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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Great episode, though much of it was hinted a bit too heavily.

I can totally see Cersei marrying Euron, the axis of evil against Daenerys (
Go Cersei

John Dunbar

correct about everything
No one does. It's like Dany just entered some playstation cheat codes, wonder how she's going to fuck-up this auto-win. She's going to Westeros with Unsullied, Dothraki, Greyjoys, Martells, Tyrells, the counsel of Varys and Tyrion and 3 large dragons.

tv needs drama, so something must happen to her armies.

she's basically the impossibly strong evil that that needs to be defeated against all odds.


Lyanna Mormont, even though she's a ten year old girl, has more balls than everybody in that room put together.


What's interesting is that indeed, to the victors the spoils go, and they basically have no less than three houses that were basically wiped out during the Battle of the Bastards: Umber, Karstark and Bolton.

Not sure who will want to take over House Bolton and the Dreadfort tbh (I could imagine Jon and Sansa ordering the complete dismantling / splitting of said house's properties and erasing it entirely from the list of Northern houses).

I could imagine Ser Davos and Tormund being asked if they'd like to start their own houses after fighting for House Stark, and seeing how Davos is now tying himself up to the "King in the North". Establishing Tormund as a Lord would also help safeguarding his wildling companions in the north and bring them legitimacy. Not sure he's going to be thrilled at the idea hehe.


They have to cast Howland Reed on the show for this to work.
Still let's ignore all of this for a moment and assume people are made aware of his parentage somehow.

What about the questions I raised then?

Also can a (presumed) bastard be legitimised like this according the lore ?

Finally wouldn't Jon have a higher claim to the throne considering he is Rhaegar's firstborn while Danny is Rhaegar's sister? Or does the line of succession not matter if the throne is achieved through conquest, but even in that case if the conquest is a joint one from both Danny and Jon then what who sits on that painful throne ?


tv needs drama, so something must happen to her armies.

she's basically the impossibly strong evil that that needs to be defeated against all odds.

I was thinking that Cersei would threaten to blow up the entirety of Kings Landing if Dany tries invading the city. So maybe they will be in some sort of stalemate for awhile until Euron rides up from behind with a thousand ships and fights them.


How on earth does Jon find out about his parentage? We saw it through Brans visions. If Bran tells him then what? People just take his word for it?

Would Bran even want to tell him? Jon's kind of taken on a job that hinges on him being Ned's son. Doubt Bran wants to take away from that.

Whenever we get to the point where Jon does need to know, I imagine Howland will have to show up so everyone knows it's legit.


Who gets the iron throne between those two then ? :p
And Jon would be Danny's nephew no?

Well...she said she wants to smash the wheel...so maybe they both sit a throne of their own? Finally get rid of the ugly (albeit iconic) iron throne? I'm shipping Dany and Jon pretty hard tho. I even have his resurrection being some sort of loophole that allows him to get Dany pregnant.
Would Littlefinger actually be a good king, when it's all said and done? Sure you have him putting the crown into massive debt with the Iron Bank but all that may well have been a deliberate attempt to undermine and weaken Westeros. Would LF be an actual good ruler or is he a male Cersei who knows who to scheme and plot but no idea how to actually govern?


Well...she said she wants to smash the wheel...so maybe they both sit a throne of their own? Finally get rid of the ugly (albeit iconic) iron throne? I'm shipping Dany and Jon pretty hard tho. I even have his resurrection being some sort of loophole that allows him to get Dany pregnant.
Sex with a formerly dead person .
That's David Cage level of stuff.


