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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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but that writing on the wall was from season 3 or 4 when they killed the slavers, they don't speak common westerosi, and the slaves who wrote it didnt speak it either. It really didn't make sense at all.

It's a TV show. You can assume it's written in their native language but through the magic of television we the audience see it in English. Because it makes for a more striking image when we can read it rather than it being in an entirely made up language that no one can read with a subtitle that distracts from the imagery.
Is the war basically over in the Riverlands from a show-canon perspective? Even since the back half of S4 they've given the impression that Lannister & Co. have things pretty cinched up over there. Since they appear to be cutting the siege of Riverrun and potentially the BWB it wouldn't surprise me if they're putting that region to bed and shifting attention entirely to the North.
I can't say I like Jaqen being in bravos, but I can understand the change. They're cutting down the story, so oldtown is out, and jaqen is an awesome character so you don't want to lose him. The thing I don't understand is why they would change arya's introduction to the faceless men. The original scene would still work if it was jaqen instead and arya entering the temple, taking in the creepy surroundings, and eating the worm from the man's face just seems so much cooler than what happened.
I can't say I like Jaqen being in bravos, but I can understand the change. They're cutting down the story, so oldtown is out, and jaqen is an awesome character so you don't want to lose him. The thing I don't understand is why they would change arya's introduction to the faceless men. The original scene would still work if it was jaqen instead and arya entering the temple, taking in the creepy surroundings, and eating the worm from the man's face just seems so much cooler than what happened.

Maybe they thought they couldn't get it to work on screen? I dunno, I was hoping it'd be there. Couldn't have come off any worse than the hissing.


Dany's eyebrows were on point during the Drogon scene.

When are Emilia Clarke's eyebrows not on point? LOL



I think the dragons turning on her and Drogon still loving on her is the nail in the coffin. She is not the mother of dragons anymore, she's just Drogon's master. The other two are going to find someone else to be their masters. I don't know why I thought it would be different reading the books, but I guess it makes sense that the two she won't ride will be hostile towards her.

Interesting enough, some people theorized Vicci would be one of the heads, but we see that's not true if the show is keeping the three riders the same as the future books.

So after reading WoIaF and a bit about dragon knowledge, I think Tyrion and...Missandei...will be the riders. Tyrion is a definite at this point - he's always wanted a dragon and he's smart enough...plus, what other role would he play besides a strategist and with Selmy and Daario there he wouldn't be needed (unless the Daario betrayel happens and Selmy dies). As for Missandei that's just conjecture on my part - I remember the bits in World about children riding the dragons and I think it would be like GRRM to make a small child (in books, a grown woman in the show of course) a rider. And it's a payoff for her getting so much screen time outside of her strange relationship.

Jaquen was so bad... so, so, SO bad... oh my god, cringe overload.

The Lord Commander election was horrible, but it was expected. It's funny how they have to rush some plots to keep the pace with the others.

I was never a fan of Jaqen even in Season 2. And he looks like my cousin, but I think my midwest small town construction worker cousin could probably act better than him.

This was a much better episode overall than the premiere.

- Looking forward to seeing how Project Mayhem evolves now that Arya has enrolled.
- Did anyone else think Castle Stokeworth was too big? Not only that, but Jaime mentioned Bronn getting a bigger one?!
- I agree that the LC election fell flat, but Sam's speech was nice, and him putting Slynt in his place was hilarious.
- Not a fan of Dorne so far, although I like Siddig. Areo Hotah felt ridiculously cheesy and forced when he threatened to kill Ellarianne.
- Also in relation to Dorne - if you listen closely, you can hear that Trystaegon is literally just repeating "My future queen, hehehe *creepy laugh*" over and over in the background.
- Dany is an idiot.
- The Jon/Stannis scene was very good. Well acted by both. And Davos makes nice background furniture, just like Cat in Season 3.
- Everything else was pretty unremarkable - Tyrion and Varys, Brienne/Pod and Sansa/Littlefinger.

- Dorne just hasn't had much meat to it. We get two people acting out a telenova with bad Spanish accents (though Siddig is really doing a great job with the acting - I don't see his ST character at all in there) and some angry girls.

