So after watching the season finale, I would like to share some thoughts.
Jaime's AFFC plot was actually pretty much the same in the show, which surprised me(although killing off the blackfish is super annoying), though it ended differently
You on the reefer, son?
There were huge departures here. No confrontation with Lancel, no training night and day with Ilyn Payne(although I guess he did do some of that with Bronn last season), no getting involved with the BwB plot, no trying to deliver justice to the Riverlands, no bonding with his army, no self-questioning himself and no breaking up with Cersei permanently (it doesn't seem like he's breaking up with Cersei at the end of season 6 it's more like he's finally started to get put off by her finally)
The only similar parts was the one chapter with the confrontration between Brynden and Jaime and Jaike and Edmure