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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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I've got to say; it's pretty entertaining reading the predictions of the unsullied about the next episode.
A lot of people are not expecting any major WTF moments, they seem to expect just a wrap up of the season (although a few expect tyrion or arya to bite the dust)
I think jaw's will drop when we get the;
- Tyrion crossbow antics
- Bran meets Children
- Stoneheart reveal
- Dragon lunchtime
- Perhaps some StannistheMannis action?
I guess it's just whatever at this point. The episode was really well done, but the addition of Ser Alliser really takes away from Jon's heroics as they were played out in the book in my opinion. Death of Grenn and Pip? I guess they weren't truly important characters to the whole, but does that leave less people to rally for Jon for Lord Commander (I know Sam really orchestrates his rise but still). If they had killed off Dolorous Edd I would have rioted haha (love that character). Excited to see Stannis come in to the picture, but again, that whole thing is so weird since that note was sent to Davos at the end of last season and now they are just going to appear out of nowhere. People get worried that non-book readers don't know Catelyn as Cat, you think they are going to remember this? Oh well.

For Episode 10, excited for:
Shits Gold


I've got to say; it's pretty entertaining reading the predictions of the unsullied about the next episode.
A lot of people are not expecting any major WTF moments, they seem to expect just a wrap up of the season (although a few expect tyrion or arya to bite the dust)
I think jaw's will drop when we get the;
- Tyrion crossbow antics
- Bran meets Children
- Stoneheart reveal
- Dragon lunchtime
- Perhaps some StannistheMannis action?

I usually don't do this, but I found two hilarious posts in the Unsullied thread about predictions for the future after Oberyn vs Mountain fight.

First, the discussion about the plot armor following Oberyn's death and a guy noting that nobody in the show has plot armor, except maybe for Tywin.

Second, when discussing the meaning of the episode title, "Children", somebody proposed that it's likely one of the meanings is Tywin executing Tyrion.

Non-book readers will be shocked, they really don't expect Tywin to bite the dust that soon.


I cannot wait for next week and the Stoneheart reveal to finally end the speculation. It's just GOT to be in there, it's the ray of grim, horrible hope after all the terrible things that have happened. It needs to stay in. No skipping Brienne ahead, no cutting Stoneheart. They've been pretty faithful to some of the more outlandish elements of the series (anyone remember Mel birthing a shadow demon??), this feels like a crucial element that they'd be foolish to cut as the final bit of the season.

They need it in there because it's going to make non-readers go nuts and provide a big hook into next season. Tyrion's stuff would make a great finale on its own but Stoneheart is a brilliant WTF moment.


I usually don't do this, but I found two hilarious posts in the Unsullied thread about predictions for the future after Oberyn vs Mountain fight.

First, the discussion about the plot armor following Oberyn's death and a guy noting that nobody in the show has plot armor, except maybe for Tywin.

Second, when discussing the meaning of the episode title, "Children", somebody proposed that it's likely one of the meanings is Tywin executing Tyrion.

Non-book readers will be shocked, they really don't expect Tywin to bite the dust that soon.

Yeah it's gonna be a major death that came straight out of left field for all the Non book readers....
Looking forward to the double melt down (shits gold and the stoneheart cliffhanger) ;-)
Because most of Mance's men are no more capable of scaling a giant ice-wall than you or I are. Really, that battle scene made his main army look more threatening than they actually are. Most of them are just random dudes holding spears and swords.

The best answer to the sailing question is asking where they'd get ships to move 100,000 people.
Build them using the wood from the enormous forests they have north of the wall.


Build them using the wood from the enormous forests they have north of the wall.

- Are there people beyond the wall with the knowledge to build multiple huge transport ships?
- You think the Whitewalkers/Others + wights are just gonna let them take their time and build ships?
- Even if they were able to make transports ships, you think Cotter Pyke would just let them ferry across 100,000 people? That would also require them to make ships for fighting, else they'll get cut down by Cotter Pyke and his "fleet"


Not if they've been paying attention to the dialogue, it has been foreshadowed on multiple occasions.