- I'm hoping he sticks with Lollys somehow, because I need that chapter where they find out he's basically killed his brother-in-law (FIL?) in a duel and is now going to be lord Stokeworth..also that they're going to have a kid named Tyrion.

- I think we all agree the election was too quick, but yeah, Sam's speech made it bearable. Loved it.
The Viewer's Guide for this episode has the following image in its gallery.


Typically, only images that come directly from episode-specific scenes are included. So, any thoughts on this and why it may have been cut/moved from this episode? Melisandre outside in the daytime, surrounded by Baratheon soldiers. Is that a wildling wearing the hood?

Here's another, wider shot.

Hmm, that's one of the promo images they released prior to the season, but obviously not from last night's episode. I'm thinking it's just a mistake and it's from a future ep. (although worth noting that is doesn't appear to be at Castle Black)
When are Emilia Clarke's eyebrows not on point? LOL
They are always ready to rock


I get that Brienne's quest is "new content" but considering that shit's not going to happen in the books it's hard to bring myself to care.

Similarly with Jaime and Bronn going to Dorne, the removal of Arianne, Quentyn, and a handful of other (seemingly) important Dornish characters, I'm expecting a lot of filler, like Jaime and Bronn defeating the Sand Snakes like video game bosses. "They all have different abilities, how will a one handed knight and a lowborn sellsword outwit them?"

Jon's election as the Lord Commander was so rushed - they didn't even say what shape his token was, so when Aemon dropped a token in the middle, the viewers didn't even know what that meant until people started cheering "Snow!".

I'm getting apprehensive about this season. If they don't do justice to the big plot twists I'm going to be disappointed because this is the last chance they get to represent the books before it is in full-on "might be filler" territory:

* Cersei's Walk of Shame / Robert Strong
* Drogon in the Fighting Pits
* Jon Snow's "death"

Arya's scenes could be good but there's no giant plot twists left besides going blind which is then reversed one chapter later, so I can see them cutting it if they have other episode cliffhangers in mind.

If one token is a triangle and the other is a square, it doesn't take a masters degree to figure out what shape the third token is going to be. If D&D had spelled it out, we would all be on them for dumbing down the show.
If one token is a triangle and the other is a square, it doesn't take a masters degree to figure out what shape the third token is going to be. If D&D had spelled it out, we would all be on them for dumbing down the show.

Agreed. Another reason why I feel no matter what D&D do, they're going to get shit from the fans.. they just can't win, poor guys.


My only real issue was Selmy telling Dany the truth about Aerys being a nothing moment. Her whole life was built around the notion that her father was this great and just leader who was thrown down by selfish, vile rebels. And the result of finding out that everything she's been told about her father her entire life is a lie?

"Well, okay, but I'm not my father."


My only real issue was Selmy telling Dany the truth about Aerys being a nothing moment. Her whole life was built around the notion that her father was this great and just leader who was thrown down by selfish, vile rebels. And the result of finding out that everything she's been told about her father her entire life is a lie?

"Well, okay, but I'm not my father."

Every single scene involving Barristan since his amazing Joffrey slapdown in Season 1 has fallen flat. His character has been ruined, which is a pity, since McElhinney is great in the role when given a chance to do something other than look proud at how "badass" little Dany is.
I could see Brianne heading to Winterfell soon. After all, if Jon is Azor Ahai reborn, he's going to need to get his hands on a red sword somehow, and she's got the only one I think. Plus, it gives her a chance to try and get revenge on Stannis. Or on Roose Bolton.

Seems pretty unfair that Aemon gets to see everyone else vote before dropping his in. I demand a recall.

I thought the same thing. Immediately after that happened, I was like "Sorry, Aemon. Polls are closed, you know the rules."


I could see Brianne heading to Winterfell soon. After all, if Jon is Azor Ahai reborn, he's going to need to get his hands on a red sword somehow, and she's got the only one I think. Plus, it gives her a chance to try and get revenge on Stannis. Or on Roose Bolton.


If Stannis dies in such a pitiful way I shall rage and scream.

