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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Way to fucking ruin everything Benioff and Weiss. Why do they always insist on ending most of the episodes with Daenerys. Typical cringe inducing worthless Daenerys scene. Like, stop fucking doing that already.

Anyway, the good

- Cold hands? Happy as fuck (assuming it's the same character) to see him appear. Furthermore, it being Benjen is great. However, not nearly as majestic as what I envisioned him in the books. That battle on horesback was kind of lame too. Huge downgrade from the way he's described in the books.

- Sparrow vs Tyrells was good. Tommen is a dumb ass though, and I'm having a hard time buying Margery breaking down like that.

- Randyll Tarly was great. More of an asshole than I was expecting.

The bad

- Daenrys easily. I am a fan of her stuff in the book. But Clarke's cheesy/hamfisted acting, the awful music, and usual mother of the dragons brovado makes me cringe so much. It's bad. Like sand snakes/Dorne bad. That scene had no fucking purpose.

- Jaimie vs The Blackfish... They're actually going through with it? Now? Like after the show writers took a major dump on Jaimie's character after he got back to King's Landing?

- Arya's stuff. Way too much time spent on the play. And, I guess this is now a convenient way for her to head back to Westeros, but what was the point? Is she now a better assassin than she was before? I don't get it.


Great episode. The forward plot progression is working very well this season. Super excited for ColdJen.

I really feel like in the books we'll have tarly surrender his valyrian steel sword for the inevitable Battle of the Dawn 2.0 but in the show they're like "fuck it let sam take it."

I really hate Aryas storyline. Yes, we all kind of assumed she would "become" no one before turning back to Arya stark. But for this theater troupe? Nah D&D i don't approve. Although it's looking somewhat obvious she'll join up the troupe and that's how she ends up in westeros (after she kills the waif).

Also fuck Tommen, dude is blinded by pussy.


How old did Gilly's son look? That might help deduce the span of time throughout the show.
If her son is about a year old, that means that it's only been a year since season 3. Given the travel times stated in S1E1 (a month to travel between King's Landing and Winterfell) I'd assume the whole show has taken place in the span of a little over 2 years.


Daenerys segments are still awful. The show makes Daenerys seem godly every single time an episode ends with her. If she dies in the series, the moment will be so awesome.


Kills Photobucket
Dawns on me that Sam might have just taken the sword to send to the wall.

I've totally forgotten, but has the show mentioned Valyrian Steel being useful on White Walkers, or is that just a book-thing for now?





REPEAT every two episodes.

That's Dany's storyline in the show in a nutshell.
Arya :(. I knew they would off her if she did not kill the actress. Arya better not die.

This isn't going to happen. The Waif's time is probably up though.

I liked this episode but I didn't love the pacing, and Dany's scenes seemed pointless (even moreso than usual) but I get it, what else were they going to show? Irrelevant happenings in Mereen? Stark road trip? Ramsay kicking a puppy and brooding?

Margaery is absolutely up to something. Her grandmother (and Cersei,honestly) should have a little more trust in her. Tommen, however is an idiot and everyone knows it.


Dawns on me that Sam might have just taken the sword to send to the wall.

I've totally forgotten, but has the show mentioned Valyrian Steel being useful on White Walkers, or is that just a book-thing for now?

How the hell do you forget Jon destroying a walker with Longclaw in Hardhome?

That moment is single-handedly better than anything George Martin has written in this series since the 90's.


I'm just glad we are making some progress with Dany moving towards Westeros, even though her scenes are cheese. But I think half her fleet will perish in a storm of some kind during the journey. Leaving her with a much smaller army than planned in Westeros and not being able to conquer as easily without allying herself with some houses like Dorne.


Can someone remind me if the show ever went over why King's Landing isn't in active or planning open war with Dorne for killing the princess? It's crazy to have that shit happen then half the season it just never be mentioned again. It'd make more sense just to leave her in Dorne and not talk about her until you planned on actually doing something with that storyline.

