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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Awesome episode, I wonder how long until Cersei dies anf if it will be Dany or Jaime.
Also when will the white walkers begin ther offensive?


Don't give too much credit, there were leaks that turned out to be 100% true as of more than a month ago. Including the Tommen and Jon endings, and the TOJ.

They also telegraphed it pretty hard. Almost certain that next season the wall comes down. They had Benjen just state it again and its powers etc. When things like that happen you know what it means. Sort of like Theon and Yara sailing away anyone could guess they'd ally with Dany. Mentioning there is wildfire below the sept of baelor. The only things surprising were things like Tommen suicide and Arya murdering the Freys.


Wasn't there a gafer here who literally said the ending scene word by word?

Like dani sailing with a shot of her fleet then dragons zooming by and then credits? Lmao

Also the real question here is are the dragons going to fly the whole way there?

A lot of the major beats of the last two episodes got leaked a few weeks back.
Wasn't there a gafer here who literally said the ending scene word by word?

Like dani sailing with a shot of her fleet then dragons zooming by and then credits? Lmao

Also the real question here is are the dragons going to fly the whole way there?

I more so wonder if thats as big as they are going to get. After seeing the skulls in the red keep, Im hoping they will get much larger.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Anyone else a little disappointed the finale set up Dany to obliterate Cersei next season? The North and Vale will not help her and who knows about the Stormlands. The Iron Islands, Dorne and Reach are working with Dany's Unsullied and Dothraki horde to destroy her. The Lannister army can't possibly win and who knows how much control she really has over it.

Next season really must be more focused on the White Walkers than the Iron Throne.
I liked getting some of varys's dialogue from the ADWD epilogue in the Qyburn and Pycelle scene. Seems like a lot of this episode was making up for missed book speeches by giving them to other characters in similar scenarios.
The writing is bad because you can see how they have to resort to compressing time between scenes to start tying disparate plot threads together. Convenient flashbacks. People arriving in the nick of time to save the day. It has very little to do with "being able to see it coming" or not.

No, the time is being compressed because GRRM is fucking terrible at pacing. Martin spent thousands of pages setting up a mountain of plot lines and very little time progressing the plot (because even when he actually writes, he still procrastinates). Every book he writes is like that. Chapters and chapters of people muddling around, trying to figure out where whores go, and then at the end a dump truck full of plot twists gets dropped. The series ending was guaranteed to be like this as well, GRRM just never got to it.


I loved the Frey pie scene even if they bungled Arya's arc here and everyone is getting teleportation powers. It was silly they're hiding what's possibly going to end up being Rhaegar and Lyanna being married so Jon isn't actually a bastard (or his name, I'll have to go back and check) actually being legitimate, especially with playing up that he's a bastard I almost got teary eyed from it and that transition though. I wanted Margery to escape and was kind of bummed when she didn't but then Tommen casually killed himself and I forgot. They did a shitload of culling of characters and I kinda hope George really does follow suit since it should start to happen when certain POVs are no longer needed anyway. Cersei finally getting what she wanted, can't wait for the chaos of that which will follow.

I mean, if Jon's not a Snow, he's a Targaryen. If I were him I'd stick with Snow, especially in the North.
Anyone else a little disappointed the finale set up Dany to obliterate Cersei next season? The North and Vale will not helpe her and who knows about the Stormlands. The Iron Islands, Dorne and Reach are working to with Dany's Unsullied and Dothraki horde to destroy her. The Lannister army can't possibly win and who knows how much control she really has over it.

Next season really must be more focused on the White Walkers than the Iron Throne.
No. Because while seeing Cersei get her revenge on the high sparrow and that crazy bunch. Nothing brings me joy more than watching Cersei play the game, think she's doing good, but failing miserably

I love the Cersei POV chapters in the book because of it.


I bet Cersei will send Jaime to Winterfell to kill Sansa and Jon and Jaime says I promised Catelyn I would keep her daughters safe. She says fuck your honor you have none, you've become weak and pathetic. That is when he leaves KL and writes in the book defeated by the young wolf etc.