Foreshadowed? I must've missed something there?
I don't think it's THAT obvious to be honest, especially because of the way that Tyrion gets freed by Varys/Jamie.
Not to mention most of the unsullied think that Tyrion is gonna get it in the next episode.

If you have a look at the unsullied thread there's maybe 1 or 2 of them that mention Tywin possibly dying, but they talk about it as if it's highly unlikely because they can't predict how and by whom Tyrion gets freed.


I still don't like the random murder spree the Wildlings went on, it really makes no sense that Mance would even want them to do that. What's the point of getting past the Wall if the Lords of the North/South send an army to wipe you out because you keep massacring villages.


I still don't like the random murder spree the Wildlings went on, it really makes no sense that Mance would even want them to do that. What's the point of getting past the Wall if the Lords of the North/South send an army to wipe you out because you keep massacring villages.

I believe the goal was to lure the nightswatch out of the castle.
not sure if they northern lords would send an army or smaller groups to wipe out a handful of wildlings. and even if, they could probably easily hide from them.


I believe the goal was to lure the nightswatch out of the castle.
not sure if they northern lords would send an army or smaller groups to wipe out a handful of wildlings. and even if, they could probably easily hide from them.

Until Roose Bolton and what remained of the Northern army returned there'd be no one to send anyway. The Umber's were the closest major family but Greatjon took so many men down South they couldn't even harvest all their crops so I doubt they could hunt down a band of wildings.


Foreshadowed? I must've missed something there?
I don't think it's THAT obvious to be honest, especially because of the way that Tyrion gets freed by Varys/Jamie.
Not to mention most of the unsullied think that Tyrion is gonna get it in the next episode.

If you have a look at the unsullied thread there's maybe 1 or 2 of them that mention Tywin possibly dying, but they talk about it as if it's highly unlikely because they can't predict how and by whom Tyrion gets freed.

The best guess I see in the other thread is about Jon Snow's *mother* being a Targ.
When I first read that I just saw someone talking about Jon maybe being a Targ and was convinced a book reader was slumming over there, as there has been next to no indication of R+L=J in the show.

Very much looking forward to next week.
Also, as a funny thing, Sunday is Father's Day. Very, very fitting for Tywin and Tyrion.

I have not been able to watch any of this season on a TV screen (all watched on HBO Go on my phone), but I'm going to watch next week on a TV.




This should provide some clues as to what we'll be seeing next episode(major spoilers):

GoT's Emmy submission for Oustanding Prosthetics and Makeup

All thanks to tumblrofthrones for finding this.

I'm looking foward to the man in roots

God fucking damn it:
Brienne's gonna fuck Sandor up, the ear injury prosthetic confirms he's the guy who she attacks and bites their ear off. The Children relates to both Clegane brothers wounded and dying I suppose as well.
if I read it correctly its like burn makeup: appliances:[...] ear[...]
it could mean his usual makeup, that involves a burned/missing ear I think

I hope this doesn't mean no LSH. I'm hoping it just means her makeup won't be as remarkable. Based on what they did with Tyrion's injury, I wouldn't be surprised if LSH make up is simple: A neck wound and paler.

I would be fine with that, honestly.
that finale certainly doesnt need another highlight. its overburdened as it is.
the lord commander election as well as lady stoneheart can easily be done in season 5, I would even welcome it, because that season will definitely lack some highlights.
I hope this doesn't mean no LSH. I'm hoping it just means her makeup won't be as remarkable. Based on what they did with Tyrion's injury, I wouldn't be surprised if LSH make up is simple: A neck wound and paler.


I agree with Stannis. Look!

That cook is goddamn badass. :D

A cook? He just got promoted to butcher.
I hope this doesn't mean no LSH. I'm hoping it just means her makeup won't be as remarkable. Based on what they did with Tyrion's injury, I wouldn't be surprised if LSH make up is simple: A neck wound and paler.
I'm afraid it pretty much confirms no Stoneheart. There's no way to do that without heavy makeup and prosthetics.
I'm afraid it pretty much confirms no Stoneheart. There's no way to do that without heavy makeup and prosthetics.

