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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Or maybe they're not really important to the overall plot and just another random bit of world building that George put in and never had any idea of what to do with .

I really do think that's the case, he threw them into the first book and figured he'd have some grand plan later but over time they were just in the way. The show writers can't get rid of them fast enough.


I wouldn't get my hopes up, what else would they be doing next?
There's a theory that Coldhands and Benjen Stark are the same person. Even if Martin doesn't intend to reveal this in the novels, I could see D&D doing it anyway to save time.


Or maybe they're not really important to the overall plot and just another random bit of world building that George put in and never had any idea of what to do with .
Kinda leaning this way too.

Not really sure why everyone is dumping this much stock into the dire wolves. They're never really given much importance up until now (except for Jon's maaaaybe) and they're certainly not necessary to the grand plot. Or maybe it's just one of those human things where a man dying on screen is a forgettable scene but an animal dying is a painful tragedy for people. I honestly don't know what people find so important about them.


Modesty becomes a woman
The odds of Dany and Jonah the Friendzoned ever seeing each other again is really low now, right?

They just introduced a red priestess, and he has a fucked up hand.

Maybe he'll replace Victarion with the burnt arm. They didn't bring out the dragonbinder horn, maybe Jorah finds it to help "serve" his queen while he's off looking for the cure to greyscale. The horn was found in Valyria, Jorah got greyscale in the shows valyria.

Maybe Victarion isn't important, his fire-arm is?


I was amazed by the hodor reveal

one of the best scenes in the entire show, brilliant, emotional and well shot and edited.

I am suprised how many disliked it and think/hope that it's not form the books. it obviously is, it's way too smart for D&D. it was a great twist and explanation to one of the sagas biggest secrets in my opinion.

on the other hand I am surprised no one mentioned how much they wasted bloodraven. supposedly one of the most powerful beings in the world and we never got to know who he is and what he wants. very bad.

and why is everyone talking about coldhands? is that a preview spoiler?

Something's gotta save them. Maybe it'll be Benjen.

As far as I can tell, TER isn't even Bloodraven in this show. Just a stand in.

GRRM twists are the main reason to watch this show. "Hold the door" is a series highlight. RIP, buddy.


Or maybe they're not really important to the overall plot and just another random bit of world building that George put in and never had any idea of what to do with .

I mean, they do allow some hinting at warging in the books. I still hold out hope that Area will one day develop that talent of hers... That hasn't really happened in the show, though.


Jorah will end up like that guy that got his arm burned in the book. Wasn't it a red priest that did that to him?

I have a feeling Varys is not going to just sit there and take it from the hot priestess. Either way as we are seeing from Kings Landing he is right on, stay away from the fanatics with influence over a city.


The odds of Dany and Jonah the Friendzoned ever seeing each other again is really low now, right?

I would say really high. In previous seasons they've established the stone men a bit too much for it to just be a throwaway thing. If they weren't going to do anything with it, Jorah would have sacrificed himself during the mission to save Dany or something. Instead he's still alive now, so it seems likely they have something planned there.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Hold the line!

I mean the door. The door.

Kinda cool. I guess.

Nice catch.


That confrontation with the red priestess has me fearing for Varys. They don't fuck around

That just reminded me of Davos and Mel back in the day. What was awesome this ep was that she had no input whatsoever in that conversation when they were deciding what to do. Davos ran that shit and she just sat there and listened. Very different than Stannis Mel


That confrontation with the red priestess has me fearing for Varys. They don't fuck around

yeah I had the same feeling that varys is getting killed soon during that scene.
he outlived his purpose I guess, he is not scheming anymore and only tyrions buddy and his presence in mereen is probably not from the books anyway
and the way they repeated his past makes me think they will kill him this season.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
My thought on TER, is that now that Bran has shown some sort of ability to interact with the past, could it be possible to have conversations with the Past version of the TER?

