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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Hang on a minute, if the other Tyrrell sons were written out of the show then who was it that the Queen of Thorns planned to marry Sansa to in season two?


where did benjen take brann? looked like some thick forest? and why did they stay outside of it if the dead cant enter
I was hoping they were moving in a direction where the meta story is Varys vs Littlefinger each backing their chosen candidate (Dany vs Jon) and the final season was them moving the pieces into motion for a final confrontation. Tyron even mentions the Great Game in this episode which was the conflict between Britain and Russia over the Middle East in the 19th century. With Littlefinger making his intentions too obvious I feel like he's going to die soon and there is going to be no conflict between Jon and Dany. Instead its going to be everyone vs White Walkers which is the most boring thing they could possibly do.
Yeah, the game of political/family intrigue is pretty much over at this point. Unless Varys is setting up Dany and Cersei manages to actually hold control over King's Landing and ally with a strong force (Euron?) then it's just going to be the battle for King's Landing and then the defense against the Walkers.


Now that the season has ended, what did it "spoil" in The Winds of Winter? I can't think of many things.

-- Jon will be resurrected (although we don't know how or why nor do we know how he'll change)

-- Hodor's name comes from "Hold the Door"

-- Dany goes to Westeros

-- The Children of the Forest created the White Walkers

That might be it? It's kind of incredible, really, how few things were spoiled. We can guess if other events will happens (Cercei blowing up the sept, Arya leaving Braavos, Ramsay dying, Sam stealing his father's sword), but I have no idea if they will play out the same way or at all. Chances are that very few, if any, things will play out in the same manner.

I feel pretty confident saying things like Jon will come back, Ramsay and Frey will die in dramatic scenes, Hodor will hold a door, there will be a wildfire explosion set off by Cersei, and she'll become Queen with Qyburn as hand, but the circumstances behind all of those events seem like they'll be very different.

My money is still on Shireen's sacrifice being the trigger for Jon's resurrection in the book, Sansa's not around to feed Ramsay to dogs, and I still think he could die to Stannis' attack in the book, Frey probably dies to the Brotherhood instead of Arya, and who knows how exactly the wildfire will come into play in King's Landing, given that the books seem to be setting up a Sand Snake plot for KL that I assume has to play out before the wildfire goes off. I imagine they'll be the ones to kill Tommen and Myrcella (since surely an 8-year-old isn't killing himself in the books) and that will maybe trigger Cersei's wildfire scheme and crowning of herself? And given the timeline of the trial, I assume that means Cersei does somehow get out of her trial in the books, instead of blowing it up.

Basically, the show gives us certain big visual moments, but all of the details will probably change. Like GRRM told them Cersei blows up part of the city, but it was up to them to figure out how to get there.


I imagine them spelling out the Septa will be continously raped for days on end would set off some the viewers and critics so they just implied it.
where did benjen take brann? looked like some thick forest? and why did they stay outside of it if the dead cant enter

I would assume it's the edge of the Haunted Forest since it has to be close to the Wall.

I thought that's who Sansa imagined she was marrying but the QoT actually was going to marry her to a dink son instead. I could be blending the show with the book after so much time has past though.

You're blending the books with the show. Loras is the only son of the Tyrells in the show. In the books, the QoT was going to marry Sansa to Willas Tyrell, who had a crippled leg.


I thought that's who Sansa imagined she was marrying but the QoT actually was going to marry her to a dink son instead. I could be blending the show with the book after so much time has past though.

You are. In the book she's going to be married to Willas, the crippled heir to Highgarden. In the show, she was going to be married to Loras, who is the heir in this version.

I would assume it's the edge of the Haunted Forest since it has to be close to the Wall.

Yeah, the implication was that was as close to the Wall as he could get, and Bran and Meera are going to Castle Black.

Also, on the Gregor/Unella stuff, I definitely got the rape implication there, though they kept just far away enough from it to give them plausible deniability. Also, watching that scene, I felt like we were about to get a really depraved version of the Myrish swamp for a minute....


His legit son and daughter were killed by the Mountain, and their bodies shown to Robert Baratheon by Tywin Lannister. Jon is the heir, by default.

Jon is no more the heir to Rhaegar and Aerys than Gendry is to Robert.

No marriage has been mentioned so Jon is a Targ bastard but even if Rhaegar and Lyanna were married, most people won't see it as valid as he was already married if Jon can even prove that he's their son

Only Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel ever did the poly route. And Aegon did it before he converted to the Faith and conquered Westeror and the Faith a shit fit when Maegor did it


holy fuck

This was a stellar finale. Ffs though, they killed Margaery.

