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Uncharted |OT|

I feel your pain on the frame-rate TTP.

I just can't help but notice after frame-rate issues playing PC games like Counter-strike with the fps counter turned on.
InterMoniker said:
I feel your pain on the frame-rate TTP.

I just can't help but notice after frame-rate issues playing PC games like Counter-strike with the fps counter turned on.

I'm of the firm belief that a game should not be considered finished until the developer can ensure that the game runs at a solid clip, with very few trouble zones. Lock it at 60 or 30, just don't let it drop. If it does, then look at what you need to sacrifice in order to eliminate those drops. Screen tearing and frequent frame rate issues should not be present in modern games.
AltogetherAndrews said:
I'm of the firm belief that a game should not be considered finished until the developer can ensure that the game runs at a solid clip, with very few trouble zones. Lock it at 60 or 30, just don't let it drop. If it does, then look at what you need to sacrifice in order to eliminate those drops. Screen tearing and frequent frame rate issues should not be present in modern games.
Hell yeah Andrews I'm all for that. ^^ Thats the reason why Resistance and Warhawk are so god damn satisfying to me! They run silky smooth (even if only at 30fps) with no frame drops.

Hell Resistance has less frame-drops than fuckin COD4!


Lemming_JRS said:
Demo has been fixed!! :D


Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Demo Back on the World Map

+ Posted by Christophe Balestra // Co-President Naughty Dog

Christophe Balestra, here, and I’m Co-President at Naughty Dog. I wanted to give a final update on the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo situation.

We’re really sorry about what happened and didn’t anticipate this at all. We just didn’t know people from other territories could connect to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store and download demos … now we do! We’ve been too busy working on the game to wrap our head’s around the infrastructure of the PSN.

We absolutely did not plan the demo to be region locked. As soon as we figured out the problem existed, Sam Thompson called me and I jumped into my car, drove to the office and fixed it right away. It’s an honest mistake and we didn’t try to prevent anybody from enjoying the Uncharted demo. I feel even more sorry because most of the people who experienced the problem are in Europe and I’m European myself.

So again, we’re really sorry about what happened and it wasn’t done on purpose. The good news is it’s now fixed and a new demo of Uncharted has been posted to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store so the entire world can enjoy it.

Thanks to Sam for taking the heat yesterday and for letting us know about the issue.

Wasnt too interested in this game before but the treatment of the fans by this company has amazed me. Im a naughty dog fanboi now and DL'ed the demo yesterday and although I only played it a bit, i loved it and i'll be buying it.

+1 sale due to excellent damage control. Game is awesome as well. The main character is so charismatic.
Man i was so hyped for this game but then i played the demo. I mean the game is still good but not the Killer App AAA title i was hoping it would be.

Screen Tearing and framerate issues totally ruin the "big Polished Game" feeling the game should have had.

I shot a guy 4 times in the face but he would not go down because he was in some animation.

The game has all the parts to be a 10/10 game but due to lack of polish and some janky combat it seems like a 8/10 game now :(

damn damn damn.


JB1981 said:
Who cares what Gamespot gives the game?

And please, guys, can we stop with the media conspiracy theories? It's getting old.

Seriously. It's getting silly at this point.


Jesus christ, I feel sorry for people that can't enjoy a game just because tearing and/or frame drops occur now and then.


Kabuki Waq said:
I feel Happy for gamers who have low standards. :)
If a game is really good, it's a lot easier for me to forgive technical shortcomings. Uncharted just so happens to be one of those games.
JB1981 said:
If a game is really good, it's a lot easier for me to forgive technical shortcomings. Uncharted just so happens to be one of those games.

The game is good, but it could have been PERFECT imo if it had more polish and better combat. Enemies take way too long to die at times.


Kabuki Waq said:
I feel Happy for gamers who have low standards. :)

It's not low standards when I am able to enjoy a game regardless of some tearing here and there, it's about not bitching and nitpicking so goddamn much. JB1981 summed it up perfectly in his post.
BeeDog said:
Jesus christ, I feel sorry for people that can't enjoy a game just because tearing and/or frame drops occur now and then.

