The AP and Google is now putting Mitt's popular vote at 47.9%.
47. Sweet irony.
The Atlantic has some very big pictures up! Although I recommend their Libya pictures more because that shit be important yo.
Dubai and HK. Dubai is essentially tax free and HK is lower than Singapore.
Dubai is a really depressing place.
Hong Kong is quite nice and as you can see, highly rated by the Heritage foundation.
On their scale of economic freedom, HK is #1 and Singapore is #2.
Of note, though - in Singapore you can get by with English quite well, in HK - not so well.
and singapore isn't just as depressing?
It might be a good place for corporations to set up shop...
but a lifestyle isn't just about your income.
I lived in Singapore for several years. Its a nice place to visit imo but has many downsides as mentioned previously.
republicans are looking at it with rose coloured glasses if they think its some conservative utopia.
Social security isn't a really known area for me, but I do know the trust fund is still at a surplus of near $3 trillion. While it appears FICA taxes have now, since the recession, decreased and now the trust fund receives less revenue than it pays out, the interest rates will still continue to accumulate on the present surplus year after year after year. This means worrying about paying back SS when that surplus hits $0 should not be a problem in the immediate future (i.e. decades from now). We will continue to buy treasury bonds at hilariously low rates with the surplus money for another decade and then those bonds will help with SS payouts for another decade or two.
And there's really no problem with taking money from the trust itself. It's just like a bond or stock. It's just that social security is quite special - it has its own dedicated tax system to inflate it every year.
So after that? Then you can worry a little more. But even then, not really. Here's an "old" piece from Krugman that's still relevant to the discussion:
So basically, yes, we will need to use something like taxes to prop up the trust fund in a few decades or else social security's impact on the deficit is going to look real bad. But really, that's not a problem as outlined above. Get rid of the payroll tax limit while extending medicare for everyone. Boom. I just solved the "problem" of financing social security which will also have the added bonus of reducing our deficit.
Overconfident Romney was so sure of victory that he spent 25 grand on victory fireworks
Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was so confident of victory against President Barack Obama that he spent $25,000 for victory fireworks, had already drawn up a list of White House appointments and took it easy on election day when his opponents were still working hard to get out the vote.
Political insiders tell Capitol Hill Blue that Romney didnt think he could lose and was genuinely shell shocked when he lost the Presidential race in an electoral vote landslide to Obama.
He was supremely confident and delayed conceding the race as long as possible because he just didnt believe he would lose, says one senior aide. It was overconfidence based on inaccurate assumptions and flawed data.
In conversations with campaign insiders, a portrait of a clueless campaign emerges, driven by a candidate so sure of himself that he ignored all the obvious warning signs.
Romney told his advisers that he was sure minorities and young people would stay home and turn out for Obama as they had in 2008. That turned out to be a politically fatal assumption. Obama drew 90 percent of a large black vote and more than three quarters of Latinos. Asian-Americans also turned out in droves for the incumbent President.
The GOP nominees campaign advisers convinced themselves that the polls showing a close race were flawed and that the true electorate would give give Romney at least 330 electoral votes.
They were living in a fantasy land, says one long-time GOP strategist who asked not to be identified. They remained in a fog generated by their candidates massive ego.
When the numbers came in election night, Romney was stunned. So was his running mate, who couldnt even carry his home state of Wisconsin.
The wives of both the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates broke into tears. Romney appeared dazed and it took a while for him to regain enough composure to deliver a long, rambling concession speech.
Mitt is not accustomed to losing, says one friend. It was a bitter pill for him.
Even more bitter is the fractured, dysfunctional Republican Party that Romney leaves behind as he turned to his millions, his multiple homes and his comfortable lifestyle.
Romney can go on, says GOP strategist Arnold Block. Hes not dependent on politics or elections but the Republican Party must start again at Ground Zero and its a long road back to relevance.
well that blew up in his face
Romney told his advisers that he was sure minorities and young people would stay home and turn out for Obama as they had in 2008. That turned out to be a politically fatal assumption. Obama drew 90 percent of a large black vote and more than three quarters of Latinos. Asian-Americans also turned out in droves for the incumbent President.
Haha go fuck yourself Romney, entitled prick.
I don't think you can compare a place like Dubai where 75% of the population are migrant workers who are treated like slaves to Singapore. Totally different ballpark.
Have not lived there but visited quite a few times and the expats I've met all seemed quite content. None were American, mostly UK and New Zealand. Of course this is all anecdotal.
The fireworks are still good!
We'll get Santorum in 2016. That's a sure GOP loss again.
The best candidate the GOP could nominate, Huntsman, won't even get a sniff. I doubt Christie really wants it, but man did he stick the knife into Romney.
uhh no. There's lots of republican candidates who will potentially be hard to beat in 2016.
Marco Rubio
Chris Christie
Condoleezza Rice
John Thune
and the Bush Family
For a laugh, I want to see Santorum try again in 2016. Just to see if he exudes the same froth he did this year. Like claiming to ban pornography, or nearly dropping the n-bomb, or calling Obama a snob for wanting people to go to college. It would be hilarious.
uhh no. There's lots of republican candidates who will potentially be hard to beat in 2016.