Would Littlefinger actually be a good king, when it's all said and done? Sure you have him putting the crown into massive debt with the Iron Bank but all that may well have been a deliberate attempt to undermine and weaken Westeros. Would LF be an actual good ruler or is he a male Cersei who knows who to scheme and plot but no idea how to actually govern?
Guy is power hungry, what's to say he will stop and wouldn't do something that leads to his own demise?
euron will have one scene in season 7:

euron: are the ships ready?
iron islander 1: well, there is one problem
euron: what?
iron islander 2: sir, there are no trees
euron: ...

euron (cont): Go back to your homes. Grab every seed you can find, pick up your shovels and watering cans and start planting. I want every man digging holes, I want every woman putting seeds in those holes and covering them with dirt. Grow me 100,000 trees, and I will give you lumber to build me 1000 ships... and I will give you this world!


That was a happy ending for all the major characters (except maybe Jamie?). Pretty strange having such a happy season of Game of Thrones.


I'm guessing Cercei sailing over to Westeros takes place weeks after Cercei is corinated. As the news of the sept has to travel to Higharden, then Olenna must travel to Dorne, speak to Varys, who travels to Mereen and then meets up with everyone there before they sail over.

How many seasons left?
It was due. You can't just keep shitting on all your main characters. Though it won't last long, the interests of all characters conflict with others.

I look forward to splices of Nixon demanding Gorbachev "tear down that wall" and the wall falling.

I'm guessing Cercei sailing over to Westeros takes place weeks after Cercei is corinated. As the news of the sept has to travel to Higharden, then Olenna must travel to Dorne, speak to Varys, who travels to Mereen and then meets up with everyone there before they sail over.

Varys already left for Dorne before the Sept blew up.


Arya seems a bit pointless now. Who's left on her list, the Mountain? Cersei? She doesn't get to kill Cersei. The Hound? And It's not like Walter Frey ever mattered after the Red Wedding. Plus, they probably can't do the mask gimmik again without it getting tiresome/repetitive. Just kill her off please, no one really buys this badass assassin nonsense. She would have required a time jump spanning at least half a decade of training to make it remotey believeable, and even then Maisie Williams just can't sell it


Did I miss something with the kid luring the sparrow to the wildfire?

It seemed like a careful thought out part of the plan, making sure to be seen, taking him right to the stuff, stabbing him in a way to immobilize his legs but not kill him.
All that effort to... rub it in?


Because just make her fire immune. People are always confused about it, and things you have to answer in interviews because they're unclear in the text are dumb. CloudWolf on the last page cited GRR claiming he's not doing Deus Exes, but Dany surviving a raging pyre by a one-time, totally unanticipatable and unreproducable miracle is a Deus Ex.

1) Mirri Maz Duur chants in a tent to resurrect a dead man and summon demons
2) Mirri Maz Duur performs a different chant on a funeral pyre
3) Dany doesn't get burned when she walks into the flames
4) Dany gets burned elsewhere when she's touched by fire

If people didn't pick up on that being a special event than that's on them. The only time she was ever "immune" to fire is when a magical woman was chanting. Just because people were confused doesn't mean George didn't properly show how Dany's fire resistance works.

Just like people who think Ned fucked Lyanna even though D&D laid the foundation for Jon's parentage and established Ned as honorable. People often ignore evidence. It happens even when the writing is good.
Arya seems a bit pointless now. Who's left on her list, the Mountain? Cersei? She doesn't get to kill Cersei. The Hound? And It's not like Walter Frey ever mattered after the Red Wedding. Plus, they probably can't do the mask gimmik again without it getting tiresome/repetitive. Just kill her off please, no one really buys this badass assassin nonsense. She would have required a time jump spanning at least half a decade of training to make it remotey believeable, and even then Maisie Williams just can't sell it

What show are you watching?
Did I miss something with the kid luring the sparrow to the wildfire?

It seemed like a careful thought out part of the plan, making sure to be seen, taking him right to the stuff, stabbing him in a way to immobilize his legs but not kill him.
All that effort to... rub it in?

I was thinking the same thing. It's just one of those things that requires suspension of disbelief, really.


I kinda agree with PQ here although I think the KL plot up to Tomme'a death worked really well. Tommen's suicide was just black comedy that took me out of the moment.