I love Gwen, but Brienne is really starting to annoy me with her tendency to bullishly adhere to her pointless oath. With all of the storyline changes and Stoneheart being cut, there's literally no point to her character anymore apart from heading North and trying to take out Stannis. Goddammit.


My only real issue was Selmy telling Dany the truth about Aerys being a nothing moment. Her whole life was built around the notion that her father was this great and just leader who was thrown down by selfish, vile rebels. And the result of finding out that everything she's been told about her father her entire life is a lie?

"Well, okay, but I'm not my father."

I agree... that should have been a major scene where he sits her down and has a one-on-one. The books dragged it out over the course of multiple interrupted expositions, but the show doing it by having Barristan pull her aside and she quickly accepts it as truth is kind of lame.

I guess the show already went there by having Jaime talk about the mad king and his wildfire... but it's also important the characters it's most relevant to also learn and react properly.


Selmy will earn his by story end, especially if we get the investigation part of his role. Which I doubt, but if we do and he gets into that fight in the pyramid with Harpy's Son...

If Stannis dies in such a pitiful way I shall rage and scream.

I love Gwen, but Brienne is really starting to annoy me with her tendency to bullishly adhere to her pointless oath. With all of the storyline changes and Stoneheart being cut, there's literally no point to her character anymore apart from heading North and trying to take out Stannis. Goddammit.

Yeah, that's why I say "try." I doubt she'll succeed, if this were to happen.
Yeah, that's why I say "try." I doubt she'll succeed, if this were to happen.

I really hope you're right. I feel like the books have always had the specter of Renly's murder (and...that other person whose name escapes me right now) and kinslaying hanging over Stannis's head as something he'll have to pay for eventually. Seems that's the direction the show is taking too.


Well if being on GAF has taught me anything it is that there is a defense force for everything, no matter how universally awful or reviled it might be, so hey, you got that going for you.

Hey, I totally understand that the show cannot do what AFFC did but I still enjoyed her chapters and later Jaimie's chapters. I liked the whole, take a step back and look at the destruction the war has caused approach. I also felt like Brinne was this sort of wandering Jedi in AFFC, just traveling around on a quest righting wrongs along the way.


Brienne's plot in the show is contrived, happening upon both the Stark girls at random. Then again, her chapters in AFFC are probably my least enjoyed story arc GRRM ever wrote, so there's that. Mixed feelings, its better if I don't think about it too much.

Jon's election felt rushed, but the changes to Arya/Jaqen and Dany/Hissing were both good. Would have liked to see Dorne and Doran get a better introduction, felt far too abrupt.


Brienne's plot in the show is contrived, happening upon both the Stark girls at random. Then again, her chapters in AFFC are probably my least enjoyed story arc GRRM ever wrote, so there's that. Mixed feelings, its better if I don't think about it too much.

Jon's election felt rushed, but the changes to Arya/Jaqen and Dany/Hissing were both good. Would have liked to see Dorne and Doran get a better introduction, felt far too abrupt.

I agree with the Dorne bit.
Felt pretty throwaway, but hopefully the following episodes focus on it a bit more. It was a pretty weak intro all together though.


Brienne's plot in the show is contrived, happening upon both the Stark girls at random.

It's not that contrived. She ran into Arya in the Vale because both of them headed to the Vale after the Red Wedding. After that both Brienne and Sansa left the Vale to go the same place.
Hey, I totally understand that the show cannot do what AFFC did but I still enjoyed her chapters and later Jaimie's chapters. I liked the whole, take a step back and look at the destruction the war has caused approach. I also felt like Brinne was this sort of wandering Jedi in AFFC, just traveling around on a quest righting wrongs along the way.

I felt she was plodding along padding out the page count because GURM had (and continues to have) no idea what to do with the story. The book is about the Song of Ice and Fire, not the every day lives of peasants in Westeros.


aka andydumi
Nah. Brienne bumbling into encounters with Starks that don't want her help has been silly through and through.

Yep. So awkward.

I feel like I need to read a book synopsis, as I read them years ago, and I can't really tell if I forgot what happens, or the show is really branching off on some things.