I didn't notice much of this in the demo, but then I never actually finished it so maybe the frame rate drops occur later in the level. I noticed some tearing, but it wasn't all that terrible, at least nowhere near as bad as something like GRAW (or Gears for PC before using the control panel override, yikes). I still think these types of issues should be ironed out before releasing the game. And if that's not possible, let me pick which configuration I want for quality and performance.


Kabuki Waq said:
I feel Happy for gamers who have low standards. :)

They'll have a lot more fun than a gamer who has unrealistic expectations and can't enjoy good games because of nit-picky details.


Kabuki Waq said:
I shot a guy 4 times in the face but he would not go down because he was in some animation.
No you didn't. :) One headshot is always enough, regardless of weapon, at least on normal. I doubt difficult is that much different. And if you hit a guy 4 times while he's in the same "just got shot" animation he'll die, it's just really hard to hit a guy again easily when he's staggering away randomly after getting shot the first time.


Kabuki Waq said:
The game is good, but it could have been PERFECT imo if it had more polish and better combat. Enemies take way too long to die at times.
yea, sometimes the hit detection feels a little wonky. headshots are always an insta-kill, but I do think the targeting reticule for the pistol and the AK could be a little larger. Anyway, I am very satisfied with the AI, which I find to be quite a bit better than the AI in Gears, for instance.
calder said:
No you didn't. :) One headshot is always enough, regardless of weapon, at least on normal. I doubt difficult is that much different. And if you hit a guy 4 times while he's in the same "just got shot" animation he'll die, it's just really hard to hit a guy again easily when he's staggering away randomly after getting shot the first time.

First i shot him in teh chest-ish area and then I shot him in face. HE DID NOT die because he was in some animation from the first hit.
frAntic_Frog said:
that shot above is friggin gorgeous.......anyone know what size tv and 720p or 1080p?

it's a pc monitor, the 22" HP W2207 H. The resolution is 1680*1050 but it support both 1080p and 720p via hdmi.
It's not expansive and really great for next gen consoles if you have a little room.

Don't forget offscreen shots make games look better ;)

On the game, I wish we can throw something to distract the pirates.
JB1981 said:
yea, sometimes the hit detection feels a little wonky. headshots are always an insta-kill, but I do think the targeting reticule for the pistol and the AK could be a little larger. Anyway, I am very satisfied with the AI, which I find to be quite a bit better than the AI in Gears, for instance.

yea AI is awesome. Its just this game I feel does so many things right its just a bit dissapointing they didnt go the extra mile to fix some of the stuff up. The Ai is aggressive without being Stupid like gears.

I dont mind frame rate drops as much as tearing it just reeks of a rushed product when i see tearing. These issues should not be in any game. Sony Should let ND delay the game for it. Its the difference between a 8.5 game and a 9.5 game. Just show extra came IMO.
f@luS said:
If tearing in uncharted really bother you, 90% of games nowadays should be unplayable for you

thats good because only 10% of games are worth the $60.

Edit: although Uncharted definately is worth buying.


Kabuki Waq said:
First i shot him in teh chest-ish area and then I shot him in face. HE DID NOT die because he was in some animation from the first hit.
I dunno, I've played through the demo many times and EVERY TIME you shoot a guy in the head he dies, period. If you hit him in the head while he's bent over after getting shot in the leg he dies. If he's hiding from an explosion he dies. I think you're mistaken.
Alright here is the final one with transparancy so use this one steve for the front page.

And TTP thanks for the impressions man couldnt make me more hyped.

Probably on my 10th or 11th play through of the demo and I just continue to be blown away by how gorgeous this game is it really is quite amazing what ND has accomplished I would definitely say its the best looking console game I have seen as yet. I kind of dont get the complaining about tearing I remember seeing it in Gears a couple of times but it not really bothering me because of how great the views were. Are people really that bothered by it or
are they just trying their best to dismiss how incredible the game looks.

