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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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There are so many Azor Ahai prophecy teasers in the books, and the prophecy itself is so vague that you could reasonably apply it to several characters. I guess that's sort of the point.


This is probably the best episode of the series for me, just spectacular. its just a undeniable feeling of happiness seeing Daenerys finally going to Westeros.

So much goodness, the music, the CG, the sand snakes getting told to shut the fuck up, the costumes were top rank.

Euron had better be built up as the dark magic mother fucker I know him to be, otherwise he's just gonna be fodder to Dany's armada.

Also isn't jon's claim better than dany's for the throne and he could basically take winterfell too if Bran doesn't show up, because he's a dude he just out ranks the girls.

I kinda wish Young griff was a part of the show, 3 headed dragon and all.


So Dany actually has three kinds of ships, huh... Dornish, Pike-eese and Slavers. In that picture up there, I only see two, though. But I'm guessing the ones with square sails are from Yara since they're kind of viking style, and the triangular sails are more spanish style, and therefore Dorne. Which makes Varys' teleportation actually make sense... her had to return with those ships before Dany's forces could depart.

She has her ships, from Dorne (yellow sails), Pyke and Tyrell (green sails)
Yeah, that's why I still believe that Aegon will be a major player in the books (and that he is actually Aegon and not a Blackfyre). He's the only one that actually could pose a plausible threat to Dany when she comes. He's got the support of Dorne, Varys and maybe others, a big army and he'd be the true heir.

"Aegon" is absolutely a Blackfyre. GRRM left just as many clues and hints for it as he did for R+L=J


I think LF is banking on Sansa not liking being second to Jon and she will convert to gain more power. But what would I know lol.


But Tyrion is there.

Is this the theory that he's really the mad kings son?

I'm still pissed Arianne wasn't included, it would have been so easy and made more sense for her to be princess of dorne and to be running shit then Oberyn's fucking girlfriend.


see, that's exactly what I was thinking, yet she's Queen now and I suspect blowing up the Sept will have no consequences for her next season besides the fact that Jaime is probably (and by that I mean very likely) going to kill her

"There will be no consequences for Cersei other than death"



Shes #1 imo. Shes adorable and brilliant at the same time
LF looked salty as fuck when Jon was declared King in the North.

Sansa is going to fuck it all up for Jon somehow by being involved with Littlefinger. Especially considering Littlefinger said how he only makes decisions if it leads to him on the Iron Throne with Sansa by his side. He doesn't give a fat fuck about anyone else. Sansa refuses him at every turn but eventually she will start to see his ways and want more power.


"Aegon" is absolutely a Blackfyre. GRRM left just as many clues and hints for it as he did for R+L=J

I don't know. The big red flag why he wouldn't be a Blackfyre is the epilogue of ADwD. Varys has no reason to lie about Aegon to Kevan, so why would he say that Aegon is the true king? That said. it's been a while since I last read it, so I don't precisely remember the wording.
She didn't know what Cersei was up to exactly... but she knew something was going to happen. Both her AND the King are absent from the trial? Shits about the go down.
Yeah, she said something that made absolute sense, something to the effect of "she's not worried about the consequences of not being here, because there won't be consequences". I mean, Margaery knows Cersei. She realized all of her (Cersei's) enemies were there. It doesn't take a Stark to put two and two together.


sparkle this bitch
So as it sounds now.

Targ, Martell, and Tyrell have all teamed up with some Ironmen.

Lannisters stand alone, but with the Iron Throne behind them.

The Starks have once again united, most likely with the Tully's.

The wildcard's are what Little/Vale are going to do and Euron.

And then Team WhtieWalker still walking.
Yeah, she said something that made absolute sense, something to the effect of "she's not worried about the consequences of not being here, because there won't be consequences". I mean, Margaery knows Cersei. She realized all of her (Cersei's) enemies were there. It doesn't take a Stark to put two and two together.

But a Stark would just think she was sick and wait patiently for her to arrive.
Was Kevan in this episode? I didn't see him.

Blown up in the Sept with everyone else.

What is Ser Gregor doing to the Septa? He's a zombie. She'll be dead in 5 minutes.

