Kills Photobucket
Any doubt that the show will clearly show Jon killing Ygritte and not leaving it questionable?
Kit Harrington's actually giving a good performance. There's a change.
Diana Rigg is fantastic.
We're running out of time for a check-in with Roose, Ramsay and Theon.
I really don't expect we'll see a lot of them this season.
Theon's whole next sub-plot isn't really possible in the tv show, so I'm not even sure what he'll do after that.
What the fuck's a lommy?
Well, that's what they created the subplot of Yara trying to rescue him for. Oh well, next week then.
I'm down with a "Arya & the Hound" series.
Probably. I just figured that will get called off when she needs to go back.
But I'm all for them skipping the iron isle stuff completely.
I said last night I would watch the shit out of a Arya and the Hound buddy cop show.
Okay, that team definitely works. I'm down with Arya and the Hound.
Nice, the adventures of Arya and the Hound is a go since he didn't get hurt in the fight!