It's not that contrived. She ran into Arya in the Vale because both of them headed to the Vale after the Red Wedding. After that both Brienne and Sansa left the Vale to go the same place.

The only thing that bugs me is that where Varys is out here treating Tyrion like some precious cargo that can't be seen for a second as one would of a fugitive. Littlefinger in the show isn't doing much of the same for Sansa, the whole Alayne bit seems to have been thrown to the wind in the show. Least for the sake of the inn you'd think all parties involved would use more discretion, but whatev. The plot point just felt sorta forced for me. Then again Littlefinger has been shown to exhibit some questionable judgment in the show vs the book version so maybe it all works out. Eh.


aka andydumi
The only thing that bugs me is that where Varys is out here treating Tyrion like some precious cargo that can't be seen for a second as one would of a fugitive. Littlefinger in the show isn't doing much of the same for Sansa, the whole Alayne bit seems to have been thrown to the wind in the show. Least for the sake of the inn you'd think all parties involved would use more discretion, but whatev. The plot point just felt sorta forced for me. Then again Littlefinger has been shown to exhibit some questionable judgment in the show vs the book version so maybe it all works out. Eh.

I think Tyrion is highly sought after and due to being a dwarf is very visible. Hence the other dwarf being killed by mistake.

That's not true for Sansa, as I imagine hardly anyone knows what she looks like (outside nobility).


I think Tyrion is highly sought after and due to being a dwarf is very visible. Hence the other dwarf being killed by mistake.

That's not true for Sansa, as I imagine hardly anyone knows what she looks like (outside nobility).

Still, her head is sought just as much as Tyrion's. Just bugs that it was basically parading her out with the whole scene for everyone at the packed Inn to see. I get the feeling it will be intentional though somehow for the show rewrite to have her 'seen' and it get back to King's Landing.
I thought Dany was gonna get eaten in that last scene or at least get her hand bitten off. Just a little something to fuck with book readers more than they already have.


It's not that contrived. She ran into Arya in the Vale because both of them headed to the Vale after the Red Wedding. After that both Brienne and Sansa left the Vale to go the same place.

That's the thing, The Vale is made out to be a tiny area in the show when it was at one point its own kingdom. The fact that she can locate exactly two people without information just by stumbling around makes the world feel tiny


That's the thing, The Vale is made out to be a tiny area in the show when it was at one point its own kingdom. The fact that she can locate exactly two people without information just by stumbling around makes the world feel tiny

I just assume everyone rides around the world on rocket powered horses. Time is pretty hard to judge in the show. I mean for all we know Gendry has already sailed around the world.
I was never a fan of Jaqen even in Season 2. And he looks like my cousin, but I think my midwest small town construction worker cousin could probably act better than him.

Jaqen is a fan favorite of show-only fangirls, his inclusion was pretty much guaranteed. I speak from experience, my girlfriend audibly squeed when she saw him.


jaqen was one of the most popular book side characters, too. and I actually think wlashiha did a great job in season 2.


I finished a ADWD last night. I had about 30 pages left after watching the episode. I'm not sure if it was the right thing for me to do. I kept watching the new ep expecting certain things to happen, but it seems like this season is where the show really jumps the shark and goes off on it's own? Some of the changes made for the show I really like (eg Bronn, Pod), but I was really looking forward to Stoneheart showing up, more Dorne, and PIRATES!

Edit: All that said, I now feel like I can join a sub-sub-club of neogaf by reading this thread.
You know what's funny? Now that D&D have gone their own way, I'm starting to feel that uneasiness for all the characters.

Like yesterday, when Pod got separated from Brienne I was thinking "oh shit, is Pod actually in trouble? Could he be killed now? Seriously?"

I think that's going to start happening more and more.


You know what's funny? Now that D&D have gone their own way, I'm starting to feel that uneasiness for all the characters.

Like yesterday, when Pod got separated from Brienne I was thinking "oh shit, is Pod actually in trouble? Could he be killed now? Seriously?"

I think that's going to start happening more and more.

I have legit fear for both Bronn and Jaimie, I don't think either are safe. I mean if LSH does kill Jaimie then D&D can just kill him off in Dorne.
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