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United Airlines Kicks Passenger Off Plane Because of Marvel Black Panther Hat

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I wouldn't even assume a pilot knows what the black panther super hero is...and people get afraid of unknown things. I don't see clear racism yet IMO. I'd need a more in depth news article.
So United staff should flip out over shirts and hats they don't understand/recongize and kick off passengers just in case?
Stevens, the person kicked off, says she was kicked off because of her exchanged with the flight attendant. At least according to the link. The link doesn't go into much depth about what that exchange was, but just that when asked to put her bag under her seat, she replied, "I don't know I'm going to be staying on this plane or not."


I wouldn't even assume a pilot knows what the black panther super hero is...and people get afraid of unknown things. I don't see clear racism yet IMO. I'd need a more in depth news article.
"I don't know what this is, it must be terrorism-related"

Yep, everything appears to be on the level here!
]I wouldn't even assume a pilot knows what the black panther super hero is[/B]...and people get afraid of unknown things. I don't see clear racism yet IMO. I'd need a more in depth news article.

That's because the pilot wasn't thinking about the panther super hero. And since apparently you're "oblivious" to why the pilot may have felt disturbed, I'll do you a favor.

Black Panther Party


I wouldn't even assume a pilot knows what the black panther super hero is...and people get afraid of unknown things. I don't see clear racism yet IMO. I'd need a more in depth news article.

I don't know if that's enough, for me at least. I'm hoping they'll have a multipart documentary in the works by the end of the day so I can really get to the bottom of just what in the hell happened on that infamous flight, on a day none of us will ever truly forget.


How is it we are still talking about the shirt that was flipped inside out. Good lord people.

Because some of us believe it shouldn't even need to be. Then there are others acting like it's a sure-shot meaning that said person will be a mad ravaging terrorist.

But yes it does make the whole situation 100x worse she gave in to turning it inside out and then the hat was next on the agenda to moan about.

That's because the pilot wasn't thinking about the panther super hero. And since apparently you're "oblivious" to why the pilot may have felt disturbed, I'll do you a favor.

Black Panther Party

The pilots ignorance is not ample reason. Even if he wants to believe it is what he thinks it is he should get off his ass and come and ask the question. A simple answer of no its a fucking marvel hat and he should be skipping back to his cockpit delighted he's learned something new.


I wonder if any of the people saying this is okay have ever raised concerns over someone wearing a Che Guevara shirt at the airport.


Seems like a mostly harmless shirt. It's not inciting hate or violence.

But knowing murica and it's obsession with patriotism, maybe some passengers would've taken offence to it and gotten physical?

NH Apache

Are you really trying to downplay the symbolism of an upside down flag?

Do you think it's just a joke?

You clearly have no idea what an upside down flag means.

It means distress and could be taken to mean the person who does it or wears it intends to do ill harm to that country (cause distress) aka a terrorist.

An upside down cross of hurting beliefs has nothing on that.

YOU clearly have no idea what it means. It solely means distress. It is also used as a form of protest.

I have two houses on my block that fly the flag upside down. I don't see the FBI or Popo knocking down their door.


Get some fucking knowledge.
The pilots ignorance is not ample reason. Even if he wants to believe it is what he thinks it is he should get off his ass and come and ask the question. A simple answer of no its a fucking marvel hat and he should be skipping back to his cockpit delighted he's learned something new.

Let's say its a black panther party cap. Would it have been ok then? Nope. In neither case would it have been reasonable. It's not like the passenger was being unruly or anything. I don't think she even did anything at all.
I think we need to separate the flight crew and the boarding crew in this thread. They all do work for the same company though.

People are blaming the flight crew for shit they didn't do. Where in the story or her comments does it say the flight crew mentioned clothing? Edit: I guess the original story does say this, but the update clarifies things.

She got kicked off for arguing with the flight attendant, which she even admits to.
Because some of us believe it shouldn't even need to be. Then there are others acting like it's a sure-shot meaning that said person will be a mad ravaging terrorist.

