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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Sorry if this has been discussed before, but do ya'll think we'll see the conclusion to the Tower of Joy scene this season? Seems kind of weird to plant the seed and call everyone back for a reshoot next year.

I'm thinking they'll do Lady Stoneheart for the final scene this season, or ToJ to close things out. Not sure how it'd have the dramatic heft with just Bran seeing it, though.


I haven't seen the reactions here, but I thought this last episode was fairly poor. I usually don't write this kind of negative post but it feels like the show really did lose its way after it ran out of source material to rely on.

Two plot lines were completely wasted. If the intention was to show that Arya was now a badass and she is proud to be herself, then they completely failed. The purpose of Arya's storyline, as I saw it, was to show her train among legendary assassins but then realise she can't escape her past and identity. But the end of that plot was just wasted. After getting carelessly stabbed in th stomach and being stupidly chased (why is a super assassin so indiscreet? Why doesn't she change faces? How can Arya come close to running like that after being stabbed repeatedly in the gut?) we don't even get to see Arya beat her rival. Poorly executed and unsatisfying.

The second wasted plot line is the siege of Riverrun, A potentially great character like the Blackfish is killed off screen (huh?). After years of captivity and torture, Edmure completely turns on his house's honour after having a short chat with Jaime. It doesn't make sense, and it's boring.

We didn't need another scene of Tyrion being awkward with Grey Worm et al. We've had one already, and the relationship between these characters is boring. Daenerys returns but with not much of an entrance. I can go on. Generally quite a dull episode, which is remarkable given where the plot is.

At least Cersei's scenes were great as always.


IIRC, HBO has only submitted a single episode each year for writing. I'm not 100% sure on that though.

Well, judging from the previous seasons....

Season 1 - Ep9 (Ned the Headless)
Season 2 - Couldn't find anything
Season 3 - Ep9 (Red Wedding, Lots of Stabbing)
Season 4 - Ep10 (Jojenstabbing.gif)
Season 5 - Ep10 (Walk of Shame)

So for best writing they have traditionally gone for the dramatic climax rather than the action. No Blackwater in Season 2 (no nomination for best writing that season, can't even find a submission record), no Watchers on the Wall in Season 4, no Hardhome in Season 5.

Yet this year, it's Battle of the Bastards. Curious.

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but do ya'll think we'll see the conclusion to the Tower of Joy scene this season? Seems kind of weird to plant the seed and call everyone back for a reshoot next year.

Almost 100%. The actor who plays the younger Ned says he'll be in the final episode.

I'm thinking they'll do Lady Stoneheart for the final scene this season, or ToJ to close things out. Not sure how it'd have the dramatic heft with just Bran seeing it, though.

#TeamLSH is dead, bury it.


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
It's a shame the series has fallen so far.

It seems this season is just trying to sweep everything under the rug to streamline the story. Most minor characters have died, not even in creative ways too. Just a knife to the back. Stories that have been building, again, just swept under the rug, or making no sense whatsoever, such as Dorne, or reverting Arya back to season 4 Arya, wasting all our time. They have no valid explanations for the silly decisions they make, such as Littlefinger's response to marrying off Sansa, and are afraid of showing another side to popular characters just to please their fans, such as Tryrion's disturbing lack of deveolpment, or Jon's resurrection literally having had no meaning.

It seems they want to just want to appeal to the casuals, which is understandable, considering the generate a lot of views, but I hope they look back in a few years and really realize the oppurtunity they had to make something great, yet squandered it all on a dick joke every episode and Tyrion mentioning loving booze everytime he's on screen. Its tiring, predictable, and an embarrassment to the books. Nevermind not making sense half the time.


The Tyrion scene was awkward but it wasn't completely bad, it showed how much of an outsider Tyrion is in the east and how out of touch he is with their culture, also how he can be a positive influence, even if this is achieved by promoting alcoholism.

Nah. They've effectively taken one of their best actors, one who has won golden globes and had some of the best writing and speeches and quagmired him with Dany's shitty story. All Tyrion does is drink wine, ask dumb questions to Missandei and Grey Worm and drink wine. Pure filler.


Is the entirety of next week's episode going to be the battle up north? Or are we going to get a half hour of other stories before it dives into the conflict? Really crossing my fingers for the latter...





Is the entirety of next week's episode going to be the battle up north? Or are we going to get a half hour of other stories before it dives into the conflict? Really crossing my fingers for the latter...

