I'm reading all this Sansa outrage and shaking my head. She does nothing after ASoS. Even in the preview chapter from Winds she is still the same vapid child she always was. She may be more sympathetic towards Jon after her experiences but she is sitting around in the Vale waiting for other people to do something.
The show has actually forced her to make decisions and do things for herself. Littlefinger is still driving her but he has told her she needs to do things if she wants the world to give her justice and be a better place.
In the books she is eventually going to leave the Vale and go North, it has been her most wanted thought only distracted when she thought the Tyrell's could wrest her from Cersei and to Highgarden.
I quite like the fact that she is not undercover as Alayne, it makes much more sense for the show rather than her brooding as an inconsequential character. She was also the one who made the choice to reveal herself. Once she told the Lords Declarent I think we can assume Baelish knew the cat was out the bag and story would get out. No matter how honourable they seem, somehow spies are everywhere.
Also Littlefinger thumbing his nose at Cersei isn't exactly poking the Lion as it were since she has no army without Kevan and Baelish already has an alliance with the Tyrell's securing Marge's crown and planning Joffrey's murder. Cersei has no spies with Varys departed. She has no wealth to pay sellswords either with Lannister mines unproductive and the Iron Bank having backed Stannis it would seem imprudent to pay soldiers on both sides of a war.
Of course Cersei isn't that stupid and not blind to her lack of power which is why she lowered herself to meet the Sparrows even if she is not a pious person she will try and co-opt their power. I think that is a rather good portrayal of Cersei, she is desperate to maintain her royal power that she is always thinking of the short term.
I am looking forward to the culmination of the North plot with Brienne, Stannis, Littlefinger, the Boltons and Sansa. There are a lot of ways it could work out. Also interesting to see how/if Varys and Jorah interact. Did Varys plan this meeting? Tyrion is so obvious that kidnapping him in a brothel could be easily arranged. If Varys is truly for Dany, he tipped Jorah to the wine merchant even if it wasn't explicit he knew Jorah had fallen for her, is he helping Jorah get back in her good graces and making sure Tyrion makes it to Mereen. It is all very interesting now we have moved off the page.