It's implied that it's torture or rape or something, but we don't know.

How has Kings Landing not rioted when its so obvious that Cersei just took out the beloved Tyrells, The Faith and the King and proclaimed herself Queen overnight?

Cersei has a massive army, a zombie warrior who literally can rip people apart, and just blew up the entire Sept of Baelor and its surroundings with a massive stash of wildfire. Do you really think the people of King's Landing wouldn't shit their pants? What are they gonna do against her troops? Fear and power can be just as legitimate means of rule as love and benevolence.

Why didn't Arya kill Jaime instead of wasting time killing several men and baking them?

Cause Jaime never was on Arya's hitlist. And Walder Frey's sons directly were responsible for killing Arya's family.

Why did Jon just usurp Sansa's seat?

Cause men generally are preferred as rulers to women, especially in the North. I assume that Jon getting named King in the North while Sansa just got passed over might lead to some conflict in the upcoming season(s), however.

Why did Varys go all the way back to Mereen just to be on a boat headed for Westeros?

He's basically an emissary. The nobles in Westeros know Varys, and the ruling party of Mereen knows Varys. He goes to Westeros to find allies, and he goes back to Mereen to tell Dany that he found allies.

Why can't Dany, a powerful Queen not take a lover in Westeros when she had no qualms of doing so WHILE married in Mereen? She's dragging a huge army of foriegn eunachs and Dothraki with her but is worried about what people might think of her fucking some guy?

Her army's composition doesn't matter, and she always was a foreigner in Mereen. What does matter however, is that she wants the support of the people and noble houses in Westeros. Making an alliance through marriage with a powerful house might be exactly what she needs in order to gain that support. That would however be dampened if she brought along her fucktoy.

Remember that this isn't a world where men and women are equal. Men having mistresses is fine (albeit frowned upon I'm sure), but women - even powerful women like Dany - no.


That finale fucking sucked.

What a disappointment after last week. Started off great with the King's Landing stuff. Loved the Cersei got her revenge. Loved how paranoid Margery was getting at the Sept. Absolutely hated that the children were the ones who murdered Pycelle, and incapacitated Lancel. I watched the movie
Sinister this weekend, and I enjoyed that until it was revealed that children were doing the killings. It totally deflated the build up the movie was doing.
Children are fucking lame killers. And on top of that, why was the Septa given to Gregor, rather than Qyburn? If you want to keep her alive while torturing her then Qyburn makes more sense. Not to mention he's way fucking creepier. Okay whatever, I can deal with the shortcomings of that opening. It was still really good. And, I also liked that Tommen killed himself.

- Walder Frey and Jaimie converstion... Good stuff. Felt like Jaimie had a genuine disgust for Walder. Loved that Walder told Jaimie they were both one and the same. Kingslayers. Jaimie looked repulsed.

- Samwell at the Citadel... Whatever, who cares? Just moving the story along.

- Davos vs Meli... Actually liked the confrontation. Although, it did make me sad for Melisandre, which is fucking weird given the fucked up shit she's done. Good scene, although it's strange that Jon would have an issue with her killing Shireen given that Stannis ultimately gave the order. And, Jon himself has killed a child.

- Sand Snakes vs Ornella.... Fuck off Dorne. Just fuck off. Olenna made that scene. Fucking sucks that Varys has aligned himself with them, but whatever. Guess that makes the most logical sense.

- Arya vs Walder... The fucking worst. The lowest point of this episode for me. The point where I came to the realization that this episode was garbage. I like the idea of a Stark getting revenge. I like the macabre thought of someone feeding Frey his own children. I fucking hate that Arya was the one that did it. I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of shit, but you mean to tell me that Arya snuck into the Twins, killed his children while no one noticed, mutilated their bodies, had the culinary skills to somehow hide the fact that they were put into baked food until the moment of the reveal? I'm supposed to buy that? OK I gave up on Stoneheart 1-2 seasons ago. BUT, wouldn't it make more sense for Stoneheart and her people, in a concerted effort, to pull that off rather than Arya magically making her way to the Twins and doing all that on her own? Just an absolutely lame scene.

