I could understand Sansa's reasoning for trying to tell Theon, but Theon's still dead. I'm guessing his journey back from Reek will only start in episode 9, most like. So all in all, it was a bit silly of her.
And yeah, I'm ready for Team Bolton to take a loss. I was half-hoping Sansa was going to loudly proclaim "FUCK THE BOOOOOOKS" and just stab Ramsay in the neck with that rock or whatever it was she picked up. I'm still expecting either him or Roose to bite it before the season is over.
The High Sparrow playing the Lancel card felt long overdue. Lancel must have been telling him for ages, right? I dunno, it feels odd. I was honestly expecting Olenna or Littlefinger to just tell the Sparrow that he's going after the wrong Queen. I suppose the 'boy' Littlefinger was referring to was Lancel, right?
Looking forward to the Tyrion/Dany scenes. Gonna be interesting to see what they have to say to each other.
I'm also disappointed they didn't make a reference, both visual or otherwise, about a fat pink mast. I wonder if we'll see Sam setting off for Oldtown next season, or if we can treat that part of the story as cut as well. Aemon's death amidst the Night's Watch felt a lot better than how he went out in the books, at least. Aliser Thorne's still a bastard, I'm guessing he'll take the 'For the Watch' role when it's stabbing time later this season.
Am I wrong in thinking they're also slightly setting up for the fall of Melisandre? I can't remember if she suggested burning Shireen in the books, but then they didn't travel with him to Winterfell. I wouldn't be surprised if she's the next to end up on a pyre.
Just a few more weeks left. This season hasn't exactly reached the quality of some of the previous ones, but this episode was enjoyable.