I think it's the former. Since they've paced it terribly up until now, they'll have to remind everyone of the existence of both the cunt goatfucker Smallcuntjon cunt fuck Smalljon, and Ramsay's best bud Karstark. They're going to try and go for another Blackwater, but the character dynamics in this one won't hold a candle to the currents and undercurrents of the season 2 episode.

However, despite all of my misgivings, Sapochnik really impressed me last season with Hardhome, so from a technical perspective, I'm really looking forward to the action. I really hope he had the same crew he used for Hardhome.
Just finished watching this episode. I'm going to have to agree and say this was a poor episode. The way that Arya comes on top, was completely butchered. Here she is running for her life, and at the end we find she planned it all along. If that was the intention, then they failed. A lot of possible theories here and elsewhere were much more satisfying.

To elaborate, I expected the outcome to be the same. That she would outsmart the Jaqen and the Waif. But the dialogue was terrible. That scene with the candle was terrible. I would have enjoyed if the Waif would have come close to Arya, confident that she was going to get her, only for Arya to stab her and say something like "A girl always thinks ahead" or something along those lines.

Given my experience watching tv, I'm going to say this is the first "filler" episode of GoT I've seen.

The rest of the episode was okay. Not good and not bad.


Just finished watching this episode. I'm going to have to agree and say this was a poor episode. The way that Arya comes on top, was completely butchered. Here she is running for her life, and at the end we find she planned it all along. If that was the intention, then they failed. A lot of possible theories here and elsewhere were much more satisfying.

To elaborate, I expected the outcome to be the same. That she would outsmart the Jaqen and the Waif. But the dialogue was terrible. That scene with the candle was terrible. I would have enjoyed if the Waif would have come close to Arya, confident that she was going to get her, only for Arya to stab her and say something like "A girl always thinks ahead" or something along those lines.

Given my experience watching tv, I'm going to say this is the first "filler" episode of GoT I've seen.

The rest of the episode was okay. Not good and not bad.

Well, you got that right!


I wish they had spared the part where Jaqen was taking off the guy's face.

Imagine if Arya had left the Waif's face up there in the hall, and Jaqen was like "Damn Arya, we don't do it like that. We use a cast. Fuck, you're a psychopath."


As much as I hate Ramsay, it's strange that the show is positioning him as the big bad but ignores his storyline for four consecutive episodes. This entire season feels like a rough draft.


Weak episode. I liked Jaime/Brienne meeting again. Everything else was mehhhhhhhh. I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking about T-1000. lol

Down with Tommen and the High Septon. Cleganebowl must not be stopped.


If I had to deconstruct this season, I would imagine a meeting of minds. This is what was discussed behind closed doors.

All right guys, we know we have to bring Jon back. We can do that in episode 2. We can't do it in episode 1 because we have to make people think he's really dead. Any longer and his body starts to decay.

That Davos guy can really act so let's keep him around to talk to people for Jon and Sansa.

Now, people are still pissed about the rape thing last season, so let's give Sansa all the forceful lines. Let's take all of Jon's lines away and make him scared of his own shadow after he comes back.

Now, we still haven't killed the Blackfish, so we'll do that. Let's throw the Riverlands stuff from book 3 in there but mix it up. We'll make Jaime a total asshole since he was a pussy last season. He can meet Brienne. Cersei is too weak by herself so Jaime has to be still in love with her, though.

The Mountain totally has to pull a sparrow's head off this year.

Hodor gets a heroic death defending Bran. George told me his name means hold the door, so he'll be holding the door to a tree. The tree has a door. Brilliant. Okay, onto the next thing.

Tower of Joy. We've got a guy who looks nothing like Ned, but he'll do it for nothing and we can't really afford much beyond the big action set pieces we've got. Okay, done. Nobody knows how to use a greatsword so let's just give Arthur Dayne two swords. Bad ass. No one will notice.

Arya, well, shit. She's tried to become no one for a season, and now she's blind. Let's make her earn the um..."unblinding potion" and get her first mission. She can't do it though because she's still Arya Stark so the Waif tries to kill her. She kills the Waif. Jaqen is pleased. All right, that was easy.

Let's see. Ramsay. Who do we have for him to torture? I know. Call Natalie Tena. We'll have the Umbers side with the Boltons so we can get Rickon. Remember, we sent him to the Umbers. We'll kill Osha and have Rickon as a hostage until the battle. And uh...he kills his father because he's crazy. He does it right in front of the maester in broad daylight, then feeds Walda and her baby to dogs. Yeah,cool stuff.

We can't have any northern houses. No one cares. Just have everyone side with the Boltons except a 10 year old girl. This will be a cool scene. She only has 62 men though.

