
I don't even have any issue with Shireen getting burned. Its how they went about setting it up in the show that I dislike. Needing to rely on Ramsay's magical ninjas setting off simultaneous fire bombs that magically destroy all of the siege weapons and most of the supplies for an army full of thousands of men? Against somebody who's supposedly one of the best military minds in Westeros? Meh. Its not the plot point that bugs me so much as it is the setup was woefully inadequate and felt pretty contrived. About as contrived as how the Unsullied seemingly become about as effective as blind stormtroopers lately.
Well they did already show a lot of starved, shaking people for half the episode.
I will admit that having grown up on the prairie that this was NOT a heavy snowstorm - hell they could see for miles around still, there was no reason to even stop in one place.