Everything was on point.

Loved the opening, reminded me of Scorcese. Cersei's costume game is legit this episode. Goddamn she looked fine and epic at the same time - she looked like she just leveled up, received a promotion.

Speaking of Scorcese, LF is basically James Woods to Sansa's Sharon Stone who might be marrying Jon Snow's Robert De Niro. Get rid of that pimp asshole LF before he's got Sansa hooked on smack and stealing money from the Winterfell bank.

I don't care about the teleportations. I laughed at Varys on the ship, but at the same time he was the one who put here there so it's fitting he be there. And if it wasn't for TP, then Arya wouldn't have had that epic moment. One of the best scenes ever.

God that last shot of Dany. The last shot of Cersei.

God, that music.

The brutal little children. Tommen's walk out (saw it coming when they froze on the open window, but damn).

How the fuck they gonna make the queen, who is already done with her trial, be forced to sit in the sept, though?

This might be the best made episode of GOT ever. The music, the pacing, the cinematography. Everything was amazing.

I can't say it better myself.


Is there a mechanism within the show's rules by which Jon can be legitimized as the Stark heir? He has the support of the North, but does he have a claim that is "proper"?

Who cares about succession and legitimacy? That's been a theme since like episode one that laws don't matter, what matters is if people are willing to follow you.

Ned died because he thought -- rightly -- that he had the legal authority to arrest Cersei but it didn't do shit for him. Once people are kneeling and declaring you King, laws of succession don't matter.
She never mentioned Jaime when she was reminding herself of who to kill.
Yeah so it's probably more of a "this is a piece of shit I'll kill just because his whole family fucked over the starks"

The fact she turned into a psycho makes me think she won't ever return to her siblings again. Or if she does it'll only be for the final battle where she dies.
Ya know I'm kinda salty that Jon got named king and Sansa didn't. Like, Winterfell is hers. They spent the whole season building up to her retaking her birthright only for her to get shafted by someone who has no claim. Only because he's Ned Stark's "son".

Keep on screwing the women over, D&D.

Seriously? This has to be a joke post right?

If it isn't a joke, I don't think we are watching the same show (or reading the same books but lets ignore the books since you are clearly only calling out the showrunners)

How are they screwing women over when they are represented by arguably the most powerful characters in the series? Cersei has just established herself as the most powerful PERSON in westeros, not just woman, but PERSON

Likewise, the same could be said for Dany as she makes her way TO Westeros. (being helped BY the women now ruling Dorne) And Arya is arguably the most badass character on the show

And let's not forget Lady Mormont... the houses didn't commit to Jon UNTIL she spoke up and called them all out.


Oh yeah... and Asha's (oh sorry Yara) claim to the Iron Islands... a character who THOUSANDS of iron born respected and sailed with out with her to pursue Dany .


Arya still has Melisandre and the leaders of the brotherhood on her list for selling Gendry, though I think they've de-empasized them in her most recent recitations.

And who just started to head south....


Not just one fan theory was confirmed today.

Varys got on that boat mid ocean voyage. How would he do that, you say? Well he'd certainly have to be able to navigate water very quickly. Perhaps without a boat? Merman confirmed.


I wonder what will happen when Tyrion and Sansa meet up again?

I could see them be like *shrugs*.

Not just one fan theory was confirmed today.

Varys got on that boat mid ocean voyage. How would he do that, you say? Well he'd certainly have to be able to navigate water very quickly. Perhaps without a boat? Merman confirmed.

If I were being an apologist I would say the scene takes places weeks later than the rest of the episode.

But as jarring as it was and still is, Varys being on the ship with her makes a lot of sense.

(I also wonder if they filmed this thinking he was still there and hadn't left mid-season and decided while filming he should show up in Dorne)

I think the only problem I have with him on the ship is that we didn't get a Dany/Varys meeting scene. THAT would have been interesting.
Man the Light of the Seven track is one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard whew.

Cersei's armor/dress is the best outfit on the show save the gold/white kingsguard uniform.
Who cares about succession and legitimacy? That's been a theme since like episode one that laws don't matter, what matters is if people are willing to follow you.