Anyway, the Lannister's side certainly seems far weaker than Jon or Dany. It would be hilarious if they team up with the Night's King.
I imagine them spelling out the Septa will be continously raped for days on end would set off some the viewers and critics so they just implied it.
Now I'm just imaging the logistics of this. Because he's a zombie he never has to stop raping so she'll literally be raped for days on end until she dies of internal bleeding?


Rewatching the episode. The music cues are off-the-charts good.

The building tension of the first 15 minutes. The same theme, becoming a string verison of The Rains of Castamere during Cersei's coronation. The sweeping Stark music during the Tower of Joy cut. The Targaryen/Stark hybrid theme that plays over the credits.

Ramin Djawadi deserves some serious props.
with Dany barren technically the only way to continue the Targaryen line would be for Jon to have a child.

I wonder if that will ever be brought up.


sooo, does anyone doubt that Jon will change his name before the end? Snow is a bastards name.
I wonder if he will call himself Jon Stark or Jon Targaryen, maybe they go super progressive and call him Jon Targaryen-Stark.

Jon Stark. Ned raised him and children can take their mother's name.

Rhaegar is just Jon's sperm donor

El Jaffe

I dunno its undeniably cool, but I like the fact that Tyrion takes after Tywin and its a quote somewhere that tywin got pissed off when someone told him that.
Yeah Jaime was talking to his aunt Genna, Tywin's sister, about being a successor worthy of Tywin the quote she said was exactly

Genna Lannister said:
Jaime," she said, tugging on his ear, "sweetling, I have known you since you were a babe at Joanna's breast. You smile like Gerion and fight like Tyg, and there's some of Kevan in you, else you would not wear that cloak... but Tyrion is Tywin's son, not you. I said so once to your father's face, and he would not speak to me for half a year.

So I also agree that if Tyrion winds up not being Tywin's son, Ill be more disappointed than anything.
in that case why not use a weirwood on the other side of the wall, or is the one in winterfell the only one and they dont know its accessible again?

Because going to Winterfell would take them days if not weeks? I don't know why Bran felt the need to get that vision right there at that moment, but I assume that's why he didn't wait.


It's implied that it's torture or rape or something, but we don't know.
Perfect work for a zombie. Poor Qyburn.

Cersei has a massive army, a zombie warrior who literally can rip people apart, and just blew up the entire Sept of Baelor and its surroundings with a massive stash of wildfire. Do you really think the people of King's Landing wouldn't shit their pants? What are they gonna do against her troops? Fear and power can be just as legitimate means of rule as love and benevolence.
She obviously doesn't have a massive army. They went through a bunch of wars and had to ally with the Tyrells. She just sent Jaime away with a bunch of men. Kings Landing rioted over a cowpie in Joffs face. Kings Landing rioted and killed a bunch of Dragons over a madmans prophesy in the past. Cersei is the hated whore queen who everyone threw shit at as she was paraded naked. No ones afraid of her.

Cause Jaime never was on Arya's hitlist. And Walder Frey's sons directly were responsible for killing Arya's family.
Not being on her list never stopped her before. Jaime nearly killed her dad and killed a bunch of Stark men. This is worse than her not killing Tywin.
Cause men generally are preferred as rulers to women, especially in the North. I assume that Jon getting named King in the North while Sansa just got passed over might lead to some conflict in the upcoming season(s), however.
He just gave Winterfell to her in the previous scene. But here he just kind of awkwardly decides to take it without making sure its what she wants.
He's basically an emissary. The nobles in Westeros know Varys, and the ruling party of Mereen knows Varys. He goes to Westeros to find allies, and he goes back to Mereen to tell Dany that he found allies.
Its awkward editing.
Her army's composition doesn't matter, and she always was a foreigner in Mereen. What does matter however, is that she wants the support of the people and noble houses in Westeros. Making an alliance through marriage with a powerful house might be exactly what she needs in order to gain that support. That would however be dampened if she brought along her fucktoy.

Remember that this isn't a world where men and women are equal. Men having mistresses is fine (albeit frowned upon I'm sure), but women - even powerful women like Dany - no.

The Queen can do whatever she wants. Previous Targ queens had lovers. She even admits she may not marry as that is incredibly unlikely unless she marries.... Jon. Maybe remember that this a world where Yara will be the first Queen of the Iron Islands, Dorne is ruled by Oberyn's paramore, Kings Landing, Highgarden...


