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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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Sansa's old friend is probably Theon, having finally persuaded him that he isn't Reek.

Could also be crypts stuff, perhaps. But yeah, Sansa basically hasn't had any friends for the length of the entire show so Theon's basically the sole possibility, given that Theon killed basically the entire Winterfell supporting cast.
They've generally had to plan things out years in advance knowing whatever they know about the plot developments to come. I assume back then they were already thinking about how to handle AFFC/ADWD adaptation and I'm sure they already had a basic outline of TWOW (as well as full access to the ADWD chapters that got moved to it, so I'm sure they already knew years ago how the Battle of Winterfell and the Battle of Meereen shake out).
Yeah you're right. I believe D&D do know the ending of ASOIAF.


So, I watched the first episode and missed the last two - how good is S5? I kinda lost interest after they finished all of the exciting SoS stuff.
So, I watched the first episode and missed the last two - how good is S5? I kinda lost interest after they finished all of the exciting SoS stuff.
It's pretty good so far. Things are moving in different directions than the book so there's definitely more to be interested in now that they're either in uncharted territory or throwing the book out the window.
It seems like that Littlefinger and Sansa are going to kill the Boltons at Winterfell.

It seems that might happen, but if it does then what about
the battle against Stannis
? That part in the book always confused me, I never knew if
that actually happened (the letter Jon got from Bolton) or if he was lying.
It seems that might happen, but if it does then what about
the battle against Stannis
? That part in the book always confused me, I never knew if
that actually happened (the letter Jon got from Bolton) or if he was lying.
No one knows how it would be in the show, but I'd bet Stannis will reclaim Winterfell with little effort (apart from the winter attrition of course).


This just showed up on imgur.


Natalie Dormer almost makes me forget about the horrible Sansa arc.

Dark-haired Natalie >


I'm just happy I can watch the show without drawing comparisons to the books now. FINALLY, I must say, that I'm anticipating the next episode with no clue as to what might happen.


Well at least they took the time to show Berric and talk about him being revived. I don't think that point is lost on show watchers. Jon reviving won't be too much of a shock, at least not as much as him 'dying'.

Jon snow dieing is going to have an impact, but to have him revive minutes after would send an even bigger shock, I think. Thoros have appeared very briefly, Jon doesn't has any connection to the lord of light and everyone will be on a "they only kill the good guys that we love" mood. It will be frigging glorious.

The question I have is if he 'dies' or just gets hurt really badly in the show. I've always wondered...if The lord of light revives Jon, is he magically Azor Ahai? I mean will he basically just be a different person?

I would prefer that Jon Snow comes back to life, gets lightbringer (there's a huge HOW? there) and just continues as his own character with the new purpose of killing White Walkers.

Thing is, the myth of Azor Azhai always address to him as "the revived". It seems to me that the Lord of Light needs for his chosen one to die first before bestowing him his prophet-like powers and changing his personality in the process.

Let me jump in just say this:

I wonder if Sansa is going to be feeding anyone Frey pies. I would love that scene and then her screaming laughter as she reveals it to everyone and then we can reenact -griffy-'s avatar.

This totally, utterly needs to happen. Just when you think that this is the last of many Sansa's humilliations, bam! You just got fed your own son, Roose. It will be glorious


Not sure if this has been posted here before, but this list pretty much sums up my thoughts on the series "adaptation"

It has some good points, like the showrunners using sexual violence as a way to be "edgy" (thus disminishing its impact) and its incredibly populist instances in certain characters (the whitewashing of both Tyrion and Cersei is truthly something), but it is at its heart, a pretty damn weak critique that doesn't take into account the limitations and strenght of each medium.

Of course we miss Catelyn's inner monologues and Sansa's quiet discrection since we cannot get into their heads because this is a frigging TV series. You cannot simply take one character and make him or her start monologuing away his or her thought process. Everything must be shown, not told, same goes with the themes of women treatment, identity, etc, that Martin touches on his books.


I can't believe there are people in this thread proclaiming the show to be the better version of the story. Simply blows my mind. You're electing something simpler, dumber, and more obvious over the unbelievable attention to detail and atmosphere GRRM gives you.