Ned died because he thought -- rightly -- that he had the legal authority to arrest Cersei but it didn't do shit for him. Once people are kneeling and declaring you King, laws of succession don't matter.

That's a good point, but a weak claim can embolden your enemies. Cersei's current claim to the throne according to the rules is probably the weakest we've seen on the show so far. She should be a regent at best. But then again, she has wildfire, so her de facto hold on the throne is pretty strong. But Dany will have legitimacy.


Who cares about succession and legitimacy? That's been a theme since like episode one that laws don't matter, what matters is if people are willing to follow you.

Ned died because he thought -- rightly -- that he had the legal authority to arrest Cersei but it didn't do shit for him. Once people are kneeling and declaring you King, laws of succession don't matter.

Nailed it.


Subete no aware
I really don't think you're giving the series enough credit here. I know a couple people who can't stand fantasy stuff and they were completely engrossed after the first episode. Just because a show involves a lot of drama between characters doesn't automatically put it on the same level as a soap opera.
I guess it's the idea that there was some subtlety in the storyline and how it's all crafted. I think as the show went on and people split off, it really just became a matter of moving the plot forward at any cost possible. Which is why it feels as if you see people seemingly teleport from one location to the next in between scenes. I honestly wonder if a shorter season will better serve the storytelling or just amplify the problem, but I guess we'll see in a year.


Bitches love smiley faces
Not just one fan theory was confirmed today.

Varys got on that boat mid ocean voyage. How would he do that, you say? Well he'd certainly have to be able to navigate water very quickly. Perhaps without a boat? Merman confirmed.

Varys is a secret Manderly?



Well, that's not a justification. It's a minor thing, unless we find ourselves in a new theater with new players looking to get involved in a major way politically next season, I just thought it was odd.

Here's a thought: do you think anyone is going to even entertain the idea of making an alliance with the white walkers next season? Factions are coalescing, Lannisters and Euron at least look to be on the losing side.


So, I guess it's The Seven Kingdoms In Name Only at this point, right? Lannisters have the Westerlands, the Stormlands, maybe the Riverlands?

Dany is gonna clean up

And damn I can't wait for Arya to tell John and Sansa she killed the Freys


Well, that's not a justification. It's a minor thing, unless we find ourselves in a new theater with new players looking to get involved in a major way politically next season, I just thought it was odd.

Here's a thought: do you think anyone is going to even entertain the idea of making an alliance with the white walkers next season? Factions are coalescing, Lannisters and Euron at least look to be on the losing side.

I sincerely doubt the Walkers will be portrayed as capable of speech or interested in anything but rolling over everything in their path.

People who are looking for things like Dany being a villain or the Others being more complex than an overwhelming alien force are probably going to be disappointed by both book and show. I'm sure we'll get more context and background that fleshes it out, but that's it.


How fucking badass are the Lannister tailors btw. They're on some Hugo Boss designing Nazi uniforms shit at this point.

D&D's Alliance human just leveled 60 with their warlock alt.

And here we were scared the costumes would drop in quality when the first few seasons' designer left.

Varys is a secret Manderly?



So, I guess it's The Seven Kingdoms In Name Only at this point, right? Lannisters have the Westerlands, the Stormlands, maybe the Riverlands?

Dany is gonna clean up

not if the night king cleans up first.

I'm willing to bet that dany is gonna land and then turn right back around for mereen when the night king takes over the south.
So, I guess it's The Seven Kingdoms In Name Only at this point, right? Lannisters have the Westerlands, the Stormlands, maybe the Riverlands?

Dany is gonna clean up

And damn I can't wait for Arya to tell John and Sansa she killed the Freys

It hasn't been mentioned at all in the show, but Stannis remnants still control Storms end as of book 5.

I'm sure DD will just yada yada it away as usual though.

Oh shit! That is quite the bomb dropped.
Yeah I had to spend 5 minutes explaining it to my parents tonight. They really screwed up going for drama + suspense over actually explaining the context for casual viewers.
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