Maybe you just have a lot more faith in this show than I doIt's starting to approach The Walking Dead-levels of disinterest (and quality) for me.
Yeah, I'm still enjoying the show a lot so I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt I guess. I think there is a clear level of quality present overall on a scene by scene and character motivation basis (like, Game of Thrones still bothers to actually explain why characters do what they do. Regardless of the complaints, we know why Stannis is going to Winterfell, why Sansa agreed to the Ramsay marriage, why Jaime went to Dorne, why Cersei armed the Faith, etc. There's still an internal logic at work to explain these things) as opposed to Walking Dead where characters just do things because...plot. I literally just watch Walking Dead for the zombie carnage (it scratches a genre itch that no other show does at this point, at that relative level of production value) and the rare occasions where it peeks its head above the surface and is briefly elevated in quality. I can't even bother picking it apart at this point.