Eeeh, we already had that with Tyrion killing Shae with the necklace.
It will still happen.
Eeeh, we already had that with Tyrion killing Shae with the necklace.
Oh that I don't have an idea on, haha. I meant I'm shocked there's not one photo ofSansa/Ramsay's wedding.
I wonder ifSophie Turner is nude in the episode
Historically accurate spoilers on Reddit say thatno, that is not the case. The camera is focused on Reek for the majority of the scene, and his reaction.
Historically accurate spoilers on Reddit say thatno, that is not the case. The camera is focused on Reek for the majority of the scene, and his reaction.
LolReek Ramsey eye contact the entire scene
Every scene is so dense, there is so much going on.
Areo returns in Season 6, his lower half replaced with a giant spider.
Every scene is so dense, there is so much going on.
It's like poetry.
Maybe this time Yara will chase a dog.
Maybe this time Yara will chase a dog.
Edit: Once again, Tyene Sand's actress is younger than Sophie, and we already know.she has a nude scene
Maybe this time Yara will chase a dog.
Edit: Once again, Tyene Sand's actress is younger than Sophie, and we already know.she has a nude scene
Fuck you, Rick Berman.
So, between the preview video, episode description, and now the released imagesis this our first Wall-free episode of the season? I though maybe Aemon's death would be this ep, but I guess it's episode seven. RARE NESTED SPOILERS FOR A DIFFERENT SET OF LEAKS:That would fit with the leak of Sam/Gilly sex in episode 7, since they would keep it as a mourning thing. And they could have Jon send Sam away to replace Aemon just as he's leaving for Hardhome, so that he'll be gone when they get back.
If there's no Wall this week, that will knock three of the five remaining characters who have been in all five episodes out of the running (Jon, Sam, Stannis), leaving only two left: Tyrion and Sansa. Tyrion I'm pretty sure will be in all the episodes this year, while Sansa will be in at least nine, and possibly all of them.
He's right on all counts
As much as I enjoy the salt (and I do enjoy it) I do feel he should be grateful he got the role and was allowed to play the part for as long as he did. No need to hack off D&D's heads when A) You don't know all the details of Selmy's story in the future books and B) Tons of other story lines and characters have been cut. I still feel for the guy but maybe wait until the season or series is over before pouring on the salt.
So I'm guessing you guys don't like the show
So I'm guessing you guys don't like the show
As much as I enjoy the salt (and I do enjoy it) I do feel he should be grateful he got the role and was allowed to play the part for as long as he did. No need to hack off D&D's heads when A) You don't know all the details of Selmy's story in the future books and B) Tons of other story lines and characters have been cut. I still feel for the guy but maybe wait until the season or series is over before pouring on the salt.
So I'm guessing you guys don't like the show
Oh man Barristan Selmy is salty as hell for what D&D did to his character, I love it.
As much as I enjoy the salt (and I do enjoy it) I do feel he should be grateful he got the role and was allowed to play the part for as long as he did. No need to hack off D&D's heads when A) You don't know all the details of Selmy's story in the future books and B) Tons of other story lines and characters have been cut. I still feel for the guy but maybe wait until the season or series is over before pouring on the salt.
Oh lolAlso, since I'm mining Reddit:
Did you miss the part where he wrote a letter to D&D arguing why his character should not be killed and they laughed it off and said the letter "made them want to kill him more". I think he has good reason to be upset at them.
Is that true? That sounds like some bs or maybe they were just kidding.
They came off as pretty unlikable here. Not only build up a character up and then not pay off on the build up (He is basically Quintyn), make a scene that looked shitty and even non-book readers said was inconsistent with the story, deprive an actor of what would have been his biggest role in the character, but be snooty about it too.
As much as I enjoy the salt (and I do enjoy it) I do feel he should be grateful he got the role and was allowed to play the part for as long as he did. No need to hack off D&D's heads when A) You don't know all the details of Selmy's story in the future books and B) Tons of other story lines and characters have been cut. I still feel for the guy but maybe wait until the season or series is over before pouring on the salt.
D&D do seem like jerks, but they know what sells.
I wonder what this show would have been like if they had made GRRM one of the writers for every episode, and let him finish his books on screen.
Either that or Cogman.Probably a lot better. All the episodes he's credited for are my favorites.