So will Catelyn return in this season or what? I'm not so sure anymore. Would be a pretty big thing for non-book readers so it would be weird to remove it.


I can't believe there are people in this thread proclaiming the show to be the better version of the story. Simply blows my mind. You're electing something simpler, dumber, and more obvious over the unbelievable attention to detail and atmosphere GRRM gives you.

Until the previous season the book was clearly superior to the show. Far more nuanced, subtle and deeper. From this season onwards, I am not so sure of that since we're entering into ADWD territory and the use of fake deaths and a bajillion characters noone cares about as mechanism for moving the story foward.

That being said, the show on its current form is truthly a far better story than "just translate the book page by page into the screen a la Zack Synder" could ever hope to be.


Until the previous season the book was clearly superior to the show. Far more nuanced, subtle and deeper. From this season onwards, I am not so sure of that since we're entering into ADWD territory and the use of fake deaths and a bajillion characters noone cares about as mechanism for moving the story foward.
That's debatable, seeing as the show employs no end of cheap, juvenile tricks to keep the viewers attention.


I can't believe there are people in this thread proclaiming the show to be the better version of the story. Simply blows my mind. You're electing something simpler, dumber, and more obvious over the unbelievable attention to detail and atmosphere GRRM gives you.

Well there have been changes in the show that are absolutely worse than the book storyline for sure. However, it's a bit too early in the season to proclaim any of the changes so far in the past three episodes to be absolutely the worst idea. Let's just see how it plays out.

I really enjoyed episode three. BREAKDOWN

+The House of Black and White was pretty much exactly as I imagined it. Everyone was concerned that Arya's snarky assassin friend would be a poor fit for this part of the story, but you can certainly see a shift in attitude with the Faceless Men. Whimsical murder time is over. Arya disposing of her last few possessions was also a wonderfully emotional scene. Williams managed to portray it perfectly without saying a single word.
+TOMMEN GOT ALL UP IN THAT. It looks like he may play a bigger role this season than imagined. It should be interesting to see what his role will be since he is basically just a pawn for Margaery and Cersei. The Margaery vs. Cersei plotline is developing wonderfully. Margaery is great at thinly-veiled insults and Cersei is great at seething.
+Speaking of King's Landing, we are humbly introduced to one of the biggest new characters this season: the High Sparrow. Pryce really sold the character, making him seem humble and kind while also slipping in a few lines that shows his more fanatical side. I will miss Elvis septon though.
+Not only were all the KL scenes great, so were the ones far north at Castle Black. Yeah, they didn't have the line, but the execution was otherwise perfect. Also THE NOD.
+THE ROOSE IS LOOSE. I'll talk about the Winterfell scenes in a minute, but even if you hate that storyline, they are doing a good job building up Roose as a believable threat. The way he said, "Lady Sansa".... you son of a bitch.
+The Volantis scenes were intriguing and mostly lifted straight from the books, although the priest talking about Dany is notably hotter. They even kept in the Dany whore. I find the mere concept that Varys just loses Tyrion out of nowhere somewhat idiotic though considering how deeply he is playing the long game.

-This whole RamSan thing is absolutely bizarre. I cannot buy any reason WHY Littlefinger would straight up leave her there. She is his most valuable asset and she is leaving him alone with a guy he admits to knowing nothing about? WHAT? Does he not know Stannis is at the wall? Why not just wait for Stannis to attack and see who comes out the victor, THEN play the Sansa card? I'm also not looking forward to turning Sansa into a helpless victim again if that's where they are going.
-THEON. Theon has some of the best chapters in ADWD, yet it's been three episodes and we've barely seen him. It would be criminal to just demote him as a random side character. It might be difficult to portray his chapters on the screen since a lot of it focuses on his thoughts and inner turmoil, but I don't want to see him ignored.
-Uh, Dorne? We haven't seen the Sand Snakes at all. Nor any Trystane/Myrcella scenes which is odd because it was rumored they would have a much larger part this season than in the books. They've also butchered Areo Hotah. He hasn't said one line about serving, obeying, or protecting.
-Why would Jon Snow make a joke about gingers when his former lover was one? Don't try to play that card man, you ain't fooling anyone.

