anastacio said:
I don't know, I think someone else already answere that the skin wouldn't show up. For me, it's like the cutscenes are a little more pretty.

Ok. When you choose to see a cut scene from the menu, do they instantly load (like 1-2 seconds) or does PS3 sit there and load for a while?

I remember in the Jak games you could watch the cut scenes again, but they would take a while to load because they were real time.
I absolutely loved the game. Shootouts, areas and movement is superb. I didnt have any problems with it.

Man the Jungle feeling I got was awesome. It reminded me of Indiana Jones which I love. This is a must-have.


Anastacio said:
Is it polished? Yea. Could it be even more polished? Heck yea. I saw bugs like, looking through a wall, enemies falling a little in through a wall, I could float Drake around on the ground without him doing one single animation so he would hover around, I lost control over Drake numorious times so I couldn't do anything in battle, he even climbed a leaf several meters away when I simply wanted to pick up a weapon. Polished? Yea, but it could have been better. People talk like they know everything about Uncharted when some have been wrong on some few things. Though it's important to say, that I only saw these bugs once, but the whole loosing control over Drake were there pretty "often".

Oh, and about the 85% - it feels like it. At last I just felt that, I'm just shooting in this game. Maybe because it take one second (example) to get through the platforming/puzzle and one minute (example) to beat the enemies.
The 'losing control over drake' issue is NOT a bug with the game itself...

It's a bug with the controller losing signal.
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