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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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that is not really important to show in the tv show maybe the book. It has been alluded to that she may have been the mystery knight that defend Holland Reed at the tournament and that Rhaeghar went looking for the Knight and found Lyanna as the knight and took her because of a passage from a book he read.
Eh, it'd be "dumbed down" for the show. It's not super important but more to show that Robert's POV was right or wrong, a lot of show watchers still just assume Rhaegar did as Robert said.

I hope not. The dichotomy between what we are told and "what really happened" there is one of the nicest touches of the entire book series and would be damn tough to pull off on camera.

I doubt they'll actually use it and I don't recall anyone being cast that would work for it but they need content for Bran and we've heard the story (wait, did they bring up the Knight of the Laughing Tree in season four?) and parts from the POVs of Robert and Barriston along with other references and they might as well at least show parts that matter, it seems kind of built up to show something more. Might depend on how much D&D value the backstory of Lyanna and Rhaegar and they're not exactly into leaving things ambiguous see finally killing Balon.

I'm at least expecting a parentage reveal with Jon and killing that damn convoluted Preston Jacobs "theory" of a baby swap between Jon and Dany that doesn't make sense.


'Book of the Stranger' is certainly a curious title.

Second episode was an improvement but damn, if I didn't read the books Balon's death would have been confusing. A previously unseen(/unmentioned) brother suddenly appearing out of nowhere is soap opera-level.

Um, excuse me, Tyrion mentioned Theon's uncleS in the first season. Now that's worldbuilding!


Same dude leaked stuff again watch out for spoilers.

Same dude leaked stuff again watch out for spoilers.

I've been avoiding spoilers since the show started airing again so I'm totally in the dark here, so what's this guy's story?

From what I heard he was spot on about Episode 2, so he's got to be pretty close to the production to know this. Do we know how he's related to HBO? Obviously if we knew they'd have stopped him, but a best guess would satisfy my curiosity.
I've been avoiding spoilers since the show started airing again so I'm totally in the dark here, so what's this guy's story?

From what I heard he was spot on about Episode 2, so he's got to be pretty close to the production to know this. Do we know how he's related to HBO? Obviously if we knew they'd have stopped him, but a best guess would satisfy my curiosity.
He won't reveal his source, but he says he's a writer for a well known spanish TV series. If I had to make a wild guess I'd say he knows someone from his industry connection that does the subtitling for the show over there and gets to watch it a couple days before it's broadcast.

HBO took down his ep 3 video again and this time he included no images or footage from the show. He also labeled the video "predictions" rather than spoilers to cover his ass, but the video was still taken down. He's definitely on their radar.


I really hope the show establishes that Euron has villainous intentions but still gets us to root for him. That's one of the things the show has been missing. We're meant to root for the honorable people and shun those with crap principles. I think Euron could break that trend, though.


I imagine they'll play Euron as a straight heel with few, if any, appreciable qualities, so as to better position Theon and Yara as the guys you're supposed to root for in the situation. They might even crank up Euron's sinister dial even further to make the contrast even bolder.

I'm fine being wrong, though.


As long as he keeps making long-winded metaphors about him being both ends of the spectrum of said metaphors, I'll be happy.

Oh, and he has to end every sentence with a weirdly delivered "brothaaa!"
As long as he keeps making long-winded metaphors about him being both ends of the spectrum of said metaphors, I'll be happy.

Oh, and he has to end every sentence with a weirdly delivered "brothaaa!"

That'll be saved for season 7 when Victarion shows up. "It's been too looooooong!"
Olly is such a cunt. I can't wait to see his face when Jon comes back. I hope jon kicks him in the nuts without saying a word.

I really hope the show establishes that Euron has villainous intentions but still gets us to root for him. That's one of the things the show has been missing. We're meant to root for the honorable people and shun those with crap principles. I think Euron could break that trend, though.
I kind of root for jamie and he's a huge asshole


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I really hope the show establishes that Euron has villainous intentions but still gets us to root for him. That's one of the things the show has been missing. We're meant to root for the honorable people and shun those with crap principles. I think Euron could break that trend, though.
I think most people like Ramsay though...at least show watchers. Everyone loves a villain. Also a show only watcher told me he knew Euron was evil, but enjoyed the differences between him and Ramsay because Euron is just insane.


I don't get it when people concoct theories when the actual answer is spelled out plain as day in the text.

He has a lot of facts backing up his assertion. It's not like a vague prophecy is akin to spelling out what happened.

Also, even if it's not true, this theory explains the history of the Mallisters and the politics of the Iron Islands which, for someone who loves that ASoIaF is a world, makes for a fascinating story.


Finally got caught up on Episode 2.

Robert Strong hangs around near random taverns in KL waiting for people to insult the Royal Family?

What was that Theon leaving scene? There they go again shrinking the North. Once it was 'larger than the other kingdoms combined' and now Baelish can teleport to and from it at will, Brienne can find the needle in a haystack that was Sansa (how did she know she even escaped?) and Theon can travel from an area between Winterfell and The Wall to the coast to do what? Presumably muster a boat from nowhere and make it to the Kingsmoot. The geography consistency in GoT is fucked.

