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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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Kills Photobucket
was it ever explained why Littlefinger wanted to kill JOffrey as well? or at least had a hand in the death?

Joffrey would have led to another rebellion. He would have likely killed Margery eventually. Kid was unstable and that would not have been good for anyone. Even Tywin, while I don't think he had a hand in his death, was no sad that he was killed.


Tyrion is disgusting at the start, and suicidal. One of the great things about Penny is that her naive views on life reminds Tyrion why life is worth living. He constantly explodes at her, making grand arguments about life or self worth - and eventually it becomes clear he is trying to convince himself of these truths as well. I thought it was some great character development, and

I was just so bored by everything he did in DwD. It's like who cares if he's reminded why life his worth living? I see him as a murderer now of a girl because she didn't love him and embarassed him. Her testimony changed nothing about his guilt or innocence. There was already an enormous amount of evidence against him. Varys testified against him for a whole day since he had so much evidence to prevent. Tyrion was already a dead man, she was trying to at least get something for herself out of the ordeal. It's clear when he killed her what he was really angry at her about. I hope he doesn't see life as worth living and kills himself.


Really? I thought most people hated Jon Snow and would welcome his death..

I don't hate Jon Snow, but I'm not a big fan either. His "death" didn't mean much to me. It was kinda just, "Oh snap," and that's that. That being said, I still don't think he's dead.
People in the no book thread are already getting frustrated with Kelly C's lack of progress. Unless HBO makes some big changes to her story it's only going to get worse.

I'll say it again- next season will be promoted as all the big players moving towards Danaerys, rather than the other way round. Representatives from the Lannisters, Greyjoys and Martells will be heading in her direction, and that's where the drama's going to come from.

They're already building towards this- that HBO Go trailer featuring dialogue in the Small Council about the threat that she's starting to pose. Dany's going to be far more central in the show next season than she ever has been in the books.
Does the book say anything about how Shae came to testify against Tyrion? If she volunteered to do it for her own gain that's one thing but I don't remember that being implied anywhere, she might have had no choice after falling into Cersei's hands and in any case it's not as though her testimony made much difference to the outcome of a sham trial.

Of course the show can change things around to try and make it seem more justified but I'm struggling to see show Tyrion strangling a women to death.
I read all the books but forget half of it, where exactly are we now in the series, so I can sort of pick up after the wedding?

Joffrey's just been poisoned, next episode we'll see
Dany attacking Meereen, Sansa escaping KL, Tyrion in his cell, and the scene in the sept with Jaime and Cersei.


Based solely on Olenna telling Tywin he should try new things before he dies I actually think Shae will be in his bed, like in the book.


Salty much? ;P

Really? I thought most people hated Jon Snow and would welcome his death..

My feelings about Jon are kind of similar to my feelings about Dany. They've both been off largely telling their own stories for so long that to kill them off before they actually accomplish things that affect mainland Westeros would make each of them a colossal waste of time. Even though they've, by the end of Dance, brought Tyrion and Stannis into their stories they still feel like largely separate tales.

Is it realistic that a young upstart commander making radical decisions could get stabbed to death in a mutiny? Absolutely. Is that a good story? Nope.
Really? I thought most people hated Jon Snow and would welcome his death..

He has always been Mary Sueish, but I don't dislike his character. I was actually really starting to admire his growth throughout book 3 and 5. More so though Jon actually being dead would just be terrible writing on the part of Martin. You don't foreshadow warging and the Lord of Light resurrections as heavily as he did if you don't intend on bringing Jon back in some shape or form. If he knowingly wrote that foreshadowing with the foreknowledge of Jon staying dead then he's just a miserable dick. Life is stressful enough already, I don't have time for that kind of shit.
Based solely on Olenna telling Tywin he should try new things before he dies I actually think Shae will be in his bed, like in the book.

Why wouldn't she be in his bed? I'd be shocked if they changed that. It was such a shock that she was in his bed. It was brilliant. And that led to Tyrion killing his father, not all the mistreatment he received over the years.
Joffrey would have led to another rebellion. He would have likely killed Margery eventually. Kid was unstable and that would not have been good for anyone. Even Tywin, while I don't think he had a hand in his death, was no sad that he was killed.

That's why the Tyrell's wanted him dead, but I think Littlefinger is shoring up the western alliance only to be able to break it apart later.