But yes it does make the whole situation 100x worse she gave in to turning it inside out and then the hat was next on the agenda to moan about.

Yeah, that was solely aimed at the "well what kind of a person wears a shirt like that on an airplane" nonsense going on in here. I completely agree with you.
You clearly have no idea what an upside down flag means.

It means distress and could be taken to mean the person who does it or wears it intends to do ill harm to that country (cause distress) aka a terrorist.

An upside down cross of hurting beliefs has nothing on that.

Pretty sure you don't know what it means either. It signals distress. Not that you want to cause distress. Maybe she wore it because she feels under distress in her own country. Seems like this incident would prove she is right.


Let's say its a black panther party cap. Would it have been ok then? Nope. In neither case would it have been reasonable. It's not like the passenger was being unruly or anything. I don't think she even did anything at all.
Why wouldn't it be? Can Black Panther Party hats magically transform into bombs?


The shirt seems like more of the issue here than the hat.

The hat is just drudging up some painful memories due to people still associating the Black Panther party with extremism and therefore terrorism.

If it was just the shirt, I think responses would be different. If the shirt is the one posted in this thread, it has both an upsidedown flag and an Anarchy symbol, it's certainly trying to make a statement. I think so many people are on edge in an airport that any signs of someone who looks like they might want to cause trouble set off alarms and in that sense, it's not the place to be provocative.

That being said, everyone knows if a person was really going to cause trouble, they wouldn't be wearing a shirt to advertise it and turning it inside out won't change anything if they were.


Let's say its a black panther party cap. Would it have been ok then? Nope. In neither case would it have been reasonable. It's not like the passenger was being unruly or anything. I don't think she even did anything at all.

Personally, I think that's fine as well. As in no you shouldn't be thrown off an airplane for a black panther party cap. Again, the 1st amendment allows you to have troubling beliefs, whatever they are. It's if you are acting on said beliefs or causing/inciting violence or harm then you get punished.

I'd never wear anything political or "edgy" to fly with, but it's precisely because I could not be arsed with the general public being all hot and bothered about everything. That and I don't really own any clothing of a political nature, but my point still stands, I can't be bothered with humanity 95% of the time :p

NH Apache

I said that, get some glasses.
It is never OK to support terrorism no matter how funny or COOL you think it looks.

It means distress and could be taken to mean the person who does it or wears it intends to do ill harm to that country (cause distress) aka a terrorist.

It has zero to do with terrorism man. ZERO.

What are you even on about.


Pretty sure you don't know what it means either. It signals distress. Not that you want to cause distress. Maybe she wore it because she feels under distress in her own country. Seems like this incident would prove she is right.

It means you support distress or wish ill harm.
I don't know if that's enough, for me at least. I'm hoping they'll have a multipart documentary in the works by the end of the day so I can really get to the bottom of just what in the hell happened on that infamous flight, on a day none of us will ever truly forget.

HBO miniseries IMO.
YOU clearly have no idea what it means. It solely means distress. It is also used as a form of protest.

I have two houses on my block that fly the flag upside down. I don't see the FBI or Popo knocking down their door.


Get some fucking knowledge.

Fuck. Now I'm distressed. Could you imagine if Kaep wore this shirt on Sunday?

OT: looks like a situation that was escalated without cause. I'm sure someone will be flying free for the foreseeable future


It means you support distress or wish ill harm.

Asap Rocky is a secret ISIS member looking to bring down the terrible American machine through the power of merchandise? the more you know.

It's a fucking shirt that she even turned inside out no less.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Maybe I'm some kind of savage, but I don't give two what I where when flying. I just throw on whatever I find and head to the airport. I definitely don't factor in America's insane fetish for the flag to my outfit choice.
Guys (in the gender inclusive usage of "guys,") I think most of us get it. She, you, or I should be able to wear a t-shirt with a mildly political message and a comic book hat on a flight.