The decision to kill off Roose I can only deduce has been taken to add to the instability of the Bolton claim to the North and rush the war between the Night's Watch, Wildlings, Northern houses against the Boltons, Karstarks and other Bolton Loyalists.

Actually enjoyed the Tyrion with Rhaegal and Viserion scene and the Jon Snow resurrection. Also, Tommen is playing the spoiled Crownlands boy pretty well.


Like a lot of what happens on the show, I believe Brienne coming across Sansa and Theon was just a coincidence.

Not this time though. She was around Winterfell (like, for the entirety of season 5 she was looking at it), she noticed Ramsay's hunting party out to get Sansa, she followed them until they did find Sansa.


I'm not entirely sure why people hate poor Olly so much lol.

Olly is a stupid little kid in a man's world, but he thinks he can play with the big boys. He betrays the one person who protected and took care of him. Jon Snow avenged Olly's potato-eating family by personally killing Styr, and doesn't even get mad when Olly kills his girlfriend. And then Olly cowardly betrays and stabs him, while looking smug when Alliser gives his "I KILLED HIM" speech. And even after everyone wises up and surrenders after Edd and the wildlings surprise Thorne and his men, Olly has to ruin the moment by doing a stupid charge attack on Tormund. We better get an "Edd, fetch me a block" moment with him next episode.
Olly is a stupid little kid in a man's world, but he thinks he can play with the big boys. He betrays the one person who protected and took care of him. Jon Snow avenged Olly's potato-eating family by personally killing Styr, and doesn't even get mad when Olly kills his girlfriend. And then Olly cowardly betrays and stabs him, while looking smug when Alliser gives his "I KILLED HIM" speech. And even after everyone wises up and surrenders after Edd and the wildlings surprise Thorne and his men, Olly has to ruin the moment by doing a stupid charge attack on Tormund. We better get an "Edd, fetch me a block" moment with him next episode.

Well, Jon did release Tormund who Olly saw killing some random defenseless farmers he probably knew well so he's not that bad :)
I think Littlefinger could be one player behind the possible Northern Conspiracy now that Stannis is out of the picture (unless he is still alive and D&D are just fucking with us). Wether or not he has any control over Sansa now is a different matter. Anyway he definately will be a part of the storyline in the north.


I think Littlefinger is going to be disposed of.

He's the type of character, even with all his scheming, can be disposed of easily by any person who simply just doesn't give a fuck.

I expect a dagger through his eye. The Blackfish is probably a good candidate to do so.
Finally got caught up on Episode 2.

What was that Theon leaving scene? There they go again shrinking the North. Once it was 'larger than the other kingdoms combined' and now Baelish can teleport to and from it at will, Brienne can find the needle in a haystack that was Sansa (how did she know she even escaped?) and Theon can travel from an area between Winterfell and The Wall to the coast to do what? Presumably muster a boat from nowhere and make it to the Kingsmoot. The geography consistency in GoT is fucked.

The scene itself was really good though? It was touching, well acted, and well written. Most of your complaints just seem like inference here - we don't know how long it will take him to reach the coast and leave the north.

Also, regarding your point about "geography consistency", I think that is a necessary evil on a show like this. They can't possibly wait 3-4 episodes until some people are satisfied with the amount of time that has elapsed to continue the story again, they have to skip forward quickly a times. With a show this big and intricate, it's impossible to have events happening chronologically or with complete realism in terms of the amount of time they take to occur. IT would slow everything down to a crawl.

Personally, I thought last episode was exception, and probably close to my top 10. I understand if others disagree though, but I just didn't agree with your complain specifically and am offering an alternative view :)


I think Littlefinger is going to be disposed of.

He's the type of character, even with all his scheming, can be disposed of easily by any person who simply just doesn't give a fuck.

I expect a dagger through his eye. The Blackfish is probably a good candidate to do so.

characters from the riverlands, appearing again? the riverlands appearing again?



I think he was built up too much in the show to just be disposed of. If anything, if he started appearing more that would mean he is going to get killed as thus far all scenes had been either excising non-endgame characters or tidying up after S05 finale.
I think Littlefinger could be one player behind the possible Northern Conspiracy now that Stannis is out of the picture (unless he is still alive and D&D are just fucking with us). Wether or not he has any control over Sansa now is a different matter. Anyway he definately will be a part of the storyline in the north.

There is no Northern Conspiracy from my perspective.

Jon will take over Stannis' military assault and kill Ramsay and that's it for the Boltons. There's no need for any sort of subversive tactics from The North, especially when they've sat out on the sidelines since the Red Wedding.


I think Littlefinger is going to be disposed of.

He's the type of character, even with all his scheming, can be disposed of easily by any person who simply just doesn't give a fuck.

I expect a dagger through his eye. The Blackfish is probably a good candidate to do so.

Littlefinger is clearly an endgame player. I'm sure
He'll be the one who kills off Kevan Lannister and Grand Maester Pycelle.

Things are setting up to where the strongest, non-war weary force in Westeros will be the Knights of the Vale which are controlled by Littlefinger.
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