She just blew up all her competition, literally, destroyed the great sept, and showed everyone in King's Landing that she gives no fucks anymore. She also has a zombie headsmasher as a bodyguard. With no one left to oppose her, who would be stupid enough to object to such a coronation? Might makes right. What rightful claim did Robert have? I don't think this is particularly different.

Well Aerys and his line was attainted after he did a bunch of lunatic shit and Robert was next in line after him.

I mean Robert and Aerys are cousins.

And Robert only rebelled in self defense so he had a big claim actually
You're blending the books with the show. Loras is the only son of the Tyrells in the show. In the books, the QoT was going to marry Sansa to Willas Tyrell, who had a crippled leg.

You are. In the book she's going to be married to Willas, the crippled heir to Highgarden. In the show, she was going to be married to Loras, who is the heir in this version.
Oh, I really wish that I realized this last night. I really didn't understand the significance of the Tyrells being wiped out now (although Loras had already given up his claim but maybe the QoT doesn't know that).

How can the QoT and the Martells get any real revenge against Cersei now anyway? She's already lost everything she really cared about and is practically insane.
We again saw Jon being bad at communication. I hope at the start of season 7 we get Jon breaking down what exactly the army is to the other heads of houses in the north. And actually get detailed about it. That they need moats of oil ready to light on fire, etc. Hey guys, we should go burn all of those bodies asap. It was annoying that he was so cryptic in his speech.


What proof does people have that Cersei was responsible for the explosion?

"Sadly the mad king aerys had a stash of wild fire under the sept. It is not known how but something ignited the wild fire"

It's not something an average joe would know.


Oh, I really wish that I realized this last night. I really didn't understand the significance of the Tyrells being wiped out now (although Loras had already given up his claim but maybe the QoT doesn't know that).

How can the QoT and the Martells get any real revenge against Cersei now anyway? She's already lost everything she really cared about and is practically insane.

by castrating her brother maybe, yikes.


What proof does people have that Cersei was responsible for the explosion?

"Sadly the mad king aerys had a stash of wild fire under the sept. It is not known how but something ignited the wild fire"

It's not something an average joe would know.

Oh wow, all of the Queen's enemies died in a convienent explosion in which she wasn't present. How very convienent for her.

I'm sure she had nothing to do with it.


Just rewatched the episode and noticed Varys was standing on the ship with Dany. How the fuck? Lol. Great episode. Time to go watch Linda's review and see how she rips it a new one. I Think Lyana calling Ned her big brother is probably going to bother her.


Yeah Jaime was talking to his aunt Genna, Tywin's sister, about being a successor worthy of Tywin the quote she said was exactly

So I also agree that if Tyrion winds up not being Tywin's son, Ill be more disappointed than anything.

He doesn't need to be the biological son for this to make sense. I'd argue it makes it even more interesting, too
What proof does people have that Cersei was responsible for the explosion?

"Sadly the mad king aerys had a stash of wild fire under the sept. It is not known how but something ignited the wild fire"

It's not something an average joe would know.

I would think Cersei would WANT people to know she killed all her enemies in one swift stroke.

"Don't fuck with me" is the message.

Its not smart at all, but it would be wholly in character for her at this point.
Let's give it up for the best performance on the show since the death of Tywin.

Agreed. Pryce was absolutely wonderful.


That was basically a scapegoat to give him some legitimacy to the throne. He won it by right of conquest. Might makes right, basically the foundation of Renly's claim as well. There have been countless events in real history where some dude took a throne just because. I was a bit surprised they didn't bring back the Elvis Septon for her coronation though. The High Septon normally handles that task, not the Hand of the King. Eh screw it, you don't nee the rules when you've got wildfire.

Also on reddit I've noticed people point this out.

Apparently, a lot of bastards reverse their colors (kinda like the Blackfyres). So Jon Snow's Stark sigil would be a white wolf on grey, the opposite of the grey wolf on white we normally see. Though I checked and in the show the map always had a white wolf on grey. FORESHADOWING? D&D ARE GENIUSES

No he didn't. Robert wasn't just some eight cousin once removed.

He was thenext relative over that wasn't descended to Aerys.

Aerys' claim was attainted as a result of his and Rhaegar.

And by the end of the rebellion, he would've been third or second in line after Viserys and possibly Daenerys.


What proof does people have that Cersei was responsible for the explosion?

"Sadly the mad king aerys had a stash of wild fire under the sept. It is not known how but something ignited the wild fire"

It's not something an average joe would know.

All of Cersei's enemies died in the explosion, the king committed suicide right after and not even a week after that she usurps the throne. I think the average joe would also think that's a bit suspicious.
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