"The aesthetic and ambition staggered me as I’m sure they did most. The way KL played out like a horror movie, the sheer gorgeousness of Oldtown and the Dany/Daario scene, R+L=J coming to life before our eyes…this was a big episode, they knew it, they went all out, they executed bold ideas in a distinctive way. Everything you could ask for, right?

As I was watching this episode, I really wanted to love it. So why didn’t I?

(Quick note: none of my complaints apply to Oldtown. The sight of the Hightower and the Citadel library had me roaring with joy, as you can probably imagine. They nailed that, can’t wait for more.)

My beef is that this episode, despite all the work put into it, despite some genuinely stunning and well-constructed moments, simply was not earned. It wasn’t set up properly, in terms of both story and character. You can’t start a fire without a spark. You can’t pull off Big Moments, even with all the talent involved in making them happen, if you don’t have a solid structure behind them. And they didn’t.

Why is Jon King? He’s not the heir, Sansa is–or rather, Bran is, and Theon confessed that Bran’s not dead. But even granting that they don’t know where Bran is and might think he died some other way since, this still doesn’t work. How did Jon earn this? He screwed up last episode, and proved a mediocre leader at best. Sansa’s the one who saved the day. And again, she’s the heir. You can’t just handwave that away, show; you can’t have Jon’s bastardy be crucial to his character and then pretend it’s no roadblock at all. You can’t just have your endgame in mind and fail to support it; that prevents me from feeling the things you want me to feel. Especially when you give Sansa no reason to be on board with this–what, she’s trying to mess with Littlefinger’s plans? Couldn’t she just become Queen and…reject his plan?

Along the same lines, why is Tyrion Hand? He, too, screwed up rather dramatically. Which, fine if there was a redemption arc involved, but there wasn’t. They were transparently wasting time with Tyrion and Meereen all season when they could’ve been preparing us for this moment so it would stick. Tyrion’s whole thing about “I found myself again serving you” came right the fuck out of nowhere, like it was built up to by an entirely different season. Big Moments need to be the culmination and ramp-up of all that’s come before. If you just drop them in, they’re not going to stand on their own; the actors and cinematographer are doing a hell of a job, but that’s supposed to be icing on the cake, and they didn’t bake the cake properly. There’s no arc here.

Same with Frey Pies–that’s given real buildup and weight and moral ambiguity in the books. Here, it’s a frankly cheap slasher scare. Same with Dorne–using “Fire and Blood” in that context, with these characters, with that staging (was Varys just hiding behind a hedge until Ellaria said the thing?) fell completely flat. And same with the tone, across the board. It felt ponderous and pretentious to me. The material wasn’t well-founded enough to justify it. Tbh, a lot of the time it felt to me like nothing so much as Man of Steel: I understand there’s a lot of craft and ideas being put into what I’m seeing, but there’s just such a disconnect between the material and the tone, and the latter isn’t earned. If Tommen’s suicide or the R+L=J reveal worked for you, great, I don’t begrudge that, I wish I shared it! But I don’t. Both of those were so on-the-nose and self-indulgently staged that they reduced me to sputtering WTF laughter.

As I said, I really wanted to love this episode. And I did love Oldtown, and that carries a lot of weight because that’s the TWOW storyline I’m most eagerly anticipating. But the rest suffered because it wasn’t supported. They just didn’t put the dramatic work in, the slow and strong boring of hard boards, to earn an episode like this. It could’ve been a masterpiece, they clearly wanted it to be a masterpiece, but again, they cared more about the icing than the cake. The seed was not strong."
Did I miss something with the kid luring the sparrow to the wildfire?

It seemed like a careful thought out part of the plan, making sure to be seen, taking him right to the stuff, stabbing him in a way to immobilize his legs but not kill him.
All that effort to... rub it in?

Ramin Djawadi went mental with the soundtrack and they had to pad out the scene to get their money's worth.


