You'd have to go back to season 3 to find an episode with lower ratings than the last one.
HBO cancelling this show confirmed.
Same night as the Mad Men series finale. Nothing competes with that.
You'd have to go back to season 3 to find an episode with lower ratings than the last one.
HBO cancelling this show confirmed.
Doesn't make sense for it to work out that way if they're adapting the books whatsoever, tbh - someone's got to stay behind at Winterfell to make some shit go down there at the same time that the battle is raging.
Same night as the Mad Men series finale. Nothing competes with that.
who is still in winterfell in the books?
and it's just a battle, the can make it work completely differently, like blackwater. I don't see why that should be a big deal.
I remain pretty disappointed that they don't seem to be doing an entire Winterfell-centric episode the way they did for Blackwater or the battle at the Wall. The Wall episode kinda sucked, but Winterfell's got tons of characters converging on it (like with the Blackwater episode) and I think they'd be able to do a lot more quiet dialogue work taking place inside of the walls as well as addressing the battle out in the blizzard.
And I'm way more interested in Winterfell than in the Hardhome stuff.
well a battle in winterfell would have been what we have seen several times by now, a battle between walls. if the rumours about hardhome are true it will be spectacular and definitely not possible in winterfell. but we probably won't see the stannis/bolton battle anyway if they try to keep the outcome a secret like in the books.
Same night as the Mad Men series finale. Nothing competes with that.
Different timeslot, and GoT curbstomped MM in ratings either way.
I wasn't serious about the show getting cancelled, either.![]()
Different timeslot, and GoT curbstomped MM in ratings either way.
I wasn't serious about the show getting cancelled, either.![]()
Holy shit dude, absence of a 'no' is not a 'yes'. It boggles my mind that there's a debate about whether marital rape occurred.
it would be highly unbelievable that sansa still wanted to stay with ramsay after he raped her.
John Snow, bro.Barristan was the last white knight on the show, there should be little hope of any moral high ground from here on out.
I'm just going to enjoy the detour the show takes, knowing it will reach the same eventual destination as the books "hopefully".
Did she vocally affirm her consent to having sex? No? Then she was raped.
I always knew it was deep meta-commentary of something, D&D are fucking masters!
It wasn't a trial, it was an inquest. How much "proof" was submitted during the Spanish Inquisition?The trial to loras was terrible as well. Not even a young black man in Mississippi would be indicted with that kind of proof. Nevermind the show perpetuating stereotypes.
So yeah, if you don't count 70% of the episode it wasn't that bad.
When you walk into a room presumably for the sole purpose of consummating the marriage you deliberately sought out, and then don't make any protest whatsoever or give any resistance whatsoever to the sex act that follows, it is completely absurd to call what happens rape.
Good2Go all sex must begin with the woman saying "I would like us to have sex now" or it's rape?
You'd have to go back to season 3 to find an episode with lower ratings than the last one.
HBO cancelling this show confirmed.
Which is sad because other than SanSnakeSa, the episode was fantastic.
Goes to show you that word of mouth in the age of delayed watching is dangerous.
I've found the writing, choreography, general direction of the narrative and some of scenes rather stupid of late. The whole religious fanatics getting to ultimate power so quickly, and to the extent that the King's own army seems to be missing, the King's complete ineptitude, the awful Sand Snakes, the idiocy of Jaime's mission and the way it was all shown. Honestly feels like the series is sort of going to shit. No idea if GRM or the shows writers are to blame, as I have not read the books.
It wasn't a trial, it was an inquest. How much "proof" was submitted during the Spanish Inquisition?
It's a shame that such a strong Arya storyline got lumped in with the rape and Sand Snakes debacle.
I think the issue is really that Sansa's entire story up until this season has consisted entirely of cutting her down. Was there any real benefit to one more scene of Ramsay being sadistic or one more scene of Sansa being victimized?I'm not sure how sweeping generalizations of character arc ruination for Sansa's future can me made so definitively when that was the last scene of the episode. Do we really think that there's no possible direction from here on out? It's all part of the plan. It should become clearer by the end of the season. I'm not sure that would make people who hated the scene for plot reasons come around, though.
