Joe Biden will run for Democrat
Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie will run for GOP.
I'm all for Gary Johnson. Straight shooter and a Libertarian. While I am a Libertarian I would still vote for the best candidate and not my party affiliation - so if its him vs someone better - I vote better - but Gary is a good dude so he's on the up in my book.Not sure if this is the time or place, but the last election has got me thinking about who will be running in 2016.
I've got a few candidates in mind for the Democratic Party, mostly women, so I'll just jot down a few.
Kirsten Gillibrand
I think she's off to a good start and her time in this next session of the senate will be a crucial opportunity for her to gain experience and prove her worth. From what I've seen of her on TV and in interviews, she's personable and firm in her beliefs. Potential setbacks are her youth, the fact that she'd be the first female president (not necessarily bad, I think America is ready for a woman as president), her relatively liberal stance, and her lack of experience. I'll be keeping my eye on her.
Elizabeth Warren
Wow is her star on the rise. She's got a great chance to pave the way for her candidacy. She's smart, appears to be tough on shady business, and really popular. I'm worried about her age, though she'll be 67 in 2016. Still need to see a bit more of her in action.
Julio Castro
Well, I don't think he'll be ready by 2016, but I'd like to see more of him in the future. To be honest, I'm not as familiar with potential hispanic candidates - but he's got vitality and a good smile. He's extremely popular and I can see him hitting the House or the Senate in the next few years. I think the next democratic candidate will be latino or female.
Hillary C.
Sorry guys, I don't think Hillary is going to make it to the Oval Office. She's going to be too old in 2016. I don't think she should leave government completely, but I think she missed her chance. It's too bad, she probably would have made a decent president.
Again, to be honest, I'm not very familiar with many of the Republican faces, but I'm think they'll need to go with a non-white, relatively moderate candidate. I don't think the party will put up a female candidate. We may see more center-right candidates. I'm struggling to think of someone I'd actually consider voting for. Maybe someone like Olympia Snowe or Jim Leache. Then again, I don't know what direction they're going to go.
Mike Huckabee
I'm not sure how appealing he is as a candidate, but he looks like the checklist of an ideal, hard-right republican. His pass on the 2012 bid may mean he's testing the waters for 2016. I don't think this is the direction the country should move in, but if Obama's next 4 years are a disaster, it's possible the country could shift more in this direction. His views on homosexuality and evolution are pretty big hurdles.
Gary Johnson
AN interesting mix of views, he supports same-sex marriage, separation of church / state, drug decriminalization, is pro-choice, and is against censorship and regulation of the internet. Actually, the more I read about this guy the better he looks. Hmm...
I don't think he made a strong enough impression during this campaign to make him a viable choice in the next election. When people see his name, they're going to think "Romney"→"loss". Unfortunately, he's finished. I don't know much about him, but it really bugs me he lied about his race time. Damn, dood, just come clean!! The man can't tell the truth about how fast he ran a marathon and he wants to be Vice-President?
Hmm, I'm drawing a blank here - anyone else want to add to the list?
I think Jeb Bush will be pressured to run on the GOP side. I also get the feeling they see Marco Rubio as their next big thing. Before Sandy, I would of guaranteed Chris Christie would run, but they seem to hate his guts now.
Joe Biden will run for Democrat
Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie will run for GOP.
I dont see Warren running at all. She's smart enough to realize she has no chance. I wouldnt mind seeing Amy Klobuchar run. She is super popular in Minnesota, and while not super liberal (that makes her electable), ill always vote for her sicne i think she does a good job
I'm all for Gary Johnson. Straight shooter and a Libertarian. While I am a Libertarian I would still vote for the best candidate and not my party affiliation - so if its him vs someone better - I vote better - but Gary is a good dude so he's on the up in my book.
His Fox News shit is crazy. They are saying Obama took the low road and ran a dirty negative campaign and slandered Mitt. And Obama should be ashamed of how he won.
Wow. From the people who call Obama a Muslim socialist, non America.
Klobuchar is awesome.I dont see Warren running at all. She's smart enough to realize she has no chance. I wouldnt mind seeing Amy Klobuchar run. She is super popular in Minnesota, and while not super liberal (that makes her electable), ill always vote for her sicne i think she does a good job
Joe Biden will run for Democrat
Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie will run for GOP.