A few interesting things to note this episode as well. We got a straight up reference to the Stone Men, after last week's history lesson about greyscale. We are definitely getting a Stone Men scene, this is the show's way of saying, "hey we're gonna have a crazy action scene with some man-monsters so get ready." I also thought it was interesting that the red priestess pretty much spouted Melisandre's exact line about being a slave ("bought and sold, scourged and branded"). I wonder if that's implying something.

Anyways good episode here's some tumblr junk.






This post the secret best we've had in a while.

Thanks! I seem to be getting this a lot lately - two pages later someone is like "this didn't get enough credit". I guess I'm the cult hit poster around here. "you wouldn't have read his posts, but they're, like, the best".

Can you elaborate?

I mean that she's being put in the Poole position. (rimshot)

And not just the marriage part - maybe she'll play that entire story out. (THIS IS SPECULATION, I DO NOT KNOW)
The summary says she tries to talk with Theon and she needs him somehow. like Poole. And like Poole, maybe they will play out the same roles - he "saves" her, gets captured by Stannis, Stannis gets Sansa, etc.



This is the girl from The Wolverine/Arrow isn't it?

Makes you wonder if she will have a slightly bigger part or if it was just this moment.


I can't believe there are people in this thread proclaiming the show to be the better version of the story. Simply blows my mind. You're electing something simpler, dumber, and more obvious over the unbelievable attention to detail and atmosphere GRRM gives you.

I'm not sure I can even linearly compare the two like that at this point, with one better and one worse. Books four and five were desperately in need of a sharp edit, and the show, so far, has given them a pretty decent one. But yeah, that is at the cost of a lot of characterization, and there are some legitimately great scenes and bits of world building lost in the process. And it all gets smeared with D&D's porny atmosphere. I think there exists some hypothetical thing somewhere between the two versions of the story that I would like most of all, but the two versions we have I like and dislike both for entirely separate reasons.

There is a lot of stuff that's great in the books that just wouldn't work on TV though. Like, you have people complaining about the lack of internal dialog during certain scenes, and yeah, that stuff's great in the books and the show suffers for its loss, but it would suffer more for trying to cram it in with cheesy voiceover or something. Same thing with all the flashbacks. They're great, but it's just not feasible to cast all these past characters and take time out of the already dense story to show that.
-This whole RamSan thing is absolutely bizarre. I cannot buy any reason WHY Littlefinger would straight up leave her there. She is his most valuable asset and she is leaving him alone with a guy he admits to knowing nothing about? WHAT? Does he not know Stannis is at the wall? Why not just wait for Stannis to attack and see who comes out the victor, THEN play the Sansa card? I'm also not looking forward to turning Sansa into a helpless victim again if that's where they are going.

The correct terminology is SanSay, but otherwise we're in agreement.


man I'm not sure what to make of this sansay shit.

otherwise decent episode. go lord commander!

also loved this scene:





Mr Git

The SanSay changes are a bit bewildering, honestly. But the post-coital Margaery and Tommen scene was just uncomfortable. I don't remember them banging in the books? Isn't he about 8?


The SanSay changes are a bit bewildering, honestly. But the post-coital Margaery and Tommen scene was just uncomfortable. I don't remember them banging in the books? Isn't he about 8?
Yeah I wanna say that Cersei posted guards outside his room or something.
He's about Bran's age so 8ish.


Neither Tommen or Bran are 8 on the show. All the kid characters were aged up at the start, and they've obviously been growing as time is passing in real life and the show timeline.


A few interesting things to note this episode as well. We got a straight up reference to the Stone Men, after last week's history lesson about greyscale. We are definitely getting a Stone Men scene, this is the show's way of saying, "hey we're gonna have a crazy action scene with some man-monsters so get ready."

Yeah was surprised at that included again, also continues to make me intrigued about Shireen's possible future. She was always a character who I was convinced would be cut and then in the end she gets far more screen time than I ever imagined. Can only assume it will go somewhere.
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