Building a character up and then cutting them back down again is a fairly recurring theme in this book/show. Usually, however, the cutting down part is represented by death. Not much character development for most characters to go from there. Only Cat.
I remain pretty disappointed that they don't seem to be doing an entire Winterfell-centric episode the way they did for Blackwater or the battle at the Wall. The Wall episode kinda sucked, but Winterfell's got tons of characters converging on it (like with the Blackwater episode) and I think they'd be able to do a lot more quiet dialogue work taking place inside of the walls as well as addressing the battle out in the blizzard.
And I'm way more interested in Winterfell than in the Hardhome stuff, which is probably just being treated as a big deal because they need this season's "hey don't forget about the White Walkers and all of the bad shit beyond the wall" scene.
Ah, good old season 3, when people were upset that Sansa wasn't raped like she was in the books.
The amount of hate the recent episode gets is just ridiculous. Typical internet bandwagon mentality.
Sure, the Sand Snakes stuff was bad and that final scene controversial (I won't repeat my opinion here), but that episode sure isn't 40% weaker than those preceding it. But who gives a fuck about Rotten Tomatoes anyway?
They are cool in the books. I mean, they are fucking the entire Dorne plot.The Sand Snakes sounded cool from the ASIOF wiki synopses. How did D&D fuck them up so bad?
The amount of hate the recent episode gets is just ridiculous. Typical internet bandwagon mentality.
Sure, the Sand Snakes stuff was bad and that final scene controversial (I won't repeat my opinion here), but that episode sure isn't 40% weaker than those preceding it. But who gives a fuck about Rotten Tomatoes anyway?
Hardhome is so Jon can be all heroic so the betrayal and death will be more shocking.
Regardless of what she knew going into that room, she was cruelly sexually assaulted/violated/humiliated. That is rape.
I think the issue is really that Sansa's entire story up until this season has consisted entirely of cutting her down. Was there any real benefit to one more scene of Ramsay being sadistic or one more scene of Sansa being victimized?
The Sand Snakes sounded cool from the ASIOF wiki synopses.
And Doran too, who barely gets any screentime this season.They are cool in the books. I mean, they are fucking the entire Dorne plot.
Tools for vengeance.I thought they were terrible and utterly forgettable when I read the book. I couldn't for the life of me tell you what they did or what the point of them was.
Pain and humiliation don't mean it's rape, sorry. There is one thing and one thing only that makes a rape, and that's lack of consent.
And Doran too, who barely gets any screentime this season.
The Sand Snakes sounded cool from the ASIOF wiki synopses. How did D&D fuck them up so bad?
Man, D&D! We have a calm, calculating mastermind, but all they focused on are medieval comic heroes that suck at fighting.totally agreed. I'm just praying that they kill all of them off soon and introduce an Arianne Martell who does a way better accent then that one girl with the spear (shudder)
Pain and humiliation don't mean it's rape, sorry.
this is spot on. i really liked the first 5 episodes, and i forgave them forIt's not just the rape scene though, many elements with the episode were lacklustre.
- The Sand Snakes in general
- The way Jaime and Bronn just stroll their way to the princess with little to no effort
- The entire fight between the Sand Snakes and Jaime/Bronn, and what followed
- The way Ellaria Sand is just waiting and surprised to be caught in that exact same spot as her last scene
- The dragged out Ayra storyline
- The inquisition and the way it was handled
- The speed at which the fanatics have taken ultimate power
- The King's army or numerous guards apparently no longer existing
- Tommen's complete ineptitude and lack of care for Margaery
- The rape scene and it's implications (damsel in distress part 23, even though we built her up to be more)
- And so on.
Pain and humiliation don't mean it's rape, sorry. There is one thing and one thing only that makes a rape, and that's lack of consent.
Pain and humiliation don't mean it's rape, sorry. There is one thing and one thing only that makes a rape, and that's lack of consent.
Man, the Tower of the Hand review is fucking brutal. Not necessarily unwarranted, but kinda crazy.