Ah! I think he was always going to. Looked at the tower, got shook (while we still thought he was going to do it), and went to Ramsay's chambers.
Yeah, the tower was a fakeout. He went straight to Ramsay.
Ah! I think he was always going to. Looked at the tower, got shook (while we still thought he was going to do it), and went to Ramsay's chambers.
Didn't he mention he had some extremely important information about a boy? Or something like that? I have no idea lol
I think the "boy" was the guy that informed on Loras having slept with men. Littlefinger couldn't turn Cersei down when she asked.
That was a trick by the director. He never went to the Broken Tower. Just looked at it and instead went to Ramsay quarters and told him about the plot.
From the beginning. That wasn't the same tower that Sansa wanted him to light the candle in.
Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, born 1996. Damn. Way too young now.
Was that Sansa who grabbed the corkscrew? Guess who's getting screwed next? buddum tish...
He was talking about Lancel.
She's more likely to use that on Theon than on Ramsay considering how hellbent D&D are on only portraying her as a strong character in front of weaklings.
The Reek thing maakes sense because you can't just go through three seasons of torture and psychological terror and then have it erased because Sansa is in danger and she cried to him a bit. He will need more. (see my reply)
Actually now that I think of it (preview)I think she was threatening Theon with it next episode.
She's more likely to use that on Theon than on Ramsay considering how hellbent D&D are on only portraying her as a strong character in front of weaklings.
But so what, he doesn't care if he lives or dies. Is she going to flay him?
Bronn poisoning amounting to boobs. Sounds about right.
This kid is gonna stab Jon isn't he?
The way they've been framing him, shooting him etc makes me feel like it.
Them making this happen now makes me pretty sure they never meet in the books."I am the gift."
It seemed increasingly likely it'd happen this season, but still, my reaction was definitely oh thank fucking god
Them making this happen now makes me pretty sure they never meet in the books.
It seems the like Tyrion/Dany team-up was something that George planned 20+ years ago, but yada yada Meereen knot he hasn't figured it out yet.
For all the bitching about episode 6, did you guys at least like this one better?
For all the bitching about episode 6, did you guys at least like this one better?
For all the bitching about episode 6, did you guys at least like this one better?
This season has reached untold levels of suckage for this show.
You are too cynical for your own good.
High Sparrow was amazing.
Sand Snakes are still trash and Tyene flashing her mammaries does nothing to change that.
So this is a pretty big difference from the books right?
Tyrion is still on his way to Dany before the whole fighting pits / Drogon thing? So wonder how that's going to work now?
He'll rape Drogon to empower the dragon to do what is necessary.