Read this somewhere else:

No it doesn’t confirm/deny Stoneheart so don’t get your hopes up on that account. Stoneheart’s scars wouldn’t be really be in the prosthetics category, based on the summaries of makeup I’ve just read in the Emmy writeups. Scars, blood, icky-looking skin, etc, That would be in the non-prosthetic category, I think, and the show went with another episode for that category.

Also, it almost makes no sense not to include her. It's literally the most epic mindfuck plot twist to end the season they will ever have a chance to do on this show. I was also thinking about how they could've filmed it without people knowing and I bet it wasn't hard. All they needed was for Michelle Fairley in front of a green screen on her off time from filming 24 or something.
I hope this doesn't mean no LSH. I'm hoping it just means her makeup won't be as remarkable. Based on what they did with Tyrion's injury, I wouldn't be surprised if LSH make up is simple: A neck wound and paler.

The COTF aren't listed either and we know they'll make an appearance. There's still hope for LSH.


I'm afraid it pretty much confirms no Stoneheart. There's no way to do that without heavy makeup and prosthetics.

To be fair show SH will be like show Tyrion, a lot less messed up, Catelyn never gouged out her face in the show so prosthetics would be pretty simple if they did her.
Yeah, LSH doesn't really need heavy prosthetics in the same way that Bloodraven or The Hound do. I don't know whether she's going to turn up or not, but her makeup wouldn't be in that category in the same way that Tyrion's scarring makeup isn't.
Yeah, Lady Stoneheart ain't appearing in this episode. I'd love it if she did, but there's been no clues whatsoever. Arya's warg dream with the body is completely left out, and they haven't established Jon and Arya's warging abilities yet.

I'd be surprised because it'd be kinda out of left field.
Yeah, Lady Stoneheart ain't appearing in this episode. I'd love it if she did, but there's been no clues whatsoever. Arya's warg dream with the body is completely left out, and they haven't established Jon and Arya's warging abilities yet.

I'd be surprised because it'd be kinda out of left field.

Jon and Arya's warging skills aren't needed for LSH to work, though. The lack of clues and foreshadowing will probably work in the show's favour, too.
SO hyped for next week. On the topic of Stoneheart, I don't think she'll be cut out since we don't know what her role in the books are, but at the same time I don't think the show ever said whether or not Catelyn got thrown into the lake. I guess we'll see
Yeah, Lady Stoneheart ain't appearing in this episode. I'd love it if she did, but there's been no clues whatsoever. Arya's warg dream with the body is completely left out, and they haven't established Jon and Arya's warging abilities yet.

I'd be surprised because it'd be kinda out of left field.

There weren't any clues in the book either. It WAS out of left field. They can easily drop a line in the first half of the episode about Frey's being hanged.
Jon and Arya's warging skills aren't needed for LSH to work, though. The lack of clues and foreshadowing will probably work in the show's favour, too.

They will have to introduce that eventually anyway because it forms a connection to Nymeria and by proxy to Westeros which is what keeps her from fully becoming
Warging is not Bran's superpower, many can do it even on the show.
Jon might need them too so that he can survive his death.
Yeah, Lady Stoneheart ain't appearing in this episode. I'd love it if she did, but there's been no clues whatsoever. Arya's warg dream with the body is completely left out, and they haven't established Jon and Arya's warging abilities yet.

I'd be surprised because it'd be kinda out of left field.

Haven't all of Lena Headey's "spoilers" shown up so far? If so then it seems like it has to happen.
Am I the only person who finds the concept of Lady Stoneheart hokey?

Never liked her when she was alive. Can't say my opinion has changed for the better now that she's back.
SO hyped for next week. On the topic of Stoneheart, I don't think she'll be cut out since we don't know what her role in the books are, but at the same time I don't think the show ever said whether or not Catelyn got thrown into the lake. I guess we'll see

Sansa mentioned it in an episode this season
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