- Bran/Eddard/Lyanna... Woo, the fucking reveal. Could they have picked worst actors to play Ned or Lyanna? No, I think they actually picked the worst actors. Holy shit. Whatever emotional impact that reveal could have given us was totally wasted here.

- Jon and the Northern houses... Feels like I've seen this scene done 100 times already on this show. WHATEVER

- Cersei getting crownd... LOVED IT. Just love the look on Jaime's face. Now I'm interested to see how Jaimie will respond.

- Anything Dany this episode... DON'T GIVE A FUCK. Tired. Just tired of them constantly finishing each season with Dany material. She's the fucking worst. That final scene did absolutely nothing for me. I know her journey to Westeros was LOOOONG overdue, but that scene didn't get a rise out of me at all. Every fucking season, at least from what I can recall, has ended with Dany. And with the exception of the first season, each of these scenes have been a massive let down.

I'm obviously annoyed... But, it's just so disappointing to see how this season ended, given how how great last week's episode was. They talked about how long the episode was going to be. I was expecting something great. Especially given that this is all new material. And yet, I was left really let down by the new advancements in the plot.


Will Aegon be forgotten completely from show?

I'm also bit worried that if ending is supposed to be the same, missing characters won't be important to end game on the books either. Of course D&D can share and move plotpoints to other characters too as they have already done.

The only ones important to the endgame are Bran, Arya, Tyrion, Jon, Dany and Sansa. This is their story.

Anything other characters do can be consolidated to another character


Is this the theory that he's really the mad kings son?

Yeah. People always laugh about that one but even the show is kinda going there. Unless they're deliberately trying to mislead book readers, which is possible.

I'm still #teamsecrettarg.


Nobody seemed to believe Jon when he explained the White Walkers too them, they were like how do we make him shutup, I know, let's make him King!

That's but really true either. Davos convinced Lyanna to join their team because of ice zombies. (Forget that they no real proof of this)


LF looked salty as fuck when Jon was declared King in the North.

Sansa is going to fuck it all up for Jon somehow by being involved with Littlefinger. Especially considering Littlefinger said how he only makes decisions if it leads to him on the Iron Throne with Sansa by his side. He doesn't give a fat fuck about anyone else. Sansa refuses him at every turn but eventually she will start to see his ways and want more power.

She said like half a scene before that Jon was as much a Stark to her as she was and that he should be in their parents' bedroom, not her. The entire basis of Littlefinger's "oh shit" look was his PUA-style plan to get Sansa in the garden because he saved the day failed, and his mistake in judgment was highlighted by how Sansa reacted to LF when he called John a motherless bastard.

John's 100% family, and Sansa is the only one who knows Littlefinger well enough to protect John from whatever he's scheming.


Yeah, Cersei did what the Mad King only attempted, and Jaime killed him for that. Jaime's never really considered himself a bad guy, this is going to be the turning point for him on the show.

Didn't he kill his cousin when Brienne and he were going to King's Landing? Or was that just in the book?

No he never kills Cleos. Jaime does kill his cousin named Alton Lannister on the show though.
She said like half a scene before that Jon was as much a Stark to her as she was and that he should be in their parents' bedroom, not her. The entire basis of Littlefinger's "oh shit" look was his PUA-style plan to get Sansa in the garden because he saved the day failed, and his mistake in judgment was highlighted by how Sansa reacted to LF when he called John a motherless bastard.

John's 100% family, and Sansa is the only one who knows Littlefinger well enough to protect John from whatever he's scheming.

I honestly hope so. Littlefingers plot is drying up rather quickly. I can't even imagine what cards he would whip out to cause trouble for Jon, tbh.


Now that the season has ended, what did it "spoil" in The Winds of Winter? I can't think of many things.

-- Jon will be resurrected (although we don't know how or why nor do we know how he'll change)

-- Hodor's name comes from "Hold the Door"

-- Dany goes to Westeros

-- The Children of the Forest created the White Walkers

-- R+L=J

That might be it? It's kind of incredible, really, how few things were spoiled. We can guess if other events will happens (Cercei blowing up the sept, Arya leaving Braavos, Ramsay dying, Sam stealing his father's sword), but I have no idea if they will play out the same way or at all. Chances are that very few, if any, things will play out in the same manner.