I wonder whether he anticipated Tywin's death somehow, that doesn't seem possible but from his talks with Sansa about Cersei it fit his plans very well.
That's why the Tyrell's wanted him dead, but I think Littlefinger is shoring up the western alliance only to be able to break it apart later.

I wonder whether he anticipated Tywin's death somehow, that doesn't seem possible but from his talks with Sansa about Cersei it fit his plans very well.

I'm pretty sure he intended for Tyrion to take the fall for Joffrey and be killed for it; it's no real secret that Tywin was a target of multiple people from the get-go, anyone could have killed him. He would have been the next to go, it just so happens that Tyrion was the one to do it. Perhaps something like what happened to Kevan.
Based solely on Olenna telling Tywin he should try new things before he dies I actually think Shae will be in his bed, like in the book.

I would rage if they changed that part. Having Shae with Tywin showed the hypocrisy of the only constant person in Kings Landing. He wasn't a good guy but he had his own guidelines that he followed to the tee. Until he didn't. It was a perfect ending to Tywin Lannister.


WTF at Tyrion telling Shae to fuck off. Now she will go to Tywin willingly and will have a clear motive to betray him during the trial, what the hell.

Now with this scene the shock of Tyrion killing Shae is lost, why would he now? He told her she is a whore and should leave, she acts accordingly and then he kills her to add insult to injury? That's stupid, Tyrion is not such an asshole in the series.

Unless... wait, are they planning on Tyrion NOT killing Shae...?

Not gonna talk about Stannis and his show stupidity, I'm trying to get used to it.

My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.


My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.

Dude, there's still a Shae scene (in a bed) from the S4 promo that hasn't aired yet. She's dying in that bed by Tyrion's hand (or hands.. of gold.. as it were :p)


There's a quote from House of Cards that seems to perfectly describe Littlefinger's play style. I can't remember it verbatim but it's something about throwing a load of chum into the shark infested waters and relying on the fact that he's the best swimmer.
I wish Dontos had gotten more screen time on the show. His death won't mean anything now. I guess it didn't mean much in the books, but there was a lot more planning Sansa's escape and I slightly admired the guy for his help, only to see Littlefinger have him killed.

I'm still expecting the Littlefinger reveal to be epic
My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.

That would be awful. Shae being in Tywin's bed was such a shock. The way Tywin derided prostitutes and wouldn't allow his son to be with one, only to find out he is sleeping with Tyrion's whore. Brilliant! And the fact that Tyrion strangled her with the chain was perfect. They can't change it.


The producers wouldn't dare change the scene where Tyrion kills Tywin in any meaningful way. In fact, I'm guessing that they'll surprise everyone by bringing Shae back to testify against Tyrion and then have her be in Tywins bed, making the impact all the same - if not greater than how it was in the books.


Anyone else annoyed at how majorly the show is fucking up with Stannis potrayal? When they could just adopt dialogue from the books and have him as a more interesting grey character than what we got.


I wonder how Locke going up to the wall is going to play out in the midst of all this Wildling chaos. When we heard rumors that he was being sent to the wall I'd assume he was being forced to take the black.


My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.

I don't know why people keep thinking this. What they've done to her character in the show only gives her more justification for betraying Tyrion, while also making Tyrion's killing of her more believable from his perspective. They've built it all up as her legitimately being jealous of his marriage to Sansa, and then what he says to her in their last scene together this most recent episode. It makes her willing betrayal of him make even more logical sense, because she feels betrayed by him, instead of just being a whore who takes gold wherever she can get it. They've set it up perfectly for the casual viewer to believe that she is gone on a boat. Then she'll come out during Tyrion's trial just like the book and people will be like "What the fuck!?" Then she'll start slandering him and people will really lose their shit. It's going to come across as far more malicious towards Tyrion. She is an actual character with motivations in the show, instead of just a girl who Tyrion is obsessed with who we only see from his point of view. It's gonna play out exactly like the book, I have no doubt.


Unconfirmed Member


Been waiting for this gif. This killed me.


Anyone else annoyed at how majorly the show is fucking up with Stannis potrayal? When they could just adopt dialogue from the books and have him as a more interesting grey character than what we got.

Not annoyed, it's still just a tv show, but I do dislike it.


Because chaos is a ladder.

I think there is a theory that Littlefinger said it would be possible to get rid of joffery when he met with the Tyrell's at Bitterbridge. Also having Tommen as king would mean Cersei in a powerful position and as you said, Littlefinger wants chaos and Cersei is great at that.


