You know I also want to just take this time to vent about how much I hate the way they've screwed up Arya's training this season. What's the point of even bringing back Jaqen if he isn't even going to act like Jaqen H'gar, full of swagger and coolness? All of a sudden Arya has to be put through torture and hardship, she has to earn her place in the HOBW. What were fun and exciting chapters in the books with an interesting mysterious nature are now turned into boring, whisper talking, plain shot sequences in a dull room where Arya gets hit every now and then. Now, she's finally Cat of the Canals or rather "Lana," I guess D&D missed the whole reason she chose "Cat" as her name, but that seems like it's to be condensed to two damn episodes so the viewers barely have a chance to see her actually learn things. It's so poorly handled. And, it's not like I'm talking about needing extra time or locations they just went about everything wrong. It should have went like this:
1. Arya immediately gets into the House like in the books, witnesses man die, dude comes up asks her what she's doing here, skull face, Jaqen H'gar reveal.
2. Conversation with Jaqen, he says she shouldn't be here, she says she wants to be. Jaqen does the you're Arya Stark not "no one" speech. Arya gets rid of stuff, he says then it's time for her to serve.
3. Montage of Arya serving/training in the House. She cleans the floors, cleans the bodies, helps waif (who isn't a dumb bitch for no reason), lying game, etc.. Interspersed with conversations with Jaqen where he reveals Faceless Men back story. All throughout montage the backdoor is ominously present.
4. Arya is sent away to be Cat of the Canals. You can keep most of what that last episode showed, show the "Thin Man" but don't hint at any assassination. The montage is mostly focused on her telling Jaqen what she learns through traveling the city thus also opening viewers up to Braavos.
5. Meryn Trant arrives in the city with Mace Tyrell, Arya eventually kills Trant as Cat. She admits it to Jaqen, he says "who could have done such a thing?" She says Arya Stark. He then introduces her to the hidden back room with the faces.
6. Arya is sent to kill the "Thin Man," is probably given a new face. She poisons the coin and kills him. All hail Arya Faceless Girl.
Bam, I accomplished what needed to be done in 6 episodes without any non-sense, unimportant filler like Arya standing outside the House for a whole episode or pointless conversations with bitch waif. I've also left you 4 episodes to do whatever you like. That means you can have your whole ep. 8 Hardome without ever seeing Arya or a Dorne/KL focused episode as well.