The question is more, knowing the idiocy of airport "security" practices these days, why would you choose to fight that battle when you have somewhere to be? When I fly, I wear different shoes that are easier to get on and off through TSA. I pay $25 to check my suitcase even though it could be carried on so I don't risk having to be one of the schlubs that has to gate check their bag because the overhead bins are too full. I go through my entire backpack to make sure there's not a nail clipper or something for TSA to lose their shit over. If the airline pulls some bullshit at the gate, I swallow my rage and smile back at them and ask them nicely to resolve it. I try to swing a window seat as often as possible, not because I actually like the seat, but because it offers the least amount of contact with other smelly humans and the least amount of getting out of my seat to let another smelly, piss-filled human by.

It's all bullshit, but I do it anyway because flying sucks and I'm just trying to make it a little less shitty for myself. Yeah, it frustrates me, but I'll pick that fight sometime when I don't have some place to be.


Maybe I'm some kind of savage, but I don't give two what I where when flying. I just throw on whatever I find and head to the airport. I definitely don't factor in America's insane fetish for the flag to my outfit choice.

I actually think it's a good thing America has some pride over it's flag and national identity, but everything has to be taken in context in adult life. The passenger wasn't burning and stamping on a flag in the aeroplane corridor so adults need to get a grip. Unless a passenger is causing a disturbance get everyone in their seats, take off and fly the fuck to wherever you are going.

Guys (in the gender inclusive usage of "guys,") I think most of us get it. She, you, or I should be able to wear a t-shirt with a mildly political message and a comic book hat on a flight.

The question is more, knowing the idiocy of airport "security" practices these days, why would you choose to fight that battle when you have somewhere to be? When I fly, I wear different shoes that are easier to get on and off through TSA. I pay $25 to check my suitcase even though it could be carried on so I don't risk having to be one of the schlubs that has to gate check their bag because the overhead bins are too full. I go through my entire backpack to make sure there's not a nail clipper or something for TSA to lose their shit over. If the airline pulls some bullshit at the gate, I swallow my rage and smile back at them and ask them nicely to resolve it. I try to swing a window seat as often as possible, not because I actually like the seat, but because it offers the least amount of contact with other smelly humans and the least amount of getting out of my seat to let another smelly, piss-filled human by.

It's all bullshit, but I do it anyway because flying sucks and I'm just trying to make it a little less shitty for myself. Yeah, it frustrates me, but I'll pick that fight sometime when I don't have some place to be.

You're not wrong, but at the same time having to go through such preventative measures is the scapegoat to caving in to insanity at times. I'd do the same as I cannot be arsed with idiots, but while I choose to be overly careful it's not something I should have to do.
Its an issue of aviation security. So its not exactly written how you want, but I can assure somewhere there is a blanket statement saying the FUCKING PILOT of a FUCKING AIRPLANE can make a call about who can and cannot fly based on pretty much ANYTHING.

You are correct.


§91.3 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command.

(a) The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft.


Any chance this was less racism related and more anti-LGBT related? I mean they gave her shit about her shirt, then her hat .. everyone knows who Black Panther is, and shirts with American flags regardless of orientation usually don't matter. My guess is the airline was being dickheads, but not about race or whatever.

Anyway United Airlines is added to the boycott list.


I'm more offended at how ugly that hat is rather than what it could imply for those who don't know what it actually is.

Also if you've had trouble with it before and you're flying somewhere that's important for your job...maybe just sack up and dress like an actual adult.


Any chance this was less racism related and more anti-LGBT related? I mean they gave her shit about her shirt, then her hat .. everyone knows who Black Panther is, and shirts with American flags regardless of orientation usually don't matter. My guess is the airline was being dickheads, but not about race or whatever.

Anyway United Airlines is added to the boycott list.
I didn't until this thread and thought based on the title that someone was alleging they were removed for a Black Panther political hat.
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