O Reilly asked Bob Beckel why married women voted for Romney and single women voted for Obama.
That's a very broad question. There are multiple variables as to why single and married women vote the way they vote. Just a few socioeconomic examples:
shit. most married Republican women vote exactly the way their husbands tell them too ... younger progressive women make their own choices. Shocking!
Almost every single Obama (and same with Romney) ad was about demonizing the other guy. The my point of view here, Obama just did a better job of trashing the other guy than Romney did, and the issues were only a footnote. I'd say 80-90% of the ads were negative, and that's just looking at the official ads, not the interest group ads.
I'm all for Gary Johnson. Straight shooter and a Libertarian. While I am a Libertarian I would still vote for the best candidate and not my party affiliation - so if its him vs someone better - I vote better - but Gary is a good dude so he's on the up in my book.
Almost every single Obama (and same with Romney) ad was about demonizing the other guy. The my point of view here, Obama just did a better job of trashing the other guy than Romney did, and the issues were only a footnote. I'd say 80-90% of the ads were negative, and that's just looking at the official ads, not the interest group ads.
most married Republican women vote exactly the way their husbands tell them too ... younger progressive women make their own choices. Shocking!
If the Republicans want to win Hispanics they'll nominate Jeb Bush.
He's the only one who has a chance at stealing a large number of them, and yes that includes Rubio. I'm just not sure how the rest of the country reacts to another Bush running.
Jeb is far more liberal and outspoken on immigration reform than Rubio is or ever has been by the way.
God was not born in America.
The Bush name is poison, bro. Yea, he's the only smart one of the bunch, but it doesn't matter.
Thank you, and he wasn't white.
That map is really inaccurate, Korey. Civil War didn't start in 1846, so it's not a Civil War map. California was part of Mexico until a later date. The Nebraska Territory was created in 1854. Utah territory didn't exist until 1850.
Sorry dude![]()
That map is really inaccurate, Korey. Civil War didn't start in 1846, so it's not a Civil War map. California was part of Mexico until a later date. The Nebraska Territory was created in 1854. Utah territory didn't exist until 1850.
Sorry dude![]()
West Virginia broke off from Virginia because of the Civil War and yet I found more confederate flags there per capita than any othe state I've been too.That and Kansas voted to be a free state. Which makes all the people around here with Confederate flags even more sad.
What would happened.... if God won presidency by write-in?
Political cartoonist tears:
(this is the guy who did that police officers shooting chimp cartoon a couple years ago; he was CONVINCED Romney was going to sweep it)
Aye. He needs to iron out a few wrinkle for sure - I really can't see that flying with everyone but he's on the right track with a majority of issues. He would still bring a breath of much needed fresh air if he tries to run Rep again. I see him as someone who would be rather easy to compromise with - I will be keeping tabs on him for the future. Rounding out a few of those jagged edges and he'd be a good candidate.Ah man, I don't know. He's good on civil liberties and I applaud his determination to balance the budget, but man, he's hardcore when it comes to taxes. I don't think I agree with his willingness to allow states to bankrupt themselves or cut social programs like Social Security and Medicare. Will keep looking into him though.
Because ObamaHow are those even considered funny?
The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will. This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug so don't break out the Cheetos or gold fish too quickly.
That's a badass shower curtain.
I think the Dem ticket in 2016 will be Cuomo/Warren. This is also said with the full realization that predictions of tickets 4 years in advance are usually wildly off the mark and mine probably will be as well.
I hope someone links the clip of Maddow that everyone's talking about when it eventually gets uploaded to somewhere.
His success was built on a deck of cards. A trick deck. Once everyone knows the trick, his illusion is over.
If I see a repetitive theme in people's criticism, it's that the welfare slugs are always looking for more and Obama's the guy to give it to them.
Help me out, didn't these people get the same benefit from Bush's government? Or did Obama drastically expand welfare benefits or something?
There are more people on welfare due to the recession, and I think Obama expanded unemployment benefits somewhat, but it's mostly BS to play into the "Obamacare is making us a socialist nation" meme.
It's also a convenient scapegoat they can use to avoid admitting that their platform is the problem.