Martin's comments about expecting AFFC/ADWD to receive multiple seasons really displayed delusion and his inability to be a showrunner IMO. Obviously if he was showrunner he'd have a firmer grasp on the realities of the budget but he should already know enough about it as a producer to realize the show couldn't afford more locations for side stories (Oldtown, more Pyke, etc). Not to mention the onslaught of characters that would require.
The show's decision to essentially focus on the existing cast outside of Dorne makes sense. This season has been weak but can you imagine how ridiculous it would be if they added the Iron Isles plus Sam's travelogue to Oldtown?
Saw this on reddit...fairly relevant I think regarding D&D's lack of subtlety and such.
Arya's gotten very good at letting go, she's been forced to let go of everything that means anything to her in this world. And she does a great job getting rid of that costume and getting rid of her money and getting rid of the coin, but Needle was a very, very special gift. She sees herself as an instrument of revenge in many ways in this world and that sword is the way she's going to exact that revenge on the people who wronged her family. It's the instrument of that revenge. Letting go of Needle would really be letting go of Arya Stark, and the fact that she can't let go of Needle makes it clear to us that she's not at all ready to be no one.
She will marry Stannis lolSansa is obviously going to end up with Stannis. Here she will be part Alys Karstarks and part Val. Fingers crossed she lands a better husband this time.
To be fair that's taken out of context and not even the proper quote to make D&D look worse.
Sure it's part of it. Abandoning Needle would be abandoning her family and abandoning her quest for revenge against those who have hurt her family.It was the one thing Jon gave her and her last connection to her family. Revenge was never a part of it.
Might as well. There are no suitors of her rank on the show left: Willas, Trystane, Aegon, Euron...She will marry Stannis lol
Yup, also I do think D&D is correct in firmly limiting the show to 7 seasons. First, how many shows get 7 seasons or go past that? Very few and the few that do are usually brain dead procedural meant for syndication not a long form serialized story. Second, the budget would be damn expensive going past 7 seasons. As anyone knows cast salary goes up with each new season they sign on to which is why shows like Seinfeld and Friends were massively expensive by the end with each cast member getting millions of dollars per episode. However, I'm not sure HBO, unlike regular cable, can eat those costs since they rely on subscriptions not simple viewership for income as they have no commercials. I'm actually really curious as towards the profit margins of the show.
Cutting down content and streamlining the experience was necessary if not painful for us book readers to watch. I don't dislike D&D for streaming things I dislike them for their dumb choices that go against the books or show a complete lack of understanding of the source material. We are talking Jaimie outright killing his cousin, Cercei rape, Sansa rape, Loras stereotypical gayness, clunk clunk beetle scene, Yara dogs, Stannis butchering, Tyrion/Cercei whitewashing etc. These things I can criticize the show for as they have nothing to do with budget or time but are simply bad writing decisions. So I often find their smugness distasteful when damn near every original scene by them has been awful.
It was the one thing Jon gave her and her last connection to her family. Revenge was never a part of it.
I love the show, but certainly only as an interesting side companion to the books. But this is just sad.
Selyse will be put down after she sacrifices Shireen.Polygamy is OK in westeros ?
Condensing 2 Books into 1 Season is clearly a mistake by this point. They should have done it in 2 seasons with the groundwork layed in Season 4. Bran and Sansa shouldnt have gone this far in Season 4.
You could then establish Dorne better and added more characters, you could include iron islands, maybe even Fake Aegon. You surely would include lady Stoneheart
End of Season Episode 9 Finale could have been either:
- Hardholm battle in addition with iron islands raid on the shields
- or even crazier, the whole Episode as a flashback Tower of Joy Episode (either with Sean Bean or not)
As it stands, Season 5 is a rushed and awefull mess. Wall and winterfell is rushed. Dorne is rushed and awefull without any characterdevelopement. We lost Riverland and Iron Islands, also some other characters from the book. Kings Landing is rushed and mereen is awefull.
I certainly wont take anyone serious anymore who propagates, that Book 4 and 5 is awefull padding when THIS Season 5 is the condensed Version.
nah, sorry, disagree, revenge is a big part of arya and needle is her instrument of revenge, that's a fact and that's what he is talking about.
as I expected earlier, the quote is not only taken out of context but simply false to some degree.
the ASOIAF book reader community is one of the most toxic I have ever been part of, they just use anything to shit on the show for no reason.