Yeah. People always laugh about that one but even the show is kinda going there. Unless they're deliberately trying to mislead book readers, which is possible.

I'm still #teamsecrettarg.

I dunno its undeniably cool, but I like the fact that Tyrion takes after Tywin and its a quote somewhere that tywin got pissed off when someone told him that.
Nobody seemed to believe Jon when he explained the White Walkers too them, they were like how do we make him shutup, I know, let's make him King!

I believe books and show stated the North always believed that the White Walkers were real. Its the Southern lands that thinks they're just a myth.
Also regarding the rape implications with the septa

I thought it was weird that Cersei introduced Robert Strong as Gregor Clegane, but then I realized what he's famous for doing.

And the unbuckling. And Cersei saying "shame, shame.." on her way out.

Oh boy. :/
Also regarding the rape implications with the septa

I thought it was weird that Cersei introduced Robert Strong as Gregor Clegane, but that I realized what he's famous for doing.

And the unbuckling. And Cersei saying "shame, shame.." on her way out.

Oh boy. :/

Whoa, I might have to watch this again. Was this really the implication? I thought he was just going to start breaking bones and tearing limbs off.


Also regarding the rape implications with the septa

I thought it was weird that Cersei introduced Robert Strong as Gregor Clegane, but that I realized what he's famous for doing.

And the unbuckling. And Cersei saying "shame, shame.." on her way out.

Oh boy. :/
I just read the EW interview with Lena Headey. She said this about that scene:
And you took out Septa Unella, with some private time.
It’s so filthy. It’s so great. Everybody’s witnessed what happened with the two of them. I don’t think people will be able to help going, “Yes!” But it’s so depraved, it’s brilliant. The scene was meant to be worse, but they couldn’t do it. This is like the tame version. It’s pretty bad still though. I’d take being exploded in the Sept over that any day.


What's really the point of R+L = J? I mean Dany is still legitimate, unlike Jon who is still a bastard unless there was some secret wedding that can be proven, and Dany is the daughter of the king while Jon is only the son of the prince. And certainly no one else gives a fuck about Targaryens, neither the commoners nor any of the other houses could actually care less if the throne goes to someone with Targaryen blood or not.

It's for Jon to struggle with. Internal conflict for him. He just got everything he ever wanted. Time to pull the rug from under him and reveal whose son he really is undercutting his victory and feeling betrayed

The smallfolk and most of the lords of Wesreros won't believe Jon is a Targ anyways.
I was hoping they were moving in a direction where the meta story is Varys vs Littlefinger each backing their chosen candidate (Dany vs Jon) and the final season was them moving the pieces into motion for a final confrontation. Tyron even mentions the Great Game in this episode which was the conflict between Britain and Russia over the Middle East in the 19th century. With Littlefinger making his intentions too obvious I feel like he's going to die soon and there is going to be no conflict between Jon and Dany. Instead its going to be everyone vs White Walkers which is the most boring thing they could possibly do.
The only ones important to the endgame are Bran, Arya, Tyrion, Jon, Dany and Sansa. This is their story.
Well, Sansa and Arya could be killed and it wouldn't affect the true endgame: White Walkers & Retaking King's Landing + Re-uniting the Seven. For that only Dany and Jon are needed (not shipping, ugh) and perhaps Tyrion or Bran (third dragon + warging into white walkers)?


"There will be no consequences for Cersei other than death"


I mean, she was gonna die either way. I can already see Jaime "The Things I do For Love" Lannister stabbing his One True Love™ in an act of desperate defiance shortly before perishing himself, with many tears and sad music playing in the background. You know it's going to happen


Yeah, I was really hoping that whole thing would be a red herring and we'd just see Ned fuck some servant girl at the Tower of Joy instead. The whole secret bloodline bullshit is exactly the kind of fantasy tropes GoT doesn't need. Politically it has no meaning, except it weakens his claim to Winterfell I guess, and there is really no proof anyway. So the alternative is some silly chosen one crap because of his special heritage.

It has meaning for Jon. That's pretty much what that's for.
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