Wollan im serious about the Killzone thing too we will have to discuss it as it gets closer to being released.

calder said:
I dunno, I've played through the demo many times and EVERY TIME you shoot a guy in the head he dies, period. If you hit him in the head while he's bent over after getting shot in the leg he dies. If he's hiding from an explosion he dies. I think you're mistaken.

I just practiced this on my last play through this morning and I never had one instance that I dropped a bullet on a guys noggin and he didnt die so I dont know what that guy is thinking either.

OHH how satisfying is it on the last area in the demo where the guy comes running from the other side and slides down the vine if you shotty him right in the head before he grabs the vine his whole body just flys forward and lands in a big heap at your feet.....


GAF's Bob Woodward
I really like some of the detail in the incidental animations on Nate. Just noticed him alternately putting his foot up and down on a 'step' in a pillar while I was taking cover against it, as if for comfort. Awesome :)


Just finished the demo, so awesome. The graphics had me wowed throughout the whole thing. I can't remember how many times I just stood there turning the camera around Nathan again and again, amazing.

The gunplay took me a few fights to get used to, after a while it started getting more enjoyable. The melee combat was cool. And the environments, oh gawd.

Loved it.


A few of the little touches I like but noticed only after a few plays were the way the screen shakes a bit when your cover gets shot (along with Nathan flinching, depending on how exposed he is) and the destructibility of the low rubble walls. Oh and the motion blur when you spin the camera around Nate.

Probably my favourite graphical flourish is the shadows of the foliage though. Seeing the brush and low plants moving in the breeze is cool, but being in the moving shadows of the trees overhead is ace.
calder said:
I dunno, I've played through the demo many times and EVERY TIME you shoot a guy in the head he dies, period. If you hit him in the head while he's bent over after getting shot in the leg he dies. If he's hiding from an explosion he dies. I think you're mistaken.

Well to be fair it only happened once and may never happen again. But Gaf wouldnt be gaf if downplayed such things. Also you know there will be someone in the future who will youtube it and we will have a 20 page thread. :p

do you think tearing and framerate drop will be tolerated in KZ2 and MGS4? no because they are supposed to be a Killer aaps. i was more hyped for uncharted than those too games so i guess i had higher expectations.
Roat said:
Just played it, the graphics were very good and I enjoyed the cutscenes/lines/voices.

The gunplay was okay, it didn't really have anything that would bring me back to play it again but that's somewhat anticipated of a game that isn't only a shooter. The combat reminds me of when I played the Stranglehold demo; it had the bullet time and all that but it was something that I'd done a thousand times before and repeating it didn't interest me. This one has the cover system, the covering enemies, the explosive barrels that you shoot when the enemies are near but nothing that would bring me back to it. It's done in more open areas, though.

I love the rolling though. In games where you can roll I do nothing but lurch forward into a ball from place to place.
Yeah the roll is pretty cool but I had a problem with it same with gears of war because they both use the same button for rolling AND taking cover. I was at my friends house playing gears and I kept doing a bunch of somersaults but then all of a sudden I'll go into cover. Same with uncharted whenever I do a roll though a tiny opening he goes up to the wall and takes cover. Why the fuck can't they separate it and have one button for rolling and one button for cover. I just don't get it.

Other than that this game is great.


calder said:
The explosions are alright, but after COD4 - easily the coolest grenade explosions ever by a country mile - they seem a bit light. The effect is cool as hell in Uncharted, but I like the little stages of the COD4 explosions.

And of course there are always a minimum of 3 grenades going off in your immediate area every few seconds in COD4, so you learn to appreciate it even more. ;)

Imo the grenade explosions in both KZ2 and Crysis look a lot better.
Kabuki Waq said:
do you think tearing and framerate drop will be tolerated in KZ2 and MGS4? no because they are supposed to be a Killer aaps. i was more hyped for uncharted than those too games so i guess i had higher expectations.

It would be tolerated. How many huge games released this gen haven't had at least one of the tech issues you mentioned?