Dorne has never been conquered. They don't have the resources to devote to an extremely costly war when they have an enemy in KL to deal with.

There's no reason to explicitly mention it I think, especially when we don't have a perspective on the council.





REPEAT every two episodes.

That's Dany's storyline in the show in a nutshell.

I can easily count at least 5 episodes that have ended with a fucking dragon screech. That shit got old way back in season 2.


Master of the Google Search
Why's that?
They used to date years ago and hate each other now. It's why you never saw Cersei and Bronn in the same scene. Or why Bronn now only appears whenever Jaime leaves Kings Landing. It's gotta be a pretty bad break up when two people won't even be in the same country as each other.

I'm sure they would've killed Bronn off ages ago if it weren't for book material and his popularity amongst fans.


Shit that was an exceptional episode. Jack Bender outdid last week's episode. Great character stuff, lots of storylines moving forward quickly, and really sharp direction. The Coldhands action at the start was really well shot. Loved the High Sparrow stuff too. The ending was cheesy as fuck, but... it worked. Even the dragon CG looked pretty decent!
What an absolutely dreadful episode. Just dull, dull, dull. I don't think I cared about a single thing that happened in it.

Thankfully HBO was on point the rest of the night.


What an absolutely dreadful episode. Just dull, dull, dull. I don't think I cared about a single thing that happened in the episode.

Thankfully HBO was on point the rest of the night.

I can't imagine what you could have possibly expected from this episode in order for you to feel that way, especially given the major book revelations made this week.

I mean... "DULL"??????


Shit that was an exceptional episode. Jack Bender outdid last week's episode. Great character stuff, lots of storylines moving forward quickly, and really sharp direction. The Coldhands action at the start was really well shot. Loved the High Sparrow stuff too. The ending was cheesy as fuck, but... it worked. Even the dragon CG looked pretty decent!
What an absolutely dreadful episode. Just dull, dull, dull. I don't think I cared about a single thing that happened in it.

Thankfully HBO was on point the rest of the night.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Lately I've been feeling there are two types of episodes. The "setting the pieces"-episodes and the "knocking them down"-episodes. The Door was a "knock them down" so we needed a "setting them up"-episode. Thinking next episode will also be a "setting the pieces"-episode.


That Kings Landing stuff was brilliant.

I love how they've handled Tommen's character so far.


Not so sure about Margaery. Kinda huge jump from last episode. Fingers crossed she's playing the game.


I don't understand Arya's character arc at all. She seems to have traveled a long way to learn very little and make very few decisions which mattered, and in the end she will find herself back in Westeros with the same weapon she left it with, and not a whole lot of worthwhile training. She isn't even going to be a Faceless Man, so she'll still be acting on her own agenda, which isn't any different from the point she left the Hound to die. Really weird waste of time.


I think we all know what the real highlight of the episode was.

What's happening?

I don't understand Arya's character arc at all. She seems to have traveled a long way to learn very little and make very few decisions which mattered, and in the end she will find herself back in Westeros with the same weapon she left it with, and not a whole lot of worthwhile training. She isn't even going to be a Faceless Man, so she'll still be acting on her own agenda, which isn't any different from the point she left the Hound to die. Really weird waste of time.

it was the only way without the 5 year gap, she could never get believable training without it
plus, becoming a faceless man never fit arya's character I realized, she doesn't kill just anyone and not for money, with arya and her list it's all about killing people who deserve it


Dawns on me that Sam might have just taken the sword to send to the wall.

I've totally forgotten, but has the show mentioned Valyrian Steel being useful on White Walkers, or is that just a book-thing for now?
Technically it is a show-only fact. Sam speculates it could be used in the books.


Dawns on me that Sam might have just taken the sword to send to the wall.

I've totally forgotten, but has the show mentioned Valyrian Steel being useful on White Walkers, or is that just a book-thing for now?

