Why in the fuck none of the people who gave Karl Rove all that money for American Crossroads havent sued the fucking pants off of Gallop, Rassmutian, Rove and Fox News?
The health insurance and provider industry has been spending the last three years spending an ass ton of money to be ready for the ACA. They're in.I Got an Idea for Obama.
If the medical industry doesnt play ball with him, he can using executive order, remove all those nice EMTALA stuff Regan put in place in the 80's. You know what that does though? Saves the economy. If they do play ball and they some how this medical industry weasels there way out... you now what happens? Single Payer. What Happens to the economy? SAVED.
The health insurance and provider industry has been spending the last four years spending an ass ton of money to be ready for the ACA. They're in.
- Not a transformative candidate (might not apply in 2016 if there are no other wildcards)
- Age; not a factor for the timing of 2016-2020, but not over the moon at the prospect of her age by the end of the second term
- DLC Democrat, although I get the feeling she's drifted left over the last 4 years
- I think what's perceived to be a bit of a harsh personal manner--and some of this may be bleed from the gender issue where borderline sexism is coming through
- Hangovers of any Democrats who felt frustrated with the end of the Clinton administration (will not apply in 2016, since Bill has been largely rehabilitated and time has dulled a lot of what would have been leftover pain)
How does Rubio personally benefit from DREAM?
I love it how Republicans are only liberal on social issues that directly affect them. Rubio with DREAM, Cheney with gay marriage. These selfish fucks.
Why do you think health is the fastest growing sector in management consulting for the third year in a row?Lets hope thats the case... It seems somebody (From Google No Less) Is ready.
To be fair, nobody was expecting a single-term African-American Senator from Illinois to create a maelstrom of hope that carried him to the Presidency over Hillary fucking Clinton.Hillary's campaign also had some bad mismanagement, like the whole issue of not understanding delegates. Hopefully after running the State Department she'd be better, but in 2008 she wasn't quite ready.
Why in the fuck none of the people who gave Karl Rove all that money for American Crossroads havent sued the fucking pants off of Gallop, Rassmutian, Rove and Fox News?
The absolute highlight of the year so far for me was watching Rove twist in the wind on election night. Turd blossom indeed.
I hope Hillary runs in 2016. I voted for her in the primaries in '08 but wasn't upset when Obama won out. I wasn't happy with the way she and Bill ran the campaign, hopefully they've both learned from that.
gains more hispanic votes (though I wouldn't personally vote for him considering the people he'd have to align himself with to win)
More like Borophyll!
I'm so sorry.
Hillary's campaign also had some bad mismanagement, like the whole issue of not understanding delegates. Hopefully after running the State Department she'd be better, but in 2008 she wasn't quite ready.
The fact they ultimately viciously turned against each other could plausibly be a reason it's not very common to endorse a candidate now that I think about it. Though I can imagine most politicians don't have Teddy Roosevelt's temperament and would probably have been cooler about disagreements on how to do things.
Why are they even giving in to this psycho's requests? The margin was larger than what's required for a recount. Why do I feel Rick Scott is behind this?Saint Lucie County will recount 37K early voting ballots tomorrow morning. The results are already submitted to the state, though. Patrick Murphy won and Allen West is a sore loser.
Out of curiosity, what didn't you like about it? I thought Obama ran a much more brutal campaign against Hilary, than Hilary did against Obama.
Aside from that David Simon blog this is the best post-election piece I've read; Frank Rich on the alternate GOP reality that led to their downfall.
Really interesting to see the schism now developing on the right. Many still living in fantasyland, in denial, looking to blame everything except their party's diminishing appeal in a changing America. Others realizing that a change in attitude is desperately needed to avoid political extinction. Very telling to see Boehner basically disowning the Tea Party and actually talking about bipartisan cooperation this week, and even Hannity suddenly has developed a more "evolved" position on immigration.
Aside from that David Simon blog this is the best post-election piece I've read; Frank Rich on the alternate GOP reality that led to their downfall.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan might be surprised to learn that he is now remembered most for his oft-repeated maxim that everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. Yet today most Americans do see themselves as entitled to their own facts, with one of our two major political parties setting a powerful example. For all the hand-wringing about Washingtons chronic dysfunction and lack of bipartisanship, it may be the wholesale denial of reality by the opposition and its fellow travelers that is the biggest obstacle to our country moving forward under a much-empowered Barack Obama in his second term. If truth cant command a mandate, no one can.
Great article
yesOur remaining journalistic institutions have even outsourced what used to be the very core of their craft, fact-checking, to surrogates relegated to gimmicky sidebars (awarding Pinocchios and pants on fire). The fact-checkers have predictably become partisan targets, only further destabilizing the whole notion of what is meant by news.
what is that even distorted for, why is maine massive?![]()
Center right country huh.
what is that even distorted for, why is maine massive?
what is that even distorted for, why is maine massive?
Maine is actually tiny on that map. Massachusetts is massive.what is that even distorted for, why is maine massive?
Another good smackdown piece:
Your party is really mean, mocking and demonizing everyone who does not follow you into the pits of hell. You constantly imply as Mitt Romney did in his 47% speech that anybody who disagrees with you does so not by logic or moral conviction, but because they are shiftless, lazy parasites who want free stuff from traditional Americans. Wow, you guys managed to follow up a stunning electoral defeat with insulting the very people you wish to attract for a majority in the political system! Brilliant! You are losing elections because being angry and defensive and just-plain-mean is more important than being smart and winning elections and thus you deserve everything happening to you.
I haven't seen this many people excited about gold since black people in the 80's.Ugh, had some customers at work (republicans) going on and on about how the dollar will be worth nothing in a couple years and how we should go back to the gold standard. Followed by how Obama is having an affair, and a multitude of other equally ridiculous accusations and ideas regarding the election/politics.
On the other hand its been very very enjoyable listening to nearly every person where I work bitch and complain about it all. Just such salty delicious tears everywhere. WAY more than the last election. I think the big difference is just how convinced they were in Romney winning, and having no idea they would get destroyed.
That's racist....dark horse candidate ...
I think the big difference is just how convinced they were in Romney winning, and having no idea they would get destroyed.
Center right country huh.
2016 has to be Hillary. Biden will fuck it up royally. Hillary is smart as hell and will court even more of the women vote to counteract the small amount of the black vote lost after Obama. A black man followed by a woman, please.
And pooping Florida.America is a giant bird spreading its wings.
Nah. Florida looks like a penis. The blue-ish tip looks like it has a large, open urethra.And pooping Florida.
How old will Hillary be in 2016? Most people I talk to seem to think that she'll be too old to run for president in four years...though if she can line up someone exciting and young as her vice-president (Michelle?) then I don't see what the problem would be.