Raist said:
So I've played with the grenades a lot, and I think I've never seen the ennemies running away from them. They just yell "uh oh" or "grenades, watch out" but that's it. Hope this is fixed in the final build. That said, the grenades' range is pretty small, so you have to aim very well, but still, that looks a bit odd.
would be realistic if they'd run away, but what would be the point of grenades besides getting them out of cover? Which would be a little unfun!
They both have it, whether or not it bothered you as much as it does in Uncharted is another issue. Uncharted also has a clean image quality while the other 2 don't. So there are give and takes with any game. No game is going to be perfect from a tech standpoint.
Downloaded it because folks were comparing some of the mechanics to Gears of War.

Unfortunately I still prefer Gears of War as it's a straight forward shooty game. I am not at all interested in Dude Raider's exploration aspects, I'd prefer less wandering around aimlessly and more running and gunning - but enough of beating that old dead horse; because I know where I can go to get that kind of game.

Skipped the cut scenes. I hate cutscenes, and the character facial animations look screwy.

And Dude runs like a little girl, or like he's gotta take a dump. What's up with that?


GAF's Bob Woodward
calder said:
A few of the little touches I like but noticed only after a few plays were the way the screen shakes a bit when your cover gets shot (along with Nathan flinching, depending on how exposed he is) and the destructibility of the low rubble walls.

Yeah, I just noticed this on my last playthrough. And if you throw more grenades around, the debris from previous explosions reacts the new explosions too which is nice.

Also noticed some of Nate's...funnier..facial expressions. Like a cartoony-wide-eyed look with tongue sticking out (as if in determination?).


BruceLeeRoy said:
OHH how satisfying is it on the last area in the demo where the guy comes running from the other side and slides down the vine if you shotty him right in the head before he grabs the vine his whole body just flys forward and lands in a big heap at your feet.....
:lol I have a habit on the second to last gunfight, after you hang through the opening and shoot the guys while hanging from the wall. When you enter that area 3 guys attack you, one guy jumping down from a ledge and then running off a bit to cover. I always run up to the ground where he lands so he tries to run off when he hits the ground, but I just run up behind him and jump on his back to do the fun neck-snapping kill.


Kabuki Waq said:
nope not nearly to close to the effect of uncharted and no tearing for sure!
Gears has slowdown, Halo has slowdown, Resistance has tearing. I never played SMG, but graphically that game shouldn't even be compared due to it not being "next gen".

As a side note, I've noticed both tearing and slowdown in Guitar Hero 3. That is fucking sad. :lol


plagiarize said:
and SMG reportedly has framedrops in a few specific areas.

Resistance definitely doesn't have tearing. If it does, it might happen all but 5 times throughout the course of the game. Gears is pretty much the same, except it has more instances of slowdown. But I will agree with Kabuki, judging from the Uncharted demo, Gears holds its framerate a bit better than Uncharted during intense shootouts.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Resistance doesn't have tearing, but it has framedrops. Not *that* often, but it does. In any case, I think you'd have to have a very specific tastes, to say the least, if you'd prefer Resistance graphics overall to those in Uncharted.
I've gone through the demo loads and I have yet to notice a single drop in framerate. The tearing I see all the time but hey, I played through the Jak games and GoW II and loved them so I think I'll make it through this.

Great impressions TTP, but it's looking less and less likely that I'll be buying this day one (and forget about importing). Being broke absolutely fucking sucks. No EoJ, no CoD4 and now no Uncharted! Still, I've got two perfectly functional kidneys...


Kabuki Waq said:
Man i was so hyped for this game but then i played the demo. I mean the game is still good but not the Killer App AAA title i was hoping it would be.

Screen Tearing and framerate issues totally ruin the "big Polished Game" feeling the game should have had.

I shot a guy 4 times in the face but he would not go down because he was in some animation.

The game has all the parts to be a 10/10 game but due to lack of polish and some janky combat it seems like a 8/10 game now :(

damn damn damn.
In what resolution have you played the demo? I read the game optimal resolution is 720p. I played 3 times in an SD TV and didn't saw any tearing or slowdowns, and my enemies died when i shooted them in the head.
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