A good season-ender for Cersei would be either her letter to Jaime or ZombieMountain, which would make sense to happen right after the walk ends.
nah, sorry, disagree, revenge is a big part of arya and needle is her instrument of revenge, that's a fact and that's what he is talking about.
as I expected earlier, the quote is not only taken out of context but simply false to some degree.
the ASOIAF book reader community is one of the most toxic I have ever been part of, they just use anything to shit on the show for no reason.
I'm not shitting on the show, I said I love it. Just that that quote misses the real point. It was always more sentimental than about revenge. She can kill dudes with any weapon, it doesn't have to be Needle. Frankie Says Relax!
I wasnt talking about you but the people who made that picture above.
and I think it's a fairly spot on description of arya in the real quote, at least there is nothing in it I would necessarily disagree with.
This is a microcosm of the entire show.
Agreed. Although I'm not opposed to going against the understanding of the source material. I'm opposed to bad television, especially which is what all the things you mentioned are. And of course admittedly I do compare the books and show in cases like that, where I wonder why a plot from the book was cut in order to do something utterly ridiculous. Like...sending Jaime to Dorne.
A TV adaptation cannot quote multiple paragraphs of internal monologue. This is a surprise to no one.
That's not what's happening there. That's showing his poor understanding of the source material, not the poor adaptation.
He doesn't even get that Needle is her old life, he thinks it's a symbol of her future when she wants to get revenge.
If he doesn't even understand that, how can he put that same feeling on screen in any way? Internal monologue or otherwise.
That's not what's happening there. That's showing his poor understanding of the source material, not the poor adaptation.
He doesn't even get that Needle is her old life, he thinks it's a symbol of her future when she wants to get revenge.
If he doesn't even understand that, how can he put that same feeling on screen in any way? Internal monologue or otherwise.
That's not what's happening there. That's showing his poor understanding of the source material, not the poor adaptation.
He doesn't even get that Needle is her old life, he thinks it's a symbol of her future when she wants to get revenge.
If he doesn't even understand that, how can he put that same feeling on screen in any way? Internal monologue or otherwise.
Sansa is obviously going to end up with Stannis. Here she will be part Alys Karstarks and part Val. Fingers crossed she lands a better husband this time.
Did you actually miss the Needle scene earlier in the season?
Did you actually see the full quote and not the false one that image shows? It demonstrates that Dan does in fact understand Needle represents her old life and family, as well as being a symbol for getting revenge against those who hurt her family.
The scene in the show perfectly conveys the feeling regardless, which makes your last point, and the misleading image itself, rather moot.
Can she even write a letter to Jaime? He's on a "covert mission," and even though people teleport in this show (lol @ Littlefinger making it from Winterfell to King's Landing in a snap), there's nowhere to even send a letter. She doesn't know exactly where he is.
Condensing 2 Books into 1 Season is clearly a mistake by this point. They should have done it in 2 seasons with the groundwork layed in Season 4. Bran and Sansa shouldnt have gone this far in Season 4.
You could then establish Dorne better and added more characters, you could include iron islands, maybe even Fake Aegon. You surely would include lady Stoneheart
End of Season Episode 9 Finale could have been either:
- Hardholm battle in addition with iron islands raid on the shields
- or even crazier, the whole Episode as a flashback Tower of Joy Episode (either with Sean Bean or not)
As it stands, Season 5 is a rushed and awefull mess. Wall and winterfell is rushed. Dorne is rushed and awefull without any characterdevelopement. We lost Riverland and Iron Islands, also some other characters from the book. Kings Landing is rushed and mereen is awefull.
I certainly wont take anyone serious anymore who propagates, that Book 4 and 5 is awefull padding when THIS Season 5 is the condensed Version.
I wasn't saying that they didn't get it on screen, I was explaining the joke.
The only storyline that is even remotely good or interesting to me anymore is Arya funny enough.
Maybe I like to think there's still a chance lol. Jaime is probably going to get caught up in Doran's scheming so maybe Cersei would find out and be able to write to him. That's a bit of a stretch though.