I do worry about the implications of that Brand that Bran has, especially if it has the power to kill The Wall.


Hunky Nostradamus
The play was a little silly because here's this mummer crew just across the sea fucking up basic details about the Lannister Coup but meanwhile Varys has accurate knowledge of the death of Stannis.

I don't think it was a fuck up as much as it was them just altering the story and characters to fit the medium, as well as appealing to their audience's tastes and expectations.
And in that way, the play could actually be viewed as a microcosm of the show and how it relates to the books!


Onw thing I hate is how all the bloodriders of the Khals bowed to Dany last week. Aren't they supposed to join their Khal in death. I get they want to portray Dany as fit to lead the Dothraki but something about them immedtiately bowing to a foreigner who just murdered their friends/family/leaders, it was very offputting.


Onw thing I hate is how all the bloodriders of the Khals bowed to Dany last week. Aren't they supposed to join teir Khal in death. I get they want to portray Dany as fit to lead the Dothraki but something about them immedtiately bowing to a foreigner who just murdered their friends/family/leaders, it was very offputting.

but how do you know they were bloodriders? bloodriders are the elite guard of a khal, not all dothraki soldiers are bloodriders, right?
but yeah, it was super rushed, like everything this season, dany basically arrives there and kills the khals and takes over. on the other hand, D&D probably learned from season 5 and AFFC/ADWD. and I guess they just want to get this over with.


I don't think it was a fuck up as much as it was them just altering the story and characters to fit the medium, as well as appealing to their audience's tastes and expectations.
And in that way, the play could actually be viewed as a microcosm of the show and how it relates to the books!

Yeah, I'm thinking less of Idiot Ned (which could just be them playing on a stereotype of First Men / Northerners as bumpkins), and more little things like the executioner using an axe. Every execution-decapitation we've seen has been done by sword. I guess what I'm saying is it's kind of hard to read how much there is the mummers making choices vs being misinformed.
The Iron Islands plot was very weak. Euron became king and the mob is very fickle, so he decided to kill Yara and Theon. It was very simplistic and not satisfying to me at all.


So Bran is a fucking idiot. That's my take away from this episode.


Despite all the fuckery of the final scene... I hate that the children are dead. I hate that Hodor is dead. I especially hate that Summer is dead. Part of the charm of ASOIAF early on were the direwolves and their connection to their respective owners. Now it just feels like they're useless pets. Just fucking dying like nothing. DESPITE ALL THAT The final scene was beautifully shot. I so prefer the ice covered landscapes of the north over that dreadful looking wasteland that Dany's stuff is always in.

Good stuff in this episode:

- The final scene.

- Theon and Asha bolting out of there once Euron got the crown. However, Euron on this show is so much lamer than what I imagined him from the books.

- The scene where the whitewalker is born. More so because of the eeriness of it. Doesn't make much fucking sense to me. The humans were killing you so you make an even deadlier enemy? OK, that's just brilliant guys. Again, it was beautifully shot and I liked how creepy the children looked there.

Bad stuff in this episode:

- Littlefinger just fucking teleporting around. And Jon not being aware that he was there. AND Sansa just blindly buying Littlefinger's tale about the Blackfish regaining control of Riverrun without fucking checking first. Fucking rediculous. And now she wants to send Brienne off like nothing matters. As if Brienne can't get killed on her way there.

- Daenrys. Just can't fucking tolerate her shit anymore. Annoying acting. Annoying fucking tribal music during her scenes. Just takes the joy of watching this show away from me when she appears.

- Arya's crap. Just tired of it already. Where the hell are we going with this?

At this point I'm sort of enjoying it (this season) because it's new. I'm that fucking starved for the story to continue. I can't bitch anymore (for the most part) about how it's being adapted. Fucking George.

Summer and Hodor. :( They just wiping dire wolves out so they don't have to bother with them. Poor Hodor... They kill Ghost, I'll riot. Dumbass Bran, that's scene with the white walkers they didn't do a great job with the illusion of there being a massive crowd of them, it was pretty easy to notice where they took their small group duplicated to expand it.