John killed a wright with longclaw at hardthorne. So it's a show thing too
Lately I've been feeling there are two types of episodes. The "setting the pieces"-episodes and the "knocking them down"-episodes. The Door was a "knock them down" so we needed a "setting them up"-episode. Thinking next episode will also be a "setting the pieces"-episode.

Next week's is written by the same guy so I actually think it's gonna be the latter type. I think this week's and next week's were meant to go hand-in-hand which is why there were so many dangling threads at the end of this episode.

Virtually the entire episode was set-ups.


Sam heavy episode made it a terrible episode. Arya continues to be the worst plotline for two seasons now, but it is even worse since she literally has gotten nowhere.

Could have devoted more time to the High Sparrow plot and more scenes with Bran/Benjen. I would have liked to see more Yara/Theon anything but wasted minutes on Sam


What's happening?

it was the only way without the 5 year gap, she could never get believable training without it
plus, becoming a faceless man never fit arya's character I realized, she doesn't kill just anyone and not for money, with arya and her list it's all about killing people who deserve it

What training? She got beat on with sticks for 1 1/2 seasons. Now she's done with them.


it was the only way without the 5 year gap, she could never get believable training without it
plus, becoming a faceless man never fit arya's character I realized, she doesn't kill just anyone and not for money, with arya and her list it's all about killing people who deserve it

Yeah but why do the entire thing this way to begin with? What's the objective? It's all very roundabout and feels like a lot of time spent on nothing. It's the oddest character arc out of all the central characters.


I don't understand Arya's character arc at all. She seems to have traveled a long way to learn very little and make very few decisions which mattered, and in the end she will find herself back in Westeros with the same weapon she left it with, and not a whole lot of worthwhile training. She isn't even going to be a Faceless Man, so she'll still be acting on her own agenda, which isn't any different from the point she left the Hound to die. Really weird waste of time.
The fact that she hasn't completed any missions is just odd. Would seem simple to show that she is learning some things.

Probably the most important event in the books was her cheating the blind tests by discovering and using her warging abilities. If the show isn't going to have her warg, then it makes much of this arc pointless.


The fact that she hasn't completed any missions is just odd. Would seem simple to show that she is learning some things.

Probably the most important event in the books was her cheating the blind tests by discovering and using her warging abilities. If the show isn't going to have her warg, then it makes much of this arc pointless.

In the books the character arc makes perfect sense. It's very drawn out but part of that is the point. It's about Arya making a decision to do something with herself, and then coming to terms with who she is and aspects of her past. Along the way she learns how to deal with different situations and betters herself to prepare her for how to deal with the world. Whether she becomes a Faceless Man at the end of it is less important.

I'm not trying to make a book/show comparison though, rather I'm just puzzled that knowing where they ultimately want to go with the character on the show, it is puzzling that they chose to present it this way. There's no need for the show to follow the books, since they've already changed so much, and I think it would make more sense for the show to have a character arc that serves the purpose of their destination for the character.


The fact that she hasn't completed any missions is just odd. Would seem simple to show that she is learning some things.

Probably the most important event in the books was her cheating the blind tests by discovering and using her warging abilities. If the show isn't going to have her warg, then it makes much of this arc pointless.

I agree with you, and it makes me assume that Arya ends up being unimportant and pointless (though likable and awesome) in the books.


I don't like that they made Coldhands Benjen even after GRRM specifically said it's not Benjen. It feels like some sort of fanfiction. That said, I like that they kinda introduced the character, even though it's painfully obvious he was a last-minute addition.

Oh, and Dany is even more boring in the show than she is in the books. What is even her arc in the show? All she does is win.


GRRM also said that the new book would be out by now. Sometimes you just can't trust what he says. There's enough evidence in the books that Coldhands could very well be Benjen, and GRRM has also said that Lady Stoneheart is "not Catelyn" because "death changes a person".
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