Marco Rubio
Chris Christie
Condoleezza Rice
John Thune
and the Bush Family
they stayed far away from 2012 because they aren't stupid enough to waste their chance fighting a popular incumbent
Rubio has nothing going for him over what any other unpleasant candidate offers other than being Cuban. But again, I don't think the Hispanic population is likely to vote again self-interest merely because he's Cuban any more than the black population is likely to vote for Herman Cain. The idea that minorities will just vote for same-category minorities regardless of their actual opinions is one of those things that the GOP thinks is true because they're clueless about why they can't pull various demographics.uhh no. There's lots of republican candidates who will potentially be hard to beat in 2016.
Marco Rubio
Chris Christie
Condoleezza Rice
John Thune
and the Bush Family
they stayed far away from 2012 because they aren't stupid enough to waste their chance fighting a popular incumbent
Rubio has nothing going for him over what any other unpleasant candidate offers other than being Cuban. But again, I don't think the Hispanic population is likely to vote again self-interest merely because he's Cuban any more than the black population is likely to vote for Herman Cain.
As for Santorum, I for one can't wait to see if his views have "evolved" on "Blah People."
he watched too much fox news' polls and pundits' 'predictions'.
Rice is pro choice and allegedly a lesbian. She's not running, trust meuhh no. There's lots of republican candidates who will potentially be hard to beat in 2016.
Marco Rubio
Chris Christie
Condoleezza Rice
John Thune
and the Bush Family
they stayed far away from 2012 because they aren't stupid enough to waste their chance fighting a popular incumbent
Rubio is pro immigration and pro dream act.
Santorum doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell
Rice is pro choice and allegedly a lesbian. She's not running, trust me
I'd imagine 2016 will depend on what Jeb Bush decides to do. If he runs I bet Rubio will stand down. If he doesn't, he'll give Rubio his blessing; I think both realize they can't both run because it could split the Hispanic vote in the primary.
Rubio is being set up to fail IMO. The GOP thinks tokenism is the best way to appeal to minorities, and don't realize it's insulting. Rubio will probably lose the Hispanic vote if Hillary is his opponent; Hispanics are quite socially liberal, and if Obama passes immigration reform they'll stick with democrats. Still, Rubio could win enough of Hispanics to come close; 30-40% may be enough to win.
Rubio is pro immigration and pro dream act.
Santorum doesn't have an ice cube's chance in hell
guise, the leaves on my trees have started to turn brown and fall off the trees. I think they are dieing. Is this the 1000 years of darkness I was warned about? halp plz
Great point. It depends on how the upcoming immigration fight goes. Even if republicans work with Obama and get some of what they want (border security) there will be plenty of far right folks willing to destroy the process. I think the GOP leadership and Rubio realize they need to do something, and Obama will give them the opportunity; remember he won largely due to Hispanics, and he has to keep his promise now.IF he can make it thought the flawed primary system, people tend to forget how retard right you have to go and in the age of the Internet that shit comes back to haunt you.
How does Rubio exactly shit all over Hispanics enough to win the overly white and old primary and then pivot back without Hispanics saying GTFO
This pretty much sums up the biggest issue of the Republican Party. Instead of trying to earn the minority vote, they just hoped/assumed they would stay home.Haha go fuck yourself Romney, entitled prick.
Yeah no shit. I think there's a bunch of latinos out there just waiting to go republican if only they pulled their collective heads out of their asses. You put fourth a candidate that doesn't cater to the assholes and you'd even win over independents. Stuff Jeb Bush was saying about his own party earlier this year is the type of sense even i'd be tempted to put in office if the dems put a lame duck candidate forward. Instead of villifying the other sie come to the table with an alternative stated with a clear head and a calm demeanor. That's exactly what Jeb did. Being fluent in Spanish can't hurt him with the latino vote either. JB 2016!Rubio maybe. I think Santorum is a better pol. There's a reason we never saw a Giuliani nomination and it's because he ran a terrible campaign.
I think the GOP will not learn any lesson, they'll go more conservative and frankly more old and white and I'll have a nice laugh at them in 2016.
the GOP won't pick a Latino a presidential nominee but they would pick a Latino VP running mate to Token the ticket like they did with Sarah Palin
Let's hope it goes the same way.the GOP won't pick a Latino a presidential nominee but they would pick a Latino VP running mate to Token the ticket like they did with Sarah Palin
and the Bush Family
If the economy greatly improves I fully expect the right to call it the "Bush recovery". They did the same thing when Clinton was in office.
As a Florida resident, I can second this.Don't underestimate Jeb Bush. People who are discounting him just because of the bad taste of Dubya are underestimating just how good of a politician Jeb is.
All I'll say.
If the economy greatly improves I fully expect the right to call it the "Bush recovery". They did the same thing when Clinton was in office.
Don't underestimate Jeb Bush. People who are discounting him just because of the bad taste of Dubya are underestimating just how good of a politician Jeb is.
All I'll say.
If the economy greatly improves I fully expect the right to call it the "Bush recovery". They did the same thing when Clinton was in office.
Don't underestimate Jeb Bush. People who are discounting him just because of the bad taste of Dubya are underestimating just how good of a politician Jeb is.
All I'll say.
Jeb's not a nimcompoop like Dubya was, I just don't know if he could make it out of the primaries. I think if they really want to appeal to the Hispanic vote then he might be their best bet but if they let the nutty base run rampant they'll probably end up with a trainwreck like Santorum.