Euron, I don't care about the Iron Islands but they're going to pull a Dorne with this shit aren't they? Euron looks like a bigger Theon.

There's actually been tinfoil theories about Hodor's name coming from "Hold the Door", I remember one particular one being that Hodor is actually Aegon, and he picked it up from Elia screaming "Hold the Door!" during the Sack of King's Landing.

Yeah, I remember seeing that somewhere before.


What an episode.

Let's forget about book spoilers for a second; every scene was on point, IMO. Even Dany's scene with Jorah was emotional.

Very emotional episode, but I thought everything was well acted, well portrayed and generally delivered very well.

Warg-ception was crazy. It obviously establishes that Bran doesn't need to be in contact with the Weirwood.net via physical means anymore. Wi-Fi Adapter Found. Important, I guess, for further exposition.

It also shows that the Night King has a link to the Weirwoods too. I wish they would have fleshed that origin out a bit (imagine the opening of LotR, but highlight the war between the CotF and men, hammering home their desperation), but it's intresting to see that it was an Obsidian/Dragon Glass dagger that was plunged into his chest.

Hodor....was tragic, in a good way. They nailed that delivery IMO. To close on young Wyllis reduced to saying Hodor was very sad. I wonder if he spent his entire life knowing what would happen? Jojen could see the future, or so we are lead to believe, so there's always been a hint at a predetermined series of events, and I personally don't think the show/series turned over one too many stones by having Bran effect the past. It was going to happen because it had already happened. Bran didn't change anything, but rather fulfilled an obligation. I hope we have a few more moments like that (Ned cleaning Ice, for instance).

Meera and Bran obviously need saving; Coldhands/Benjen would be an awesome way to do it, IMO. Bran still needs to deliver us the ToJ reveal, and Bran's endgame certainly isn't to just show us secrets and fuck up people's heads.

Very excited to see where this goes. With every other plot, you can see where it's heading; Jon and Sansa are having a whip round for support, Brienne is going to Riverrun, Dany is going back to Mereen with a huge horde, etc etc. Bran stuff is fucking crazy, and in the context of the show, works very well for what they've shown, IMO. I'm sure the key plot points are from the books, and will be further fleshed out in TWoW.

Overall, one of the best episodes ever IMO.


The Nights King waiting until this perfect moment to mark Bran in order to get beyond the wall. do they both share the same abilities?

Probably. Raising the dead to fight is similar to warging and getting someone to do something like hold a door etc. What I want to know is why Bran went there in the vision, which seemed to be the present and why the three eyed raven never warned him of this. What was the goal of it all.


Probably. Raising the dead to fight is similar to warging and getting someone to do something like hold a door etc. What I want to know is why Bran went there in the vision, which seemed to be the present and why the three eyed raven never warned him of this. What was the goal of it all.

wasn't it the same place where the children of the forest cerated the first white walker? only in the present and with snow? it makes sense bran would want to check that out

btw did we know from the books that the cotf created the others? I know it was a theory, but I don't remember if it was actually ever said


btw did we know from the books that the cotf created the others? I know it was a theory, but I don't remember if it was actually ever said

Definitely never said. We have legends that they've done some Big Fucking Magic (like flooding the Neck), but we don't know they're responsible for the Others.


Best part of the season is that I feel like when Doctor Manhattan said in Watchmen, "I'd forgotten the excitement of not knowing." Haven't felt that since the end of season three when I read the books and pretty much knew what would happen.
I mean, they do allow some hinting at warging in the books. I still hold out hope that Area will one day develop that talent of hers... That hasn't really happened in the show, though.

I think with 18 episodes to go in the show and the number of loose ends being closed up every week it is kind of safe to say that anything that hasn't happened in the show yet is ultimately meaningless to the overall plot of ASoIaF. Sure it might add some "world building" or flavor or "depth" but to the overarching plot it has no bearing.