My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.

I think they're changing Bronn so that he's sold Tyrion out, but I don't think they're going to change Shae's death. There's too much build-up for her to be hanged off-screen and just used as a prop.

Also, with the Stannis scene, did Stannis ever execute anyone for failing to convert in the books? I don't remember that ever happening. I know he burned Lord Florent for trying to negotiate a peace with the Lannisters behind his back, but changing it from a political execution to a religious one seems to once again be playing him as a creepy fanatic.
My guess is that Bronn sold out Tyrion and delivered Shae to Tywin. Tyrion will find her hanged either in the Black Cells or in the Tower of the Hand and that will be what puts him over the edge.

Cheesy as hell. One of the few changes from the books that I have a strong opinion about - the handling of Shae, in general.

Shae had already been taken to the Tower of the Hand before Tyrion does the whole angry speech. And she looked pretty happy when she came back to him. Whatever happened to her there, she was still in the mood to bang later that day.


I know he burned Lord Florent for trying to negotiate a peace with the Lannisters behind his back, but changing it from a political execution to a religious one seems to once again be playing him as a creepy fanatic.

That was a different Lord Florent.. Alester. Last night he burned Axell, who is still alive in the books. I'm guessing they just combined the two..

To me it looked like the one from the very first episode.

I can't find a screencap of it, but I watched it a few times last night and it definitely looks like the White Walker Sam encountered.

The wildling child Wight from season 1 was also in his vision, fwiw.


Will show Stannis burn every single one of his bannermen that doesn't worship R'hllor except for Davos? That doesn't make much sense.

Depends what show Mel tells him to do I guess :/

That scene with Shireen and Mel got me thinking though. At the moment Mel is at the Wall, and Shireen is too(?), and Stannis is a long way away. If she decided she really needed someone with king's blood... Well her killing Shireen could be the thing that finally turns Stannis from her.


That was a different Lord Florent.. Alester. Last night he burned Axell, who is still alive in the books. I'm guessing they just combined the two..

I can't find a screencap of it, but I watched it a few times last night and it definitely looks like the White Walker Sam encountered.

The wildling child Wight from season 1 was also in his vision, fwiw.

I thought he burned both Alester and Axell on the show. Davos mentions Lord Florent, and Shireen talks about Ser Axell, so the different titles led me to think they were two different people, the two men burning. It's funny since they're two of the most devout converts in the books.
I think they're changing Bronn so that he's sold Tyrion out, but I don't think they're going to change Shae's death. There's too much build-up for her to be hanged off-screen and just used as a prop.

Also, with the Stannis scene, did Stannis ever execute anyone for failing to convert in the books? I don't remember that ever happening. I know he burned Lord Florent for trying to negotiate a peace with the Lannisters behind his back, but changing it from a political execution to a religious one seems to once again be playing him as a creepy fanatic.

That would be terrible if BRonn betrays Tyrion. One of my favorite parts in SOS is how almost everyone fucks Tyrion over by the end except for Bronn. Not only does he not betray him, he also names his kid after him which pisses off Cersei.


That would be terrible if BRonn betrays Tyrion. One of my favorite parts in SOS is how almost everyone fucks Tyrion over by the end except for Bronn. Not only does he not betray him, he also names his kid after him which pisses off Cersei.

I agree with this so much.....
which is why it will probably happen lol


41 > 38
That would be terrible if BRonn betrays Tyrion. One of my favorite parts in SOS is how almost everyone fucks Tyrion over by the end except for Bronn. Not only does he not betray him, he also names his kid after him which pisses off Cersei.

Count me in with this statement right here. He doesn't betray Tyrion, he just doesn't fight for him in the trial because this time he knows he'll probably lose. Having Bronn betray Tyrion would be a major departure, too major for me.



That scene with Shireen and Mel got me thinking though. At the moment Mel is at the Wall, and Shireen is too(?), and Stannis is a long way away. If she decided she really needed someone with king's blood... Well her killing Shireen could be the thing that finally turns Stannis from her.

I think she instead will turn from him when she finally understands that Stannis was just a means to an end which was Jon. And Stannis will be all "Fuck her, I got Reek and a bunch of barbarians from the north who don't care for me and will turn on me the moment Davos miraculously returns with Rickon under his arm... sigh". Stannis is fucked and he knows it, he will die like a champ.
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