I have to agree with others that two seasons of book 4 and 5 would be astoundingly boring for probably even the most hardcore audience. I think the problem is twofold - first is that the best parts of the books are internal monologues and thoughts (Reek, Jaime, etc.) and second is that some parts of the books are pretty much literally untranslatable to TV. Of the four long arcs in ADWD, Jon's can be shortened without issue and they've done an excellent job with Tyrion's. But Cersei and Danyaerys require much more time, which they can't have due to the constraints of a ten episode season. Cersei's is quite obviously rushed, even unsullied can tell that things are moving a little too quickly. Daenarys requires a bunch of time explaining what's going on in the city, why things are happening, etc. (not to mention it's terrible anyway).
That's because Arya's a) the best character and b) has been handled the best by the show.
Agreed. Although I'm not opposed to going against the understanding of the source material. I'm opposed to bad television, especially which is what all the things you mentioned are. And of course admittedly I do compare the books and show in cases like that, where I wonder why a plot from the book was cut in order to do something utterly ridiculous. Like...sending Jaime to Dorne.
That's because Arya's a) the best character and b) has been handled the best by the show.
Where does this "Tyrion rapes" thing come from? He was in a brothel. He doesn't do any raping in that scene in the book, either. I thought there was some confusion over whether he didn't fuck the whore because he was impotent or because he'd become "good." I just rewatched the scene and it's obvious it was the affection of her holding his hand that threw him off his game.Three weeks ago, books readers were mad that Tyrion didn't rape the bar maid in Volantis. This week they are mad because Ramsay, of all people, did rape Sansa.
It's not butchering storylines, it's neutering characters. Like the change to Tyrion above, they cut down Arya's killing from the books.You know what's funny? I remember very well that many people were pissed during season 2, because D&D "butchered her storyline".
Weasel Soup was great though
Cersei names ZombieGregor her champion, the Faith summons The Nameless Inquisitor. Book it. PPV. Two Dead Men. One Lives. One Dies Again. One Night Only.
I think Stannis dying and Melissandre trying to rez him but misclicking and rezzing Jon is most likely for last episode. D&D loves that kind of stuff.
Cersei names ZombieGregor her champion, the Faith summons The Nameless Inquisitor. Book it. PPV. Two Dead Men. One Lives. One Dies Again. One Night Only.
Get hype.
(stupid thing /r/asoiaf says whenever Cleganebowl is mentioned).
That would actually be insane. Mel has to choose between Stannis and Jon.
She won't choose, she'll be surprised. Here is how it could happen:
Jon and Stannis die at the same time. Stannis will get done dirty, much like Barristan (probably Ramsay will kill him or some lame crap), but that's a separate issue. Mel will burn Shireen to save Stannis (or maybe his wife will burn her, who knows), and then Mel will say the words to the Lord of Light, something like "Lord of Light, revive your One True Hero Reborn!" ... and Stannis will stay dead. But cut to Jon's body lying cold in the snow...and his eyes open, ice blue.
I actually don't hope that happens, because I want Stannis alive (and it's more likely they will end with Jon warging into Ghost anyway). But I could see it.
She won't choose, she'll be surprised. Here is how it could happen:
Jon and Stannis die at the same time. Stannis will get done dirty, much like Barristan (probably Ramsay will kill him or some lame crap), but that's a separate issue. Mel will burn Shireen to save Stannis (or maybe his wife will burn her, who knows), and then Mel will say the words to the Lord of Light, something like "Lord of Light, revive your One True Hero Reborn!" ... and Stannis will stay dead. But cut to Jon's body lying cold in the snow...and his eyes open, ice blue.
I actually don't hope that happens, because I want Stannis alive (and it's more likely they will end with Jon warging into Ghost anyway). But I could see it.
Stannis better not die. I hope he gets to sit on the Iron Throne even if it's just for 5 minutes.
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Mommy, the faith have taken Margaery. What do I do?
I hope they have a scene of the Tyrell army shutting off supplies to King's Landing, and all their troops returning to Highgarden.
At this point, I would be surprised if Ramsay and seven men didn't defeat the entire Baratheon army.