Shireen going with Stannis would be baffling, but this is also the show that had Robb travel with his mother on the battlefield while he had his men carry Jaime Lannister around in a cage, so it's not impossible.
I would say she's going with Sam and Gilly, but that would require a whole lot of time at the Wall this episode to get through Aemon's scenes with Sam and Jon, Aemon dying, a funeral sequence, Jon sending Sam away, and them taking Shireen, all while Stannis and crew are preparing to leave.
Also, if Selyse and Shireen go with Stannis, then that means the trailer shot of Selyse in the snow is in Stannis' camp, not Castle Black, which lines up way too neatly with Brienne assassinating Stannis for comfort.
Shireen going with Stannis would be baffling, but this is also the show that had Robb travel with his mother on the battlefield while he had his men carry Jaime Lannister around in a cage, so it's not impossible.
I would say she's going with Sam and Gilly, but that would require a whole lot of time at the Wall this episode to get through Aemon's scenes with Sam and Jon, Aemon dying, a funeral sequence, Jon sending Sam away, and them taking Shireen, all while Stannis and crew are preparing to leave.
Also, if Selyse and Shireen go with Stannis, then that means the trailer shot of Selyse in the snow is in Stannis' camp, not Castle Black, which lines up way too neatly with Brienne assassinating Stannis for comfort.
If Mel wants to burnShireen, then she might convince Stannis to take her with them so they can do it in camp just outside of Winterfell.
Also, if Selyse and Shireen go with Stannis, then that means the trailer shot of Selyse in the snow is in Stannis' camp, not Castle Black, which lines up way too neatly with Brienne assassinating Stannis for comfort.
there is no way stannis will let shireen be burned, not after that speech. he will refuse and melisandre will see this as an act against r'hllor and he will die.
I will not breathe further life into a malicious lie by discussing it.
Edit: I've figured it out! In a sick subversion of the Queenmaker plot, Brienne will take the place of Darkstar and try to assassinate Shireen. Rather than lopping off her ear, Oathbreaker will ricochet off her greyscale with a resounding crash, flying through the air and decapitating the Mannis.
I will not breathe further life into a malicious lie by discussing it.
Edit: I've figured it out! In a sick subversion of the Queenmaker plot, Brienne will take the place of Darkstar and try to assassinate Shireen. Rather than lopping off her ear, Oathbreaker will ricochet off her greyscale with a resounding crash, flying through the air and decapitating the Mannis.
Edit: I've figured it out! In a sick subversion of the Queenmaker plot, Brienne will take the place of Darkstar and try to assassinate Shireen. Rather than lopping off her ear, Oathbreaker will ricochet off her greyscale with a resounding crash, flying through the air and decapitating the Mannis.
Also, if Selyse and Shireen go with Stannis, then that means the trailer shot of Selyse in the snow is in Stannis' camp, not Castle Black, which lines up way too neatly with Brienne assassinating Stannis for comfort.
This sounds reasonsable. I suscribe to this theory.there is no way stannis will let shireen be burned, not after that speech. he will refuse and melisandre will see this as an act against r'hllor and he will die.
Is there a single female character without fault on this show?
Is there a single female character without fault on this show?
Back to serious business.
Since we now know the name of episode 9, my prediction - about Dany mounting Drogon, flying up to meet Viserion and Rhaegal, and laying waste to Meereen - just got 0.5% more likely.
Or it's just in reference to Daznak's Pit and Jon Snow doing a jig after learning of his parentage.
Is there a single female character without fault on this show?
Is there a single female character without fault on this show?
What do you mean "without fault?"
Is there a single female character without fault on this show?
To me all the characters are flawed in some way and have their annoying moments, for the most part that's how they were written. But it seems Daney for example can never catch a break among most people here on Gaf. Enter the sand snakes and their pointless plot line and people seem to dislike them before they have even had any screen time.
I hope she gets what she deserves for her killing Jeoffrey. He was a monster but poison is a devious way to kill someone.I mean the best character on the show tied with Twyin is Olenna Tyrell.
Margaery and Melisandre both are perfect.
Yup,Then again,could have her taking the place of Mance's kid, and Jon sends her away to make sure Mel doesn't burn her.if Shireen is going with the Mannis and Mel to Winterfell, that's all moot. Who the fuck brings their daughter to a battle, though?
I hope she gets what she deserves for not choosing a more cruel way of killing him. lolI hope she gets what she deserves for her killing Jeoffrey. He was a monster but poison is a devious way to kill someone.
Anyone else catch that 7-minute 'new characters and locations' promo on demand? Olenna makes an appearance this season - can't wait!
Showing up just in time to watch her gay grandson gay die a gay death amirite D&D
Some pretty questionable direction and editing decisions in that Sand Snakes scene.
HBO: Five seasons in, are you still surprised by Littlefinger’s decisions? His deal with the Boltons, for instance?
Aidan Gillen: I was surprised by it because it was new. But it excited me. It’s always nice to enter in a new world and interact with new people and characters you may not have interacted with. Especially if you are a character like Littlefinger who has caused ripples which radiate outwards and affect everybody. It's always interesting to just show up in their world and play dumb.
HBO: Littlefinger just said goodbye to Sansa at Winterfell. What confidence do you think he has in her success?
Aidan Gillen: He’s confident enough in her. If you look back to 408 [“The Mountain and the Viper”], Sansa really brought it and showed her newly minted, newly revealed skills. The thing is, Littlefinger is not entirely sure what kind of situation he’s leaving her in and how dangerous that could be. He has a sense that it's not going to be easy, but what's unfolding at the moment with Sansa and the Boltons at Winterfell is probably one of his audacious and risky plays yet.
I've reversed facetyrell.gif so that we can exit threads and conversations with style.
Why does the throwing look so fucking odd?