Okay, Dorne. Everyone hated Dorne, and it's expensive as fuck to film there. Let's have the sand snakes kill the Martells and never mention them again. Good, done.

The Tyrells will try to take the faith down with their army, but Tommen has already turned, so the army backs down. Wait, what if we have Jaime leading that army, and that's why Jaime goes to the Riverlands? That totally works! We don't really know if Margaery has a plan for getting out of jail, so let's just leave that up to the viewer's imagination.

The Hound was awesome. Let's bring him back. Call him and Ian Mcshane. He can be the septon guy. We'll do this scene where he's all reformed but everyone he cares about dies so he goes back to killing. We can bring back Beric and Thoros too. I don't know what they'll do.

The Greyjoys haven't done the kingsmoot thing yet, have they? Okay, we'll do that. Euron throws Balon off a bridge. Yara and Theon flee to find Dany. Dany will need ships. Wait, she already has ships. Okay, the harpies burn all of Dany's ships, so she needs ships. 1,000 ships. It will be like Euron vs. Yara in a race to see who can get Dany ships the fastest.

Meanwhile Tyrion's storyline was too dark last season. He needs to be funny again. More jokes. He could tell jokes and Missandei and Grey Worm all season.

Of course, none of this matters because the big Jon/Ramsay battle is what everyone is waiting for. Let's make it so the Starks face overwhelming odds and can't possibly win without Littlefinger's help.

Well, that was easy. Let's have lunch.


I kinda gave up on this show having proper pacing since season 1. They've never been able to convert the hodgepodge of storylines into anything resembling proper buildup.

(And that was before they had to adapt the material in which Martin lost the ability to do it as well :p)


Tommen is worse that Joffrey.

At least Joffrey would have stopped his mother and wife from being imprisoned by a bunch of fanatics, he'd have them wiped out so fast we'd forget about them the next episode.


As much as I hate Ramsay, it's strange that the show is positioning him as the big bad but ignores his storyline for four consecutive episodes. This entire season feels like a rough draft.

Remember the article that came out about how the first episode of the series was a piece of shit and they had to go and reshoot most of it? People watching it didn't even know that Jaime and Cersei were brother and sister.


Mazin actually saw the original pilot directed by Tom McCarthy of Spotlight, The Station Agent, and The Visitor fame and, along with a few friends, was asked to offer his opinion.

“Watching them watch that original pilot was one of the most painful experiences of my life,” Weiss said on the podcast. “As soon as it finished, Craig [Mazin] said, ‘You guys have a massive problem.’” Was it the flashback to Ned’s brother dying that was the issue? Jennifer Ehle’s original performance as Catelyn Stark? The “lunatic,” overwrought death of Jon Arryn? Or maybe it was the fact that, according to Benioff, “none of (our friends) realized that Jaime and Cersei were brother and sister, which is a major, major plot point that we had somehow failed to establish.”

Actually it was all of that. “I was taking notes,” Benioff says, “and I had this yellow legal pad, and I just remembered writing in all caps, ‘MASSIVE PROBLEM,’ and it’s all I could think about the rest of the night. Craig didn’t really have any great ideas except that he said ‘change everything.’”

Where is Craig Mazin today? They need him.


I would bang a hot farmer!
They've turned ASOIAF into the very Hollywood drek that Martin left Hollywood to escape. I understand that the show cannot be too complex and has to simplify things but these last two seasons have really ramped up the shoddy plotting and puzzling decisions. It doesn't seem like a lot of this stuff was well thought out, and instead it's clear they're rushing to an endgame (which will presumably be more similar to much of what Martin plans).


Seeing the preview for the next episode I realized that I'm getting tired of fantasy armies just forming in front of each other before making some glorious charge. I hope they don't go with that and use some tactics at least (I doubt it though :/ ).

I've been watching some videos about ancient battles and it seems armies most of the time didn't presented themselves and just charged but actually used ambushes or clashed by phases: first the scouts and cavalry then the main force and then the reserves.


There is a reason realistic sword fighting and realistic battles are never shown in film form:
They are boring as hell.

I'm not asking for a realistic battle. I just want something less simple than the typical formula : good army in front of bad army -> speech -> charge.

Making a simple ambush or pincer movement could actually add more climactic action than a lot of singular combat shots.


I'm not asking for a realistic battle. I just want something less simple than the typical formula : good army in front of bad army -> speech -> charge.

Making a simple ambush or pincer movement could actually add more climactic action than a lot of singular combat shots.

It's going to be even worst, a deus ex army will arrive at the last minute like every other fantasy battle ever.

Trust me I want the same as you, but I have zero hopes it will happen.
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