Sometimes Tom Bombadil just isn't that important.
This season, despite its own annoyances, has definitely been more enjoyable so far than last season. Not having a source material to really compare things to probably helps a bit. I imagine there has to be a lot of book readers out there who are unhappy, especially if they started the books before the show, if not nearly 20 years ago. But George did it to himself, at least the "how" of it all and more will probably be different.
Haha, the "hold the door" scene makes zero sense in other languages. A+
As someone who studied translation, I could feel a disturbance in the force during that scene. Hundreds of translators around the world simultaneously going "Fuuuck!" and being forced to use explanatory references, their last resort when there are no creative options.


So were Stoneheart and the crew lurking about in the Riverrun area? Maybe I'm totally remembering that wrong because it has been quite a while since I read it. But I'm just wondering if they might finally introduce her in one of the final episodes this season. It would make sense if Brienne is going there alone.

Extremely doubtful and I'm sure we would've heard more rumors by now if it was happening. And it should have happened seasons ago if it was going to... but it would be cool to see.


I love Pokken!
I would say really high. In previous seasons they've established the stone men a bit too much for it to just be a throwaway thing. If they weren't going to do anything with it, Jorah would have sacrificed himself during the mission to save Dany or something. Instead he's still alive now, so it seems likely they have something planned there.

I dunno, Jorah finally got to express his love and Dany forgave him. They leave each other in good terms so that scene felt like a goodbye.


As someone who studied translation, I could feel a disturbance in the force during that scene. Hundreds of translators around the world simultaneously going "Fuuuck!" and being forced to use explanatory references, their last resort when there are no creative options.

What? I heard on a website, Neo GAF dot com, that translation is easy.



Ironborn stuff was just utter shit, I loved it in the books (yeah yeah i know not a popular opinion) but here it was just god awful, how the fuck does no one notice like half the fucking fleet being stolen and half the army not being present at the crowing 8hell how the fuck did she loose the vote anyway, she had like triple the men with her than those present at the crowning...), Euron feels like they combined him with Victarion but the end result is much worse than both of them and what the fuck was that "we never left a mark on westeros" bullshit from Yara? wasn't Harrenhal build by a family from the Iron Islands? didn't they rule over a good chuck of the riverlands for quite a while until Aegon showed up? and just casually throwing around kinslaying as if it means nothing, well it does mean nothing in the show

but they did an accurate representation of Ned Stark, hell maybe even a bit smarter than the real one :p


So not worth it
After waiting for about a decade and a half for GRRM to get on with it, it does feel rather good to get some damn answers about stuff already.

This season has been on-point if only for finally delivering on all of that build-up.


The Iron Islands plot was very weak. Euron became king and the mob is very fickle, so he decided to kill Yara and Theon. It was very simplistic and not satisfying to me at all.

I think the Ironborn/Greyjoys got the short end of the stick regarding their portrayel throughout the series.
Ironborn stuff was just utter shit, I loved it in the books (yeah yeah i know not a popular opinion) but here it was just god awful, how the fuck does no one notice like half the fucking fleet being stolen and half the army not being present at the crowing 8hell how the fuck did she loose the vote anyway, she had like triple the men with her than those present at the crowning...), Euron feels like they combined him with Victarion but the end result is much worse than both of them and what the fuck was that "we never left a mark on westeros" bullshit from Yara? wasn't Harrenhal build by a family from the Iron Islands? didn't they rule over a good chuck of the riverlands for quite a while until Aegon showed up? and just casually throwing around kinslaying as if it means nothing, well it does mean nothing in the show
The Iron Islands stuff is weak as hell, yeah. Not quite the shitshow Dorne was, but nearly as uncreative and cheap-feeling compared to what one could imagine from the books. Euron could have been such a great character.
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