1) Mirri Maz Duur chants in a tent to resurrect a dead man and summon demons
2) Mirri Maz Duur performs a different chant on a funeral pyre
3) Dany doesn't get burned when she walks into the flames
4) Dany gets burned elsewhere when she's touched by fire

If people didn't pick up on that being a special event than that's on them. The only time she was ever "immune" to fire is when a magical woman was chanting. Just because people were confused doesn't mean George didn't properly show how Dany's fire resistance works.

I dunno how you think Mirri Maz Dur choosing to save Dany from dying in a fire makes it not dumb.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
1) Mirri Maz Duur chants in a tent to resurrect a dead man and summon demons
2) Mirri Maz Duur performs a different chant on a funeral pyre
3) Dany doesn't get burned when she walks into the flames
4) Dany gets burned elsewhere when she's touched by fire

If people didn't pick up on that being a special event than that's on them. The only time she was ever "immune" to fire is when a magical woman was chanting. Just because people were confused doesn't mean George didn't properly show how Dany's fire resistance works.

Just like people who think Ned fucked Lyanna even though D&D laid the foundation for Jon's parentage and established Ned as honorable. People often ignore evidence. It happens even when the writing is good.

considering that the one time dany does get burned she somehow has all her hair hair burn off without any mention of burns on her scalp, there is definitely some ill-defined fire resistance nonsense going on in the books.

basically, dany burns when grrm feels like it. and the burns on her hands might as well have been the result of friction instead of flames.


Guys I can't remember back to the early seasons of the show, has enough info been given to work out R+L=J without the books? I mean Lyanna is obviously his mother but what about Rhaegar?

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Guys I can't remember back to the early seasons of the show, has enough info been given to work out R+L=J without the books? I mean Lyanna is obviously his mother but what about Rhaegar?

i think in the first season robert pretty clearly stated that lyanna was raped by rhaegar, so he really is the only candidate. but i don't think it would be reasonable to expect someone who has not read the books to even remember who rhaegar was.


Why are so many people questioning what conflict Dany will face when it seems right now she is invincible? It's obvious that it's the White Walkers isn't it? When she comes, Westeros is gonna be rekt or in the process of getting rekt. She'll most likely die to be honest. Politics are a distraction from the real enemy.


Why are so many people questioning what conflict Dany will face when it seems right now she is invincible? It's obvious that it's the White Walkers isn't it? When she comes, Westeros is gonna be rekt or in the process of getting rekt. She'll most likely die to be honest. Politics are a distraction from the real enemy.

How will the White Walkers beat the dragons?
1) Mirri Maz Duur chants in a tent to resurrect a dead man and summon demons
2) Mirri Maz Duur performs a different chant on a funeral pyre
3) Dany doesn't get burned when she walks into the flames
4) Dany gets burned elsewhere when she's touched by fire

If people didn't pick up on that being a special event than that's on them. The only time she was ever "immune" to fire is when a magical woman was chanting. Just because people were confused doesn't mean George didn't properly show how Dany's fire resistance works.

Just like people who think Ned fucked Lyanna even though D&D laid the foundation for Jon's parentage and established Ned as honorable. People often ignore evidence. It happens even when the writing is good.

Um, doesn't Drogon burn the shit out of Dany in Daznak's Pit? She loses her hair at the end of Dance of Dragons too from being bathed in dragon fire doesn't she?


Why are so many people questioning what conflict Dany will face when it seems right now she is invincible? It's obvious that it's the White Walkers isn't it? When she comes, Westeros is gonna be rekt or in the process of getting rekt. She'll most likely die to be honest. Politics are a distraction from the real enemy.

Imagine how boring stories would be if the most obvious thing always happened.


i think in the first season robert pretty clearly stated that lyanna was raped by rhaegar, so he really is the only candidate. but i don't think it would be reasonable to expect someone who has not read the books to even remember who rhaegar was.

Thanks, and I totally agree, it was so long ago now.
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